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    CFY 19 SIEMENS Search Results

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    cfy siemens

    Abstract: CFY77-10 cfy77 HEMT marking P 059 906 051 CFY77-08 Q62702-F1549 Q62702-F1559 cfy 14 siemens HEMT marking K
    Text: AlGaAs / InGaAs HEMT CFY 77 Datasheet Features * Very low noise * Very high gain * For low noise front end amplifiers up to 20 GHz * For DBS down converters

    CFY77-08 Q62702-F1549 CFY77-10 Q62702-F1559 cfy siemens CFY77-10 cfy77 HEMT marking P 059 906 051 CFY77-08 Q62702-F1549 Q62702-F1559 cfy 14 siemens HEMT marking K PDF


    Abstract: siemens gaas fet 76 marking code SIEMENS gaas fet marking a CFY30 HL 050 118 31 04 FET marking code FET marking codes FET transistors with s-parameters Q62703-F97
    Text: CFY 30 GaAs FET Datasheet * Low noise Fmin = 1.4 dB @ 4 GHz * High gain ( 11.5 dB typ. @ 4 GHz ) * For oscillators up to 12 GHz * For amplifiers up to 6 GHz

    Q62703-F97 OT-143 F5049 siemens gaas fet 76 marking code SIEMENS gaas fet marking a CFY30 HL 050 118 31 04 FET marking code FET marking codes FET transistors with s-parameters PDF

    ujt 2646

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR J 5804 label infineon barcode msc 1697 MSC 1697 IC pin diagram Rohde und Schwarz Active Antenna HE 011 cd 6283 audio smd transistor v75 log tx2 0909 IC data book free download
    Text: D a t a B o o k , J a n. 20 0 1 GaAs Components N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2001-01-01 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53, D-81541 München, Germany Infineon Technologies AG 2001. All Rights Reserved. Attention please!

    D-81541 14-077S Q62702-D1353 Q62702-G172 Q62702-G173 ujt 2646 TRANSISTOR J 5804 label infineon barcode msc 1697 MSC 1697 IC pin diagram Rohde und Schwarz Active Antenna HE 011 cd 6283 audio smd transistor v75 log tx2 0909 IC data book free download PDF

    tda 6109

    Abstract: V23100-V7228-F110 B32650 V23100-V7213-F104 V23100-W1224-A104 V23082-A1005-A401 V23108-A1003-B101 V23104-A1003-B101 V23100-V7228-F104 B32110-F
    Text: Katalognummern-Referenz: SCHURICHT-Nummern ⇔ SIEMENS-Nummern Da im Katalog aus drucktechnischen Gründen die Siemensnummern oft nicht zusammenhängend – sondern in Produktgruppen- und Einzelexemplar-Teil aufgetrennt – dargestellt sind, finden Sie hier in einer großen Tabelle für jedes Bauteil die SCHURICHT- und die SIEMENS-Nummern

    B57236S509M" Q67000A8118 Q67000A8183 Q67000A9094 Q670008237 Q67000A9108 Q67000A9062 Q67000A8187 Q67000A9003 Q67000A9059 tda 6109 V23100-V7228-F110 B32650 V23100-V7213-F104 V23100-W1224-A104 V23082-A1005-A401 V23108-A1003-B101 V23104-A1003-B101 V23100-V7228-F104 B32110-F PDF


    Abstract: gaas fet micro-X Package marking BAS70B-HP x-band power transistor x-band mmic lna CGY40 MMIC Amplifier Micro-X marking D MSC Microwave gaas fet micro-X Package INFINEON PART MARKING
    Text: HiRel Discrete & Microwave Semiconductors Introduction and Type Overview HiRel DISCRETE & MICROWAVE SEMICONDUCTORS INTRODUCTION AND TYPE OVERVIEW HiRel Discrete and Microwave Semiconductors from Infineon Technologies AG December 1999 Product Marketing: Infineon Technologies AG

    MWP-25 MWP-35 SIEMENS MICROWAVE RADIO 8 GHz gaas fet micro-X Package marking BAS70B-HP x-band power transistor x-band mmic lna CGY40 MMIC Amplifier Micro-X marking D MSC Microwave gaas fet micro-X Package INFINEON PART MARKING PDF

    microwave transistor bfy193

    Abstract: BFY193 Micro-X marking "Fp" GaAs Amplifier Micro-X Marking k BAS40 BFY180 BFY405 BXY42 CFY25 micro-x 420
    Text: HiRel Discrete & Microwave Semiconductors Introduction and Type Overview HiRel DISCRETE & MICROWAVE SEMICONDUCTORS INTRODUCTION AND TYPE OVERVIEW HiRel Discrete and Microwave Semiconductors from Infineon Technologies AG December 1999 Product Marketing: Infineon Technologies AG

    MWP-25 MWP-35 microwave transistor bfy193 BFY193 Micro-X marking "Fp" GaAs Amplifier Micro-X Marking k BAS40 BFY180 BFY405 BXY42 CFY25 micro-x 420 PDF


    Abstract: LXM05 merlin gerin catalogue 1980 RS-422 edi 70 DRC 25 SERIES SHAFT ENCODER VW3A8306TF03 PE circuit telemecanique circuit breaker catalogue VW3M3103 earth leakage circuit breaker 30 mA merlin gerin
    Text: Technical Documentation Product manual AC servo drive LXM05A Document: 0198441113232 Edition: V1.20, 06.2007 LXM05A Important information The drive systems described here are products for general use that conform to the state of the art in technology and are designed to prevent any

    LXM05A LXM05A LXM05 merlin gerin catalogue 1980 RS-422 edi 70 DRC 25 SERIES SHAFT ENCODER VW3A8306TF03 PE circuit telemecanique circuit breaker catalogue VW3M3103 earth leakage circuit breaker 30 mA merlin gerin PDF

    cfy 14 siemens

    Abstract: CFY 18 CFY 10 cfy siemens CFY12 CFY10 CFY 18-23
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF QBE D • fl23SbDS QOlSb?*} T H S I E G 7~“3/-^5' GaAs FETs Gallium Arsenide Field-Effect Transistors Metal Ceram ic Packages Type Max. ratings V ds V 5 CFY 10 5 CFY 11 CFY 12 5 0 CFY 19-18 6 □ CFY 19-22 6 □ CFY 19-27 6 CFY 18-12 5

    OCR Scan
    fl23SbDS cfy 14 siemens CFY 18 CFY 10 cfy siemens CFY12 CFY10 CFY 18-23 PDF

    cfy 19 siemens

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS CFY 19 GaAs FET • • • • • Low noise High gain Ion-implanted planar structure All gold metallization For front ends • For oscillators • For antenna amplifiers from UHF up to 12 GHz • Hi rel/MIL tested upon request ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions!

    OCR Scan
    Q62703-F14 Q62703-F3 G0b7502 00h7S03 cfy 19 siemens PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF LOE ]> • 023SbOS G D S m ? S M7D I1SIE6 SIEMENS Transistoren Transistors AIGaAs/GaAs HEMTs AIGaAs/GaAs HEMTs Characteristics TA = 25° C Maximum Ratings E mW 9m mS 70 180 40 ¿> P o Type 70 180 40 -3.0.0 60 180 50 70 200 40

    OCR Scan
    023SbOS CGY50 OT-143 CGY40 CLY10 CGY52 PDF


    Abstract: CFY30
    Text: SIEMENS CFY 30 GaAs FET F eatures • Low noise /-'mm = 1.4 d B at 4 G Hz • High gain (11.5 dB typ. a l 4 GHz) • For o scillators up to 12 G Hz • For am p lifiers up to 6 GHz • Io n -im planted p lanar structure • C hip all gold m etallization

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS CFY 30 GaAs FET • • • • • • • Low noise Fmin= 1.4 dB @ 4 GHz High gain (11.5 dB typ. @ 4 GHz) For oscillators up to 12 GHz For amplifiers up to 6 GHz Ion implanted planar structure Chip all gold metallization Chip nitride passivation

    OCR Scan
    Q62703-F97 OT-143 D15SS7b PDF

    cfy siemens

    Abstract: cfy 19 siemens CFY 19 cfy 14 siemens MARKING SOT-143 C5 CFY 18 CFY 10 6MA80 CFY10
    Text: SI EM ENS A K T I E N G E S E L L S C H A F 47E D fl235büS OOSbSflü □ « S I E G GaAsFETs Metal Ceramic Package Type B B S El □ S S Max. ratings Package M arking Fig. 14 14 100 mil 100 mil C10 C11 23 23 — - 11.5 11.5 - - Cerec-XF Cerec-XF Cerec-XF

    OCR Scan
    fl235b OT-143 cfy siemens cfy 19 siemens CFY 19 cfy 14 siemens MARKING SOT-143 C5 CFY 18 CFY 10 6MA80 CFY10 PDF

    HEMT marking K

    Abstract: marking t54 CFY 18 CFY77-08 CFY77-10 Q62702-F1549 Q62702-F1559 cfy 14 siemens marking code 51C HEMT
    Text: SIEMENS AIGaAs / InGaAs HEMT CFY 77 D a t a s h e e t Features ‘ Very low noise ‘ Very high gain * For low noise front end amplifiers up to 20 GHz * For DBS down converters VS005553 ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions!

    OCR Scan
    VS005553 CFY77-08 Q62702-F1549 CFY77-10 Q62702-F1559 chap18 S35bD5 HEMT marking K marking t54 CFY 18 cfy 14 siemens marking code 51C HEMT PDF

    SIEMENS 230 92 O

    Abstract: siemens gaas fet gaas fet marking a FET GAAS marking a CFY 18 siemens 230 98 O siemens 230 99 o CFY30 S11 SIEMENS
    Text: SIEMENS CFY30 GaAs FET Datasheet * Low noise Fmjn= 1.4 dB @ 4 G H z * High gain ( 11.5 dB typ. @ 4 G H z) * For oscillators up to 12 GHz * For amplifiers up to 6 GHz * Ion implanted planar structure * Chip all gold metallization * Chip nitride passivation

    OCR Scan
    CFY30 Q62703-F97 OT-143 SIEMENS 230 92 O siemens gaas fet gaas fet marking a FET GAAS marking a CFY 18 siemens 230 98 O siemens 230 99 o CFY30 S11 SIEMENS PDF

    BDP 284

    Abstract: BAV 217 Q62702-C2259 BAT 545 Q62702F1240 Q62702-A773 bdp 497 Q62702-C944 Q62702-D339 Q62702-C1529
    Text: SIEMENS List of Types in Alphanumerical Order Type Ordering Code Page BA 582 BA 585 BA 592 BA 595 BA 597 BA 885 BAL 74 BAL 99 BAR 14-01 BAR 15-01 BAR 16-01 BAR 17 BAR 60 BAR 61 BAR 63 BAR 63-03W BAR 63-04 BAR 63-05 BAR 63-06 BAR 64 BAR 64-03W BAR 64-04 BAR 64-05

    OCR Scan
    3-03W 4-03W 5-03W Q62702-A829 Q62702-A859 Q62702-A950 Q62702-A952 Q62702-A608 Q62702-A718 Q62702-A687 BDP 284 BAV 217 Q62702-C2259 BAT 545 Q62702F1240 Q62702-A773 bdp 497 Q62702-C944 Q62702-D339 Q62702-C1529 PDF


    Abstract: HEMT HEMT marking K 036 906 051 VS005553
    Text: SIEM ENS AIGaAs / InGaAs HEMT CFY 77 Datasheet Features * Very low noise *Very high gain * For low noise front end amplifiers up to 20 GHz * For DBS down converters VS005553 ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions! Type

    OCR Scan
    VS005553 CFY77-08 CFY77-10 Q62702-F1549 Q62702-F1559 CFY77-10 HEMT HEMT marking K 036 906 051 VS005553 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistoren Transistors HF-Transistoren und MMICs MOS Feldeffekt-Transistoren RF-Transistors and MMICs MOS Field-Effect Transistors Type Maximum Ratings Characteristics TA = 25 °C ^DS V Gps dB Fat dB Id mA Aot mW Vqs V Id mA / MHz gts mS Package Lead Code

    OCR Scan
    OT-143 23SbGS HF-transistoren PDF


    Abstract: CFY 18
    Text: SIEMENS CFY30 GaAs FET Datasheet * Low noise Fw„ = 1.4 dB @ 4 G H z * High gain (11.5 dB typ. @ 4 G H z) * For oscillators up to 12 GHz * For amplifiers up to 6 GHz * Ion implanted planar structure * Chip all gold metallization * Chip nitride passivation

    OCR Scan
    CFY30 Q62703-F97 OT-143 CFY30 CFY 18 PDF

    CLY 30

    Abstract: cfy siemens CLYS MW-6 cly5
    Text: Transistoren Transistors AIGaAs/GaAs HEMTs AIGaAs/GaAs HEMTs Type Maximum Ratings Characteristics TA = 25 °C Package Lead Code V J'bs J'gs V h mA Aot mW 8m mS F dB CFY 77-08 3.5 2 60 180 65 0.7 10.5 12 MW-4 3 CFY 77-10 3.5 2 60 180 65 0.9 10 12 MW-4 3 :

    OCR Scan
    OT-223 fiE3Sb05 CLY 30 cfy siemens CLYS MW-6 cly5 PDF


    Abstract: CFY30 GaAs FET cfy 19 siemens gaas fet
    Text: fl2 3 b3 2ü BSE D GaAs FET SIEMENS/ 0G1734Ô 2 « S I P SPCLi SEMICONDS CFY30 T " '3 1 • • • • • • • Low noise Fm n = 1.4 dB at 4 GHz) High gain (11.5 dB typ. at 4 GHz) For oscillators up to 12 GHz For amplifiers up to 6 GHz Ion-implanted planar structure

    OCR Scan
    0G1734Ô CFY30 62703-F OT-143 fl23b32Q GG173S7 T--31--25 CFY30 GaAs FET cfy 19 siemens gaas fet PDF

    CFY 18

    Abstract: HEMT marking D HEMT marking K VS005553
    Text: SIEMENS AIGaAs / InGaAs HEMT CFY77 Datasheet Features * Very low noise •V ery high gain * For low noise front end amplifiers up to 20 GHz * For DBS down converters 4 * 2 VS005553 ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions!

    OCR Scan
    CFY77 VS005553 CFY77-08 CFY77-10 Q62702-F1549 Q62702-F1559 CFY 18 HEMT marking D HEMT marking K VS005553 PDF


    Abstract: D1279 Siemens 1414 D1275 germanium Germanium drift transistor diode a811 Siemens Halbleiter germanium transistor legiert
    Text: Table of Contents Selection Guide Ordering Codes Inhaltsverzeichnis Typeniibersicht Bestellnummern Scope of Applications Technical Information Quality Specifications Einsatzhinweise Technische Angaben Qualitatsangaben Package Outlines Mounting Instructions

    OCR Scan

    TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 946

    Abstract: transistor bc 564 transistor Bc 949 datenblatt TRANSISTOR BC 545 MARKING CODE AGS bsp 2000 siemens datenbuch bft99 mmic SMD amplifier marking code 19s TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE bc ru DIODE smd marking 22-16
    Text: Typeniibersicht Selection Guide Bestellnummern Ordering Codes Bestempelung Marking Catalog Technische Angaben « Technical Information Qualitatsangaben Quality Specification Gehause Package Outlines Verarbeitungshinweise Mounting Instructions Verpackungshinweise

    OCR Scan
    B3-B3715 B3715-X-X-7600 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 946 transistor bc 564 transistor Bc 949 datenblatt TRANSISTOR BC 545 MARKING CODE AGS bsp 2000 siemens datenbuch bft99 mmic SMD amplifier marking code 19s TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE bc ru DIODE smd marking 22-16 PDF