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    CDV040 Search Results

    CDV040 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FINAL Am27C2048 2 Megabit 128 K x 16-Bit CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ±10% power supply tolerance standard ■ Fast access time ■ 100% Flashrite programming — Speed options as fast as 55 ns ■ Low power consumption — Typical programming time of 16 seconds

    Am27C2048 16-Bit) 40-pin 44-pin AM27C2048 16-038-SQ PDF


    Abstract: AM27C2048
    Text: FINAL Advanced Micro Devices Am27C2048 2 Megabit 131,072 x 16-Bit CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Fast access time ■ ±10% power supply tolerance standard — 70 ns ■ Low power consumption ■ 100% Flashrite programming — 100 µA maximum CMOS standby current

    Am27C2048 16-Bit) 40-pin 44-pin KS000010 11407F-9 A1016 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am27C400 Advanced Micro Devices 4 Megabit 524,288 x 8-Bit/262,144 x 16-Bit ROM Compatible CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Single +5 V power supply • Fast access time ±10% power supply tolerance standard on most speeds — 100 ns ■ Low power consumption

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    Am27C400 8-Bit/262 16-Bit) 44-pin 42-pin 27C400 KS000010 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a FINAL Advanced! Micro Devices Am27C4096 4 Megabit 262,144 x 16-Bit CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ Fast access time ■ Single + 5 V power supply — 90 ns ■ ± 10% power supply tolerance standard on most speeds Low power consum ption

    OCR Scan
    Am27C4096 16-Bit) 27C4096 KS000010 11408E-9 PDF

    socket AM2 pinout

    Abstract: AMD socket AM2 pinout amd am2 socket pin diagram AMD am2 socket pinout VOLTAGE AMD am2 socket pinout AM2 pinout Socket F amd AM2 pinout pinout AM2 AMD am2 socket pin diagram
    Text: Am27C400 Advanced Micro Devices 4 Megabit 524,288 x 8-Bit/262,144 x 16-Bit ROM Compatible CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Single +5 V power supply • Fast access time ±10% power supply tolerance standard on most speeds — 100 ns ■ Low power consumption

    OCR Scan
    Am27C400 8-Bit/262 16-Bit) 44-pin 42-pin 15573C-8 Am2/C400 KS000010 socket AM2 pinout AMD socket AM2 pinout amd am2 socket pin diagram AMD am2 socket pinout VOLTAGE AMD am2 socket pinout AM2 pinout Socket F amd AM2 pinout pinout AM2 AMD am2 socket pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: am27c1024 amd
    Text: a Am27C1024 Advanced Micro Devices 1 Megabit 65,536 x 16-Bit CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Fast access time ■ — 85 ns 100% Fiashrite programming — Typical programming time o l 8 seconds ■ Low power consumption ■ Latch-up protected to 100 mA from -1 V to

    OCR Scan
    Am27C1024 16-Bit) 40-Pin 44-Pin KS000010 06780G-8 am27c1024 amd PDF

    Product Selector Guide

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AMD£I FINAL Am27C2048 2 Megabit 131,072 x 16-Bit CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Fast access time ■ ±10% power supply tolerance standard ■ 100% Flashrite programming — 55 ns maximum access time ■ Low power consumption — Typical programming time of 16 seconds

    OCR Scan
    Am27C2048 16-Bit) 40-pin 44-pin Product Selector Guide PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADV MICRO MEMORY MAE D Q257S2Û 0D304Ô4 b IA M D 4 T -4 6 -1 3 -2 9 Advanced Micro Devices Am27C2048 2 Megabit (131,072 x 16-Bit) CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ ■ ■ ■ Fast access time -v 100 ns Low power consumption - 25 mA typical CMOS standby current

    OCR Scan
    Q257S2Ã 0D304Ã Am27C2048 16-Bit) -40-pin 44-pin D257S2Ã D03DMn 05-006B PDF


    Abstract: AM9511A AM9511A-1
    Text: Am9511A Arithmetic Processor M ILITARY IN FO R M A TIO N V U 9 6 U IV DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • 2 and 3 MHz operation; fixed point 16-bit and 32-bit operations Floating point 32-bit operations; binary data formats Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide; trigonometric and

    OCR Scan
    Am9511A 16-bit 32-bit 32-bit 0ES75E5 D0570DM 68-Pin CA2068 DS57SES AM9511 AM9511A-1 PDF


    Abstract: 07C51 oac oscillator 67C51
    Text: 87C51/87C52T2 8-B it C M O S M icro co n tro lle rs P R E LIM IN A R Y DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • • • • Software- and pin-compatible with 80C51 Beneficial for prototyping and initial production All 80C51BH and 80C52T2 features retained

    OCR Scan
    87C51/87C52T2 80C51 80C51BH 80C52T2 32-Byte 87C51 87C52T2 87C51 BN-01 07C51 oac oscillator 67C51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FINAL a Advanced Micro Devices Am27C1024 1 Megabit 65,536 x 16-Bit CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Fast access time ■ 100% Flashrite programming — 85 ns ■ Low power consumption — Typical programming time of 8 seconds ■ Latch-up protected to 100 mA from -1 V to

    OCR Scan
    Am27C1024 16-Bit) 40-Pin 44-Pin KS000010 06780G-8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FINAL a Advanced Micro Devices Am27C2048 2 Megabit 131,072 x 16-Bit CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Fast access time ■ Single +5 V power supply ■ ±10 V power supply tolerance standard on most speeds — 90 ns ■ Low power consumption — 100 nA maximum CMOS standby current

    OCR Scan
    Am27C2048 16-Bit) 40-pin 44-pin KS000010 11407D-9 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FINAL AMDZ1 Am27C4096 4 Megabit 256 K x 16-Bit CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Fast access time ■ Single +5 V power supply ■ ±10% power supply tolerance standard — Speed options as fast as 90 ns ■ Low power consumption ■ 100% Flashrite programming

    OCR Scan
    Am27C4096 16-Bit) 40-pin 44-pin 16-038-SC AM27C4096 16-038-SQ PDF


    Abstract: 8085A A03 SMD iran 8085A-2 KX-7T SMD CRYSTAL 25,0 MHZ
    Text: 8085A 8-Bit Microprocessor 8085A M ILITA R Y IN FO R M A TIO N DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • • SMD/DESC qualified 3- and 5-MHz selections available On-chip system controller; advanced cycle status infor­ mation available for large system control

    OCR Scan
    085A-2) DQ570D5 T-90-20 CGX068 07547B 8065A 8085A A03 SMD iran 8085A-2 KX-7T SMD CRYSTAL 25,0 MHZ PDF


    Abstract: 56497
    Text: ZI FINAL Am27C1024 Advanced Micro Devices 1 Megabit 65,536 x 16-Bit CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Fast access time ■ 100% Flashrite programming — 70 ns ■ Low power consumption — Typical programming time of 8 seconds ■ Latch-up protected to 100 mA from -1 V to

    OCR Scan
    Am27C1024 16-Bit) 40-Pin 44-Pin 8M-7/94-0 06780H 0ES755Ã CLV044 56497 PDF


    Abstract: T-46
    Text: ADV MI CRO MEMORY 4ÖE 02S7S2Ö J> 003D4S3 h • AMD4 T - 46-13-29 Advanced Micro Devices A m 2 7 C 1 0 2 4 1 Megabit (65,536 x 16-Bit) CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ■ High Speed Flashrite programming ■ Fast access tim e — 100 ns ■ Low power consumption:

    OCR Scan
    02S7S2Ã 003D4S3 T-46-13-29 Am27C1024 16-Bit) 40-pin 0D304L 06780-009E D0304 T-46 PDF


    Abstract: 15452-005B
    Text: ADV MI C RO MEMORY MöE D • 025752Û Preliminary GG30S1S 2 ■ AMDM T - 4 6 - 1 3 -2 9 * Advanced A m 2 7 C 4 0 0 M ic r o 4 Megabit (524,288 x 8-Bit/262,144 x 16-Bit) ROM Compatible CMOS EPROM Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ■ ■ Fast access time

    OCR Scan
    GG30S1S T-46-13-29 Am27C400 8-Bit/262 16-Bit) 40-pin I27C400 G25752Ã T-46-13-29 14971-006B ZDA16 15452-005B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8751H/8753H Single-Chip 8-Bit Microcontroller with 4K /8 K Bytes of EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • • • 4K X 8 EPROM 8751H ; 8 K x 8 EPROM (8753H) 1 2 8 x 8 RAM Four 8 -bit ports, 32 I/O lines; programmable serial port Two 16-bit Tim er/E vent counters

    OCR Scan
    8751H/8753H 8751H) 8753H) 16-bit 8751H 8753H 8751H, 48TCLCL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ORDERING INFORMATION Standard Products AMD standard products are available in several packages and operating ranges. The order number Valid Combination is formed by a combination of: a. Device Number b. Speed O ption (If applicable) c. Package Type d. Tem perature Range

    OCR Scan
    AM27C1024 AM27C1024-100 AM27C1024-105 AM27C1024-125 AM27C1024-150 DP8531 R11-R0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FINAL AMDÌ1 Am27C1024 1 Megabit 65 K x 16-Bit CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ±10% power supply tolerance standard ■ Fast access time — Speed options as fast as 55 ns ■ 100% Flashrite programming ■ Low power consumption — Typical programming time of 8 seconds

    OCR Scan
    Am27C1024 16-Bit) 40-Pin 44-Pin 044--44-Pin a1334 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Advanced Micro Devices Am27C2048 2 Megabit 131,072 x 16-Bit CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Single +5 V power supply ■ Fast access time ■ ±10 V power supply tolerance standard on most speeds — 90 ns ■ Low power consumption — 100 pA maximum CMOS standby current

    OCR Scan
    Am27C2048 16-Bit) 40-pin 44-pin KS000010 11407D-9 Am27C2046 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am27C1024 Advanced Micro Devices 1 Megabit 65,536 X 16-Bit CMOS EPROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Fast access time 100% Flashrite programming — 7 0 ns — T yp ica l p ro g ra m m in g tim e o f 8 s e c o n d s ■ Low power consumption — 20 Latch-up protected to 100 mA from -1 V to

    OCR Scan
    Am27C1024 16-Bit) 27C1024 06780I-8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am27Cl024 6 5 ,5 3 6 x 1 6-Bit CMOS EPROM Am27C1024 PRELIMINARY DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Fast access time — 200 ns Low-power dissipation - 250 mW at 5_MHz - 1 mW at E CE = V cc ±0.3 • • • • Programming voltage— 12.5 ±0.3 V First EPROM offering 16-bit inputs and outputs

    OCR Scan
    Am27Cl024 Am27C1024 16-bit 10-ms PDF

    difference between intel 8086 and intel 80186 pro

    Abstract: 80186 microprocessors block diagram and pin diagrams PU55 Scan of the Intel 80186 CGX068 8284 intel microprocessor architecture 80186 architecture CD PRO2 difference between intel 80186 and intel 80286 pro Intel Micro in instruction set 8086
    Text: .-1 199t 80186 High Integration 16-Bit Microprocessor ¡APX86 Family DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Integrated feature set E nhanced 10 MHz 8086-1 CPU C lock generator Tw o independent, high-speed D M A channels Program m able interrupt controller T hree program m able 16-bit tim ers

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit APX86 00570DM T-90-20 68-Pin CA2068 QQ27QDS CGX068 difference between intel 8086 and intel 80186 pro 80186 microprocessors block diagram and pin diagrams PU55 Scan of the Intel 80186 8284 intel microprocessor architecture 80186 architecture CD PRO2 difference between intel 80186 and intel 80286 pro Intel Micro in instruction set 8086 PDF