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    3414 TRANSISTOR Search Results

    3414 TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    3414 TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 2N3416
    Text: 2N3414 2N3415 2N3416 2N3417 MPS3414 MPS3415 MPS3416 MPS3417 SILICON NPN TRANSISTORS w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 2N3414, MPS3414 series devices are silicon NPN transistors, manufactured by the epitaxial planar process, designed for general

    2N3414 2N3415 2N3416 2N3417 MPS3414 MPS3415 MPS3416 MPS3417 2N3414, 2n3414 2N3416 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2n3415 2N3414 transistor 2n3414 MPS-3417 transistor 2N3416 2n3417 2N3416 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor to92 3414
    Text: 2N3414 2N3415 2N3416 2N3417 MPS3414 MPS3415 MPS3416 MPS3417 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 2N3414, MPS3414 series types are NPN silicon transistors, manufactured by the epitaxial planar process, designed for general

    2N3414 2N3415 2N3416 2N3417 MPS3414 MPS3415 MPS3416 MPS3417 2N3414, transistor 2n3415 transistor 2n3414 MPS-3417 transistor 2N3416 2n3417 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor to92 3414 PDF


    Abstract: transistor Bc 540 NPN transistor 2n 3904 transistor 2N 3904 2907pn NPN transistor 2n 3906 2N3702P 2N 3904 transistor transistor 2n 2N3415
    Text: general purpose transistors — plastic case transistors usage général — boîtier plastique Type NPN M ax im u m ratings PIMP Ptot Characteristics at 25 °C VcEO h21E min 2N 3414 2 N 3 4 15 2N 3416 2 N 3 4 17 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 10/

    OCR Scan
    2N3415 2N3711 30duit BC 540 TRANSISTOR transistor Bc 540 NPN transistor 2n 3904 transistor 2N 3904 2907pn NPN transistor 2n 3906 2N3702P 2N 3904 transistor transistor 2n PDF

    TMS 1024

    Abstract: PW01 nc702 PW02 SN7400 TYP 3412 MOS LSI Design 3414
    Text: MOS LSI TMS 3412 JC, NC, TMS 3413 LC, NC; TMS 3414 LC. NC 1024-BIT DYNAMIC SHIFT REGISTER features 0.01-MHz to 6 -MHz operation Low power dissipation Open-drain output buffer D TL, T T L compatible Low clock capacitance 70 pF typ Low-threshold silicon-gate multilevel technology

    OCR Scan
    1024-BIT 01-MHz 2x512 fsN7400 SN7400 TMS 1024 PW01 nc702 PW02 SN7400 TYP 3412 MOS LSI Design 3414 PDF


    Abstract: ic tms 1000
    Text: MOS LSI TMS 3412 JC. NC; TM S 3413 LC. NC; TMS 3414 LC. NC 1024-BIT DYNAMIC SHIFT REGISTER features 5 3> • 0.01-MHz to 6-MHz operation • Low power dissipation • Open-drain output buffer • D T L , T T L compatible • Low clock capacitance 70 pF typ

    OCR Scan
    1024-BIT 01-MHz MS3414 ic tms 1000 PDF


    Abstract: MPS3414 MPS3415 2N3414 2N3416 2N3417 MPS3416 MPS3417 3414 TRANSISTOR 2n3415 transistor
    Text: Datasheet 2N3414 2N3415 2N3416 2N3417 MPS3414 'MPS34.15 MPS3416 MPS3417 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 JEDEC T0-92 CASE* M anufacturers of W orld C lass Discrete S em iconductors

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    2N3414 MPS3414 2N3415 MPS3415 2N3416 MP53416 2N3417 MPS3417 2N3414, MPS3414 MPS3415 MPS3416 MPS3417 3414 TRANSISTOR 2n3415 transistor PDF


    Abstract: sc 107 b BC190B BC190 BC140 BC 241 bo 139 BC107 2N3708 2N3707
    Text: Silicon NPN transistors, general purpose continued Tamb = 25 <>C Transistors N P N silicium, usage général (suite) <5 v CEO Case ^tot (mW) (V) h2 lE VcER* h2 lE * VCE X ° min >C v CEsat (V) max ImA} ft (ns) (MHz) 'off* max max l C/lB (mA> min TSi 76 Page

    OCR Scan
    BC140 BTO18 sc 107 b BC190B BC190 BC 241 bo 139 BC107 2N3708 2N3707 PDF

    transistor Bc 540

    Abstract: transistor BC 341-6 transistor BC 660 transistor 3702 transistor 3707 transistor 2n 2222 transistor Bc 7 NPN transistor 2n 3904 transistors BC 225 transistor BC 310
    Text: general purpose transistor selector guide — plastic case guide de sélection transistors usage général — boîtier plastique tho m so n -c s f Case ^ ^ ^ 1 0 Polarity 92 CB-1% NPN PNP NPN PNP NPN 0,8.1 A 0,4.0,6 A « 0 ,2 A PNP v CEO 20 V B Ç 2 3 8 .

    OCR Scan
    BCW94 transistor Bc 540 transistor BC 341-6 transistor BC 660 transistor 3702 transistor 3707 transistor 2n 2222 transistor Bc 7 NPN transistor 2n 3904 transistors BC 225 transistor BC 310 PDF


    Abstract: rca application notes RFP12N10 pt 4115 TA9284 AN7260 AN7254 RFM12N08 RFM12N10 RFP12N08
    Text: Standard Power MOSFETs RFM12N08, RFM12N10, RFP12N08, RFP12N10 File N um ber 1386 N-Channel Enhancernent-Mode Power Field-Effect Transistors 12 A, 80 and 100 V TdS o n ' 0.2 f i Features: • SOA is power-dissipation lim ited ■ Nanosecond switching speeds

    OCR Scan
    RFM12N08, RFM12N10, RFP12N08, RFP12N10 92CS-3374I RFM12N08 RFM12N10 RFP1I2N08 RFM12N18, 12n08 rca application notes pt 4115 TA9284 AN7260 AN7254 RFP12N08 PDF


    Abstract: transistor MPSA06 NPN Transistor TO92 2N3391A 2N3904 TO-92 type transistor 2n3903 2N2924 ges3 2N2926-5 2N3390
    Text: - THOriSON/ DISTRIBUTOR SñE D m T05t,ñ?3 0005737 • TCSK Discrete Transistors Small-Signal Bipolar Transistors In O rder of Ascending I q NPN Signal Transistor Selector Guide NPN Signal Transistor Selector Guide (M ax.) In A v (BR)CEO (M in.)

    OCR Scan
    1CJ5bfl73 2N3390 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N2926-5 2N3391 2N3391A 2N3392 TO-98 transistor MPSA06 NPN Transistor TO92 2N3904 TO-92 type transistor 2n3903 ges3 PDF


    Abstract: 2n4424 2N5825 2N6015 2N6000 GET2222A 2n524 2N5309 2N6006 d33025
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V c E O '~ '\ „ ^ I V oltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA ra p GET706 GET708 to GET914 GET3013 GET3646 HPH : 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 75mA 75mA t] 800mA NPN PNP 2NB001 2NWQ3 2N6000 2N6002 2N6001 2N6003 pn p

    OCR Scan
    50/iA 800mA GET706 GET708 GET914 GET3013 GET3646 GE1705 CET708 2n6004 2n4424 2N5825 2N6015 2N6000 GET2222A 2n524 2N5309 2N6006 d33025 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3403 2N4256 2N3405 2N4425 2N4424 2N2926 029e1 2N5356 2N6000
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V c E O '~ '\ „ ^ I V oltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA rap GET706 GET708 to GET914 GET3013 GET3646 HPH : 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 75mA 75mA t] 800mA PNP NPN pn p GET3014 GET3S3B GET3638A GET3638 GET3638A

    OCR Scan
    50/iA 800mA GET706 GET708 GET914 GET3013 GET3646 GE1705 CET708 2N3856 2N3403 2N4256 2N3405 2N4425 2N4424 2N2926 029e1 2N5356 2N6000 PDF

    BC 641

    Abstract: bc 207 npn BC190 bu 1011 ET 3005 h21e BU 208 BC140 BC190B bc107
    Text: Silicon N PN transistors, general purpose continued Tam b = 25 <>C Transistors N P N silicium, usage général (suite) <5 v CEO Case ^tot (mW) (V) h2 lE VcER* h2 lE * VCE X ° min >C v CEsat (V) max ImA} ft (ns) (MHz) 'off* max max l C/lB (mA> min TSi 76

    OCR Scan

    2N2712 advanced

    Abstract: 2N2926 equivalent 2N3405 2N2924 equivalent 2N2925 equivalent 2N3404 2N3416 equivalent n3860 2N2713 2N2714
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-98 PACKAGE b v CEO Device Type @ 10m A V M in.-M ax. @ I c , V c e (V) (V) Max. @ 2N2711 2N 2712 2N 2713 2N 2714 2N 2923 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 18“ 18 18 18 25 2N 2924 2N 2925 2N 2926 2N 3390 2N3391

    OCR Scan
    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 2N2712 advanced 2N2926 equivalent 2N3405 2N2924 equivalent 2N2925 equivalent 2N3404 2N3416 equivalent n3860 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2925 n3860 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2926
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-98 PACKAGE b v CEO Device Type @ 10m A V M in.-M ax. @ I c , V c e (V) (V) Max. @ 2N2711 2N 2712 2N 2713 2N 2714 2N 2923 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 18“ 18 18 18 25 2N 2924 2N 2925 2N 2926 2N 3390 2N3391

    OCR Scan
    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 2N3397 n3860 PDF


    Abstract: 2N6000 2n3960a 2N5998 2N6006 2N6015 2N60C 2N6002 2n8004 GET3014
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V c E O '~ '\ „ ^ I V oltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA ra p GET706 GET708 to GET914 GET3013 GET3646 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 40 GET2221A GET2222A 2N 6004 2N 6006 2N6010 2N6012 50 60 GET»29 60 GET24S4

    OCR Scan
    50/iA 800mA GET706 GET708 GET914 GET3013 GET3646 GE1705 CET708 2N6008 2N6000 2n3960a 2N5998 2N6006 2N6015 2N60C 2N6002 2n8004 GET3014 PDF

    2N3417 equivalent

    Abstract: 2N2221-2N2222 2N2222A npn transistor transistor 2n5174 IC TC 3588 beta transistor 2N2222 1n9148 2N4424 2N4424 equivalent 2N3416 equivalent
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V c E O '~ '\ „ ^ I V oltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA rap GET706 GET708 to GET914 GET3013 GET3646 HPH : 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 75mA 75mA t] 800mA PNP NPN pnp GET3014 GET3S3B GET3638A GET3638 GET3638A

    OCR Scan
    50/iA 800mA GET706 GET708 GET914 GET3013 GET3646 GE1705 CET708 2N3417 equivalent 2N2221-2N2222 2N2222A npn transistor transistor 2n5174 IC TC 3588 beta transistor 2N2222 1n9148 2N4424 2N4424 equivalent 2N3416 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: 2N3859A 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N3390
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-98 PACKAGE Device Type b v CEO @ 10m A V hFE V M in.-M ax. @ I c , V 2N 2711 2N 2712 2N 2713 2N 2714 2N 2923 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 18“ 18 18 18 25 2N 2924 2N 2925 2N 2926 2N 3390 2N3391 NPN NPN NPN

    OCR Scan
    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 2N3859A PDF


    Abstract: 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-98 PACKAGE b v CEO Device Type @ 10m A V V C E (SA T ) hF E M in.-M ax. @ I c , V 2N 2711 2N 2712 2N 2713 2N 2714 2N 2923 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 18“ 18 18 18 25 2N 2924 2N 2925 2N 2926 2N 3390 2N3391

    OCR Scan
    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 2N3662 PDF


    Abstract: B632K d612k 2sc1175 8Q transistor d612 2SB632 2SB632K 341G 2SB6
    Text: Ordering' number; EN341G 2SB632.632K/2SD612.612K N 0 .3 4 IG PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors SAXYO i 25V/35V, 2A Low-Frequency Power Amp Applications F eatures • High collector dissipation and wide ASO. : 2SB632,632K A b solu te M axim um R atings at Ta = 25°C

    OCR Scan
    EN341G 2SB632 632K/2SD612 5V/35V, 2SB632, 2SB632K, D612K 10hAJe 2sc536 B632K d612k 2sc1175 8Q transistor d612 2SB632K 341G 2SB6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TECHNICAL TERMS EXPLANATION 1. Maximum Rating of Operational Amplifier 1-1. Supply Voltage : | V+ — V- | It is the stipulation o f maximum voltage to be able to apply on, between positive and negative power supply pins of the operationl amplifier. However, in the case of single supply voltage operation, the applied voltage is only to be

    OCR Scan
    NJM4558 NJM4559 NJM4560 NJM4562 NJM4556 NJM2041 NJM2043 300il PDF

    f 4558 operational amplifier

    Abstract: NJM0828 NJM4560
    Text: TECHNICAL TERMS EXPLANATION 1. Maximum Rating of Operational Amplifier 1-1. Supply Voltage : | V+ — V ' | It is the stipulation o f m aximum voltage to be able to apply on, between positive and negative power supply pins of the operationl amplifier. However, in the case of single supply voltage operation, the applied voltage is only to be

    OCR Scan
    NJM4558 NJM4559 NJM4560 NJM4562 NJM4556 NJM2041 NJM2043 f 4558 operational amplifier NJM0828 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5816 2N3856 2N3638A 2N5822 2N6000 2N6002 GET3014 GET3638 GET706
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V c E O '~ '\ „ ^ I V oltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA ra p GET706 GET708 to GET914 GET3013 GET3646 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 40 GET2221A GET2222A 2N 6004 2N 6006 2N6010 2N6012 50 60 GET»29 60 GET24S4

    OCR Scan
    50/iA 800mA GET706 GET708 GET914 GET3013 GET3646 GE1705 CET708 2N6016 2N5816 2N3856 2N3638A 2N5822 2N6000 2N6002 GET3014 GET3638 PDF


    Abstract: p3n60 TP3N55 3n60 MOSFEt 3n60 transistor 3N55 mtp3n55 3N60
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M TM 3N60 M T P 3N 55 M T P 3N 60 Designer's Data Sheet Power Field Effect Transistor N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TM OS TM O S POWER FETs 3 AMPERES rDS on = 2 5 OH M S 550 and 600 VOLTS These TM O S P ow er FETs are designed fo r high vo ltag e , high

    OCR Scan
    MTM/MTP3N60, MTP3N55 TP3N60 p3n60 TP3N55 3n60 MOSFEt 3n60 transistor 3N55 mtp3n55 3N60 PDF