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    Abstract: PPC405GPR-3DB400 PPC405GPr PPC405GPR-3BB400 PPC405GPr-3BB266 PPC405GPr-3kB266 405GPR PPC405GPR-3KB333 PPC405 SA-27E
    Text: Part Number 405GPr Revision 2.04 – September 7, 2007 405GPr Data Sheet Power PC 405GPr Embedded Processor Features • PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 400MHz with 16KB I- and D-caches • Synchronous DRAM SDRAM interface operating

    405GPr 405GPr 32-bit 400MHz 133MHz 40-bit 10/100Mbps PPC405GPR-3JB400 PPC405GPR-3DB400 PPC405GPr PPC405GPR-3BB400 PPC405GPr-3BB266 PPC405GPr-3kB266 PPC405GPR-3KB333 PPC405 SA-27E PDF

    PPC405EP bsdl

    Abstract: PPC405EP transistor w04 ppc405ep-3lb266c L16 eeprom smt w04 w04 75 405EP ns16750 PPC405EP-3GB133CZ
    Text: Part Number PPC405EP Revision 1.07 – September 10, 2007 PPC405EP Data Sheet PowerPC 405EP Embedded Processor Features • • • • • • AMCC PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 333MHz with 16KB Dand I-caches PC-133 synchronous DRAM SDRAM interface

    PPC405EP 405EP 32-bit 333MHz PC-133 16-bit 32-bit, 66MHz) PPC405EP bsdl PPC405EP transistor w04 ppc405ep-3lb266c L16 eeprom smt w04 w04 75 ns16750 PPC405EP-3GB133CZ PDF


    Abstract: PPC405GP 405GP PPC405GP-3BE266C PPC405GP-3FE200C SA-12E PPC405GP-3BE133C PPC405GP-3BE133CZ PPC405GP-3DE133C PPC405GP equivalent
    Text: Part Number 405GP Revision 2.05 – August 19, 2008 405GP Data Sheet Power PC 405GP Embedded Processor Features • PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 266MHz • Synchronous DRAM SDRAM interface operating up to 133MHz - 32-bit interface for non-ECC applications

    405GP 405GP 32-bit 266MHz 133MHz 40-bit 32-bit, 66MHz) PPC405GP-3BE200C PPC405GP PPC405GP-3BE266C PPC405GP-3FE200C SA-12E PPC405GP-3BE133C PPC405GP-3BE133CZ PPC405GP-3DE133C PPC405GP equivalent PDF

    vhdl code for vending machine

    Abstract: 0x8020FFF XPS IIC ALi M1535D PDC202 manual ALi M1535D XAPP765 XC4VFX60 Virtex4 uart datasheet Virtex4 XC4VFX60
    Text: Application Note: Embedded Processing Reference System: PLBv46 PCI Using the ML410 Embedded Development Platform R Author: Lester Sanders XAPP1001 v1.0 February 8, 2008 Summary This application note describes how to build a reference system for the Processor Local Bus

    PLBv46 ML410 XAPP1001 PPC405) vhdl code for vending machine 0x8020FFF XPS IIC ALi M1535D PDC202 manual ALi M1535D XAPP765 XC4VFX60 Virtex4 uart datasheet Virtex4 XC4VFX60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary PowerPC 405EP Embedded Processor Data Sheet Features • IBM PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 266MHz with 16KB D- and Icaches • PC-133 synchronous DRAM SDRAM interface - 32-bit interface for non-ECC applications - Internal or external PCI Bus Arbiter

    405EP 32-bit 266MHz PC-133 16-bit 32-bit, 66MHz) SA14-2704-01 PDF


    Abstract: uart 16750 16750 UART PPC405EP-3GB200C
    Text: Part Number PPC405EP Revision 1.06 – September 6, 2007 PPC405EP Data Sheet PowerPC 405EP Embedded Processor Features • • • • • • AMCC PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 333MHz with 16KB Dand I-caches PC-133 synchronous DRAM SDRAM interface

    PPC405EP PPC405EP 405EP 32-bit 333MHz PC-133 16-bit 32-bit, 66MHz) AMCC uart 16750 16750 UART PPC405EP-3GB200C PDF

    ecb rs 2612

    Abstract: GCR2 relays BTR 274 fee-400 starcore* SC3400 ALU block diagram PCM sbec marvell mii layout application emg block diagram schema electronic modem 3g made in china MSC8144E
    Text: MSC8144E Reference Manual Quad Core Media Signal Processor MSC8144ERM Rev 3, July 2009 How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Technical Information Center, EL516

    MSC8144E MSC8144ERM EL516 0xCA800 ecb rs 2612 GCR2 relays BTR 274 fee-400 starcore* SC3400 ALU block diagram PCM sbec marvell mii layout application emg block diagram schema electronic modem 3g made in china PDF


    Abstract: IBM25PPC405GPR3BB400 IBM powerpc 405 IBM25PPC405GPr3BB266 IBM25PPC405GPr3BB266Z PPC405GPR IBM25PPC405GPR3DB400 PPC405 SA-27E IBM25PPC405GP*3bb266
    Text: Preliminary PowerPC 405GPr Embedded Processor Data Sheet Features • IBM PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 400MHz with 16KB I- and D-caches - Synchronous or asynchronous PCI Bus interface • PC-133 synchronous DRAM SDRAM interface

    405GPr 32-bit 400MHz PC-133 10/100Mbps 40-bit SA14-2609-03 IBM25PPC405GPR3DB266 IBM25PPC405GPR3BB400 IBM powerpc 405 IBM25PPC405GPr3BB266 IBM25PPC405GPr3BB266Z PPC405GPR IBM25PPC405GPR3DB400 PPC405 SA-27E IBM25PPC405GP*3bb266 PDF


    Abstract: AMCC date code NPE405H DS2011 PPC405 SA-12E
    Text: Part Number NPe405H Revision 1.01 – April 18, 2007 NPe405H Data Sheet PowerNP NPe405H Embedded Processor FEATURES • • • • • • • • • PowerNP technology using an AMCC PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 266 MHz PC-133 synchronous DRAM SDRAM interface

    NPe405H NPe405H 32-bit PC-133 40-bit DS2011 NPE405H-3BA266C AMCC date code DS2011 PPC405 SA-12E PDF

    AMCC PPC405EP-3LB266C

    Abstract: PPC405EP-3LB266C PPC405EP PPC405EP bsdl PPC405EP-3GB333C 405EP PPC405EP-3GB133C PPC405EP-3GB133CZ PPC405EP-3GB200C PPC405EP-3LB133C
    Text: Part Number PPC405EP Revision 1.08 – March 24, 2008 PPC405EP Data Sheet PowerPC 405EP Embedded Processor Features • • • • • • AMCC PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 333MHz with 16KB Dand I-caches PC-133 synchronous DRAM SDRAM interface

    PPC405EP 405EP 32-bit 333MHz PC-133 16-bit 32-bit, 66MHz) AMCC PPC405EP-3LB266C PPC405EP-3LB266C PPC405EP PPC405EP bsdl PPC405EP-3GB333C PPC405EP-3GB133C PPC405EP-3GB133CZ PPC405EP-3GB200C PPC405EP-3LB133C PDF


    Abstract: ptc 205 PPC405GPR-3KB333 405G PPC405 SA-27E plb 405 PPC405GPR
    Text: Part Number 405GPr Revision 2.05 – March 24, 2008 405GPr Data Sheet Power PC 405GPr Embedded Processor Features • PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 400MHz with 16KB I- and D-caches • Synchronous DRAM SDRAM interface operating

    405GPr 405GPr 32-bit 400MHz 133MHz 40-bit 10/100Mbps PPC405GPR-3JB400 ptc 205 PPC405GPR-3KB333 405G PPC405 SA-27E plb 405 PPC405GPR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary PowerPC 405EP Embedded Processor Data Sheet Features • IBM PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 266MHz with 16KB D- and Icaches • PC-133 synchronous DRAM SDRAM interface - 32-bit interface for non-ECC applications - Internal or external PCI Bus Arbiter

    405EP 32-bit 266MHz PC-133 16-bit 32-bit, 66MHz) SA14-2704-00 ns16750 PDF


    Abstract: PPC405GP
    Text: Preliminary PowerPC 405GPr Embedded Processor Data Sheet Features • IBM PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 333MHz with 16KB D-cache - Synchronous or asynchronous PCI Bus interface • PC-133 synchronous DRAM SDRAM interface - Internal or external PCI Bus Arbiter

    405GPr 32-bit 333MHz PC-133 40-bit 32-bit, 66MHz) SA14-2609-02 IBM25PPC405GPR-3BB266C PPC405GP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PowerPC 405GP Embedded Processor Data Sheet Features • IBM PowerPCTM 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 266 MHz • PC-133 Synchronous DRAM SDRAM interface - 32-bit interface for non-ECC applications - 40-bit interface serves 32 bits of data plus 8

    405GP 32-bit PC-133 40-bit 32-bit, 66MHz) SA14-2521-07 PPC405GP PDF


    Abstract: EPBGA GPIO014 EBC33
    Text: AMCC NPe405H PowerNP Data Sheet Document Issue 1.00 September 2004 PowerNP NPe405H Data Sheet COVER AMCC reserves the right to make changes to its products, its datasheets, or related documentation, without notice and warrants its products solely pursuant to its

    NPe405H SA14-2557-12 AH-02 EPBGA GPIO014 EBC33 PDF


    Abstract: PPC405EP-3GB200C PPC405EP-3GB266CZ B20 N03 epbga
    Text: Part Number PPC405EP Revision 1.01 – July 30, 2004 PPC405EP Data Sheet PowerPC 405EP Embedded Processor FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AMCC AMCC PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 333MHz with 16KB Dand I-caches

    PPC405EP PPC405EP 405EP 32-bit 333MHz PC-133 16-bit 32-bit, 66MHz) ns16750 PPC405EP-3GB200C PPC405EP-3GB266CZ B20 N03 epbga PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary PowerNP NPe405H Embedded Processor Data Sheet Features • PowerNP technology using an IBM PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 266 MHz • HDLC interface with 32 channels through two ports at up to 4.096 Mbps each or 8.192 Mbps

    NPe405H 32-bit PC-133 40-bit 32-bit, 66MHz) SA14-2557-10 PDF


    Abstract: IBM25PPC405GP-3BE200C powerpc 405gp IBM25PPC405GP-3DE133C PPC405GP equivalent IBM powerpc 405gp 405GP IBM25PPC405GP-3BE133C IBM25PPC405GP3BE133CZ IBM25PPC405GP-3DE133CZ
    Text: PowerPC 405GP Embedded Processor Data Sheet Features • IBM PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 266MHz • Synchronous DRAM SDRAM interface operating up to 133MHz - 32-bit interface for non-ECC applications - 40-bit interface serves 32 bits of data plus 8

    405GP 32-bit 266MHz 133MHz 40-bit 32-bit, 66MHz) 10/100Mbps SA14-2521-13 PPC405GP IBM25PPC405GP-3BE200C powerpc 405gp IBM25PPC405GP-3DE133C PPC405GP equivalent IBM powerpc 405gp IBM25PPC405GP-3BE133C IBM25PPC405GP3BE133CZ IBM25PPC405GP-3DE133CZ PDF

    ALi M1535D

    Abstract: vhdl code for vending machine XC4VFX60 PLB DDR2 with OPB Central DMA XCF32PFSG48C PLB CONNECTOR m1535d manual ALi M1535D ALI usb PDC202
    Text: Application Note: Embedded Processing Reference System: PLB PCI Using the ML410 Embedded Development Platform R Author: Lester Sanders XAPP945 v1.1 February 8, 2008 Summary This application note describes how to build a reference system for the Processor Local Bus

    ML410 XAPP945 PPC405) ML410 ALi M1535D vhdl code for vending machine XC4VFX60 PLB DDR2 with OPB Central DMA XCF32PFSG48C PLB CONNECTOR m1535d manual ALi M1535D ALI usb PDC202 PDF

    manual SPARTAN-3 XC3S400

    Abstract: XPS IIC SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 pin XC3S400 uart XILINX SPARTAN XC3S1500 PLBv46 SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 XC3S1500 SPARTAN-3 BOARD XC3S1500 ML410
    Text: Application Note: Embedded Processing Reference System: PLBv46 PCI Using the Avnet Spartan-3 FPGA Evaluation Board R Author: Lester Sanders XAPP1038 v1.0 February 8, 2008 Summary This application note describes how to build a reference system for the Processor Local Bus

    PLBv46 XAPP1038 manual SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 XPS IIC SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 pin XC3S400 uart XILINX SPARTAN XC3S1500 SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 XC3S1500 SPARTAN-3 BOARD XC3S1500 ML410 PDF

    Virtex 5 LX50T

    Abstract: PLBv46 ML555 IPIF XPS IIC Virtex-5 LX50T ML410 XAPP1001 XAPP999 XC4VFX60
    Text: Application Note: Embedded Processing Reference System: PLBv46 PCI Using the ML555 Embedded Development Platform R Author: Lester Sanders XAPP999 v1.0 February 8, 2008 Summary This application note describes how to build a reference system for the Processor Local Bus

    PLBv46 ML555 XAPP999 Virtex 5 LX50T IPIF XPS IIC Virtex-5 LX50T ML410 XAPP1001 XAPP999 XC4VFX60 PDF


    Abstract: powerpc 405 powerpc 405gp DS2011 PPC405 SA-12E AG03 AP2822 NPE405H-3BA266C
    Text: Part Number NPe405H Revision 1.02 – November 16, 2007 NPe405H Data Sheet PowerNP NPe405H Embedded Processor FEATURES • • • • • • • • • PowerNP technology using an AMCC PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 266 MHz

    NPe405H NPe405H 32-bit PC-133 40-bit DS2011 powerpc 405 powerpc 405gp DS2011 PPC405 SA-12E AG03 AP2822 NPE405H-3BA266C PDF

    Marvell PHY 88E1112 Datasheet

    Abstract: 88E1112 Marvell 88E1112 88E1112 board layout 88E1112 sGMII EPM240T100C5N 88e3018 88e1112 board layout marvell phy 88e1112 MMC FAT PIC 88E1112 reference design
    Text: MPC8572EAMC Advanced Mezzanine Card User Guide MPC8572EAMCUG Rev. 1.2 11/2008 How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Technical Information Center, EL516

    MPC8572EAMC MPC8572EAMCUG EL516 PC8572EAMC 0xE8000000 0xF8000000 MPC8572E Marvell PHY 88E1112 Datasheet 88E1112 Marvell 88E1112 88E1112 board layout 88E1112 sGMII EPM240T100C5N 88e3018 88e1112 board layout marvell phy 88e1112 MMC FAT PIC 88E1112 reference design PDF

    delta wireless doorbell

    Abstract: relay CK11 SC3400 MARVELL CONFIDENTIAL, under NDA schema 100 led stk 430 130 GSM SC3400 plc programming languages RX-496 starcore* SC3400 ALU block diagram
    Text: MSC8144 Reference Manual Quad Core Media Signal Processor MSC8144RM Rev 4 June 2009 How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Technical Information Center, EL516

    MSC8144 MSC8144RM EL516 delta wireless doorbell relay CK11 SC3400 MARVELL CONFIDENTIAL, under NDA schema 100 led stk 430 130 GSM SC3400 plc programming languages RX-496 starcore* SC3400 ALU block diagram PDF