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    128X64DOT Search Results

    128X64DOT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MAX717 128X64DOTS lcd 12864
    Text: 1/65DUTY,1/9 BIAS 128x64 DOTS JYG-1286448G-VA 1.0 DIMENSIONAL DRAWING 24.5 CONTECT SIDE 3.0 0.8 11.25 Componet Area. S1,C0 128X64DOTS Componet Area. 16 1 3.0 6.0 3.0 5.5 1.0 DOUBLE TAPE 3.11 10- 0.9 STIFENER S128,C63 1 0.28 0.25 0.22 0.25 2.0 BLOCK DIAGRAM

    1/65DUTY JYG-1286448G-VA 128X64DOTS jyg-12864 MAX717 128X64DOTS lcd 12864 PDF


    Abstract: 12864-D jyg12864
    Text: 1/65 DUTY,1/9BIAS 128x64DOTS JYG-12864D7G-VA 1.0 DIMENSIONAL DRAWING 17.95 A.A 3 64 S1,C1 拉带 4.3±1.0 2.0 BLOCK DIAGRAM VDD /R S T /C S RS 128 12 8*64 D O T S LSI CONTROLLER VSS 64 /W R /R D D 0 -D 7 LE D + L E D B A C K L IG H T LED- 3.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VSS = 0 V, VDD = 3.0 V ± 10% )

    64DOTS JYG-12864D7G-VA 12864D 12864-D jyg12864 PDF


    Abstract: DFMG12864-01 p052x
    Text: DFMG12864-01 128Dots x 64 Dots 1. 0 * * * * 1/64 Duty, 1/9 Bias Features Display Mode: Reflective/Transflective/Transmissive and Positive Type STN Input Data: 8-Bits Parallel Data Input from a MPU Assembly: COB Backlight: Optional 2. 0 External Dimensions

    DFMG12864-01 128Dots 52X127 52X63 54X19 128x64DOTS 128X64DOT DFMG12864-01 p052x PDF

    P 12864

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1/1 嗤字EL⑪幣匂 汽弼・瓜強裳專圭塀 RoHS峺綜斤哘恢瞳 UEL 狼双 UEL371 侘彜・樫雁 1.1 24.9 28.8 1.0 15.4 12.4 ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗ 30.9 19.7 0.4 1.8 30.8 2.9 Active area(128x64dots) Printing position of Lot.No. Protection resin

    UEL371 64dots) 17pin 210max. 2002/95/EC uel371 P 12864 PDF


    Abstract: M12864 12864G display 128X64DOTS 1CS-11 12864-g
    Text: 1/64 Duty, 1/9 Bias E D M 12864G 128 Dots x 64 Dots 1. 0 * * * * Features Display Mode: Reflective/Transflective/Transmissive and Positive Type STN Input Data: 8-Bits Parallel Data Input from a MPU Assembly: SMT Backlight: Optional 2. 0 External Dimensions

    12864G 128x64DOTS 12864G M12864 12864G display 128X64DOTS 1CS-11 12864-g PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1/1 嗤字EL⑪幣匂 汽弼・瓜強裳專圭塀 RoHS峺綜斤哘恢瞳 UEL 狼双 UEL273 侘彜・樫雁 33.3 0.6 26.83 3.2 30.6 1.015 1.35 0.35 Active area(128x64dots) 13.41 ∗∗∗∗∗ ∗∗∗∗∗ 15.9 21.4 Polaizer Protection resin 35.5±1.0

    UEL273 64dots) 17pin 200max. 2002/95/EC uel273 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1/1 Organic Light Emitting Display Mono-color Type/Passive Matrix Method Conformity to RoHS Directive UEL Series UEL273 SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS 33.3 0.6 26.83 3.2 30.6 1.015 1.35 0.35 Active area(128x64dots) 13.41 ∗∗∗∗∗ ∗∗∗∗∗ 15.9 21.4

    UEL273 64dots) rate50% 2002/95/EC, uel273 PDF


    Abstract: led lcd
    Text: D G -12864-11 128x64dots 1/64 Duty R eflective/EL/LED Backlight • MECHANICAL DATA ■ E L E C T R IC A L C H A R A C T ER IST IC S Item Dimension Unit Item Module Size 78.0 W x 70.0(H) x 10.5(T) mm LCD Circuit Power View Area 62.0(W) x 44.0(H) mm Supply Voltage

    OCR Scan
    DG-12864-11 128x64dots P25U19 led lcd PDF


    Abstract: 128X64 12864 lcd 12864-12 lcd 128*64 T6963C T6A39 T6963C AVR Lcd block diagram Y5628 130P2
    Text: 12864-12 128x64dots 1/64 Duty Reflective/EL/LED Backlight • MECHANICAL DATA ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Dimension Item Unit Module Size 78.0 W x 70.0(H) x 10.5(T) mm View Area 62.0(W)x 44.0(H) mm Dot Size 0.4x0.56 mm Dot Pitch 0.44 x 0.6 mm ■ Item

    OCR Scan
    128x64dots DB0-DB36 T6963C T6A40x1 128x6* T6A39x2 54x19 128X64DOT 128X64 12864 lcd 12864-12 lcd 128*64 T6963C T6A39 T6963C AVR Lcd block diagram Y5628 130P2 PDF


    Abstract: KS0107 052X0 128X64DOT WG12864 winstar graphics winstar KS0107 720x400 Samsung KS0107 SAMSUNG Graphic Module
    Text: i W INSTAR - W G 1 28641 Graphic 128x64dots D/mens/on tfranv/ziff 8 0 .0 + 0 .5 0.48 <r> Graphic type - 1. Built-in controller Samsung- KS0107 > KS0106 or Equivalent

    OCR Scan
    WG128641 128x64dots KS0107 KS010S 110VAC 400Hz 052X0 128X64DOT WG12864 winstar graphics winstar KS0107 720x400 Samsung KS0107 SAMSUNG Graphic Module PDF


    Abstract: KS0107 620VA 128X64 WG12864*c 128X64DOTS WG128
    Text: W G 12864C Graphic 128x64dots 70 .0 + 0.5 0/mens/o/t tfranr/nff Graphic type Feature 1. Built-in c ontroller S a m s u n g - K S 0 1 0 7 - K S 0 1 0 8 or E q u iv a le n t 2 .+ 5 V po w er supply 3 .1 /6 4 duty cycle 4 .N .V . B uilt-in Ite m S ta n d a r d V a lu e

    OCR Scan
    WG12864C 128x64dots uuiJjuuyyuiuuuuuuyi94i 128X64 KS0107 KS0108orEqukaieni) 110VAC 400Hz KS0107 620VA WG12864*c 128X64DOTS WG128 PDF


    Abstract: 527h
    Text: 128x64dots 1/64 Duty Reflective/EL/LED Backlight • MECHANICAL DATA ■ E L E C T R IC A L C H A R A C TER ISTIC S Unit Dimension Item Symbol C ondition M in. TYP Max. Unit Vdd-Vss - 4.5 5.0 5.5 V Vdo-V lc 25°C - 11.2 - V Input Voltage Vm N O TE l 0.7 xVdo

    OCR Scan
    128x64dots 10Kto20K 54x19 2-R125 128X64DOT 527h PDF


    Abstract: 12864a KS0107 12864a ks0108 ks0107 12864a WG12864A controller m60l Samsung KS0108 110vac KS0108
    Text: W G 1 2 8 6 4 A Graphic 128x64dots D/mens/on tfrawing 0.52 Feature 1. Built-in controller Samsung- KS0107 KS0108or equivalent 2 .+ 5V power supply 3 .1/64 duty cycle 4.N.V. Built-in Ite m S ta n d a rd V a lu e U n it Module Dimension 93.0x70.0 mm Viewing Area

    OCR Scan
    2864A 128x64dots KS0107 KS0108 110VAC 400Hz WG12864A 12864a KS0107 12864a ks0108 ks0107 12864a WG12864A controller m60l Samsung KS0108 PDF


    Abstract: WG12864 78005 128X64DOT WG128 winstar font winstar graphics T6963C
    Text: W G 1 2 8 6 4 D Graphic 128x64dots D/mens/on cfratv/ztff 78.0+0 1. 0 S.O 10.85 13.0 6 2 . 0 VA 5 6 .3 (A A ) P 2 . 54*19= 48 .2 6 5.0 G raphic type F e a tu r e 1. Built-in co n tro ller TOSHIBA- (T 6 9 6 3 C ) 2 . + 5 V po w er supply 3 .1 /6 4 duty cycle

    OCR Scan
    WG12864D 128x64dots T6963C) 110VAC 400Hz WG12864 78005 128X64DOT WG128 winstar font winstar graphics T6963C PDF


    Abstract: WG12232K
    Text: W G 1 22 32 K Graphic 128x64dots F e a tu re MecAan/ca/ Data 1.Epson-SED1520,or equivalent 2.1/32 duty cycle PinNO Symbol Item Function 1 VLED Power supply for LED B/L"-" 2 V ss GND 3 Vdd -tSV 4 Vo Contrast Adjustment 5 AO H:Data Llnstruction 6 Chip Enablefor U1 Segment 1~61

    OCR Scan
    WG12232K 128x64dots Epson-SED1520 Segment62-122) X32-1 375x0 110VAC 400Hz PDF


    Abstract: T6963C
    Text: i W INSTAR - W G 1 2 8 6 4 F Graphic 128x64dots G raphic type feature 1. Built-in controller TO SH IB A - T6963C 2 . +5V power supply 3.1/64 duty cycle

    OCR Scan
    WG12864F 128x64dots T6963C) 110VAC 400Hz T6963C PDF


    Abstract: WG12864M DAP 011 KS0107 128X64DOT 128X64 KS0108 128X6 Samsung KS0108 KS0107/KS0108
    Text: W G 1 2 8 6 4 M Graphic 128x64dots 0/mens/o/t cfranv/ng 50.2±0.5 95.5±0.5 Feature 1. Built-in controller Samsung- KS0107 - KS0108 or Equivalent 2 . +5V power supply 3 .1/64 duty cycle 4.N.V. Built-in Item S tan d ard V alue Unit Module Dimension 9 5 .5 x 5 0 .2

    OCR Scan
    WG12864M 128x64dots KS0107 KS0108 110VAC 400Hz WG12864 DAP 011 KS0107 128X64DOT 128X64 128X6 Samsung KS0108 KS0107/KS0108 PDF

    t 78005

    Abstract: 78005 WG12864G Toshiba T6963C 128X64DOT 128x64DOTS WG12864 T6963C WG128
    Text: WG12864G Graphic 128x64dots Dimension t/ranr/nt/ 0.44 0.42 78.0±0.5 0.58 ] L E D B /L Ö HI 12.1 H2 7.5 Graphic type F e a tu re 1. B uilt-in co n tro ller TOSHIBA- T 6 9 6 3 C 2 . + 5 V po w er supply 3 .1 /6 4 du ty cycle 4 . N .V Built-in Ite m S ta n d a r d V a lu e

    OCR Scan
    WG12864G 128x64dots T6963C) 110VAC 400Hz t 78005 78005 Toshiba T6963C 128X64DOT 128x64DOTS WG12864 T6963C WG128 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 12864-15 128x64dots 1/64 Duty Reflective/EL/LED Backlight • ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Item Symbol Condition Min. TYP Max. Unit V d d - V ss - 4.5 5.0 5.5 V V do- V lc 25°C - 11.2 - V Input Voltage Vm NOTE l 0 .7 x V d d - V dd V Input Voltage Va. NOTE(l)

    OCR Scan
    128x64dots 10Kto20K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DG-12864-11 128x64dots 1/64 Duty Reflective/EL/LED Backlight • MECHANICAL DATA ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Item Dimension Unit Item Module Size 78.0 W x 70.0(H) x 10.5(T) mm LCD Circuit Power View Area 62.0(W) x 44.0(H) mm Supply Voltage Dot Size 0.4 x 0.56

    OCR Scan
    DG-12864-11 128x64dots KS0107B VRr10Kfo20K KS010B8| PDF


    Abstract: WG12864J 128x64DOTS 128X64 ST7920 16x16-dot
    Text: W G 1 2 8 6 4 J Graphic 128x64dots D/mens/on tfratvi/rff 0.48 93. £0.50.5 7.0 t 80.0 10.5 72.0(VA 13.24 66.52(AA) 18 00 CN v> u 18-q1.0 PTH fini¥ini¥iniVini¥i 19.08 2.5 P2.54*17=43.18 8.0 feature 1.Character mode: Display BIG5 or GB Chinese font(16x16dots)

    OCR Scan
    18-d1 16x16dots) 8x16dots) 128x64dots ST7920) WG12864J 128x64dots 110VAC 400Hz WG12864 128X64 ST7920 16x16-dot PDF


    Abstract: KS0107 WG12864 Samsung KS0107 128X64DOTS
    Text: WG12864M Graphic 128x64dots O/mens/onefranvi/tff 13.6MAX 9.0 95.5±0.5 n ö IT 1.6 LEDB/L 0.52 0.48 DOT SIZE SCALE 10/1 Graphic type Afec/iarr/ca/ 0afa Feature 1. Built-in controller Samsung- KS0107 KS0108orErquivalent) 2 .+ 5V power supply 3 .1/64 duty cycle

    OCR Scan
    WG12864M 128x64dots /2O-01 2O-01 KS0107 KS0108orErquivalent) 110VAC KS0107 WG12864 Samsung KS0107 128X64DOTS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 12864-12 128x64dots 1/64 Duty Reflective/EL/LED Backlight • MECHANICAL DATA I ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Dimension Module Size 78.0 W x 70.0(H) x 10.5(T) Unit mm View Area 62.0(W)x 44.0(H) mm Dot Size 0.4 x 0.56 mm Dot Pitch 0.44 x 0.6 mm Item LCD Circuit Power

    OCR Scan
    128x64dots T6963C 128x6L PDF


    Abstract: winstar KS0107 Winstar lcd KS0108 KS0107 25PTH WG12864 2R20 WG-12864B
    Text: WINSTAR Professional LCD Module Manufacture W G 1 2 8 6 4 B GraPhic 128x64dots 0/me/is/ofj cTraiv/fity 75.0+0.5 8.9Max 5.4 7.4Max 3.9 0.43 0.39 DOT SIZE SCALE 10/1 1.0 1.0 L E D B /L Feature E L o rN O B /L Afec/ra/iicaf Data 1. Built-in controller Samsung- KS0107 ' KS0108 or equivalent

    OCR Scan
    WG12864B 128x64dots 2O-01 25PTH KS0107 KS0108 110VAC 400Hz winstar KS0107 Winstar lcd WG12864 2R20 WG-12864B PDF