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    BUZ90I Search Results

    BUZ90I Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 2SJ50 equivalent 2SJ56 equivalent 2SKI76 BUZ90QP BUZ90I BUZ90IP z901 BUZ90S 2SJ568
    Text: Magnatec Engineering Distribution M agnatec - lateral M O S F E T s for the audio m arket M ag n a tec , a co m p an y w ith in th e S e m e la b G ro u p , in tro d u c e s a ran g e o f c o m p le m e n ta ry lateral M O S F E T pow er transistors. Supplied in a range of outlines, the 8/16Amp,

    OCR Scan
    8/16Amp, 160/200Voit BUZ900D BUZ90QP BUZ90I Z901/906 2SJ162 2SJ56 2X2SJ56 USPI6N20 2SJ56 2SJ50 equivalent 2SJ56 equivalent 2SKI76 BUZ90I BUZ90IP z901 BUZ90S 2SJ568 PDF