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    MOSTEK Datasheets (500)

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    MK2147-55 Mostek Memory Data Book and Designers Guide 1980 Scan PDF
    MK2147-70 Mostek Memory Data Book and Designers Guide 1980 Scan PDF
    MK2147-85 Mostek Memory Data Book and Designers Guide 1980 Scan PDF
    MK2147J-55 Mostek Memory Data Book and Designers Guide 1980 Scan PDF
    MK2147J-70 Mostek Memory Data Book and Designers Guide 1980 Scan PDF
    MK2147J-85 Mostek Memory Data Book and Designers Guide 1980 Scan PDF
    MK2716 Mostek 2K x 8 nMOS EPROM Memory Scan PDF
    MK2716-12 Mostek Memory Data Book and Designers Guide 1980 Scan PDF
    MK2716-5 Mostek Memory Data Book and Designers Guide 1980 Scan PDF
    MK2716-6 Mostek Memory Data Book and Designers Guide 1980 Scan PDF
    MK2716-7 Mostek Memory Data Book and Designers Guide 1980 Scan PDF
    MK2716-8 Mostek Memory Data Book and Designers Guide 1980 Scan PDF
    MK2716J-12 Mostek 2K x 8 nMOS EPROM Memory Scan PDF
    MK2716J-12 Mostek Memory Data Book and Designers Guide 1980 Scan PDF
    MK2716J-5 Mostek Memory Data Book and Designers Guide 1980 Scan PDF
    MK2716J-5 Mostek 2048 x 8 Bit EPROM Scan PDF
    MK2716J-5 Mostek 2K x 8 nMOS EPROM Memory Scan PDF

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    Abstract: MK4096 mostek mk4564
    Text: l! UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MEMORY COMPONENTS 65,536 x 1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MK4564 P/N/J/E -15/20 FEATURES o Extended DOUT hold using CAS control (Hidden Refresh) Recognized industry standard 16-pin configuration from Mostek o Common I/O capability using "early write"

    MK4564 16-pin IV-78 IV-79 MK4096 mostek mk4564 PDF


    Abstract: Mostek MK3880 MK3880 mostek microcomputer Mostek Technical Manual BOOK z80 manual mostek microcomputer Z80
    Text: Mostek Z80 PROCESSOR Technical Manual MK3880 Central Processing Unit 1979 MICROCOMPUTER COMPONENT DATA BOOK Page intentionally left blank (Page intentionally left blank ) (Page intentionally left blank ) (Page intentionally left blank ) (Page intentionally left blank )

    MK3880 Z80 PROCESSOR Mostek MK3880 MK3880 mostek microcomputer Mostek Technical Manual BOOK z80 manual mostek microcomputer Z80 PDF

    Zeropower ram MK48Z

    Abstract: MK48Z08B-20 MK48Z08B-25 mk48z08 MK48Z09B-20 TA-306 MK48Z18B-20 jis h 8502 MK48Z18 MK48Z09B-25
    Text: COMPONENTS 8K 8 ZEROPO W ER RAM MOSTEK MEMORY COM PONENTS □ Predicted Worst Case Battery Life of 11 years @ 70°C NC 1 c □ 28 < o o FEATURES A ,2 2 C n 27 w □ 26 NC \ O 4 O □ 25 Aa A5 5 □ □ 24 A„ A4 6 C □ 23 A„ G □ Data retention in th e absence of pow er

    OCR Scan
    MK48Z08/18/09/19 MK48Z09/19) MK48Z08/09) MK48Z08/09: MK48Z18/19: MK48Z08B-25 MK48Z08ein Zeropower ram MK48Z MK48Z08B-20 mk48z08 MK48Z09B-20 TA-306 MK48Z18B-20 jis h 8502 MK48Z18 MK48Z09B-25 PDF


    Abstract: 82588 generation circuit of manchester 1N914 MK5035N delay echo circuit diagram Industrial Products mostek Mostek counter
    Text: THOMSON MK5035N COMPONENTS Z S ta r L A N E N C O D E R D E C O D E R V MOSTEK C O M M U N IC A T IO N S P R O D U C T S FEATURES C C onform s w ith StarLAN specification. C Auto com pensation for line reversal. □ C om patible w ith M ostek M K68590 LAN C E and In­

    OCR Scan
    MK5035N MK68590 SEEQ8023. 66Mbps 82588 generation circuit of manchester 1N914 MK5035N delay echo circuit diagram Industrial Products mostek Mostek counter PDF

    Display hp 5082

    Abstract: Mostek MK3874 5082-7730 Industrial Products mostek 7218 Minco MOSTEK MEMORY MK50816 HP 5082
    Text: MOSTEK. l¥ INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS A /D Converter Dem o System The Mostek M K50816 can be used in an effective A /D Converter Demonstration System showing the simple interface between the M K50816 and a microcomputer. The microcomputer chosen is the Mostek MK3874 w ith the

    OCR Scan
    MK50816 MK3874 MK2716 MK50816. MK50816, MK3874, Display hp 5082 Mostek 5082-7730 Industrial Products mostek 7218 Minco MOSTEK MEMORY HP 5082 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNITED MICROELECTRONICS 3QE D UM 9S080/81 U M 95087 • ^35SflSa DDDD53fl D ■ T - One-Key Dialer Tone Dialer Features ■ Direct replacement for Mostek MK5087 ■ Operating voltage range: 3.5 to 10.0 Volts ■ Uses 3.58 MHz TV crystal to derive all frequencies,

    OCR Scan
    9S080/81 35SflSa DDDD53fl MK5087 MK5087 PDF


    Abstract: mostek MK4164 MK4116 MK4164 MK4096 MK4164-12 MK4516 MK4096 ram mostek system development board MK-4096
    Text: MOSTEK 65,536 x 1 -BIT DYNAMIC RAM M K 4164 N /E -12/15 FEATURES n C o m m o n I / O c a p a b ility u s in g " e a r ly w r i t e " □ R e c o g n iz e d in d u s tr y s ta n d a r d 1 6 -p in c o n fig u r a tio n □ R ead, W r ite , fro m M o s te k

    OCR Scan
    MK4164 16-pin 330mW 265ns 325ns MK4164-1 MK4116. MK4164-15 mostek MK4164 MK4116 MK4096 MK4164-12 MK4516 MK4096 ram mostek system development board MK-4096 PDF


    Abstract: MK4164 MK4516 MK4516-12 mostek MK4164 MK4116 MK4516-10 MK4516N MK4027
    Text: MOSTEK P R iL D U O lN l W 16,384 x 1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MK4516 N/E -10/12/15 FEATU R ES □ Ftecognlzed industry standard 16-pin configuration from M ostek O Read, W rite, Read-W rite, Read-M odify-W rite and Page-M ode capability □ S ingle +5V (± 10%) supply operation

    OCR Scan
    MK4516 16-pin 150mW 100ns 220ns MK4516-10) 120ns 250ns MK4516-12) 150ns MK4516-15 MK4164 MK4516-12 mostek MK4164 MK4116 MK4516-10 MK4516N MK4027 PDF


    Abstract: MKB2716-87 MK2716 MKB2716-88 MKB2716-90 Mostek
    Text: MOSTEK 2048 x 8-BIT UV ERASABLE PROM Processed to MIL-STD-883, Method 5004, Class B M K B 2 7 1 6 T /J -8 7 /8 8 /9 0 FEATURES □ Extended operating tem perature (~55°C =£ TA < 100°C) □ Replacement for popular 1024 x 8 bit 2708 type EPROM □ Single +5 volt power supply during READ operation

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-883, MKB2716 MKB2716-87 390ns MKB2716-88 450ns MKB2716-90 550ns MK2716T MK2716 Mostek PDF

    k4096 equivalent

    Abstract: transistor k4096 MK4096 ram K4096 WRITE THE FIVE IMPORTANT SPECIFICATION OF TRANSISTOR AC 126 MK4096 K4096 transistor MK4096-16 K4096 compatible MK4096-11
    Text: MOSTEK 4096x1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MK4096 K/N -6/16/11 FEATURES □ Industry standard 16-pin DIP configuration □ Inputs protected against static charge (available in plastic (N) and ceramic (K) packages) □ □ All inputs are low capacitance and T T L compatible

    OCR Scan
    MK4096 16-pin 16-pinm k4096 equivalent transistor k4096 MK4096 ram K4096 WRITE THE FIVE IMPORTANT SPECIFICATION OF TRANSISTOR AC 126 K4096 transistor MK4096-16 K4096 compatible MK4096-11 PDF


    Abstract: MK4118A-2 MK4118A MOSTEK ROM mk4801
    Text: MOSTEK MEMORY COMPONENTS 1K x 8-Bit Static RAM MK4118A/M K4801 A P /J/N Series FEATURES □ MKB version screened to MIL-STD-883 □ Static operation Part No. □ Organization: 1K x 8 bit RAM JEDEC pinout Access Time R /W Cycle Time □ High performance

    OCR Scan
    MK4118A/MK4801 MIL-STD-883 MK4118A-1 MK4118A-2 MK4118A-3 MK4118A-4 MK4118A MK4118 MOSTEK ROM mk4801 PDF


    Abstract: 7490 Decade Counter MK 50395 SN7490 MK5009 decode counter 7490 4 digit COUNTER LED bcd mk50396n MK50395 Two Digit counter diagram
    Text: MOSTEK SIX DECADE COUNTER / DISPLAY DECODER MK50395N/MK50396N / MK50397N FEATURES □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Single pow er supply S ch m itt-T rig ge r on th e c o u n t-in p u t Six decades o f synchronous u p /d o w n co un ting

    OCR Scan
    MK50395N MK50396N MK50397N 7490 Decade Counter MK 50395 SN7490 MK5009 decode counter 7490 4 digit COUNTER LED bcd MK50395 Two Digit counter diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am2810 Dual 128-Bit Static Shift Register Distinctive Characteristics • 2nd Source to Mostek 1002P • Built-in pull-up resistors • 100% reliability assurance testing in compliance with M IL-S TD -883 • Operation guaranteed from DC to 2 MHz LO G IC S YM BO L

    OCR Scan
    Am2810 128-Bit 1002P PDF


    Abstract: ELLS 110 Mostek MK4096 MK4096 ram MK4027 MKB4027-83 MKB4027-84 IX-11
    Text: MOSTEK AT 4096 x 1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM Processed to MIL-STD-883, Method 5004, Class B MKB4027 J -83/84 FEATURES □ Extended operating tem perature range (-55 °C < < +85°C) □ Improved perform ance w ith "gated C A S ," "RAS o n ly " refresh and page mode capability

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-883, MKB4027 16-pin MK4096 200ns 375ns 250ns 467mW MOSTEK MEMORY ELLS 110 Mostek MK4096 ram MK4027 MKB4027-83 MKB4027-84 IX-11 PDF


    Abstract: MK36000-4 MK36000 MOSTEK 36000 MK36000-5 8k mostek mk36 10PA2 mostek rom mk36000
    Text: MOSTEK 64K-BIT READ-ONLY MEMORY M K36000 P/J/N -4/5 O M K 3 6 0 0 0 8 K x 8 O rganization— "E d g e A c tiva te d " * operation (C E) P/N M K 3 6 0 0 0 -4 M K 3 6 0 0 0 -5 Access 250n s 300ns Cycle 375ns 450ns □ Single + 5 V ± 1 0 % Power Su p p ly □

    OCR Scan
    64K-BIT MK36000 MK36000-4 250ns 375ns MK36000-5 300ns 450ns MOSTEK MEMORY MK36000 MOSTEK 36000 8k mostek mk36 10PA2 mostek rom mk36000 PDF


    Abstract: MK4116 74537 74537 latch LM 4027 MK 4027 DIODE SCHOTTKY X27 LSI-11 k411 74S04
    Text: MOSTEK COMPATIBLE MK4027 AND MK4116 MEMORY SYSTEM DESIGNS INTRODUCTION Memory Systems design is very much like any other interface design. It requires knowledge of the system being interfaced to and also an in-depth knowledge of the resource being interfaced. This in-depth

    OCR Scan
    MK4027 MK4116 MK4116. LSI-11* ON4027 74537 74537 latch LM 4027 MK 4027 DIODE SCHOTTKY X27 LSI-11 k411 74S04 PDF

    4027 ram

    Abstract: 4096X1 4027 pin diagram CD 4027 MK4027 MK4027-1 MK4027-2 MK4027-3 4096X1-BIT MK4096
    Text: MOSTEK 4096x1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM M K 40 27 J/N -2/3 FEATURES □ Industry standard configuration □ 120ns access time, 150ns access time, 200ns access time, □ Improved performance w ith "gated CAS", "RAS o n ly " refresh and page mode capability 16-pin DIP (MK 4096)

    OCR Scan
    4096x1-BIT MK4027 16-pin 120ns 320ns MK4027-1) 150ns MK4027-2) 200ns 4027 ram 4096X1 4027 pin diagram CD 4027 MK4027-1 MK4027-2 MK4027-3 MK4096 PDF

    pull-up resistor shift register

    Abstract: AM2810D AM2810DC AM2810PC AM1002
    Text: Am2810 Dual 128-Bit S ta tic Shift R egister • 100% reliability assurance testing in compliance with Ml L-STD-883 • Operation guaranteed from DC to 2MHz Distinctive Characteristics • 2nd Source to Mostek 1002P Built-in pull-up resistors L O G IC S Y M B O L

    OCR Scan
    Am2810 128-Bit 1002P L-STD-883 Am2810 Am931 pull-up resistor shift register AM2810D AM2810DC AM2810PC AM1002 PDF


    Abstract: Mostek MK2716-8 MK2716 MK2716-5 MK2716-6 MK2716-7 MK34000 MK3880
    Text: MOSTEK 2 0 4 8 x 8-BIT EPROM Electrically Programmable/Ultraviolet Erasable ROM MK2716 J -5 /6 /7 /8 FEATURES □ 1 6 ,3 8 4 B it U ltra v io le t Erasable, E le ctrica lly P ro g ra m ­ m able ROM, organized as 2 0 4 8 w o rd s by 8 bits □ Five m odes o f o p e ra tio n fo r g re a te r system fle x ib ility

    OCR Scan
    MK2716 MK2716-5 300ns MK2716-6 350ns MK2716-7 390ns MK2716-8 450ns 50msec MOSTEK ROM Mostek MK2716 MK34000 MK3880 PDF


    Abstract: 4BYP 4BYP401 4BYP401-80 4BYP401-40 4BYP401-250
    Text: MOSTEK GRAETZA * 4BYP401 31-74/2 SWW 1156-112 Mostek sklada si? z czterech ziqcz krzemowych polqczonych w uklad Graetza, umieszczonych we wspölnej plastykowej obudowie. Jest on przeznaczony do stosowania w peinookresowych ukladach prosto-wniczych sredniej

    OCR Scan
    4BYP401 4BYP401-40 4BYP401-80 4BYP401-125 4BYP401-250 MOSTEK 4BYP 4BYP401 PDF

    4116 ram

    Abstract: RAM 4116 4116 16k ram 4116 4116 dynamic ram AT328 4116 MEMORY ci tc 4027 1/4116 16k ram mostek 4116
    Text: MOSTEK 16,384 X 1 Bit Dynamic Ram MK 4116P-2/3 FEATURES □ Recognized industry standard 16-pin config­ uration from MOSTEK □ Common I/O capability using "early write" operation □ 150ns access time, 375ns cycle MK 4116-2 200ns access time, 375ns cycle (MK 4116-3)

    OCR Scan
    4116P-2/3 16-pin 150ns 375ns 200ns 462mW -120V 76/AT3289-2 4116 ram RAM 4116 4116 16k ram 4116 4116 dynamic ram AT328 4116 MEMORY ci tc 4027 1/4116 16k ram mostek 4116 PDF


    Abstract: MK68200 United Technologies Mostek mk40000 mk68e211 "universal peripheral controller" MK68E201 Universal Peripheral controller
    Text: UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK ¥>R EU MICROCOMPUTER COMPONENTS 68200 16-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTERS M K68201/M K68 E201 /M K68211/M K68 E211 FEATURES □ 16-bit, high performance, single-chip microcomputer MK68200 Figure 1 □ 14 address and data registers

    OCR Scan
    16-BIT K68201/M K68211/M MK68200 16-bit, MK68211 United Technologies Mostek mk40000 mk68e211 "universal peripheral controller" MK68E201 Universal Peripheral controller PDF


    Abstract: UM95087 Mostek MK5087 mk5087 generator STI 358 MK5087 mostek 2N4143 tone Dialer Mostek
    Text: UMC UM95087 Tone Dialer Features • Direct replacement fo r Mostek MK5087 A uxiliary switching functions on-chip ■ Operating voltage range: 3.5 to 10.0 Volts Mute driver on-chip ■ Uses TV crystal standard 3.58 MHz to derive all Minimum external parts count

    OCR Scan
    UM95087 MK5087 UM95087 1N4004 2N4143 2N4143 MK5087 Mostek MK5087 mk5087 generator STI 358 MK5087 mostek tone Dialer Mostek PDF


    Abstract: MK5034 68000 thomson MK50361 tsd02 MK5036 MK5033 DALI BASIC SO dali easy mk6820
    Text: Ü T H O M S O Ñ 1 COM PONENTS , H • : . . I ~ . . ^ V A R IA B L E B I T - R A T E 1 -V IO M H z IE E E B 0 2 .3 C O N T R O L L E R y ~ v ~ MOSTEK , •• — FEATURES H ajenzi EBSBJ.’ZVS -■z£’' S K&iTCìzrxs] USX!¿¿¡SCI pUBBVTilBBI l^íssarnsai

    OCR Scan