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    4027 ITT Search Results

    4027 ITT Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    840272AGILF Renesas Electronics Corporation Synchronous Ethernet Frequency Translator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    840271BGILF Renesas Electronics Corporation Synchronous Ethernet Frequency Translator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    6V40277DCGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Serially Programmable Clock Source for Freescale Systems Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    840272AGILFT Renesas Electronics Corporation Synchronous Ethernet Frequency Translator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CD4027BKMSR Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS Dual J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flop Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    SF Impression Pixel

    4027 ITT Price and Stock

    Micron Technology Inc MT25QL512ABB8ESF-0SIT

    NOR Flash SPI 512Mbit 4 3 Volts 16/16 SOIC 1
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MT25QL512ABB8ESF-0SIT 13,176
    • 1 $6.72
    • 10 $6.2
    • 100 $5.49
    • 1000 $5.18
    • 10000 $5.18
    Buy Now

    Micron Technology Inc MT25QU01GBBB8E12-0SIT

    NOR Flash SPI 1Gbit 4 1.8 Volts 24/25 TBGA 2
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MT25QU01GBBB8E12-0SIT 6,604
    • 1 $14.94
    • 10 $13.27
    • 100 $11.27
    • 1000 $10.9
    • 10000 $10.9
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    Micron Technology Inc MT25QL01GBBB8ESF-0SIT

    NOR Flash SPI 1Gbit 4 3 Volts 16/16 SOIC 2
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MT25QL01GBBB8ESF-0SIT 4,508
    • 1 $12.01
    • 10 $11.12
    • 100 $9.52
    • 1000 $9.28
    • 10000 $9.28
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    Micron Technology Inc MT25QU512ABB8ESF-0SIT

    NOR Flash SPI 512Mbit 4 1.8 Volts 16/16 SOIC 1
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MT25QU512ABB8ESF-0SIT 4,352
    • 1 $7.77
    • 10 $6.9
    • 100 $5.86
    • 1000 $5.33
    • 10000 $5.33
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    Micron Technology Inc MT25QU01GBBB8ESF-0SIT TR

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MT25QU01GBBB8ESF-0SIT TR 3,422
    • 1 $12.01
    • 10 $11.12
    • 100 $9.55
    • 1000 $9.28
    • 10000 $9.28
    Buy Now

    4027 ITT Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    4027 data sheet

    Abstract: 4027 pin diagram 14027 4027 4027 3D
    Text: 'I 4027-2 /4027-3/4027-4-F,l,N D E S C R IP TIO N FEATURES T h e 4 0 2 7 is fa b ric a te d w ith n -c h a n n e l s ili­ c o n g a te te c h n o lo g y f o r h ig h p e r fo rm a n c e a n d h ig h fu n c tio n a l d e n s ity , a n d u ses a s in g le tr a n s is to r d y n a m ic s to ra g e c e ll a n d

    OCR Scan
    4027-3/4027-4-F 16-pin -40ns. 4027 data sheet 4027 pin diagram 14027 4027 4027 3D PDF

    4093 BP

    Abstract: cd 4093 equivalent V40098D V40511D 40511 4017 BP MC 4011 BCP MC 4093 ZUD 132 ci 4093 equivalent
    Text: i iriilk if^ B c lG l-c te n a n il-i Übersicht CMOS-Schaltkreise CMOS-IC’s Übersicht CMOS-Schaltkreise - CMOS-IC’s V4001 D V 4007 D V4011 D V 4012 D V 4013 D V4015D V4017D V4019D V 4023 D V 4027 D V 4028 D V 4029 D V 4030 D V 4034 D V 4035 D V 4042

    OCR Scan
    V4001 V4011 V4015D V4017D V4019D V4051 4093 BP cd 4093 equivalent V40098D V40511D 40511 4017 BP MC 4011 BCP MC 4093 ZUD 132 ci 4093 equivalent PDF

    4027 ram

    Abstract: 4027-3 ITT 4027 pin diagram 4027 4027 ttl 56482
    Text: Signetics Memories - R A M 4027-4096 Bit Dynamic RA M C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N T h e 4 0 2 7 is fabricated with n-channe! silicon gate tech­ nology fo r high perform ance and high functional density, and uses a single transistor d ynam ic storage cell and

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    16-pin 4027 ram 4027-3 ITT 4027 pin diagram 4027 4027 ttl 56482 PDF


    Abstract: u125d UB8820M ub 8820 u880 UL7211D ub 8840 MC 4011 BCP U806D UB8840M
    Text: in n flkän X □ n i Typenübersicht TkinOBOM 0D30p Fertigungsprogram m n pOH3BOACTBeHHaa nporpaMMa Das vorliegende H eft soll dem Zweck dienen, U e/ibto npeflCTaB/ieHHOM npocneKTa-TeipaAn AB/iaeTcs» einen Überblick über das Erzeugnissortim enten H a lb ­

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    0D30p R-5023 UB8830D u125d UB8820M ub 8820 u880 UL7211D ub 8840 MC 4011 BCP U806D UB8840M PDF


    Abstract: purpose of IC 4027 5T4029
    Text: TYPES A5T4026 TH R U A5T4029, A8T4026 TH R U A8T4029 P-N-P S ILIC O N TR A N S IS TO R S B U L L E T IN N O . D L -S 7 3 1 2 0 0 2 , M A R C H 1 9 7 3 SILECTt TRANSISTORS* FOR GENERAL PURPOSE APPLICATIONS • • • High V BR CEO •■80 V Min (A5T4027, A5T4029, A8T4027, A8T4029)

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    A5T4026 A5T4029, A8T4026 A8T4029 L-STD-202C, A5T4027, A8T4027, A8T4029) A5T4028 purpose of IC 4027 5T4029 PDF


    Abstract: 4033 tdk 4029 IC 2N4033 ic 4026 IC 4029
    Text: TYPES 2N4026 THRU 2N4033 P-N-P SILICON TRANSISTORS B U L L E T IN N O . D L S 731 1 9 8 2 , M A R C H 1973 M E D IU M POWER P-N-P TRAN SISTO RS FOR CO M PUTER M E M O R Y APPLICATIO N S • Increased Dissipation at 2 5 °C Case Temperature . . . 10 W Max 2N 4030 thru 2N 4033

    OCR Scan
    2N4026 2N4033 2HAQ26 4033 tdk 4029 IC ic 4026 IC 4029 PDF


    Abstract: ELLS 110 Mostek MK4096 MK4096 ram MK4027 MKB4027-83 MKB4027-84 IX-11
    Text: MOSTEK AT 4096 x 1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM Processed to MIL-STD-883, Method 5004, Class B MKB4027 J -83/84 FEATURES □ Extended operating tem perature range (-55 °C < < +85°C) □ Improved perform ance w ith "gated C A S ," "RAS o n ly " refresh and page mode capability

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    MIL-STD-883, MKB4027 16-pin MK4096 200ns 375ns 250ns 467mW MOSTEK MEMORY ELLS 110 Mostek MK4096 ram MK4027 MKB4027-83 MKB4027-84 IX-11 PDF


    Abstract: Transistor MP 1715 transistor 14026 mj 14024 SCA14025 SCA14028 NPN 25 Amps POWER TRANSISTOR to63
    Text: Selection Guide Application This series of silicon, NPN, power switching transistors were designed for high reliability use in power switches, inverters, motor controls, display systems, pulse modulators, servos, and process controls. Part No. VCEO Pkg. SCA 14024

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    SCA14025 -10lb2 14027 Transistor MP 1715 transistor 14026 mj 14024 SCA14028 NPN 25 Amps POWER TRANSISTOR to63 PDF

    itt 4116

    Abstract: itt capacitors 4116 memory 4116 ITT IC 4027 pin diagram 4116 4027 itt ITT SEMICONDUCTORS ITT4
    Text: ITT4116 16384-Bit Dynamic Random Access Memory 7-8 PHONb: 415 961-8121 TWX: (910) 379-6497 1121 SAN ANTONIO ROAD PALO ALTO, CALIF. 94303 TTT * 1 semiconductors * ITT4116 16384-Bit Dynamic Random Access Memory Features - Industry standard 16 pin DIP - 150 ns access time (ITT 4116-2)

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    ITT4116 16384-Bit ITT4116 6251-121-5E itt 4116 itt capacitors 4116 memory 4116 ITT IC 4027 pin diagram 4116 4027 itt ITT SEMICONDUCTORS ITT4 PDF


    Abstract: 74L04 pin out diagram of CD4027 74l74 CD4027 application note design a BCD counter using j-k flipflop cd4027 cd4025 74c926 equivalent CD4027 applications
    Text: MM1ER51L ICL8052/80 53 3V* Digit ICL8052A/8053A(4V2Digit) Precision Chip Pairs for A / D Conversion FEATURES • Accuracy high enough for ±40,000 count instruments • Priced low enough to compete with 3-1/2 digit DPM/DVM pairs • One basic circuit for an entire family of DVMs

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    ICL8052/8053 ICL8052A/8053A ICL8052CPD ICL8052CDD ICL8052ACPD ICL8052ACDD ICL8053CPD MM74C926-4 ICL8052 ICL8068 74C926 74L04 pin out diagram of CD4027 74l74 CD4027 application note design a BCD counter using j-k flipflop cd4027 cd4025 74c926 equivalent CD4027 applications PDF

    Photo interrupter application notes

    Abstract: "Photo Interrupter" Application Note HOA0902-12 quadrature encoder circuit trackball optical POSITION DECODER ENCODER .300" slot optical interrupter
    Text: Application Note Optical Encoding with HOA0901 and HOA0902 Series Optical Encoder Assemblies OPTICAL ENCODER OVERVIEW HOA0901 -11 and H O A 0902-11 PCB m ount assem bly HOA0901 and H O A0902 Series Optical Encoders provide relative, increm ental position and direction

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    HOA0901 HOA0902 A0902 Photo interrupter application notes "Photo Interrupter" Application Note HOA0902-12 quadrature encoder circuit trackball optical POSITION DECODER ENCODER .300" slot optical interrupter PDF

    6MB 125 S-1 2 0 l

    Abstract: 500C 6MBI10S-120
    Text: X This m a terial and ihe Inlormeticn herein is he property of Fuji Etectnc C o Kd They sha« be neither «^produced, co p ie d lem . or disclosed in any way w h atso ever for the use of a n y third party.nor used for the manufacturing purposes w ith o u t

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    0GG53DD H04-004-07 Jan-29- H04-004-03 DDG53D7 H04-004-03 6MB 125 S-1 2 0 l 500C 6MBI10S-120 PDF


    Abstract: 4389
    Text: PHILIPS IAW 43-89 RECTANGULAR TELEVISION PICTURE TUBE In all-glass construc­ tion with short neck, electrostatic focusing and 1 1 0 ° magnetic deflection TUBE IMAGE DE TELEVISION RECTANGULAIRE de construction tout verre avec col court, concentration électrostatique et

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    AW43-89 AW43-89 4389 PDF

    ferranti array

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MH SERIES FERRANTI INTERDESIGN, INC. HIGH VOLTAGE SILICON GATE CMOS ARRAYS FEATURES • Oxide Isolated Polysilicon Gate CM OS Technology. • 3V to 15V Specified Operating Voltage. • Operation up to 40MHz at 15V, 15MHz at 5V. • 8 Arrays Ranging from 70 to 1600 Two Input

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    40MHz 15MHz ferranti array PDF

    cmos 4000 series

    Abstract: mhb 4011 cmos 4016 transistor 2248 CMOS 4024 with truth table working of IC 4017 MH 7400 4017-DECADE COUNTER mhb 4013 MHB 4012
    Text: - ¿V 'V â - -—• c^ö ö 0 0 5388 FERRANTI INTERDESIGN, INC. . " . H I ^^M ffS E R IE S HIGH VOLTAGE SILICON GATE CMOS ARRAYS FEATURES • Oxide Isolated Polysilicon Gate CM OS Technology. • 3V to 15V Specified Operating Voltage. • Operation up to 40MHz at 15V, 15M Hz at 5V.

    OCR Scan
    40MHz 15MHz cmos 4000 series mhb 4011 cmos 4016 transistor 2248 CMOS 4024 with truth table working of IC 4017 MH 7400 4017-DECADE COUNTER mhb 4013 MHB 4012 PDF

    sla 4038

    Abstract: 4008 ic for 8bit full adder 4094 bp 4014 bp 2W21 sla 4051 IC4116 4068 BP tc 4030 IC 4093 bp
    Text: ¡7] 1. C2MOS Standard Package Components Features o f The C 2MOS 1 The TC4xxxB Series C2MOS are designed and manufactured with the ratings and characteristics defined by the EIA/JEDEC standards. Specifically, these include basic requirements such as: Compatibility with wide supply voltage range. (3V to 18V)

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    TC74HxER 12-STATE sla 4038 4008 ic for 8bit full adder 4094 bp 4014 bp 2W21 sla 4051 IC4116 4068 BP tc 4030 IC 4093 bp PDF

    Aromat TQ2E-5V

    Abstract: TQ2E-5V l4097 VAC-T60403 TQ2E aromat relay diodo Zener 4.1v dr 25 germanium diode LIMING RELAY T60403-L4096
    Text: CMOS ST-BUS FAMILY IVIITEL MT8930C Subscrib S E M IC O N D U C T O R Features • ISSUE3 ETS 300-012, C C ITT 1.430 and ANSI T 1 .605 S/T interface O rdering Inform ation MT8930CE 28 Pin Plastic DIP MT8930CP 44 Pin PLCC -40°C to +85°C Full-duplex 2B+D, 192 kbit/s transm ission

    OCR Scan
    MT8930C General-10 Aromat TQ2E-5V TQ2E-5V l4097 VAC-T60403 TQ2E aromat relay diodo Zener 4.1v dr 25 germanium diode LIMING RELAY T60403-L4096 PDF

    Halbleiterbauelemente DDR

    Abstract: transistor vergleichsliste u82720 Datenblattsammlung VEB mikroelektronik aktive elektronische bauelemente ddr mikroelektronik datenblattsammlung je 3055 Motorola mikroelektronik DDR Transistor Vergleichsliste DDR
    Text: íx}i3í iu ]9n;g'q s p o s i l i o j p j S j © DNmiAf W¥S±±na N31¥Q >l!UDüq>|! ZUR B E A C H T U N G Die vorliegenden Datenblätter beinhalten ausführliche technische Angaben von aktiven elektronischen Bauelementen des in den "Listen Elektronischer Bauelemente und Bausteine" LEB)

    OCR Scan
    R-1035 Halbleiterbauelemente DDR transistor vergleichsliste u82720 Datenblattsammlung VEB mikroelektronik aktive elektronische bauelemente ddr mikroelektronik datenblattsammlung je 3055 Motorola mikroelektronik DDR Transistor Vergleichsliste DDR PDF


    Abstract: 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC ic 4583 schmitt trigger core bit excess 3 adder using IC 7483 advantages for ic 7473 4 BIT COUNTER 74669 la 4508 ic schematic diagram XF107 74295 random number generator by using ic 4011 and 4017
    Text: General Features The SCxD4 series of high performance CMOS gate arrays offers the user the ability to realise customised VLSI inte­ grated circuits featuring the speed performance previously obtainable only with bipolar technologies whilst retaining all the advantages of CMOS technology; low power consum p­

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    SGS-ATES l120

    Abstract: National Semiconductor 4045 transistor bf 175 TAA611
    Text: PROFESSIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR INTRODUCTION This databook contains data sheets on the SGS-ATES range of linear, MOS and COS/MOS integrated circuits intended for professional applications. The information on each product has been specially presented in order that the

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    Abstract: 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC 74ls150 ph 4531 diode 4583 dual schmitt trigger ic D flip flop 7474 74245 BUFFER IC ic 7483 BCD adder data sheet ic 74139 Quad 2 input nand gate cd 4093
    Text: General Features The SCxD4 series of high perform ance CM O S gate arrays offers the user the ability to realise custom ised VLSI inte­ grated circuits featuring the speed perform ance previously obtainable only with bipo lar tech nolog ies whilst retaining all

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    434 289

    Abstract: 54175 S085 54151 gen 24lJ IPI04LJ NA220 DTB20
    Text: TGC100M MILITARY SERIES 1-/im CMOS GATE ARRAYS Release 2.0, A PR IL 1989 * AC PERFORMANCE TEST STRUCTURE Fully Characterized for M ilitary Applications — Product Fully Compliant w ith the Requirements of M IL -S T D -883 Paragraph 1.2.1 Is Available — Production Processing Is in Accordance

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    TGC100M 0010LJ LH110LJ 434 289 54175 S085 54151 gen 24lJ IPI04LJ NA220 DTB20 PDF

    VEB mikroelektronik

    Abstract: "Mikroelektronik" Heft GWS servo VEB Kombinat zf filter lm 7803 3V Positive Voltage Regulator E355D "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" mikroelektronik Heft U706D VQB71
    Text: H albleiter-B auelem ente Semiconductors D ie vorliegend e Übersicht en th ält in g ed rä n g te r Form d ie wichtigsten G renz- und Kenn­ d aten d e r in d er D D R g efertigten H a lb le ite rb au e le m e n te . Dem A n w en der soll durch diese Übersicht die Auswahl der jew eils in Frage kom menden

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: TAA 981 E25C5 TC8066PB sn 8400 sn 8408 selen-gleichrichter Halbleiterbauelemente DDR A109D SY 170
    Text: [ n r D D lk D ^ i^ B lB k f a n a n ilK Halbleiter-Bauelemente Kurzinformation D ie M ik ro e le k tro n ik e rw e is t sich in te rn a tio n a l m e h r u n d m eh r a ls e in e n ts c h e id e n d e r F a k to r be i d e r D u rc h s e tz u n g d e s w isse n s c h a ftlic h -te c h n is c h e n F o rts c h ritte s a lle r B ere ich e d e r W irts c h a ft un d

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