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    Apex Tool Group LLC CDDS16

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    DigiKey CDDS16 Bulk 6
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    • 100 $2.45
    • 1000 $2.45
    • 10000 $2.45
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    Apex Tool Group LLC CDDS16N

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    DigiKey CDDS16N Bulk 6
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    • 100 $3.15
    • 1000 $3.15
    • 10000 $3.15
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    RS CDDS16N Bulk 1
    • 1 $3.18
    • 10 $3.18
    • 100 $2.83
    • 1000 $2.83
    • 10000 $2.83
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    Crescent / H.K. Porter Tools CDDS16N

    Deep Socket,1/4" Drive,9Mm,6Pt/Crescent |Crescent CDDS16N
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    Newark CDDS16N Bulk 268 1
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    CDDS16 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: PARADISE VGA wd90c31 paradise pvga1a pvga1a western digital 286 286 dram schematic cga video 6845 3c3h ramdac
    Text: WD90C30 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section Title 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Features 17-1 17-1 2.0 WD90C30 ARCHITECTURE 17-2 3.0 WD90C30 INTERFACES 3.1 CPU And BIOS ROM Interface 3.2 DRAM Interface 3.3 Video Interface . . . . . . 3.4 Clock Interface . . . . . . 3.5

    WD90C30 WD90C30 PARADISE VGA wd90c31 paradise pvga1a pvga1a western digital 286 286 dram schematic cga video 6845 3c3h ramdac PDF

    intel 386 motherboard diagram

    Abstract: 386SX chipset intel 82395sx 82395sx Intel 386 DX 82395dx Intel CPU 386
    Text: SbE D in te ! • 4Ö2L17S DllS3b2 4T4 ■ I T L 1 INTEL CORP UP/PRPHLS 82311 ' •5 2 -3 > 3 -1 3 HIGH INTEGRATION Micro Channel COMPATIBLE PERIPHERAL CHIP SET Flexible Memory Architecture Support — Up to 4 Banks of Interleaved Page Memory — 256K, 1M, 4M DRAM Support

    OCR Scan
    2L17S 82077AA 386SX 82395DX 82395SX intel 386 motherboard diagram 386SX chipset intel 82395sx Intel 386 DX Intel CPU 386 PDF

    nad 116

    Abstract: t428 MC9020 nad 302 soro power TR32 128-pin card reader qfp T76B intel 82596 mco02
    Text: P L X TECHNOLOGY CORP S E E ]> •I baSSlMT 0Ü0Ü4ÔÔ ÔSÔ ■ PLX MC 9020 December 1991 Micro Channel Bus Master Interface Chip _ for Intel 82596 Ethernet Controller 'T ^ 5 a . - 3 ¡ 3 - 9 5 Features_ General Description_

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    128-pin nad 116 t428 MC9020 nad 302 soro power TR32 128-pin card reader qfp T76B intel 82596 mco02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ìm à g in s CORP : S4E J> *5716256 0 0 1 4 7 4 ? b l2 T '5 2 . - 3 V 4 5 WD90C30 High Performance Video Controller :' :i 5 8 WESTERN DIGITAI. she t> m 'jT ia s a a o g im tm ö WE ST ERN D I G I T A L sst h o c w d 9 0C 30 CORP TABLE OF CONTENTS T -5 2 -3 3 -4 5

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    WD90C30 WD90C30 144-pin WD9QC30 PDF

    cga ega vga converter

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WD90C20/WD90C20A INTRODUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION This data sheet applies to both the WD90C20, and WD90C20A. The WD90C20A is a 0.9 micron version of the WD90C20 VGA controller chip. For convenience all references to these two devices will be referred to as the WD90C20.

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    WD90C20/WD90C20A WD90C20, WD90C20A. WD90C20A WD90C20 WD90C20. D90C20 D90C00 cga ega vga converter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTERN DIGITAL CORP =1710220 0001=205 T SIE D Advance Information EE6030 Cache/DRAM and Channel Control Device Complete compatibility with the IBM* Personal System/2* Models 70 and 80 Direct-Mapped Cache Controller Includes the following: Page Mode DRAM Controller

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    EE6030 FE6030 1070w 11932f SDC40 PDF

    KNC 201 15

    Abstract: K1503 hp 1502 vga knc 201 39 82C452 CD 1517 intergrated circuit KNC 201 82C322 LIM EMS 4.0 82C631
    Text: CHIPS AND TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 3050 ZÄNKER ROAD. SAN JOSE, CA 95134 408-434-0600 PRELIMINARY SPECIFICATION CHIPS/280 MODEL 70/80 COMPATIBLE CHIPSET 16-, 20-, 25-, & 33-Mhz* * 33M h z t im in g w a v e f o r m s & T-NUMBERS ARE AVAILABLE A u g u s t 9 ,1 9 8 9

    OCR Scan
    CHIPS/280 33-MHZ* 33Mhz CPI022 CPIQ22 82C226 100-Pin KNC 201 15 K1503 hp 1502 vga knc 201 39 82C452 CD 1517 intergrated circuit KNC 201 82C322 LIM EMS 4.0 82C631 PDF


    Abstract: microchannel ibm technical microchannel 5 pin reset ic ARB IBM T61
    Text: P L X TECHNOLOCY CORP 52E ]> • bflSSlMT 00GD453 53T «PLX MC 9010 Micro Channel Bus Master Interface Chip for _National DP83932 Ethernet Controller T■C H N O Ï p î r T April 1992 ~TzSô> Features_ General Description_

    OCR Scan
    00GD453 DP83932 128-pin T76B microchannel ibm technical microchannel 5 pin reset ic ARB IBM T61 PDF

    RELE RAS 1210

    Abstract: WD90C24 wd90c33 A27Z PARADISE vlsi 386sx 80386DX 16 BIT wd90c31 80386SX 208-pin microchannel
    Text: 5ME T71Ö52S » aaiboa? WD90C33 High Performance VGA Controller Chip for PClATIISAIEISAfVESA and PS/2 Systems Advanced Information gS WESTERN DIGITAL \ A 235 • IIIDC WESTERN DIGITAL CORP SHE D ■ T71fl22fl □□lbQ2fl 17T ■■ UI1>C T-52-33-45 Copyright 1992 Western Digital Corporation

    OCR Scan
    WD90C33 T71fl22fl T-52-33-45 D90C33 171A22a 208-pin 77PPPUUPPP RELE RAS 1210 WD90C24 A27Z PARADISE vlsi 386sx 80386DX 16 BIT wd90c31 80386SX 208-pin microchannel PDF

    31DF DIODE

    Abstract: IBM motherboard schematics 478 comparison between buffer 74LS245 and 74ls244 ibm 478 motherboard LM339 APPLICATIONS 15-13 pin vga cable connection Hsync Vsync VGA 31df 6 7h on4801 S3 TRIO 64
    Text: •■ ^ ■■ •• n i r a 82C480 8514/A-COMPATIBLE GRAPHICS CONTROLLER ■ ■ ■ Fully Compatible with IBM 8514/A at both register and software 'Adapter Interface' or AI level Runs Windows and Presentation Manager for the 8514/A without special drivers

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    82C480 8514/A-COMPATIBLE 8514/A 160-Pin 16-bit 74LS245 LM339 31DF DIODE IBM motherboard schematics 478 comparison between buffer 74LS245 and 74ls244 ibm 478 motherboard LM339 APPLICATIONS 15-13 pin vga cable connection Hsync Vsync VGA 31df 6 7h on4801 S3 TRIO 64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WD83C593 DESCRIPTION AND APPLICA TION 1.0 DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION The WD83C593 is a Micro Channel bus interface controller designed for non-intelligent Ethernet or StarLAN boards. The device is used as an inter­ face to the LAN controller, BIOS ROM, buffer RAM

    OCR Scan
    WD83C593 WD83C593 84-pin MADE24 CDDS16 ADE24, LA06 PDF


    Abstract: schematic computer 80386 chip mother board sis 662 NEW DATABASE - 350 MILLION FROM 8500 MANUFACTURERS 80486 microprocessor circuit diagram SmD TRANSISTOR a77 SMD Transistor jly PALCE16V8-10 ksp 13 f10 ksp 13 replacement
    Text: a Dynamic Memory Design 1991/1992 Data Book/Handbook Advanced Micro Devices % M aeey D ynam ic M em ory D esign 1991/1992 Data Book/Handbook D V A N C E D M I C R O D E V I C E S 1991 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. A dvanced Micro Devices reserves the right to make changes in its products

    OCR Scan
    accuram29C676 07606C Am7202A Am7203A Am7204A Am7205A TRANSISTOR SMD T1P schematic computer 80386 chip mother board sis 662 NEW DATABASE - 350 MILLION FROM 8500 MANUFACTURERS 80486 microprocessor circuit diagram SmD TRANSISTOR a77 SMD Transistor jly PALCE16V8-10 ksp 13 f10 ksp 13 replacement PDF


    Abstract: PQFP 132 PACKAGE DIMENSION intel 82308 intel 82308 82311 231369 Intel 100 pin PQFP dimension intel 82385 386 chipset 386 AT chipset
    Text: intei* Micro Channel INTERFACE AND SPECIFICATIONS • introduction ■ Micro Channel Specifications ■ Micro Channel Interface Logic Requirements — 386 DX System Data Path — 386 DX System Address/Command Path — 386 SX System Data Path — 386 SX System Address Command

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: TVGA8900C TCK9004 TVGA8900D tvga8900cl trident TVGA8900C TKD8001 Tvga TVGA-8900 trident micro
    Text: TRID EN T M I C R O S Y S T E M S INC b?E » Mi 'iGOeiöe □ □ G G 2 2 Iî TT4 • TRIS TVGA8900D SUPER VGA CONTROLLER Overview ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ General Description Single-chip solution for IBM PC/AT and compatible,

    OCR Scan
    TVGA8900D 16-bit 256Kx4, 256Kx8, 256Kxl6, 512Kx4 512Kx8 256Kx4 640x400 640x480 tvga8900 TVGA8900C TCK9004 tvga8900cl trident TVGA8900C TKD8001 Tvga TVGA-8900 trident micro PDF


    Abstract: 5614 ML TDK cga ega vga cga to vga converter laptop lcd fl inverter pvga1a 102H WD90C00 WD90C22 6845 8bit vga controller
    Text: IN TRO D UCTIO N 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 D E S C R IP T IO N WD90C22 1.2 This data sheet describes the WD90C22 video controller. The W D90C22 is a VGA display con­ troller that has been optimized for applications that require flat panel display support. It is an ex­

    OCR Scan
    WD90C22 WD90C22 WD90C00 PARADISE VGA 5614 ML TDK cga ega vga cga to vga converter laptop lcd fl inverter pvga1a 102H 6845 8bit vga controller PDF


    Abstract: LA10 WD83C593 LA07 WD83C690 LA06
    Text: WD83C593 DESCRIPTION AND APPLICA TION 1.0 DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION The W D83C593 is a Micro Channel bus interface controller designed for non-intelligent Ethernet or StarLAN boards. The device is used as an inter­ face to the LAN controller, BIOS ROM, buffer RAM

    OCR Scan
    WD83C593 WD83C593 84-pin made24 cdds16 MADE24, k-t24 c2165 LA10 LA07 WD83C690 LA06 PDF


    Abstract: nad 116 intel 82596 CA1X 00D050 microchannel 1391P
    Text: P L X TECHNOLOGY CORP S2E » • b asim i 0 0 Q 0 4 ÔÔ asa » p l x MC 9020 December 1991 Micro Channel Bus Master Interface Chip _ for Intel 82596 Ethernet Controller " r -S :x ~ 3 3 -S > S Features_ General Description_

    OCR Scan
    128-pin T76B nad 116 intel 82596 CA1X 00D050 microchannel 1391P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CIRRUS LOGIC INC/ PIXEL bSE D •ÌDD33bM □ □□OQf33 TZfl ■ PIXL CL-PX2070 Pixel Semiconductor Preliminary Data Book A C irru s L o g ic C o m p a n y APPLICATIONS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Presentation Video Editing Video Authoring Video Teleconferencing

    OCR Scan
    DD33bM OQf33 CL-PX2070 CL-PX2070 PDF

    Liming T78 5v

    Abstract: Liming T78 8751 microcontroller controller st506 82C780 68HC11 ST506 ST-506 Chips and Technologies microchannel timing microchannel
    Text: 82C780 Microchanneltm Hard Disk Controller t Prelim in ary D a t a S h e e t January 1989 The Information contained in this document is being issued In advance of the production cycia of this device. The parameters for the device may change before final production. This document is protected by copyright and contains

    OCR Scan
    82C780 Liming T78 5v Liming T78 8751 microcontroller controller st506 68HC11 ST506 ST-506 Chips and Technologies microchannel timing microchannel PDF

    CIRRUS 4208-CRZ

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HRir 2 4 1933 CL-GD542X ~2TCIRRUS LOGIC“ Preliminary Data Book FEATURES True Color VGA Family True Color CL-GD542X Fam ily Features • 100% hardware- and BIOS-compatible with IBM9 VGA display standards ■ High-performance Write Buffer architecture ■ Hardware Cursor up to 64 x 64 pixels

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    CL-GD542X CL-GD542X) CL-GD5426) CL-GD5428) CIRRUS 4208-CRZ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m ^7ifi52fl ooma?a 1 ? 'T - S 2 - 3 S - 4 £ WD90C31A High Performance Video Controller with Windows Accelerator WD90C31A WESTERN DIGITAL CORP 54E ]> • ^710220 001407*} 003 Hlil] TABLE OF CONTENTS T—5 2 - 3 3 - 4 5 Section Title Page , 1.0 INTRODUCTION

    OCR Scan
    7ifi52fl WD90C31A WD90C31A 132-pin T-52-33-45 144-pin 90C31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Information FE6030 Cache/DRAM and Channel Control Device a □ Complete compatibility with the IBM* Personal System/2* Models 70 and 80 Direct-Mapped Cache Controller Includes the following: Page Mode DRAM Controller Memory Configuration Registers

    OCR Scan
    FE6030 FE6030 FE6500 119S2Â PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W E S T ER N P 1 6 I TAL CÖRP MbE D / m ' =5710220 00122^3 fi H ù lK ' _ • . * ' ' • • . - • •- . ,~ T - S Z - ^ l- q ^ • v WD90C31 High Performance VGA Controller WESTERN DIGITAL ft 9 0 0 0 -2 6 1 3 W E S T E R N D I G I T A L CORP 4bE ]> .

    OCR Scan
    WD90C31 1BS56 T-52-33-45 grante20 144-PIN INFORMATION2/7/92 PDF


    Abstract: concept 21145 80486 circuit acc micro 386 weitek 1167
    Text: WESTERN DIGITAL CORP 41E D B ‘Ì71&3Z& 000^021, 3 QldDC SYSTEMS LOGIC/PERIPHERAL T '- S Z - 'b T . - U WD6030 Cache/DRAM and Channel Control Device 3^ WESTERN DIGITAL X WESTERN D I G IT A L CORP M1E J> B cj7 1 ö 2 2 ö TAB LE OF CONTENTS 000^027 S EllilDC

    OCR Scan
    WD6030 WD6030 WD6030_ 16-Bit 171fl55fl T-52-33-21 132-Pin weitek concept 21145 80486 circuit acc micro 386 weitek 1167 PDF