Abstract: 1213EFR T1206 406 J 1213TC 202C A1206 A1906 T1906 CAP 1213EFR
Text: ELECTRONIC FILM CAPACITORS, INC. Reidville Industrial Park * 41 Interstate Lane WATERBURY, CONNECTICUT 06705 PHONE 203 755-5629 METALLIZED POLYPROPYLENE FAX (203) 755-0659 SERIES 1213 EFC Series 1213 are metallized polypropylene capacitors. This series offers the advantage
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: E L E C T R O N IC FILM C A P A C IT O R S , IN C . Reidville Industrial Park * 41 Interstate Lane WATERBURY, CONNECTICUT 06705 PHONE 203 755-5629 ETALLIZED POLYP ROPYLENE FAX (203) 755-0659 SERIES 1213 EFC Series 1213 are metallized polypropylene capacitors. This series offers the advantage
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