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    TT Electronics plc OPL530

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    wandel goltermann RFZ

    Abstract: RFZ-1
    Text: XRT5894 Four-Channel E1 Line Interface 3.3V or 5.0V May 1998-2 FEATURES □ Compliant with ITU G.703 Pulse Mask Template for 2.048Mbps (E1) Rates □ Four Independent CEPT Transceivers □ Logical Inputs Accept either 3.3V or 5.0V Levels Ultra-Low Power Dissipation

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    XRT5894 048Mbps XRT5894 wandel goltermann RFZ RFZ-1 PDF

    ep512 dc

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALTERA CORP EP512 S4E I> . • QST537S Ü001117 S I ' J. ■.* M 2 MACROCELL EPLD w w m m FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION High Performance logic replacement for TTL and 74HC or 74HCT SSI and MSI logic. High Speed, tpd = 25ns, and 40MHz operating frequency. "Zero Power" 150 //A Standby Current .

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    EP512 QST537S 74HCT 40MHz 0ST5372 QSTS37E tAIL01 ep512 dc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data A c q u is itio n System s • Fast S e ttlin g . 200ns R.F. A m p lifie rs • W ide P ow er B a n d w id th .2,000kH z V ideo A m p lifie rs • H igh G ain B a n d w id th A v > 3 . 20M H z

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    200ns 000kH 100MH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O rd c ru rg number EiN Î434G K MOS LSI No.l434G SAVYCÈ L M 7 0 Q 0 , 7D Q Ô N Direct FLL Frequency Synthesizer for ElectpiMç Tuning / / ^ - The LM7Û00N is e modified versbn of the LM7000 whos phase eoniii0M.Ìor d eìj| zoni^s / / •Reference frequency 7 kir.ds ; 100,60,56,10,EJ,5,1kHz

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    l434G LM7000 10kHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CXA1579P/M SONY» Recording Equalizer Amplifier for Stereo Cassette Decks Description The CXA1579P/M is a bipolar IC developed for recording equalizer in analog cassette decks. It is suited specifically for double cassette decks. Built-in filter circuit greatly reduces the external parts

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    CXA1579P/M CXA1579P/M CXA1579P CXA1579M 300mi OP-16P-L01 PDF

    FET KP 303

    Abstract: STK power amplifier Dc 12v STK 5 channel amp stk power amp STK AMP 12V 0PA404 hp900 POWER AMP. IC STK 300
    Text: OPA404 - :"r r.f*ai4;^WJPhria i Quad High-Speed Precision D/fef OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER FEATURES APPLICATIONS • WIDE BANDWIDTH: 6.4MHz • • • • • • • HIGH SLEW RATE: 35Wps • LOW OFFSET: ±750 iV max • LOW BIAS CURRENT: i4pA max • LOW SETTLING: 1.5*18 to 0.01%

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    OPA404 35Wps OPA404 FET KP 303 STK power amplifier Dc 12v STK 5 channel amp stk power amp STK AMP 12V 0PA404 hp900 POWER AMP. IC STK 300 PDF


    Abstract: MC1438R MC1538 MC1538R Astable Multivibrator operation amplifier Wien Bridge Oscillator INS 500
    Text: O R D E R IN G IN FO R M A T IO N D e v ic e M C1438R M C1538R T e m p e ra tu re R a n g e Package 0°C to +70°C —55°C to + 125°C M etal Pow er M etal P ow e r O P E R A T IO N A L A M P L IF IE R S POW ER BO O STER POW ER BO O STER Th e M C 1 5 3 8 /M C 1 4 3 8 is designed as a high current gain am plifier

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    MC1438R MC1538R MC1538/MC1438 MC1556/MC1456) MC1538/MC1438, in-40 200mA MC1438R, MC1438R MC1438 MC1538 MC1538R Astable Multivibrator operation amplifier Wien Bridge Oscillator INS 500 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: urm LTC1051/LTC1053 TE6HNQLOGY Dual/Quad Precision Chopper Stabilized Operational Amplifiers With Internal Capacitors DCSCRIPTIOfl F€ATUA€S Dual/Quad Low Cost Precision Op Amp No External Components Required Maximum Offset Voltage 5¡N Maximum Offset Voltage Drift 0.05/iV/°C

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    LTC1051/LTC1053 140dB. LTC1051 /LTC1053 100Hz, 18-Bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC 17E 1 ^ 5 3 ^ 2 0 0 D 0 4 Ô 0 3 “J T-77-05-09 ECG Sem iconductors Features • Low operating voltage • High carrier suppression ECG1249 Is a balanced modulator circuit designed for use in S S B CB equipment. .I00'' 2.S4 -J L .II8"<3.

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    T-77-05-09 ECG1249 ECG1249 ECG124E 10kHi, PDF

    pmi op80

    Abstract: OP80EJ ph meter circuit AD549 electrometer opa128
    Text: OP-80 PMÏ ULTRA-LOW BIAS CURRENT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER M o n o l i t h i c s In c high com m on-m ode and differential input im pedances. Incor­ porating a novel input protection design, the O P-80 achieves over 700V of ESD protection w hile m aintaining very low input

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    OP-80 AD549 OPA128 pmi op80 OP80EJ ph meter circuit electrometer opa128 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TTìTDTb DQ117S3 b3E ]> LC 78 1 8 i r SANYO 457 « T S A J SEMICONDUCTOR CORP C M O S LSI 3047A Function Sw itch I636B Use Function switchover of amplifier, receiver, etc. and tape monitor control Features 1 2-channel 5-position source select + tape monitor on chip

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    DQ117S3 I636B LC7818 PDF


    Abstract: nfm39 NFA81 PLM3216
    Text: EMIFIL* is the trademark of CHIP EMIFIL" Murata Manufacturing Co.: Ltd. 1 m u F ia fn Chip EMIFIL* Guide The chip EMI suppression filter EMIFIL' is a noise suppression element designed to eliminate high-frequency noise. The filter is excellent for suppressing radiated noise,from

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    NFM60R BLM21A121S Rela1206 10kHi 100kHz 10MHz 100MHz 10GHz PLM250H) VCM21R PLM3216K nfm39 NFA81 PLM3216 PDF