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    2N3029 JAN Search Results

    2N3029 JAN Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2N3029+JAN Defense Electronics Supply Center 100V V[drm] Max., 500mA I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    2N3029JAN Unitrode International Semiconductor Data Book 1981 Scan PDF
    2N3029+JANTX Defense Electronics Supply Center 100V V[drm] Max., 500mA I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    2N3029JANTX Unitrode International Semiconductor Data Book 1981 Scan PDF

    2N3029 JAN Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS 2N3027-2N3032 0.5 AMP SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER Available Non-RoHS standard or RoHS compliant (add PBF suffix). Available as “HR” (high reliability) screened per MIL-PRF-19500, JANTX level. Add “HR” suffix to base part number.

    2N3027-2N3032 MIL-PRF-19500, 2N3027 2N3030 2N3028 2N3031 2N3029 2N3032 500mA 250mA PDF


    Abstract: JANKC2N2907A NES 2n4405 2N5684 JANTX 2n3031 2N6351 2N5415 2N2907AUB
    Text: Future QML Qualified Products New Products Product Lines Custom Packaging New Products Announcement Read about what's new at NES QML Program Complete listing of our MIL-PRF-19500 JANTX and JANTXV qualified products. Click here to see our Future Quals. Product Line Index

    MIL-PRF-19500 2N720A 2N1131 2N1132 2N1893 JANHC2N2222A JANKC2N2222A JANH3057A 2N3250A 2N3251A 1N6762 JANKC2N2907A NES 2n4405 2N5684 JANTX 2n3031 2N6351 2N5415 2N2907AUB PDF

    triac with snubber

    Abstract: RF transistor W2W TRIAC RCA Westinghouse SCR handbook BATTERY CHARGER SCR ZO 607 TRIAC 11Z13 TRIAC zo 607 MA AC 220v fan motor speed control triac bt136 220v dimmer light bt139
    Text: DL137/D Rev. 7, May-2000 Thyristor Device Data TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers ON Semiconductor Thyristor Device Data TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers DL137/D Rev. 7, May–2000  SCILLC, 2000 Previous Edition  1995 “All Rights Reserved’’

    DL137/D May-2000 r14525 DL137/D triac with snubber RF transistor W2W TRIAC RCA Westinghouse SCR handbook BATTERY CHARGER SCR ZO 607 TRIAC 11Z13 TRIAC zo 607 MA AC 220v fan motor speed control triac bt136 220v dimmer light bt139 PDF

    TRIAC zo 607 MA

    Abstract: ZO 607 TRIAC Westinghouse SCR handbook tl-130 transformer BRX49 equivalent 800w class d circuit diagram schematics triac MAC 97 AB triac MAC 97 A6 ZO 103 TRIAC 1N5760
    Text: DL137/D Rev. 7, May-2000 Thyristor Device Data TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers ON Semiconductor Thyristor Device Data TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers DL137/D Rev. 7, May–2000  SCILLC, 2000 Previous Edition  1995 “All Rights Reserved’’

    DL137/D May-2000 r14525 TRIAC zo 607 MA ZO 607 TRIAC Westinghouse SCR handbook tl-130 transformer BRX49 equivalent 800w class d circuit diagram schematics triac MAC 97 AB triac MAC 97 A6 ZO 103 TRIAC 1N5760 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3028 JANTX
    Text: SCRs JAN & JANTX 2N3027-2N3032 0.5 Amp, Planar FEA T U RE S • JA N and JA N T X Types Available • Fully Characterized for “Worst C ase” Design • Passivated Planar Construction for Maxim um R eliability and Parameter Uniform ity • Low On-State Voltage and Fast Sw itching

    OCR Scan
    2N3027-2N3032 12/us 2N3027 2n3028 2N3028 JANTX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCRs JAN & JANTX 2N3027-2N3032 0.5 Amp, Planar Ì1 - fi e*C<SIJÉANÛÛE FEATU RES DESCRIPTION • JAN and JANTX Types Available • Fully Characterized for “Worst Case" Design • Passivated Planar Construction for Maximum The 2N3027 series of planar SCRs controlled switches are intended for use in

    OCR Scan
    2N3027-2N3032 2N3027 PDF

    JANTX 2N3028

    Abstract: 2N3028 2N3027 2N3029 JAN 2N3029 2N3030 2N3031 2N3032
    Text: JAN & JANTX 2N3027-2N3032 SCRs 0.5 Amp, Planar Ì1 -fi e*C<SIJÉANÛÛE F EA T U R E S • JA N and JA N T X Types Available • Fu lly Characterized for “Worst C ase " Design • Passivated Planar C onstruction for M axim um R e lia b ilit y a n d P a ra m e te r U n ifo rm it y

    OCR Scan
    2N3027-2N3032 12/is 2N3027 JANTX 2N3028 2N3028 2N3029 JAN 2N3029 2N3030 2N3031 2N3032 PDF


    Abstract: IN540 VAA21 MS IN540 u226 PW-250 bfi transformer ini763 2N3027 2N3028
    Text: MIL SPECS I C | 000D15S QDD3SE7 b | Ml L-S - 195G0/4&#39;!9 £l AMiiNDMclS i- i 21 May 1969 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, THYRISTOR (CONTROLLED RECTIFIER), SILICON TYPES 2N3027 THROUGH 2N 3032, AND TX2N3027 THROUGH TX2N3032 This Amendment forms o port of M ilitary

    OCR Scan
    95GGA 2N3027 2N3032, TX2N3027 TX2N3032 L-S-19500/419 MIL-STD-1276, MIL-STD-1276) 5961-A230 IN457A IN540 VAA21 MS IN540 u226 PW-250 bfi transformer ini763 2N3028 PDF


    Abstract: JANTX 2N3028 2N3028 2N3027 2N3030 2N3031 2N3032 UNITRODE 3027
    Text: JAN & JANTX 2N3027-2N3032 SCRs 0.5 Amp, Planar FEATURES D E S C R IP T IO N • JAN and JANTX Types Available • Fully Characterized for "W orst Case" Design • Passivated Planar Construction for Maximum Reliability and Parameter Uniformity • Low On-State Voltage and Fast Switching

    OCR Scan
    2N3027-2N3032 12/is 2N3027 2N3029 JANTX 2N3028 2N3028 2N3030 2N3031 2N3032 UNITRODE 3027 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M I C R O S E M I C O R P / ÜJATERTOÜJN SQE D G 0 1 E 5 2 b R24 • U N I T SCRs JAN & JANTX 2N3027-2N3032 0.5 Amp, Planar T ^ j r - n FEA TU R ES D E S C R IP T IO N • JAN and JANTX Types Available • Fully Characterized for “Worst Case” Design • Passivated Planar Construction for Maximum

    OCR Scan
    2N3027-2N3032 12/is 2N3027 PDF

    TE 555-1

    Abstract: 419 on 80 GA201A 2n3031 2n2031
    Text: Micmsemj Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Part Num ber GA200 GA200A GA300 GA300A GA201 GA201A GA301 GA301A GA100 GA101 GA102 2N3027 2N3Q30 ID100 JAN2N3027 JAN2N3030 JANTX2N3027 JANTX2N3030 2N3028 2N3031 AA100 AA107 AA114 ID101 JAN2N3028 JAN2N3031 JANTX2N3028

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: ins40 IP175 2N3029 2N302 2N3027 2N3028 2N303 2N3030 2N3031
    Text: M T L - S - 1 9 5 0 0 / 4 1 9 E L 15 March 1969 M S E M IC O N D U C T O R D E V I C E , T Y P E S 1 . 1* P N F N . b l o 3 . U , p r ö _ y g r i s t o t r i o e n t 1 . 2 O 11*O ? d u u f o e h n q r s d 6 . 2 s s - c ö g T hl A U A 9— a n d c e s t r i n

    OCR Scan
    MTL-S-19500/419 2N3032, T0-18) U226 ins40 IP175 2N3029 2N302 2N3027 2N3028 2N303 2N3030 2N3031 PDF

    triacs bt 804 600v

    Abstract: UR720 1N4465 AO110 diode 1N539 2N3750 Unitrode discrete databook 2N6138 CM104 unitrode 679 BRIDGE rectifier
    Text: UNITRODE SEMICONDUCTOR DATABOOK 1976 C opyright 1976 U nitrode C orporation, W atertown, MA. A ll rights reserved. INTRODUCTION From its inception 16 years ago, Unitrode has acquired a reputa­ tion for maintaining an unusually high level of quality, perfor­

    OCR Scan
    Comp27-1296 triacs bt 804 600v UR720 1N4465 AO110 diode 1N539 2N3750 Unitrode discrete databook 2N6138 CM104 unitrode 679 BRIDGE rectifier PDF


    Abstract: CD4003 2N2505 TF408 1N4465 250PA120 2N3017 pt 3570 trw rf pa189 Semicon volume 1
    Text: 1969 o < 00 x ic e uo <r\ *—4 rO O CM u J 'r < o o o CO r aJ. rfrr.~> y -< z X— < P“ -J Sem iconductor Annual At .0008" Dia. . . . there is no second source phire orifice insert. Tempress also created and supplied the tungsten carbide ultrasonic bonding tool and pioneered

    OCR Scan

    la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt

    Abstract: la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt diode LT 7229 2sd323 YM 7137 3D DA 3807 pdf transistor inverter welder 4 schematic 2N5630 THYRISTOR br 403 1N3492
    Text: Alphanumeric Index Power Transistor Selector Guide Power Transistor Cross Reference Power Transistor Data Sheets Thyristor Selector Guide Thyristor Cross Reference Thyristor Data Sheets Leadforms, Hardware, and Mounting Techniques R ectifier and Zener Diode

    OCR Scan
    AN-784A la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt diode LT 7229 2sd323 YM 7137 3D DA 3807 pdf transistor inverter welder 4 schematic 2N5630 THYRISTOR br 403 1N3492 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3303 FPT100 phototransistor UA739 equivalent transistor bc 554 pnp mt1039 ft2974 fairchild 2N3565 FD6666 diode transistor npn Epitaxial Silicon SST 117
    Text: Fairchild Semiconductor T ransistor and Diode Data Catalog 1970 The Fairchild Semiconductor Transistor anc Diode Data Catalog is an all-inclusive volume of product information covering diodes anc transistors. Selection guides and data sheets fot each category of products assist you ir

    OCR Scan
    108th MT1115 2N3303 FPT100 phototransistor UA739 equivalent transistor bc 554 pnp mt1039 ft2974 fairchild 2N3565 FD6666 diode transistor npn Epitaxial Silicon SST 117 PDF

    transistor c2060

    Abstract: Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor
    Text: Data Book Updating Service I Table of Contents How to Use the Data Book I > INTRODUCTION Complete I N . . . INDEX numerical index o f all ElA-registered device types, with major electrical specifications 2N . . . & 3N . . . INDEX Complete numerical index of all ElA-registered device types,

    OCR Scan
    AN-134 transistor c2060 Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor PDF