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    Abstract: 2SD466 2sc5266
    Text: • t o M f i i t i ' i - i a ’f m m»mm s&<D?ay#miz w z y y - i - y p m u / ®>7 I V -E7 - 7 V U ' I / 'A w J V Z S T J - / K S 6 3 6 9 * > U - X T258-OMI # ® l|£ f tt» H # 5 5 a i TEL.5465 89 2825 FAX,5465(89)2826 ffxX * i t * «* • s •s* * *

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    T258-OMI FAX06 2SC144 2SD466 2sc5266 PDF

    aeg diode Si 61 L

    Abstract: aeg diodes D6 SGS Transistors BC23B SILICONIX U315 MZ306 BY126 bcv59 ac128 2N3680
    Text: Semiconductor Data Book Semiconductor Data Book Characteristics of approx. 10 000 Transistors, FETs, UJTs, Diodes, Rectifiers, Optical Semiconductors, Triacs and SCRs, Compiled by A. M. Ball Head of Physics, Teign School Newnes Technical Books Newnes Technical Books

    OCR Scan
    11tA0A12 A025A A0290 U0U55 A0291 A0292 A0305 A0306 A0A56 A0A59 aeg diode Si 61 L aeg diodes D6 SGS Transistors BC23B SILICONIX U315 MZ306 BY126 bcv59 ac128 2N3680 PDF


    Abstract: 2sc2238 2SD1431 2SC3303 2SC212Q 2sd1855 2SD1877 2SC3257 2SD1212 2SD1409
    Text: - m £ Type No. 2SD 1442 / fé T 2SÖ 1442A fé T 2SD fé T fé T tt 1443 2SD 1443A 2SD 1444 € M anuf. ✓ m h SANYO 2SD1235 2SD1409 2SC27Q3 2SC3303 2SD471 2SD 1446 ^ fé T 2SD 1447 ~ h m 2SD400 2SD B Ü n 2SDÎ802 2SD1802 a 2SD 1450 ^ 2SD 1451 a 2SD 1452

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    2SD1442 2SD1235 2SD1212 2SD1212 2SD400 2SD553 2SD1444 2SD1445 2SD1445A 2SDI80 2sc2238 2SD1431 2SC3303 2SC212Q 2sd1855 2SD1877 2SC3257 2SD1409 PDF