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    Abstract: RF240 1000u capacitors 100HZ BA5416 HSIP-B12 ba5415a rl 8 12v AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM
    Text: BA5415A / BA5416 Audio ICs High-output dual power amplifier BA5415A / BA5416 The BA5415A and BA5416 are dual power amplifier ICs that operate off a 9V to 15V supply. When driving a 4Ω load off a 9V supply, the BA5415A does not require a heatsink. The BA5416 uses a lost-cost package. The basic characteristics

    BA5415A BA5416 BA5416 100Hz) RF240 1000u capacitors 100HZ HSIP-B12 ba5415a rl 8 12v AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM PDF


    Abstract: RF240 100HZ BA5415A BA5416 HSIP-B12
    Text: BA5415A / BA5416 Audio ICs High-output dual power amplifier BA5415A / BA5416 The BA5415A and BA5416 are dual power amplifier ICs that operate off a 9V to 15V supply. When driving a 4Ω load off a 9V supply, the BA5415A does not require a heatsink. The BA5416 uses a lost-cost package. The basic characteristics

    BA5415A BA5416 BA5416 100Hz) SIP-M12 RF-240 RF240 100HZ HSIP-B12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SHIBA TA8427K TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA8427K POWER AMPLIFIER FOR DRIVING A DEFLECTION CIRCUIT OF A COLOR TELEVISION TA8427K is a power amplifier for driving a deflection circuit of a large and medium screen size color television.

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    TA8427K TA8427K TA8879N. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs High-output dual power amplifier BA5415A/BA5416 The BA5415Aand BA5416 are dual power amplifier ICs that operate off a 9V to 15V supply. When driving a 4Q load off a 9V supply, the BA5415A does not require a heatsink. The BA5416 uses a lost-cost package. The basic charac­

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    415A/BA5416 BA5415Aand BA5416 BA5415A BA5416) BA5415A/B A5416 PDF


    Abstract: BA5415A 251C BA5416
    Text: Audio ICs High-output dual power amplifier BA5415A/BA5416 The BA5415A and BA5416 are dual pow er amplifier ICs that operate off a 9V to 15V supply. W hen driving a 4 Q load off a 9 V supply, the BA5415A does not require a heatsink. The B A5416 uses a lost-cost package. The basic charac­

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    BA5415A/BA5416 BA5415Aand BA5416are BA5415A BA5416 10kC2) 100Hz) BA5416 BA5415A) 240fl A5415 251C PDF


    Abstract: M54648AL MS46 SERVO MOTORS DRIVE MITSUBISHI 12P9B ms464
    Text: M IT SU B ISH I BIPO LA R DIGITAL IC s MS4648AL BI-DIRECTIONAL MOTOR DRIVER WITH MOTOR S P E E D CONTROL DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M 5 4 6 4 8 A L is a sem ico nductor in teg ra te d circuit, c a p ib le of d ire c tly driving bi-d ire ctio n a l m icro motor, with a

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    MS4648AL M54648AL 25cm2X o120k 4648A m54648 MS46 SERVO MOTORS DRIVE MITSUBISHI 12P9B ms464 PDF


    Abstract: voltage TA8403k TOSHIBA TA8403K TA8403 toshiba IC TA8403K transistor TA8403K TOSHIBA VERTICAL IC AN driving circuit using power transistor TOSHIBA VERTICAL IC TA8879N
    Text: TOSHIBA TA8403K TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA8403K POWER AMPLIFIER FOR DRIVING A DEFLECTION CIRCUIT OF A COLOR TELEVISION TA8403K is a power amplifier for driving a vertical deflection circuit of a small and medium screen size color

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    TA8403K TA8403K TA8879N. voltage TA8403k TOSHIBA TA8403K TA8403 toshiba IC TA8403K transistor TA8403K TOSHIBA VERTICAL IC AN driving circuit using power transistor TOSHIBA VERTICAL IC TA8879N PDF

    toshiba ta8427k

    Abstract: TA8427K ta8427 TA8879N driving circuit using power transistor TOSHIBA VERTICAL IC AN in 3003 TRANSISTOR 64cm2 TOSHIBA VERTICAL IC
    Text: TOSHIBA TA8427K TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA8427 K POWER AMPLIFIER FOR DRIVING A DEFLECTION CIRCUIT OF A COLOR TELEVISION TA8427K is a power amplifier for driving a deflection circuit of a large and medium screen size color television.

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    TA8427K TA8427 TA8427K TA8879N. toshiba ta8427k TA8879N driving circuit using power transistor TOSHIBA VERTICAL IC AN in 3003 TRANSISTOR 64cm2 TOSHIBA VERTICAL IC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I BIPOLAR DIGITAL ICs M 54645AL B I-D IR E C T IO N A L M OTOR D R IVER □ESCRIPTION The M 54645AL is -a sem ico ndu ctor inte grated circuit, ca p ­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW able of d ire c tly drivin g sm all b id ire ctio n a l motors.

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    54645AL 54645AL 4645A 25cm2X M54645 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs AV COMMON M54544 AL BI-DIRECTIONAL MOTOR DRIVER WITH BRAKE FUNCTION AND THERMAL SHUT DOWN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION The M54544AL is a semiconductor 1C capable of directly driving a smallsize bi-directional motor for forward/reverse rotation. PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW)

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    M54544 M54544AL M54544AL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TA7252AP TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA 7 2 52A P 5.9W AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER The TA7252AP is audio power amplifier for consumer applications. It is designed for high power, low distortion and low noise. Since the package is a 7pin SIP Single

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    TA7252AP TA7252AP 64cnn2x 25cm2x PDF


    Abstract: 11POWER
    Text: Audio ICs High-output dual power amplifier BA5415A/B A5416 The BA5415A and BA5416 are dual power am plifier ICs that operate off a 9V to 15V supply. When driving a 4 Q load off a 9V supply, the BA5415A does not require a heatsink. The BA5416 uses a lost-cost package. The basic charac­

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    BA5415A/B A5416 BA5415A BA5416 100Hz) BA5416 BA5416) 11POWER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SHIBA TA7288P TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA7288P DUAL BRIDGE DRIVER The TA7288P is a bridge driver that is ideal for normal/ reverse switching. This circuit offers four modes : normal rotation, reverse rotation, stop, and brake.

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    TA7288P TA7288P HSIP10-P-2 15cm2x2m 25cm2x2m PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSU BISHI ICs AV COMMON M54543AL Bi-DIRECTIONAL MOTOR DRIVER WITH BRAKE FUNCTION AND THERMAL SHUT DOWN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION The M54543AL is a semiconductor 1C capable of directly driving a sm allsize bi-directional motor for forward/reverse rotation. PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW)

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    M54543AL M54543AL PDF