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    CGH40010F Search Results

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    CGH40010F Price and Stock

    MACOM CGH40010F

    RF MOSFET HEMT 28V 440166
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey CGH40010F Tray 115 1
    • 1 $87.51
    • 10 $73.162
    • 100 $73.162
    • 1000 $73.162
    • 10000 $73.162
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    Mouser Electronics CGH40010F
    • 1 $76.37
    • 10 $74.29
    • 100 $70.23
    • 1000 $70.23
    • 10000 $70.23
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    Richardson RFPD CGH40010F 1
    • 1 $125.41
    • 10 $125.41
    • 100 $125.41
    • 1000 $125.41
    • 10000 $125.41
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    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey CGH40010F-AMP Box 4 1
    • 1 $974.18
    • 10 $974.18
    • 100 $974.18
    • 1000 $974.18
    • 10000 $974.18
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    Richardson RFPD CGH40010F-AMP 1
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Wolfspeed CGH40010F

    RF MOSFET HEMT 28V 440166
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Win Source Electronics CGH40010F 1,125
    • 1 $171.1806
    • 10 $153.4722
    • 100 $153.4722
    • 1000 $153.4722
    • 10000 $153.4722
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    CGH40010F Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    CGH40010F Cree RF FETs, Discrete Semiconductor Products, TRANS 10W RF GAN HEMT 440166 PKG Original PDF
    CGH40010F-AMP Wolfspeed CGH40010F DEV BOARD WITH HEMT Original PDF
    CGH40010F-TB Cree RF Evaluation and Development Kits, Boards, RF/IF and RFID, BOARD DEMO AMP CIRCUIT CGH40010 Original PDF

    CGH40010F Datasheets Context Search

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    str w 6554 a

    Abstract: STR 6554 a
    Text: CGH40010 10 W, RF Power GaN HEMT Cree’s CGH40010 is an unmatched, gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). The CGH40010, operating from a 28 volt rail, offers a general purpose, broadband solution to a variety of RF and microwave applications. GaN HEMTs offer

    CGH40010 CGH40010 CGH40010, CGH40 40010P str w 6554 a STR 6554 a PDF

    schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w

    Abstract: pioneer PAL 012A 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 600va numeric ups circuit diagrams winbond bios 25064 TLE 9180 infineon smsc MEC 1300 nu TBE schematic diagram inverter 2000w DK55 circuit diagram of luminous 600va UPS
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 3-24 Digital Signal Processors, iCoupler , iMEMS® and iSensor . . . . . 805, 2707, 2768-2769 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 28-568 RF Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 454-455

    P462-ND P463-ND LNG295LFCP2U LNG395MFTP5U US2011) schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w pioneer PAL 012A 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 600va numeric ups circuit diagrams winbond bios 25064 TLE 9180 infineon smsc MEC 1300 nu TBE schematic diagram inverter 2000w DK55 circuit diagram of luminous 600va UPS PDF

    Cree Microwave

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY CGH40010 10 W, RF Power GaN HEMT Cree’s CGH40010 is an unmatched, gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). The CGH40010, operating from a 28 volt rail, offers a general purpose, broadband solution to a variety of RF and microwave applications. GaN HEMTs offer

    CGH40010 CGH40010 CGH40010, CGH40 40010P Cree Microwave PDF


    Abstract: CGH27015F CGH27015-TB CGH40010F JESD22 cgh40010 18pF
    Text: CGH27015 15 W, 28V, GaN HEMT for Linear Communications ranging from VHF to 3 GHz Cree’s CGH27015 is a gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor designed specifically for high efficiency, high gain and wide bandwidth capabilities, which makes the CGH27015 ideal for VHF, Comms, 3G, 4G, LTE,

    CGH27015 CGH27015 CGH2701 27015P CGH27015F CGH27015-TB CGH40010F JESD22 cgh40010 18pF PDF


    Abstract: CGH5501 smd transistor s2p CGH55015P2 CGH55015-TB cgh55 hemt .s2p RO4350B max torque CGH55015 CGH55015F
    Text: CGH55015F2 / CGH55015P2 10 W, C-band, Unmatched, GaN HEMT Cree’s CGH55015F2/CGH55015P2 is a gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) designed specifically for high efficiency, high gain and wide bandwidth capabilities, which makes the CGH55015F2/

    CGH55015F2 CGH55015P2 CGH55015F2/CGH55015P2 CGH55015F2/ CGH55015P2 CGH5501 CGH55 015F2 CGH5501 smd transistor s2p CGH55015-TB cgh55 hemt .s2p RO4350B max torque CGH55015 CGH55015F PDF

    STR W 5753 a

    Abstract: CGH40010 str 5753 str w 5753 8891 8952 Cree Microwave 10UF 470PF CGH40010F
    Text: CGH40010 10 W, RF Power GaN HEMT Cree’s CGH40010 is an unmatched, gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). The CGH40010, operating from a 28 volt rail, offers a general purpose, broadband solution to a variety of RF and microwave applications. GaN HEMTs offer

    CGH40010 CGH40010 CGH40010, CGH40 40010P STR W 5753 a str 5753 str w 5753 8891 8952 Cree Microwave 10UF 470PF CGH40010F PDF


    Abstract: transistor 9014 smd 9014 SMD CGH40010 CGH5501 CGH55015 CGH55015F CGH55015P2 CGH55015-TB
    Text: CGH55015F2 / CGH55015P2 10 W, C-band, Unmatched, GaN HEMT Cree’s CGH55015F2/CGH55015P2 is a gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) designed specifically for high efficiency, high gain and wide bandwidth capabilities, which makes the CGH55015F2/

    CGH55015F2 CGH55015P2 CGH55015F2/CGH55015P2 CGH55015F2/ CGH55015P2 CGH5501 CGH55 015F2 transistor 9014 smd 9014 SMD CGH40010 CGH5501 CGH55015 CGH55015F CGH55015-TB PDF

    str w 6554 a

    Abstract: CGH40010 Large Signal Model CGH40010F str w 6554 CGH40015 CGH40015F STR 6554 a CGH40010P str f 6554 str 6808
    Text: CGH40010 10 W, RF Power GaN HEMT Cree’s CGH40010 is an unmatched, gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). The CGH40010, operating from a 28 volt rail, offers a general purpose, broadband solution to a variety of RF and microwave applications. GaN HEMTs offer

    CGH40010 CGH40010 CGH40010, CGH40 40010P str w 6554 a CGH40010 Large Signal Model CGH40010F str w 6554 CGH40015 CGH40015F STR 6554 a CGH40010P str f 6554 str 6808 PDF


    Abstract: CGH40010F 10UF 470PF CGH40010-TB
    Text: PRELIMINARY CGH40010 10 W, RF Power GaN HEMT Cree’s CGH40010 is an unmatched, gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). The CGH40010, operating from a 28 volt rail, offers a general purpose, broadband solution to a variety of RF and microwave applications. GaN HEMTs offer

    CGH40010 CGH40010 CGH40010, CGH40 40010P CGH40010F 10UF 470PF CGH40010-TB PDF

    str 8656

    Abstract: str g 8656 str 6353 CGH40010 str 6308 8627 8656 STR A 6169 10UF 470PF
    Text: PRELIMINARY CGH40010 10 W, RF Power GaN HEMT Cree’s CGH40010 is an unmatched, gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). The CGH40010, operating from a 28 volt rail, offers a general purpose, broadband solution to a variety of RF and microwave applications. GaN HEMTs offer

    CGH40010 CGH40010 CGH40010, CGH40 40010P str 8656 str g 8656 str 6353 str 6308 8627 8656 STR A 6169 10UF 470PF PDF


    Abstract: str w 6554 a CGH40015F CGH40010 Large Signal Model transistor s2p str w 6554 CGH40015 str 6554 CGH40010 JESD22
    Text: CGH40010 10 W, RF Power GaN HEMT Cree’s CGH40010 is an unmatched, gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). The CGH40010, operating from a 28 volt rail, offers a general purpose, broadband solution to a variety of RF and microwave applications. GaN HEMTs offer

    CGH40010 CGH40010 CGH40010, CGH40 40010P CGH40010F str w 6554 a CGH40015F CGH40010 Large Signal Model transistor s2p str w 6554 CGH40015 str 6554 JESD22 PDF


    Abstract: str w 6554 CGH40010 CGH40010 Large Signal Model CGH40010-TB str w 6554 a transistor RF S-parameters str f 6554 STR 6554 a CGH40010P
    Text: CGH40010 10 W, RF Power GaN HEMT Cree’s CGH40010 is an unmatched, gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). The CGH40010, operating from a 28 volt rail, offers a general purpose, broadband solution to a variety of RF and microwave applications. GaN HEMTs offer

    CGH40010 CGH40010 CGH40010, CGH40 40010P CGH40010F str w 6554 CGH40010 Large Signal Model CGH40010-TB str w 6554 a transistor RF S-parameters str f 6554 STR 6554 a CGH40010P PDF


    Abstract: CGH27015
    Text: CGH27015 15 W, 28V, GaN HEMT for Linear Communications ranging from VHF to 3 GHz Cree’s CGH27015 is a gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor designed specifically for high efficiency, high gain and wide bandwidth capabilities, which makes the CGH27015 ideal for VHF, Comms, 3G, 4G, LTE,

    CGH27015 CGH27015 CGH2701 27015P CGH27015-TB PDF

    transistor 15478

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD 9014 transistor 9014 smd CGH55015F2 data sheet transistor 9014
    Text: CGH55015F2 / CGH55015P2 10 W, C-band, Unmatched, GaN HEMT Cree’s CGH55015F2/CGH55015P2 is a gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) designed specifically for high efficiency, high gain and wide bandwidth capabilities, which makes the CGH55015F2/

    CGH55015F2 CGH55015P2 CGH55015F2/CGH55015P2 CGH55015F2/ CGH55015P2 CGH5501 CGH55 015F2 transistor 15478 TRANSISTOR SMD 9014 transistor 9014 smd data sheet transistor 9014 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CGH27015 15 W, 28V, GaN HEMT for Linear Communications ranging from VHF to 3 GHz Cree’s CGH27015 is a gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor designed specifically for high efficiency, high gain and wide bandwidth capabilities, which makes the CGH27015 ideal for VHF, Comms, 3G, 4G, LTE,

    CGH27015 CGH27015 CGH2701 27015P PDF

    transistor C1096

    Abstract: transistor C2271 c2271 transistor TRANSISTOR C1555 GaN ADS Gan hemt transistor x band c1096 CGH40010F CuMoCu GaAs HEMTs X band
    Text: WMC: Challenges in Model-Based HPA Design Application of Non-Linear Models in a range of challenging GaN HEMT Power Amplifier Designs Ray Pengelly, Brad Millon, Don Farrell, Bill Pribble and Simon Wood Cree Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Outline • Attributes of GaN HEMTs



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY CGH40010 10 W, RF Power GaN HEMT Cree’s CGH40010 is an unmatched, gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). The CGH40010, operating from a 28 volt rail, offers a general purpose, broadband solution to a variety of RF and microwave applications. GaN HEMTs offer

    CGH40010 CGH40010 CGH40010, CGH40 40010P PDF


    Abstract: CGH40010F transistor 9014 smd 9014 transistor smd CGH55015F2 CGH5501 CGH55015 CGH55015F CGH55015P2 CGH55015-TB
    Text: CGH55015F2 / CGH55015P2 10 W, C-band, Unmatched, GaN HEMT Cree’s CGH55015F2/CGH55015P2 is a gallium nitride GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) designed specifically for high efficiency, high gain and wide bandwidth capabilities, which makes the CGH55015F2/

    CGH55015F2 CGH55015P2 CGH55015F2/CGH55015P2 CGH55015F2/ CGH55015P2 CGH5501 CGH55 015F2 TRANSISTOR SMD 9014 CGH40010F transistor 9014 smd 9014 transistor smd CGH5501 CGH55015 CGH55015F CGH55015-TB PDF


    Abstract: CGH40010P cgh60015 GaN ADS Gan hemt transistor x band cgh40120F cgh40045f CGH60015D CGH60060D CGH60030D cgh60120D
    Text: General Purpose Wide Bandgap Transistors Gallium Nitride GaN HEMTs for Broadband Applications Broadband performance - Enables high power, multi-octave bandwidth amplifiers This “general purpose” discrete device series features Cree’s GaN HEMTs. These unmatched packaged transistors
