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    2SD2171 Search Results

    2SD2171 Datasheets (5)

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    2SD2171 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SD2171S Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    2SD2171S Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2SD2171S ROHM TO-92, SPT Transistors Scan PDF

    2SD2171 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 2SC174OS PN3906 PNP switching transistor 2N3906 mhz SPEC-C37 SPEC-A38 PN3904 MMST8098 transistor bc 588 TRANSISTOR MARKING CODE R2A
    Text: m - Transistors RCHV s the leaclng volume manufacturer of surface mount small slgnal transistors These transistors help to reduce size and increase performance of a variety of devices of any kind :c i?"^ PNP SMTYSST3 UMT3 EMT3 t>l- NPN PNP NPN PNP EMT3"' SPT/TO-92

    SPT/TO-92 SPTTO-92 llU--800 loo250-700 loo--300 lOO-60( 250-63t loo05 loo56 UMT3906 PN3906 TRANSISTOR PNP 2SC174OS PN3906 PNP switching transistor 2N3906 mhz SPEC-C37 SPEC-A38 PN3904 MMST8098 transistor bc 588 TRANSISTOR MARKING CODE R2A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SD2537 / 2SD2171S 2SD2351 / 2SD2226K / 2SD2227S Transistors Medium Power Transistor 25V, 1.2A I 2SD2537 /2SD2171S •Features 1) 2) 3) •Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25'C ) High O C current gain. High emitter-base voltage. (V c b o = LowVcEttM). (Max.

    OCR Scan
    2SD2537 2SD2171S 2SD2351 2SD2226K 2SD2227S /2SD2171S 2S02537 2SD2351, 2SD2171 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2537 2SD2171S 2SD2226K 2SD2227S 2SD2351 T100 T106 T146 marking bj
    Text: 2SD2537 / 2SD2171S 2SD2351 / 2SD2226K / 2SD2227S Transistors I Medium Power Transistor 25V, 1.2A 2SD2537 / 2SD2171S •Features •Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25'C) 1 ) High DC current gain. 2 ) High emitter-base voltage. (Vcbo= 12V Min.) 3 ) Low Vce(ml). (Max, 0.3V at lc/le=500/10mA)

    OCR Scan
    2SD2537 2SD2171S 2SD2351 2SD2226K 2SD2227S 2SD2171S 500/10mA) 2SD2227 2SD2227S T100 T106 T146 marking bj PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2171S Wr1c 2SD2351
    Text: 2SD2537 / 2SD2171S 2SD2351 / 2SD2226K / 2SD2227S Transistors Medium Power Transistor 25V, 1.2A 2SD2537 / 2SD2171S I •Feature* •Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25fc) 1 ) High DC current gain. 2) High emitter-base voltage. (Vcbo=12V Min.) 3 ) Low VcE(iai). (Max. 0.3V at lc/la=500/10mA)

    OCR Scan
    2SD2537 2SD2171S 2SD2351 2SD2226K 2SD2227S 2SD2171S 100ms 500/10mA) MARKING HRA Wr1c PDF

    A 933 S transistors

    Abstract: A933S A830-S a830s A854S 2sc low noise 2SC1645 933LN 2SD 92 M a1515s
    Text: 7 T r a n s s tors ? TO-92, S PT (TO-92S Types Type Vhk <V) Function lc (mA) IGMa. (mA) 2SA 1137 -8 0 -1 0 0 Low rb b' H ead Am p 40 — 300 — 1 2 0 -5 6 0 -6 -2 -3 0 0 — 250 — 1 2 0 -5 6 0 -6 -1 0 300 — 250 250 120 - 560 6 10 -5 0 — 250 250 82 - 270

    OCR Scan
    O-92S) 2SA825 933LN 2SC1740 1740LN 2SC2389 2SC2808 2SC1741 2SC2872 2SC3359 A 933 S transistors A933S A830-S a830s A854S 2sc low noise 2SC1645 2SD 92 M a1515s PDF


    Abstract: 2SA1835 2sd1960 transistor transistor 2SC1741 2sa1038 transistor 2SC17415 2SD2152 2SC1740 transistor 2SC2808 2SA1137S
    Text: Transistors TO-92 • SPT TO-92 and its smaller version, the SPT transistors, have conventional leads that fit into PWB mounting holes. Ammo box taped packaging for automated insertion is standard packaging, however, bulk is also available. Pc mW Package

    OCR Scan
    2SA1137 2SA1137S 2SB737 2SD786 2SD786S 2SA825 2SA825S 2SA933A 2SA933AS 2SD1960 2SA1835 2sd1960 transistor transistor 2SC1741 2sa1038 transistor 2SC17415 2SD2152 2SC1740 transistor 2SC2808 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD466 2sc5266
    Text: • t o M f i i t i ' i - i a ’f m m»mm s&<D?ay#miz w z y y - i - y p m u / ®>7 I V -E7 - 7 V U ' I / 'A w J V Z S T J - / K S 6 3 6 9 * > U - X T258-OMI # ® l|£ f tt» H # 5 5 a i TEL.5465 89 2825 FAX,5465(89)2826 ffxX * i t * «* • s •s* * *

    OCR Scan
    T258-OMI FAX06 2SC144 2SD466 2sc5266 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR PNP B1443 D2396 equivalent B1569A TRANSISTORS PNP 50 V 1 A B1443 B1186A transistor c5147 b1344 transistor equivalent b1443 K2460
    Text: Transistors Transistors Products Tables Surface mounting types • M O S FET • Automatic mounting is possible : Products are housed in a package which supports automatic mounting. • 4V drive types : Direct drive from 1C allows reduction of components elimination of buffer transistor .

    OCR Scan
    2SK2503 RK7002 TC363TS DTC314TS TC114G 100mA TA124G DTC144G d2396 TRANSISTOR PNP B1443 D2396 equivalent B1569A TRANSISTORS PNP 50 V 1 A B1443 B1186A transistor c5147 b1344 transistor equivalent b1443 K2460 PDF

    2SC1740 transistor

    Abstract: A1757 B1130AM 2SD2061F 2SD1466 2SC5083 B1236A mos-fet darlington 2sc4721 transistor 2sa1819
    Text: Transistor Quick reference Package -Application Application Low rbb' Head Amp V ceo V * V ces * * V CER FTL ATR ATV 80 SPT ( 2SB737 TO-92L 2SB1276 f 2SA937AMLN V2SC2021LN(RS) 2SC1740S(E) 2SC1740SLN(E) / 2SA933A ( 2SA933AS \2SC1740(QRS) V 2SC1740SÌQRS) / 2SA933ALN /' 2SA933ASLN

    OCR Scan
    2SC2021LN 2SB821 2SB1276 2SC2021MLN O-92L O-92LS 2SB737 V2SD786 2SA1137 2SC1740 2SC1740 transistor A1757 B1130AM 2SD2061F 2SD1466 2SC5083 B1236A mos-fet darlington 2sc4721 transistor 2sa1819 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC5083 DTC144EVA 2SC2030 DTC114YLA 2SC4722 2SD1228M QR DTD123YV 2SC2675 DTB143TS
    Text: I 1 »l i mi l i ATR \ Packaging \ Bulk Container C2 Code hpE \ Basic ordering unit pcs 2,000 8,000 2SA790M AB O 2SA874M PQR 2SA937AM PQRS 2SA937AMLN RS o o O o o o 2SB909M PQR © o 2SB910M PQR © © 2SB911M PQR © o 2S61042M PQR o Q 2SB1044M PQR o o

    OCR Scan
    2SA790M 2SA874M 2SA937AM 2SA937AMLN 2SB909M 2SB910M 2SB911M 2S61042M 2SB1044M 2SB1066M 2sd1954 2SC5083 DTC144EVA 2SC2030 DTC114YLA 2SC4722 2SD1228M QR DTD123YV 2SC2675 DTB143TS PDF


    Abstract: 2S8737 2SC17406 2SA1835 2SA654
    Text: Transistors TO-92 • SPT TO-92 and its smaller vefsion, the SPT transistors, have conventional leads that fit into PWB mounting holes. Ammo box taped packaging for automated insertion Is standard packaging, however, bulk is also available. Application Low rbb'

    OCR Scan
    2SA1137 2SA1137S 2S8737 2S0786 2S0786S 2SA825 2SA825S 2SA933A 2SA933AS 2SA933ALN 2SC17406 2SA1835 2SA654 PDF

    2n4401 331

    Abstract: 2n4403 331 2n3904 409 2n3904 331 k 2715 2n3906 331 1352s MPSA06 346 2N584 C847B
    Text: Transistors Product List Product List 2N3904 . 614 2S B 2N3906 . 598

    OCR Scan
    2N3904 2N3906 2N4401 2N4403 2SA821S. 2SA830S. 2SA854S. 2SB822 2n4401 331 2n4403 331 2n3904 409 2n3904 331 k 2715 2n3906 331 1352s MPSA06 346 2N584 C847B PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2421 2SB1485 2SB1333 2sd2061 2sc2021qrs 2SD2172 2sD2388 DARLINGTON RF
    Text: b? > > 7 . $ / 7 ransistors / \ ’ y L i s t 4 — o f y P B i J K r o d u c t s S i - l l * f o r E a c h 2 S P A / b a c k a g / c e / d í í ( 2 S < A ~ / B f / C / D T y p e ) • SPT Part No. Application VcEO(V) lc(A) lc Max-(A) 2SA825S Low Noise

    OCR Scan
    2SA825S 2SA830S 2SA854S 2SA933AS 2SA933ASLN 2SA1198S 2SA1199S 2SA1515S 2SA1585S 2SC1645S 2SD2159 2SD2421 2SB1485 2SB1333 2sd2061 2sc2021qrs 2SD2172 2sD2388 DARLINGTON RF PDF

    transistor A1515

    Abstract: Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD d2172 a1515 transistor transistor D1292 h7195 rkm 34 transistor C1741A IC TB 1238 AN transistor b1184
    Text: Explanations • Standard Products, Semi-standard Products, Custom Products To make it easier for the customer to select the type of product best suited to his needs, we offer transistors, diodes, light-emitting diodes sensors, lasers diodes, and resistors in three types: 1 standard, (2) semi-standard, and

    OCR Scan
    MCR01 transistor A1515 Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD d2172 a1515 transistor transistor D1292 h7195 rkm 34 transistor C1741A IC TB 1238 AN transistor b1184 PDF


    Abstract: 1SS299 bu24204 RCM2027 BA3422S BA843 BA6490FS da119 k2 BA6404 BA857
    Text: 87 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 90 90 90 87 87 87 87 87 87 86 86 86 86 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 86 86 86 86 86 87 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 87 86 86 86 88 88

    OCR Scan
    2N3906 2N3946 2N3947 2N4059 N4060 2N4061 2N4062 2N4123 2N4124 2N4125 RCM2008R 1SS299 bu24204 RCM2027 BA3422S BA843 BA6490FS da119 k2 BA6404 BA857 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2165 2SD2152 2SD2133 2SD2134 2SD2135 2SD2136 2SD2137 2SD2137A 2SD2138
    Text: - 282 - W c k & fà l a = 2 b V , * m t l c = 2 h aC M 2SD2133 2SD2134 2SD2135 2SD2136 2SD2137 2SD2137A 2SD2138 2SD2138A 2SD2139 2SD2140 2SD2144S 2SD2145 2SD2145M 2SD2148 oc*noi »n 2SD2150 2SD2151 2SD2152 2SD2154 2SD2156 2SD2156A 2SD2157 2SD2157A 2SD2158

    OCR Scan
    2SD2133 2SD2134 2SD2135 2SD2136 2SD2137 2SD2137A 2SD2138 2SD2138A 2SD2156 T0-220Fa) 2SD2172 2SD2165 2SD2152 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Transistors • SPT Package Most commonly used leaded type transistors. They are taped to be fully compatible with automatic chip mounting lines. Part No. Application PNP Low noise VCEO V lc (A) Pc (W) Ta=25“C hR E Width Circuit Diagram Rank code

    OCR Scan
    2SA933AS 2SA854S 2SA1515S 2SA1585S 2SA821S 2SA830S 2SC1740S 2SC1741S 2SC1741AS 2SC3359S strobo PDF