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    100A101KP50X Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET MX0912B100Y; MZ0912B100Y NPN microwave power transistors Product specification Supersedes data of June 1992 1997 Feb 20 Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN microwave power transistors MX0912B100Y; MZ0912B100Y

    MX0912B100Y; MZ0912B100Y PDF


    Abstract: MZ0912B100Y philips capacitor 470
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET MX0912B100Y; MZ0912B100Y NPN microwave power transistors Product specification Supersedes data of June 1992 1997 Feb 20 Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN microwave power transistors MX0912B100Y; MZ0912B100Y

    MX0912B100Y; MZ0912B100Y SCA53 127147/00/02/pp12 MX0912B100Y MZ0912B100Y philips capacitor 470 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET MX0912B351Y NPN microwave power transistor Product specification Supersedes data of November 1994 1997 Feb 19 Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN microwave power transistor MX0912B351Y FEATURES PINNING - SOT439A

    MX0912B351Y OT439A SCA53 127147/00/02/pp12 MX0912B351Y PDF


    Abstract: capacitor 470 uF
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET MX0912B251Y NPN microwave power transistor Product specification Supersedes data of November 1994 1997 Feb 19 Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN microwave power transistor MX0912B251Y FEATURES PINNING - SOT439A

    MX0912B251Y OT439A SCA53 127147/00/02/pp12 MX0912B251Y capacitor 470 uF PDF


    Abstract: 100A101
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET RX1214B170W Microwave power transistor Product specification Supersedes data of December 1994 1997 Feb 18 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Microwave power transistor FEATURES • Suitable for short and medium

    RX1214B170W SCA53 127147/00/02/pp12 RX1214B170W 100A101 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DAT MX0912B251Y NPN microwave power transistor Product specification Supersedes data of November 1994 1997 Feb 19 Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN microwave power transistor MX0912B251Y FEATURES PINNING - SOT439A • Interdigitated structure; high emitter efficiency

    MX0912B251Y OT439A SCA53 127147/00/02/pp12 PDF

    transistor 359 AJ

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DAT MX0912B351Y NPN microwave power transistor Product specification Supersedes data of November 1994 1997 Feb 19 Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN microwave power transistor MX0912B351Y FEATURES PINNING - SOT439A • Interdigitated structure; high emitter efficiency

    MX0912B351Y OT439A SCA53 127147/00/02/pp12 transistor 359 AJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET MX0912B100Y; MZ0912B100Y NPN microwave power transistors Product specification Supersedes data of June 1992 1997 Feb 20 Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN microwave power transistors MX0912B100Y; MZ0912B100Y

    MX0912B100Y; MZ0912B100Y MX0912B100Y OT439 OT443 740C3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET MF1011B900Y Microwave power transistor Product specification Supersedes data of December 1994 1997 Feb 18 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Microwave power transistor FEATURES • Suitable for short and medium

    MF1011B900Y SCA53 127147/00/02/pp12 MF1011B900Y PDF


    Abstract: 33-AS IEC134 015 capacitor philips
    Text: Data shaat •tatua data of Issu* HILXPS MX0912B250Y Preliminary specification NPN silicon planar epitaxial microwave power transistor June 1992 SbE D INTERNATIONAL • 7110fl2b Ü04b34fc, 7Q3 H P H I N FEATURES APPLICATION DESCRIPTION • Interdigitated structure; high

    OCR Scan
    33-AS" MX0912B250Y G04b34b T-33-Ã 711Dfl2b 004b352 0QMb43? MX0912B250Y 33-AS IEC134 015 capacitor philips PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components MZ0912B100Y D ISC R ETE SEM ICO N D U CTO R S D a ta s h a e t • t a lu s P re fim in a iy s p e c ific a tio n d a le o f le s u e J u ly 1 9 9 0 NPN silicon planar epitaxial microwave power transistor FEATU RES APPLICATIO N D ESCRIPTIO N

    OCR Scan
    MZ0912B100Y PDF


    Abstract: SC15
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Microwave power transistor MF1011B900Y FEATURES QUICK REFERENCE DATA • Suitable for short and medium pulse applications up to 100 |as pulse width, duty factor 10% Microwave performance up to T mb = 25 °C in a common-base class C

    OCR Scan
    MF1011B900Y MLC725 OT448A. MF1011B900Y SC15 PDF

    NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor

    Abstract: MZ0912B50Y TACAN
    Text: Data sheet statut Preliminary apedfrcatfon date ol Issue July 1990 MZ0912B50Y NPN silicon planar epitaxial microwave power transistor F EATU RES APPLICATION d e s c r ip t io n • Interdigitated structure; high emitter efficiency. • O iffused emitter ballasting

    OCR Scan
    MZ0912B50Y NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor MZ0912B50Y TACAN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS RX1214B170W Microwave power transistor Product specification Supersedes data of December 1994 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC15 Philips Sem iconductors 1997 Feb 18 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Product specification Microwave power transistor

    OCR Scan
    RX1214B170W 7/00/02/pp12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN microwave power transistors MX0912B100Y; MZ0912B100Y FEATURES PINNING • Interdigitated structure provides high emitter efficiency PIN • Diffused emitter ballasting resistors providing excellent current sharing and withstanding a high VSWR

    OCR Scan
    MX0912B100Y OT439A 100A101KP50X MX0912B100Y; MZ0912B100Y MGK067 PDF


    Abstract: microwave transistor S- parameter GK066
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN microwave power transistor FEATURES MX0912B251Y PINNING - SOT439A • Interdigitated structure; high emitter efficiency PIN • Diffused emitter ballasting resistors providing excellent current sharing and withstanding a high VSWR

    OCR Scan
    OT439A 100A101KP50X MX0912B251Y GK066 gk06 microwave transistor S- parameter GK066 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS Data sheet statue Prelim inary sped location date of lesua July 1990 MX0912B350Y NPN silicon planar epitaxial microwave power transistor FEATURES APPLICATION DESCRIPTION • Interdigitated structure; high em itter efficiency.

    OCR Scan
    MX0912B350Y 00351Mb PDF


    Abstract: electrolytic capacitor 470 transistor Zo 105 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor IEC134 MZ0912B50Y transistor Common Base amplifier
    Text: MZ0912B50Y Data sheet status Preliminary specification data of Issue July 1990 NPN silicon planar epitaxial microwave power transistor FEATURES APPLICATION DESCRIPTION • Interdigitated structure; high em itter efficiency. • D iffused em itter ballasting

    OCR Scan
    MZ0912B50Y M90-1193/Y MCA680 electrolytic capacitor 470 transistor Zo 105 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor IEC134 MZ0912B50Y transistor Common Base amplifier PDF

    bt 109 transistor

    Abstract: CD493 RA444
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN microwave power transistor FEATURES • Suitable for short and medium pulse applications up to 100 ns/10% • Internal input and output prematching networks allow an easier design of circuits • Diffused emitter ballasting resistors

    OCR Scan
    ns/10% MX1011B700Y CD493 bt 109 transistor CD493 RA444 PDF

    JH transistor

    Abstract: MX0912B251Y SC15 Philips electrolytic screw
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN microwave power transistor MX0912B251Y FEATURES PINNING - SOT439A • Interdigitated structure; high emitter efficiency PIN • Diffused emitter ballasting resistors providing excellent current sharing and withstanding a high VSWR

    OCR Scan
    MX0912B251Y OT439A MBC881 OT439A. JH transistor MX0912B251Y SC15 Philips electrolytic screw PDF


    Abstract: MX0912B350Y D0310 IEC134
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS Data shMt a «tatù* Preliminary spedfcation date of Issus July 1990 MX0912B350Y NPN silicon planar epitaxial microwave power transistor FEATURES APPLICATION DESCRIPTION • Interdigitated structure; high emitter efficiency. • Diffused em itter ballasting

    OCR Scan
    MX0912B350Y bbS3131 00351Mb HCW51 MX0912B350Y D0310 IEC134 PDF

    microwave transistor S- parameter

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Microwave power transistor FEATURES • Suitable for short and medium pulse applications up to 100 us pulse width, duty factor 10% • Diffused emitter ballasting resistors improve ruggedness MFt 011B900Y QUICK REFERENCE DATA

    OCR Scan
    100A101kp50x F1011B900Y microwave transistor S- parameter PDF

    philips capacitor 470

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN microwave power transistor MZ0912B50Y FEATURES QUICK REFERENCE DATA • Interdigitated structure provides high emitter efficiency Microwave performance up to T mb = 25 °C in a common base class C broadband amplifier.

    OCR Scan
    MZ0912B50Y 01KP50X philips capacitor 470 PDF


    Abstract: sot439
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN microwave power transistor FEATURES MX0912B351Y PINNING - SOT439A • Interdigitated structure; high emitter efficiency PIN • Diffused emitter ballasting resistors providing excellent current sharing and withstanding a high VSWR

    OCR Scan
    OT439A 100A101KP50X MX0912B351Y GL-056 sot439 PDF