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    Abstract: cross reference 4533 UT7Q512
    Text: UTMC Application Note A Radiation Tolerant 4M SRAM for Space Applications Abstract Total ionizing dose and heavy ion single event effects data are presented for a radiation tolerant 100ns 4M SRAM UT7Q512 . The SRAM is shown to be resistant to between 20 and 35krad(Si) of total dose radiation (depending on the particular lot examined) at a relatively high dose rate of 46rad(Si)/s. The SRAM is

    100ns UT7Q512) 35krad 46rad 128MeV-cm 10-year 88-Inch NS-30, NS-29, 736e-02 cross reference 4533 UT7Q512 PDF

    rom radiation

    Abstract: 80c32e 80C52 80C52E 80c52 basic 40Krad
    Text: Evaluation Report Radiation Tolerance of the 80C32E/80C52E by Thierry CORBIERE Abstract The radiation tolerant version of the 8-bit micro controller 80C32E/80C52E has been tested against the two major concerns of the outer space environment, total dose and heavy ions.

    80C32E/80C52E 80C32E/80C52E 30Krad 30Mhz 80C32E. 80C52E rom radiation 80c32e 80C52 80c52 basic 40Krad PDF


    Abstract: 67025E TM1019 RAM SEU
    Text: DPR SCMOS2 Technology Dual Port RAM 8K16 Tolerance to Radiation Abstract This paper proposes a review of the data gathered during radiation testing for the 8Kx16 dual port RAM manufactured using the Radiation Tolerant version of the 0.6µm SCMOS2/2 technology. Both Upset sensitivity

    8Kx16 50Krad 10Krad 35Krad NT94055, 9849/92/NL, krad 67025E TM1019 RAM SEU PDF


    Abstract: 73E-08 80C52E 80C52 rom radiation 0.8um cmos 87E-08
    Text: SCMOS1 SCMOS1 Technology 80C32E/80C52E Microcontrollers – Tolerance to Radiation Abstract The radiation tolerant version of the 8–bit micro controller 80C32E/80C52E has been tested against the two major concerns of the outer space environment, total dose and heavy ions. 30Krad Si , 30MHz and latch–up

    80C32E/80C52E 30Krad 30MHz 80C32E. 80C32E 30MHz, 80C52E 73E-08 80C52 rom radiation 0.8um cmos 87E-08 PDF


    Abstract: transistor study Marconi radiation hard
    Text: Investigations of Dose Rate Effects on CMOS Submicronic Technologies Thierry CORBIERE 1 – Jean Louis VENTURIN(2) MATRA MHS, Nantes France (2) CNES, Toulouse France (1) Abstract Majority of the TOTAL DOSE evaluations of MOS devices are made by using Cobalt 60 sources at dose rates

    300Krad Dose transistor study Marconi radiation hard PDF

    Marconi radiation hard

    Abstract: hm65656 transistor study
    Text: Dose Rate Effects Investigations of Dose Rate Effects on CMOS Submicronic Technologies Thierry CORBIERE 1 – Jean Louis VENTURIN(2) MATRA MHS, Nantes France (2) CNES, Toulouse France (1) Abstract Majority of the TOTAL DOSE evaluations of MOS devices are made by using Cobalt 60 sources at dose rates

    300Krad Marconi radiation hard hm65656 transistor study PDF


    Abstract: TM1019 Single Supply Operation cross SCC22900
    Text: SCMOS1/2 SCMOS1/2 Technology FIFO Family up to 72Kbit – Tolerance to Radiation 1. Abstract This paper proposes a review of the data gathered during heavy ion testing for the First In First Out RAM manufactured using the Radiation Tolerant version of the

    72Kbit) 50Krad 35Krad EHR95056, 9849/92/NL, 11Mars Dose TM1019 Single Supply Operation cross SCC22900 PDF


    Abstract: TM1019 79br
    Text: Evaluation Report SCMOS1/2 Radiation Tolerant Technology FIFO Family up to 72Kbit Tolerance to Radiation by Thierry CORBIERE (1) Work partially funded by French Space Agency [1] Abstract This paper proposes a review of the data gathered during heavy ion testing for the First In First Out

    72Kbit) 50Krad 35Krad january92 EHR95056, 9849/92/NL, 35CL TM1019 79br PDF


    Abstract: TM1019
    Text: Evaluation Report SCMOS2 Radiation Tolerant Technology Dual Port RAM 8Kx16 Tolerance to Radiation by Thierry CORBIERE 1 Work partially funded by French Space Agency [1] Abstract This paper proposes a review of the data gathered during radiation testing for the 8Kx16 dual port

    8Kx16 NT94055, 9849/92/NL, TM1019 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fllL Micro Linear ^ June 1996 PRELIMINARY ML6311 3V /5V Read Channel Back-end Processor GEN ERAL D ESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6311 is a BiCMOS Read Channel Back-end Processor IC w hich is one half o f the disk read channel chipset from M ic ro Linear, intended for the next

    OCR Scan
    ML6311 L6310 VC02C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: June 1996 PRELIMINARY % M iefo Linear ML6013 3.5" R/W MOD Read Channel Back-end Processor GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6013 is a Read Channel Back-end processor for 3.5“ Rewritable Magneto-Optical drives MOD . It works in conjunction with the ML6012 Read Channel Front-end

    OCR Scan
    ML6013 ML6012 ML6013 ML6013CH 32-Pin ML601 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: June 1996 PRELIM INARY ^Ék Micro Linear ML6013 3.5" R/W MOD Read Channel Back-end Processor GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6013 is a Read Channel Back-end processor for 3.5" Rewritable Magneto-Optical drives M OD . It works in conjunction with the M L6012 Read Channel Front-end

    OCR Scan
    ML6013 ML6013 L6012 PDF


    Abstract: l6310 st
    Text: May 1994 PRELIM IN ARY M icro Linear ML6311 3V/5V Read Channel Back-end Processor GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6311 is a BiCM O S Read Channel Back-end Processor IC w hich is one half of the disk read channel chipset from Micro Linear, intended for the next

    OCR Scan
    ML6311 ML6311 L6310 32-pin 22pff l6310 st PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: October 1994 PRELIMINARY M icro Linear ML6013 3.5" R/W M O D Read Channel Back-end Processor GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6013 is a Read Channel Back-end processor for 3.5" Rewritable Magneto-Optical drives MOD . It works in conjunction with the ML6012 Read Channel Front-end

    OCR Scan
    ML6013 300mW 32-pin 20MHz) 20MHz 20-pin 300mW, 15Ki2 vc03 PDF


    Abstract: Linear-11
    Text: June 1996 PR ELIM IN A R Y fllL M icro Linear ^ ML6013 3.5" R/W MOD Read Channel Back-end Processor GEN ERAL D ESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML601 3 is a Read Channel Back-end processor for 3.5" Rewritable M agneto-Optical drives M O D . It w orks in conjunction with the M L60 1 2 Read Channel Front-end

    OCR Scan
    ML6013 ML601 l6012 Linear-11 PDF