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    068X068 Search Results

    068X068 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ipad data sheet MSM38S0000 MSM98S MSM98S000
    Text: DATA SHEET O K I A S I C P R O D U C T S 0.8µm Mixed 3-V/5-V MSM38S0000 Sea of Gates and MSM98S000 Customer Structured Arrays February 1995 TRADEMARKS AIX, DOS, PC, and Windows are trademarks, and IBM is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation Apollo, Domain, and DomainOS are trademarks of Apollo Computer, a subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard

    MSM38S0000 MSM98S000 1-800-OKI-6388 38S02 ipad data sheet MSM98S PDF

    LH 1560

    Abstract: st 0560 032X0 MSM10R
    Text: ClkSkew0_5.ANcov Page 1 Tuesday, October 10, 1995 5:43 PM APPLICATION NOTE O K I A S I C P R O D U C T S 0.5µm Technology Clock Skew Management October 1994 ClkSkew0_5.ANbod Page 1 Tuesday, October 10, 1995 5:43 PM –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– • 0.5µ m Technology Clock Skew Management ■

    tpLH-WDR2140 LH 1560 st 0560 032X0 MSM10R PDF


    Abstract: 080X
    Text: J2N0028-18-82 ¡ 電子デバイス 作成:1998年 8月 MSM98Q000/MSM99Q000 l MSM98Q000/MSM99Q000ファミリ 0.35mm CMOS エンべデッドアレイ n 概要 MSM98Q000/MSM99Q000ファミリは高集積0.35mmCMOSプロセスを用いた3/4層メタル構造の超

    J2N0028-18-82 MSM98Q000/MSM99Q000 MSM98Q000/MSM99Q000 MSM98Q000/MSM99Q0000 35mmCMOS3/4 MSM98Q000/MSM99Q000RAM MSM98Q000/MSM99Q0003 128K710K 11ns2NANDF/O2VDD3 104x1 080X PDF

    fan 7320

    Abstract: WDR2400 7400 fan-in 3570 1210 123 hl 4020 1210 1420 1680 2040 7220
    Text: • 0.8µ m Clock Skew Management ■ ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INTRODUCTION This application note explains the need for clock skew management and how to apply OKI's clock skew management

    OKI-6994 1-800-OKI-6388 fan 7320 WDR2400 7400 fan-in 3570 1210 123 hl 4020 1210 1420 1680 2040 7220 PDF

    539 b14

    Abstract: oki cross MG73Q MG74Q MSM98Q MSM99Q M98Q memory compiler
    Text: DATA SHEET O K I A S I C P R O D U C T S MG73/74Q and MSM98Q/99Q 0.35µm Customer Structured Arrays August 2002 • ■ –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

    MG73/74Q MSM98Q/99Q MG73Q/74Q MSM98Q/99Q 539 b14 oki cross MG73Q MG74Q MSM98Q MSM99Q M98Q memory compiler PDF

    ic 74151

    Abstract: 82C54 oki oki 82c54 oki cross MSM92RB01 msm 32X32 oki msm32
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM30R0000/MSM32R0000/MSM92R000 Second-Generation 0.5|xm Sea of Gates and Customer Structured Arrays D E SC R IP TIO N Oki's second-generation 0.5|am ASIC products are available in b oth Sea Of Gates SOG and Custom er Structured Array (CSA) architectures. The M SM 30R Series, M SM 32R Series, and M SM 92R Series all offer

    OCR Scan
    MSM30R0000/MSM32R0000/MSM92R000 MSM30R MSM32R MSM92R semiconduc104x104 92R108X108 ic 74151 82C54 oki oki 82c54 oki cross MSM92RB01 msm 32X32 oki msm32 PDF

    oki cross

    Abstract: MSM98Q MSM99Q BGA and QFP Package 14x14
    Text: Oki Semiconductor MSM32Q/33Q/98Q/99Q 0.35 |im Sea of Gates and Customer Structured Arrays DESCRIPTION O ki's 0.35 |im Application-Specific Integrated Circuit ASIC products are available in both Sea Of Gates (SOG) and Custom er Structured A rray (CSA) architectures. Both the SOG-based M SM 33Q0000 series and

    OCR Scan
    MSM32Q/33Q/98Q/99Q MSM33Q0000 MSM98Q000 MSM32Q MSM33Q MSM99Q 64-Mbit si32Q/33Q0300 98Q/99Q056X056 98Q/99Q060X060 oki cross MSM98Q BGA and QFP Package 14x14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM38S0000/MSM98S000 0.8|im Mixed 3-V/5-V Sea of Gates and Customer Structured Arrays DESCRIPTION OKI's 0.8 tm ASIC products, specially designed for mixed 3-V /5-V applications, are now available in both Sea Of Gates (SOG and Customer Structured Array (CSA) architectures. Both the SOG-based MSM38S

    OCR Scan
    MSM38S0000/MSM98S000 MSM38S MSM98S 16-Mbit 38S/98S 44x44 35x35 28x28 33x33 38x38 PDF

    BGA Package 14x14

    Abstract: IC LM 324 ic LM 356 oki cross oki pitch MG73Q MG74Q MSM98Q MSM99Q
    Text: : D ata S h e e t K MG73Q000/74Q000 and MSM98Q000/99Q000 0.35|im Customer Structured Arrays April 1999 Oki Semiconductor This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer CONTENTS D escrip tio n .1

    OCR Scan
    MG73Q000/74Q000 MSM98Q000/99Q000 MG73Q/74Q MSM98Q/99Q Q076X076 98Q/99Q080X080 98Q/99Q084X084 98Q/99Q088X088 98Q/99Q092X092 98Q/99Q096X096 BGA Package 14x14 IC LM 324 ic LM 356 oki cross oki pitch MG73Q MG74Q MSM98Q MSM99Q PDF

    82C54 oki

    Abstract: pin configuration IC 74151 100ria ic 74151 oki 82c54 74151 pin configuration data sheet IC 74151 ic 74151 specification pin configuration ic 74163 20-8O
    Text: 12R & 13R & 98R .D S Page 1 Monday, August 5, 1996 3:08 PM Oki Semiconductor MSM12R0000/MSM13B0000/MSM98B000 0.5|.im Mixed 3-V/5-V Sea of Gates and Customer Structured Arrays D ES C R IP TIO N O K I's 0.5|0.m A SIC p ro d u cts, sp ecially d e sig n e d for m ix ed 3-V / 5-V ap p licatio n s, are n ow availab le in both

    OCR Scan
    MSM12R0000/MSM13B0000/MSM98B000 MSM13R MSM98R MSM12R 16-Mbit MSM12R/13R 98R104x104 98R108x108 98R112X112 82C54 oki pin configuration IC 74151 100ria ic 74151 oki 82c54 74151 pin configuration data sheet IC 74151 ic 74151 specification pin configuration ic 74163 20-8O PDF

    MH 74151

    Abstract: Cxt01 38S02 74151 data sheet 74151 pin configuration bel 188 transistor MSM98S 065x0
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM38S0000/MSM98S000 0.8|im Mixed 3-V/5-V Sea of Gates and Customer Structured Arrays D E S C R IP TIO N OKI's 0.8 im ASIC products, specially designed for mixed 3-V /5-V applications, are now available in both Sea Of Gates (SOG and Customer Structured Array (CSA) architectures. Both the SOG-based MSM38S

    OCR Scan
    MSM38S0000/MSM98S000 MSM38S MSM98S 16-Mbit MSM38S/98S 068x068 071x071 074x074 077x077 080x080 MH 74151 Cxt01 38S02 74151 data sheet 74151 pin configuration bel 188 transistor 065x0 PDF


    Abstract: PQFP 32X32 MSM ARRAY
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM30R0000/MSM32R0000/MSM92R000 Second-Generation 0.5|im Sea of Gates and Customer Structured Arrays DESCRIPTION Oki's second-generation 0.5|im ASIC products are available in b oth Sea Of Gates SOG and Custom er Structured Array (CSA) architectures. The M SM 30R Series, M SM 32R Series, and M SM 92R Series all offer

    OCR Scan
    MSM30R0000/MSM32R0000/MSM92R000 28x28 32x32 40x40 30r0080 PQFP 32X32 MSM ARRAY PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 9 1 S 000 _ 0.8|.im Customer Structured Array for High-Performance, 3 and 5 Volt Applications DESCRIPTION O K I's M SM 91S000 Custom er Structured Array family is a high performance, high-density sem icus­ tom product using O K I's 0.8|j.m drawn 0.6|am effective , two layer metal, polysilicide, dual well pro­

    OCR Scan
    91S000 RS6000 PC386 MSM91S000 MSM91S000 MSM91 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASICs A SIC P a c k a g i n g O p t i o n s M S M 1 0 S , M S M 3 8 S , M S M 9 1 S and M SM 98S Q FP PLCC TQ FP CPGA 44 60 64 80 100 128 136 144 160 176 208 240 272 304 44 64 80 100 144 44 68 B4 72 8B 132 176 208 401 0.8 10 0.8 0.8 0.65 0.8 0.65 0 65 0.65

    OCR Scan
    10S0G 10S0210 10S0570 10S0980 10S1500 10S2250 38S0110 38S0210 38S0300 38S0570 CPGA132 PDF