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    750X132213 Search Results

    750X132213 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 750X132213
    Text: GEA-12635 Indoor/Outdoor Current Transformer Model JCW-0C 600V, 10kV BIL, 200-400A Window Diameter 1.50”/2.00” APPLICATION: Designed for both indoor and outdoor ser- vice. Designed to provide high accuracy in applications with high metering secondary burdens. Suitable for operating meters and

    00-400A GEA-12635 0821B38057 0121C33754 0121C 750X132213 PDF


    Abstract: 750X132213 750X132214 10kv transformer 750X132220
    Text: GEA-12635 g Indoor/Outdoor Current Transformer Model JCW-0C – 600V, 10kV BIL, 200 - 400A Window Diameter 1.50" / 2.00" APPLICATION Designed for both indoor and outdoor service. Designed to provide high accuracy in applications with high metering secondary burdens Suitable for

    GEA-12635 0121C33754 750X132203 750X132213 750X132214 10kv transformer 750X132220 PDF