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    2n2 m

    Abstract: wko 2n2 m roederstein wko WKO 400 cap 3.3nf Y2 Ceramic WKO 440 Ceramic capacitors 2n2 AC300V AC440V wko2n2m
    Text: WKO Vishay Roederstein F ±1 800 4.7nF 700 600 3.3nF 101 100 500 300 3 Max. 10-1 1.0nF 200 100 220pF L F ±1 V ± 0.5 Ø 0.6 ± 0.05 680 2.2nF 400 4700pF 3900 3300 2200 1500 1000 S Max. D Max. 470 330 220 150 100 68 47 33 pF Dimensions in mm Z [Ω] I~ [µA]

    220pF 4700pF 40V/Class AC300V 33pFX1 4700pFX1 33pFY2 4700pFY2 AC440V 2n2 m wko 2n2 m roederstein wko WKO 400 cap 3.3nf Y2 Ceramic WKO 440 Ceramic capacitors 2n2 AC300V AC440V wko2n2m PDF

    wkp 2n2 m

    Abstract: 2n2 m wkp 2n2 wkp2n2m WKP vishay WKP 680 WKP2n2 k2000 102 m x1 y1 WKP760
    Text: WKP Vishay Draloric F ±1 800 4.7 nF 700 600 S Max. D Max. 3.3 nF 100 500 400 2.2 nF 300 3 Max. 101 4700 pF 3900 3300 2200 1500 1000 680 470 330 220 150 100 68 47 33 pF Dimensions in mm Z [Ω] I~ [µA] Ceramic Disc Capacitors, Suppression Capacitors Class X1 AC 760V/Class Y1 AC 500V

    60V/Class AC500V 33pFX1 4700pFX1 33pFY1 4700pFY1 AC760V wkp 2n2 m 2n2 m wkp 2n2 wkp2n2m WKP vishay WKP 680 WKP2n2 k2000 102 m x1 y1 WKP760 PDF

    2.2 nf 250v x1 y2

    Abstract: 0.1 uf Ceramic disc Capacitors 104 AC.250V
    Text: WYO Vishay Draloric Ceramic Disc Capacitors, Suppression Capacitors Class X1 AC 440V/Class Y2 AC 250V F ±1 500 10 nF 5 nF 400 D Max. Z [Ω] I~ [µA] Dimensions in mm 102 3.3 nF 101 2.2 nF 100 1.0 nF 10-1 S Max. 300 3 Max. L 7.5 ± 1 V ± 0.5 1 nF 10-2 Ø 0.6 ± 0.05

    40V/Class 400/IEC UL1414- M-1994 AC440V AC250V AC250V 2.2 nf 250v x1 y2 0.1 uf Ceramic disc Capacitors 104 AC.250V PDF

    wkp 2n2 m

    Abstract: 2n2 m WKP vishay K2000 WKP 680
    Text: WKP Vishay Draloric F ±1 800 4.7 nF 700 600 S Max. D Max. 3.3 nF 100 500 400 2.2 nF 300 3 Max. 101 4700 pF 3900 3300 2200 1500 1000 680 470 330 220 150 100 68 47 33 pF Dimensions in mm Z [Ω] I~ [µA] Ceramic Disc Capacitors, Suppression Capacitors Class X1 AC 760V/Class Y1 AC 500V

    60V/Class 400/IEC 4700pF 33pFX1 4700pFX1 wkp 2n2 m 2n2 m WKP vishay K2000 WKP 680 PDF

    marking y1

    Abstract: 470PF Y1 470pf 250V Y1 10 10mm IEC 1414 Y1 CAP 470pF 2n2 m 2n2 Y1 4700PF
    Text: VKP Vishay Draloric Dimensions in mm F ±1 800 Z [Ω] I~ [µA] Ceramic Disc Capacitors, Suppression Capacitors Class X1 AC 760V/Class Y1 AC 500V 4.7nF 700 101 600 D Max. 100 3.3nF 500 400 2.2nF 300 3 Max. 4700pF 3900 3300 2200 1500 1000 S Max. 10-1 200 1.0nF

    60V/Class 4700pF 470pF 400/IEC AC500V 470pFX1 4700pFX1 470pFY1 4700pFY1 AC760V marking y1 470PF Y1 470pf 250V Y1 10 10mm IEC 1414 Y1 CAP 470pF 2n2 m 2n2 Y1 4700PF PDF

    Y2 250V X1 440V

    Abstract: 2n2 m 2.2 nf 250v x1 y2 250v 1n5 2n2 m 250V Y2 AC300V AC440V 101 Ceramic Disc Capacitors
    Text: VKO Vishay Draloric Z [Ω] Dimensions in mm F ±1 I~ [µA] Ceramic Disc Capacitors, Suppression Capacitors Class X1 AC 440V/Class Y2 AC 300V 800 4.7 nF 101 700 600 3.3 nF 100 S Max. 500 2.2 nF 400 3 Max. 300 4700 pF 3900 3300 2200 1500 1000 D Max. 10-1 1.0 nF

    40V/Class 400/IEC VOLTA0384-14/2 AC300V 1000pFX1 4700pFX1 1000pFY2 4700pFY2 AC440V Y2 250V X1 440V 2n2 m 2.2 nf 250v x1 y2 250v 1n5 2n2 m 250V Y2 AC300V AC440V 101 Ceramic Disc Capacitors PDF

    Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit

    Abstract: Karaoke Processor IC automatic phase selector circuit diagram Digital Echo delay 16 Pin ICs Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit for surround karaoke M65853FP 16 Pin Echo delay digital ICs vocal digital AUTOMATIC PHASE SELECTOR
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs SERIES M65853FP 50 KARAOKE DIGITAL ECHO WITH MICROPHONE MIXING CIRCUIT 1.DESCRIPTION The M65853 is a CMOS IC built-in Digital Echo function with microphone peripheral circuits for "Karaoke" equipment packed in a single chip.

    M65853FP M65853 16Kbit Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit Karaoke Processor IC automatic phase selector circuit diagram Digital Echo delay 16 Pin ICs Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit for surround karaoke M65853FP 16 Pin Echo delay digital ICs vocal digital AUTOMATIC PHASE SELECTOR PDF

    karaoke CIRCUIT

    Abstract: Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit Karaoke Processor IC Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit for surround M65853 M65853FP automatic phase selector circuit diagram echo circuit
    Text: n. atio ange. Y c i f i A R pec o ch MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs t ls fina bject IMIN ot a e su M65853FP L is n ar P RicEe ; Theistric limits Not param e som 50 S E RI ES KARAOKE DIGITAL ECHO WITH MICROPHONE MIXING CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The M65853 is a CMOS IC built-in Digital Echo function with microphone peripheral circuits for

    M65853FP M65853 16kbit karaoke CIRCUIT Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit Karaoke Processor IC Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit for surround M65853FP automatic phase selector circuit diagram echo circuit PDF

    2.2 nf 250v x1 y2

    Abstract: Y1 250V X1 440V MARKING CMK 22202 Y2 250V X1 440V Capacitors WYO K4000 Disc capacitors with epoxy coating code cmk mark 116
    Text: WYO Vishay Draloric Ceramic Disc Capacitors, Suppression Capacitors Class X1 AC 440V/Class Y2 AC 250V F±1 500 10 nF 5 nF 400 D Max. Z [Ω] I~ [µA] Dimensions in mm 102 3.3 nF 101 2.2 nF 100 1.0 nF 10-1 S Max. 300 3 Max. L 7.5 ± 1 V ± 0.5 Ø 0.6 ± 0.05

    40V/Class 400/IEC V384-14/2 AC760V AC500V 33pFX1 4700pFX1 33pFY1 4700pFY1 2.2 nf 250v x1 y2 Y1 250V X1 440V MARKING CMK 22202 Y2 250V X1 440V Capacitors WYO K4000 Disc capacitors with epoxy coating code cmk mark 116 PDF

    2.2 nf 250v x1 y2

    Abstract: 0.1 uf Ceramic disc Capacitors 104 Y1 250V X1 440V code cmk AC440 Y2 250V X1 440V K4000 AC440V MARKING CMK 440v 60hz to 440v 50hz
    Text: WYO Vishay Draloric Ceramic Disc Capacitors, Suppression Capacitors Class X1 AC 440V/Class Y2 AC 250V F ±1 500 10 nF 5 nF 400 D Max. Z [Ω] I~ [µA] Dimensions in mm 102 3.3 nF 101 2.2 nF 100 1.0 nF 10-1 S Max. 300 3 Max. L F ±1 V ± 0.5 1 nF 10-2 Ø 0.6 ± 0.05

    40V/Class 400/IEC AC250V 33pFX1 4700pFX1 33pFY1 4700pFY1 AC440V 2.2 nf 250v x1 y2 0.1 uf Ceramic disc Capacitors 104 Y1 250V X1 440V code cmk AC440 Y2 250V X1 440V K4000 AC440V MARKING CMK 440v 60hz to 440v 50hz PDF

    Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit

    Abstract: M65853FP 4700pFX1 Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit for surround singer tv diagram TD147 Mini Amplifier with Echo vocal digital MITSUBISHI CAPACITOR
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs • ? & > *£ *• M65853FP DIGITAL ECHO WITH MICROPHONE MIXING CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The M65853 is a CMOS 1C built-in Digital Echo function with microphone peripheral circuits for "Karaoke" equipment packed in a single chip.

    OCR Scan
    M65853FP M65853 16Kbit 27iCR 20kfi) Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit M65853FP 4700pFX1 Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit for surround singer tv diagram TD147 Mini Amplifier with Echo vocal digital MITSUBISHI CAPACITOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M65853FP DIGITAL ECHO WITH MICROPHONE MIXING CIRCUIT sq d e s c r ip t io n ^ T he M 65853 is a C M O S 1C built-in Digital Echo function w ith m icrophone peripheral circuits for "K araoke" equ ip m en t packed in a single chip.

    OCR Scan
    M65853FP 16kbit 0047h PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VKO_ VISHAY Vishay Draloric Ceramic Disc Capacitors, Suppression Capacitors Class X1 AC 440V/Class Y2 AC 300V Dimensions in mm F+1 ^ D Max. SMax. id V + 0.5 1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 UR[V~] I = f UR (typ.) 1 10 100 300 f - ► [MHz]

    OCR Scan
    40V/Class AC440V AC300V 1000pFX1 4700pFX1 1000pFY2 4700pFY2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WKO_ VISHAY Vishay Roederstein RFI Ceramic Disc Capacitors, Suppression Capacitors Class X1 AC 440V/Class Y2 AC 300V 1 10 100 300 f - »- [MHz] Impedance Z as a function of frequency (f) atTa= 20°C (average). Measurement with lead length 6mm.

    OCR Scan
    40V/Class 400/IEC AC440V AC300V 33pFX1 4700pFX1 33pFY2 4700pFY2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WYO VISHAY Vishay Draloric Ceramic Disc Capacitors, Suppression Capacitors Class X1 AC 440V/Class Y2 AC 250V Dimensions in mm F± 1 D Max. SMax. V ±0.5 0.1 I = f UR (typ.) 1 10 100 f - ► [MHz] Impedance (Z) as a function of frequency (f) at Ta= 20°C (average).

    OCR Scan
    40V/Class 400/IEC AC760V AC500V 33pFX1 4700pFX1 33pFY1 4700pFY1 PDF