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    B65844C1010D2 Datasheets (1)

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    B65844-C1010-D2 Siemens ER-Kerne Original PDF

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    Abstract: SIEMENS b43405 B43406 B41684 epcos B43991 B43991 B43876 Epcos sikorel b41684 DDS2004 B43405
    Text: SAW Components SAW filter MediaFLO Series/type: Ordering code: LR24A Date: Version: June 19, 2006 1.0  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    LR24A 2002/95/EC 2005/747/EC B43875 SIEMENS b43405 B43406 B41684 epcos B43991 B43991 B43876 Epcos sikorel b41684 DDS2004 B43405 PDF

    pm9630 SUMITOMO

    Abstract: dupont rynite fr530 crastin sk 645 Crastin SK-645 pocan b4235 PM-9630 valox 420se0 luvocom BAYER* makrofol vyncolit
    Text: Ferrites and accessories List of materials for accessories Page Ordering number Material with UL link Description 186 B65804-K100x-Dx Bakelite UP 3420; [E 61040 (M)]; Bakelite coil former 187 B65804-C2005 187 B65804-A5000 Makrofol KL3 - 1005/1 natur; [E 41613 (M)]; Bayer washer 2

    B65804-K100x-Dx B65804-C2005 B65804-A5000 B65539-C1003-Xxx B3235; B65804-R1006-D1 B65804-B6010-T1 pm9630 SUMITOMO dupont rynite fr530 crastin sk 645 Crastin SK-645 pocan b4235 PM-9630 valox 420se0 luvocom BAYER* makrofol vyncolit PDF

    siemens ferrite n22 p14

    Abstract: Siemens Ferrite B65541 EC35 Siemens ferrite core ETD54 n62 U93 QUANTA ARALDITE ay 105 EC70 N27 Siemens Ferrite N47 EC52 N27 FERRITES N67
    Text: Contents Page 5 Selector Guide Index of Part Numbers 11 25 SIFERRIT Materials 31 General - Definitions Application and Processing Notes Packing 103 121 163 Quality Considerations Standards and Specifications 177 181 RM Cores 185 PM Cores 287 P Cores P Core Halves P Cores for Proximity Switches


    ecg semiconductors master replacement guide

    Abstract: ecg master replacement guide mkl b32110 siemens mkp B32650 c945 p 331 ks transistor IC,MASTER master replacement guide Kennlinie KTY 10-6 siemens b32110 A2005 transistor
    Text: Liebe Schuricht-Kunden, Ihre Zufriedenheit ist unser größtes Anliegen. Aus diesem Grunde versuchen wir, Ihnen Informationen und Ware stets zum richtigen Zeitpunkt verfügbar zu machen. Das gilt insbesondere auch für die Produkte der Siemens AG mit den drei



    Abstract: Siemens t35 transistor c1008 datasheet c1008 transistor siemens T38 B65840-N1106-T1 B65842-C1008-D1 B65844-N1110-T1 B65847-A-R67 matsushita transistor 154
    Text: EP-Kerne EP-Kerne sind typische Übertragerbauformen und empfehlen sich wegen ihrer kubischen Geometrie für raumsparenden Aufbau auf der Leiterplatte. Diese kompakte Bauform in Verbindung mit unseren hochpermeablen Materialien N30, T35, T38, T42, jeweils luftspaltlose Version liefert

    FRAME4/u/intranet/dtp4/SMC-CD/FER/EP20 B65848-D1010-D1 B65848-D1010-D2 B65848 B65848-A2000 N1106 Siemens t35 transistor c1008 datasheet c1008 transistor siemens T38 B65840-N1106-T1 B65842-C1008-D1 B65844-N1110-T1 B65847-A-R67 matsushita transistor 154 PDF

    B38 SMD Transistor

    Abstract: smd b38 smd transistor P63 B65844-F1110-T1 marking code b38 SMD smd diode marking A38 epcos 6 pin transformer B65843-P160-B57 B65844 marking code B38
    Text: EPO 13 Core B65843 • Recommended for xDSL applications with = 1,34 mm–1 = 25,8 mm = 19,3 mm2 = 14,9 mm2 = 498 mm3 13 _ 0,3 Σl/A le Ae A min Ve Approx. weight 3 g/set 4,5 _ 0,3 9,7+0,6 s ∗ Magnetic characteristics per set) 9+0,4 2,4±0,1 7,4 _ 0,4

    B65843 FEP0025-L 09prohibited. B38 SMD Transistor smd b38 smd transistor P63 B65844-F1110-T1 marking code b38 SMD smd diode marking A38 epcos 6 pin transformer B65843-P160-B57 B65844 marking code B38 PDF

    bayer Pocan B4235

    Abstract: VALOX 420 30 GF pm9630 SUMITOMO PM-9630 BAYER* makrofol dupont rynite fr530 bayer Ef COIL FORMER 420SE0 DSM Engineering Plastics TW250F6
    Text: Page Core type Ordering code Material Type 186 RM 4 B65804-K100*-D* Bakelite UP 3420; [E 61040 M ]; Bakelite Coil former 187 RM 4 B65804-A5000 Pocalon SN natur; [E 167358 (M)]; LOFO HIGH TECH FILM Insulating washer 1 187 RM 4 B65804-C2005 Makrofol KL3 - 1005/1 natur; [E 41613 (M)]; Bayer

    B65804-K100 B65804-A5000 B65804-C2005 B65804-R1006-D1 B65804-C2005/9 B66230-A1114-T* B66390-A1016-T1 B66243-A1018-T1 B65527-B1008-T1 bayer Pocan B4235 VALOX 420 30 GF pm9630 SUMITOMO PM-9630 BAYER* makrofol dupont rynite fr530 bayer Ef COIL FORMER 420SE0 DSM Engineering Plastics TW250F6 PDF

    PA 6/6 GF30 SIEMENS

    Abstract: Siemens Ferrite B65541 ferrite ei core n27 TESLA mh 7400 CRASTIN SO 655 IEC 60205 Luvocom B64290-A38 etd59 siemens Siemens Ferrite B64290
    Text: Contents Selector Guide Index of Part Numbers 5 11 26 SIFERRIT Materials 33 General – Definitions Application Notes Processing Notes 111 128 150 Packing Quality Considerations Standards and Specifications 165 174 177 RM Cores PM Cores EP Cores 181 274 290


    tda 6109

    Abstract: V23100-V7228-F110 B32650 V23100-V7213-F104 V23100-W1224-A104 V23082-A1005-A401 V23108-A1003-B101 V23104-A1003-B101 V23100-V7228-F104 B32110-F
    Text: Katalognummern-Referenz: SCHURICHT-Nummern ⇔ SIEMENS-Nummern Da im Katalog aus drucktechnischen Gründen die Siemensnummern oft nicht zusammenhängend – sondern in Produktgruppen- und Einzelexemplar-Teil aufgetrennt – dargestellt sind, finden Sie hier in einer großen Tabelle für jedes Bauteil die SCHURICHT- und die SIEMENS-Nummern

    B57236S509M" Q67000A8118 Q67000A8183 Q67000A9094 Q670008237 Q67000A9108 Q67000A9062 Q67000A8187 Q67000A9003 Q67000A9059 tda 6109 V23100-V7228-F110 B32650 V23100-V7213-F104 V23100-W1224-A104 V23082-A1005-A401 V23108-A1003-B101 V23104-A1003-B101 V23100-V7228-F104 B32110-F PDF


    Abstract: B43991 epcos B43991 EPCOS Sikorel B41684 B43876 B43405 B41684 SIEMENS b43405 B43471 Epcos B41684
    Text: SAW Components SAW filter TD-SCDMA Series/type: Ordering code: B7853 B39202B7853C710 Date: Version: September 28, 2006 2.2  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B7853 B39202B7853C710 LK39B. C61157-A8-A3 LK39A. B43875 B43991 epcos B43991 EPCOS Sikorel B41684 B43876 B43405 B41684 SIEMENS b43405 B43471 Epcos B41684 PDF

    Fuse m1 250C

    Abstract: SIEMENS b43471 B43991 SIEMENS b43405 B43876 B43875 m1 250c fuse B41684 epcos B43991 B43405
    Text: Microwave Ceramics and Modules RF LTCC Filter for ISM 2.4 GHz Filter B69893K2457C101 Preliminary datasheet Features • Low Profile maximum height 0.9 mm Change History Revision Detail of change P1 First release Date 09.06.06 Author Stadler Contents Page 2

    B69893K2457C101 2002/95/EC 2005/747/EC Fuse m1 250C SIEMENS b43471 B43991 SIEMENS b43405 B43876 B43875 m1 250c fuse B41684 epcos B43991 B43405 PDF

    Siemens Ferrite B65541

    Abstract: B62110 EC70 CORES EC35 Siemens ferrite core EC35 Siemens ferrite core data sheet Siemens Ferrite N47 B62110A3007X22 etd59 siemens B64290L44X27 N47 epcos
    Text: Materials, beads, tools Order Quantities for Ferrites FERRITES Pot Cores, PM, RM & EP cores: except B65931 etc. 1/2-cores By EPCOS 1 item = two half-cores USING THIS LIST A ferrite part no. consists of three main fields: 1st. eg. B65517 gives core family and size.

    B65931 B65517 5229cov Siemens Ferrite B65541 B62110 EC70 CORES EC35 Siemens ferrite core EC35 Siemens ferrite core data sheet Siemens Ferrite N47 B62110A3007X22 etd59 siemens B64290L44X27 N47 epcos PDF

    ETD29 N27

    Abstract: Siemens Ferrite N47 ferrite n67 ETD34 N67 n48 rm6 RM6 N26 1000 Siemens Ferrite n67 B64290-K40-X830 etd49 n67 rm14 n41
    Text: Partnerschaft mit Siemens RS Components bietet durch eine vertiefte Zusammenarbeit mit Siemens Passive Bauelemente und Röhren eine besondere Dienstleistung an: Als offizieller Schwerpunkthändler liefern wir unseren Kunden alle 2 600 Produkte aus dem Siemens Bauteile Service Katalog SBS-Buch .



    Abstract: B65840N1106T1 B65840-N1106-T1 B65845-J-R67 T EP 25 B65848-D1010-D2 B65844-C1010-D1 480040
    Text: EP- und Q-Kerne ohne Luftspalt für den Aufbau von Übertragern mit hoher Induktivität bei kleinerem Raumbedarf. Auch für Leistungsanwendungen geeignet. ER-Kerne für kompakte Kleinsignal- und Schnittstellenübertrager hoher Induktivität oder Wandler in DC/DC-Konvertern.

    35-D22) B65844-L1010-D22) B65844-N1110-T1 B65844-N1110-T2 B65846-L1008-D1 B65846-L1008-D2 B65844-A2000 B65845-J-R30 B65845-J-R35 B65845-J-Y38 B65840-N1106-T2 B65840N1106T1 B65840-N1106-T1 B65845-J-R67 T EP 25 B65848-D1010-D2 B65844-C1010-D1 480040 PDF

    C945 p 331

    Abstract: B1-C90/20 TRANSISTOR K1006 siemens MKL T60405-R6131-X037 t60405-s4615-x027 c945 p 331 transistor transistor C5478 siemens PTC C860 T60405-A4220-X060
    Text: Ordering Information Subject Index 5 11 A Chokes and Transformers SMD Transformers Ferrites and Accessories 15 29 37 B Thick-Film Chip Resistors NTC Thermistors PTC Thermistors Varistors Surge Arresters 121 127 143 155 167 C Ceramic Capacitors Film Capacitors

    A0297 C945 p 331 B1-C90/20 TRANSISTOR K1006 siemens MKL T60405-R6131-X037 t60405-s4615-x027 c945 p 331 transistor transistor C5478 siemens PTC C860 T60405-A4220-X060 PDF

    Siemens Ferrite B65541

    Abstract: TESLA mh 7400 mh 7400 tesla MDT 760 THYRISTOR ARALDITE AY 105 ARALDITE HY 956 EPF S20 Siemens Ferrite B64290 ETD54 n62 ARALDITE D AY 103
    Text: Contents Selector Guide Index of Part Numbers 5 11 23 SIFERRIT Materials 29 General – Definitions Application Notes Processing Notes 111 129 151 Packing Quality Considerations Standards and Specifications 165 175 179 RM Cores 183 PM Cores 283 P Cores P Core Halves P Cores for Proximity Switches


    SMD diode color code

    Abstract: j 6910 B65844-N1110-T2 B65844-C1010-D2 marking code UL SMD Transistor B65843-A-R30 B65844-C1010-D1 MATSUSHITA 4000 N30 transformer core B65844-L1010-D2
    Text: EP 13 Core B65843 ● In accordance with IEC 61596 ● For transformers featuring high inductance and low overall height ● For power applications ● EP cores are supplied in sets Magnetic characteristics per set Σl/A le Ae Amin Ve = 1,24 mm–1 = 24,2 mm

    B65843 B65843-A300-J67 B65843-A-R67 B65843-A-R87 10048-J B65844 B65844-N1110-T1 B65844-N1110-T2 SMD diode color code j 6910 B65844-N1110-T2 B65844-C1010-D2 marking code UL SMD Transistor B65843-A-R30 B65844-C1010-D1 MATSUSHITA 4000 N30 transformer core B65844-L1010-D2 PDF

    N22 Schalenkern

    Abstract: Siemens Ferrite N47 Siemens Ferrite B65541 EFD20 trafo ETD54 n62 R6KE Siemens Ferrite B64290 Siemens Ferrite n67 EC70 N27 siferrit n27
    Text: Inhaltsverzeichnis Bauformen-Übersicht Bauformnummern-Verzeichnis SIFERRIT-Werkstoffe Seite 5 11 25 31 Allgemeines - Begriffsbestimmungen Anwendungs-, Verarbeitungshinweise Verpackung 103 121 163 Angaben zur Qualität Normen und Vorschriften 177 181 RM-Kerne



    Abstract: B43875 B43991 B41684 B43405 B82727-C1-A1 B43471 B43465 b41876 B43406
    Text: SAW Components Data Sheet B7725, Pb-free SAW Components B7725 Low-Loss Filter 1575,42 MHz Data Sheet Chip Sized SAW Package QCS5H Features 0,1 Low loss RF filter for GPS receivers Unbalanced to balanced operation Low amplitude ripple Impedance transformation from 50 Ω

    B7725, B7725 B7725 B39162-B7725-K910 C61157-A7-A139 F61074-V8189-Z000 2002/95/EC 2005/747/EC B43876 B43875 B43991 B41684 B43405 B82727-C1-A1 B43471 B43465 b41876 B43406 PDF


    Abstract: B43876 SIEMENS b43471 SIEMENS b43405 epcos B43991 B41684 Epcos sikorel b41684 E70 ferrite core DDS2004 E16* transformer
    Text: SAW Components SAW Rx filter WCDMA band I Series/type: Ordering code: LK39B Date: Version: Sep. 26, 2006 1.1  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    LK39B LK39B. C61157-A8-A3 B39202B7853C710 LK39A. B43875 B43876 SIEMENS b43471 SIEMENS b43405 epcos B43991 B41684 Epcos sikorel b41684 E70 ferrite core DDS2004 E16* transformer PDF


    Abstract: B65843A250J57 B65843A0000Y042 B65844
    Text: The following products presented in this data sheet are being withdrawn: B65843A0000Y042 Date of withdrawal: Deadline for last orders: Last shipments: 02−AUG−02 31−DEC−02 31−DEC−02 For further information please contact your nearest EPCOS sales office, which will also support

    B65843A0000Y042 02-AUG-02 31-DEC-02 31-DEC-02 B65843 B65843-A400-E38 B65843A250J57 B65844 PDF

    EP-7 N30

    Abstract: B65844C1010D2 B65844A2000
    Text: EP Cores Example of an assembly set Mounting dimensions of the assembly set mm Core type Length x width x h e ig h t11 Special features EP 7 7,5 x 10 x 10 1 2 ,8 x 9 ,2 x 8,5 SMD EP 1C 12,0 x 14,2 x 12,5 EP 13 15,0 x 16 x 13.7 19,5 x 13 x 12.5 EP 17 20,0 x 21.6 x 16,2

    OCR Scan
    B65847-A-R67 65847-A-R30 B65847-A-Y38 B65848-D1010-01 B65848-A2000 EP-7 N30 B65844C1010D2 B65844A2000 PDF

    Epcos n67 material

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPCOS EP Cores Example of an assembly set Yoke - Clamp Core Coil former Core Mounting dimensions of the assembly set mm Core type Length x width x height1’ Special features EP 7 7,5 x 10 x 10 12,8 x 9,2 x 8,5 SMD EP 10 12,Ox 14,2 x 12,5 EP 13 15,0 x 16 x 13,7

    OCR Scan
    B65846-J2000 B65846-C2000 B65847-A-R87 B65847-A-Y38 B65848-D1010-D1 B65848-A2000 Epcos n67 material PDF