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    CGS35IT450R5C Search Results

    CGS35IT450R5C Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: MALLORY TYPE CGS S85IU CGS402T200W4C 24U02 CGS35IT450R5C si93 CGS302U025 CGS102T350V4C cgs822u035r3c
    Text: Type CGS • MallorY Computer Grade Capacitors GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS DC Leakage C urrent: I = .006 V C V after 30 minutes Not to exceed 6mA C = Capacitance in V = Rated Voltage I = Leakage Current in mA ■ High CV Product ■ Screw Terminals ■ Suitable for use in most

    OCR Scan
    75/iF 000/xF valuS45IT450V3C CGS48IT450V4C CGS651T450V4C CGS80IT450V4L CGS971T450V4C 102T450W 142T450W 142T450V5L MALLORY CAPACITORS cgs MALLORY TYPE CGS S85IU CGS402T200W4C 24U02 CGS35IT450R5C si93 CGS302U025 CGS102T350V4C cgs822u035r3c PDF