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    B2137B Search Results

    B2137B Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BRIGHT LED ELECTRONICS CORP. BL-B2137B SINCE 1981 ● Features: ● Package dimensions 1. Chip material: GaP/GaP 2. Emitted color : Green 5.0 .197 4.0(.157) 3. Lens Appearance : Green Diffused 4. Low power consumption. 5. High efficiency. 9.15(.360) 6. Versatile mounting on P.C. Board or panel.

    BL-B2137B BL-B2137B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Absolute Maximum Ratings Chip Peak Wave Length λp nm BL-B5137B GaP/GaP/ Bright Red 700 T1 3/4 GaAsP/GaP/ Hi-Eff Red 635 Narrow BL-B4537B GaP/GaP/ Green 568 Viewing BL-B2137B Angle BL-B3137B GaAsP/GaP/ Yellow 585 1.0" Lead BL-B4137B GaAsP/GaP/ Orange 635

    BL-B5137B BL-B4537B BL-B2137B BL-B3137B BL-B4137B BL-B9137B BL-B4537D BL-B2137D BL-B3137D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BRIGHT LED ELECTRONICS CORP. SINCE 1981 BL-B2137B Features: Package dimensions 1. Chip material: GaP/GaP 2. Emitted color : Green 5.0 .197 3. Lens Appearance : Green Diffused 4.0(.157) 4. Low power consumption. 5. High efficiency. 9.15(.360) 6. Versatile mounting on P.C. Board or panel.

    BL-B2137B PDF


    Abstract: B2122 B5137 B5434
    Text: E lectro -O ptica l D a ta A t 10mA A bsolute M axim um C hip Kcmngs Package Part No Emitted Color Peak W ave Length Lens Ak 4<p S tandard 0.5" Lead M e dium Profile 4 .6 # Flangeless High Profile A.6tp Flangeless T-13.M Low Profile 5 <p T-13/4 Narrow V iew ing

    OCR Scan
    5137B B4137BR B2137B B3137B B4137B B3134 B2122 B5137 B5434 PDF