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    AT21400 Search Results

    AT21400 Datasheets (1)

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    AT-21400 Hewlett-Packard 20 GHz NPN Silicon Bipolar Oscillator Transistor Scan PDF

    AT21400 Datasheets Context Search

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    STR 6757 OF equivalent

    Abstract: Johnson motor 2 607 022 013 Barber-Colman CP AT-1163 ms-517
    Text: Electric/Electronic Products Catalog Make the most of your energy General Information TAC TAC is a Schneider Electric Company with a long tradition of global leadership in building controls technology. We offer the most extensive line of controls and components available to today's market, including: valve bodies, valve assemblies, actuation devices and sensors, as well as interfaces, and automated systems that link these products and other building systems

    F-27382-2 STR 6757 OF equivalent Johnson motor 2 607 022 013 Barber-Colman CP AT-1163 ms-517 PDF


    Abstract: AT-01635 AT-21400 AT21400 AT-60586
    Text: Silicon Bipolar Transistors Low Noise Transistors Typical Specifications at +25°C Case Temperature Part Number Test Freq. (GHz) NF0 (dB) PldB (dBm) I 21eI2 @ 1.0 GHz (dB) Max. Usable Freq.M (GHz) w* (GHz) AT-41400 AT-60100 AT-60200 AT-60500 2.0 2.0 2.0

    OCR Scan
    AT-41400 AT-60100 AT-60200 AT-60500 AT-41410 AT-41470 AT-60S10 AT-60S70 AT-41435 AT-41472 AT-01635 AT-21400 AT21400 AT-60586 PDF


    Abstract: chip die hp transistor 0099E planar*el BF 212 transistor
    Text: HEW LETT-PACKARD/ CflPNTS b lE ]> • 4447584 Whp% H EW LETT mittm PA CK A RD 402 ■HPA Chip Outline1 Features • • • • o o m ? 1! ! AT-21400 20 GHz NPN Silicon Bipolar Oscillator Transistor Fundamental Oscillation to > 20 GHz Low Phase Noise Compared to GaAs FETs

    OCR Scan
    AT-21400 T2140 chip die hp transistor 0099E planar*el BF 212 transistor PDF


    Abstract: Semicon volume 1 HPMA-2085 HP 33002A AVANTEK ATF26884 SJ 2036 HPMA-0470TXV HPMA-0485 HPMA-0370 DIODE GOC 61
    Text: Whal HEWLETT \HrJk PACKARD Communications Components Designer’s Catalog, GaAs and Silicon Products A Brief Sketch Hewlett-Packard is one of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of RF and microwave semiconductors, optoelectronic, and fiber optic

    OCR Scan
    E-28230 S-164 CH-8902 HRMA-0470B Semicon volume 1 HPMA-2085 HP 33002A AVANTEK ATF26884 SJ 2036 HPMA-0470TXV HPMA-0485 HPMA-0370 DIODE GOC 61 PDF

    transistor bf 244

    Abstract: AT-21400 D42E Rbl 69 AT-21400-G chip die hp transistor
    Text: blE J> HEWLETT-PACKARD/ CMPNTS HEW LETT PACKARD m m MMi475flM □ □□t17cU Features • • • • 40B AT-21400 20 GHz NPN Silicon Bipolar Oscillator Transistor Chip Outline1 Fundamental Oscillation to > 20 GHz Low Phase Noise Compared to GaAs FETs High S21 Gain: 9.5 dB Typical at 4 GHz

    OCR Scan
    MM47SÃ t17cll AT-21400 AT-21400 transistor bf 244 D42E Rbl 69 AT-21400-G chip die hp transistor PDF

    AVANTEK oscillator

    Abstract: Avantek S AT-21400 AVANTEK transistor equivalent io transistor 131-G
    Text: A V A N T E K INC SDE D AVANTEK llinbt 00Qb4Sfl S AT-21400 20 GHz NPN Silicon Bipolar Oscillator Transistor T -3 1 Avantek Chip Outline1 Features • • • • - l “ 7 Fundamental Oscillation to > 20 GHz Low Phase Noise Compared to GaAs FETs High S21 Gain: 9.5 dB Typical at 4 GHz

    OCR Scan
    00Qb4Sfl AT-21400 ent03 AVANTEK oscillator Avantek S AVANTEK transistor equivalent io transistor 131-G PDF

    equivalent transistor UM 66

    Abstract: BF 182 transistor transistor bf 244 AT-21400-G
    Text: AT-21400 20 GHz NPN Silicon Bipolar Oscillator Transistor Whit H E W LETT fti'jZ fl PA CK A R D Chip Outline1 Features • • • • Fundamental Oscillation to > 20 GHz Low Phase Noise Compared to GaAs FETs High S21 Gain: 9.5 dB Typical at 4 GHz High MAG: 16.5 dB Typical at 4 GHz

    OCR Scan
    AT-21400 T-21400 meta-21 equivalent transistor UM 66 BF 182 transistor transistor bf 244 AT-21400-G PDF