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    CLA65AA Search Results

    CLA65AA Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    CLA65AA Clairex Electronics 100 mA, high voltage axial lead isolator Scan PDF
    CLA65AA Clairex Electronics High Voltage Axial Lead Isolators Scan PDF
    CLA65AA Senisys High CTR Optically Coupled Isolators Scan PDF

    CLA65AA Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: til99 photoconductor CL5M9M CLM610 CLM6000 CLM3000 CLE3309B CL8601M-X cl703 clairex CLT2190-X
    Text: DISCONTINUED PRODUCTS Call for Pricing Ph: 972-265-4900, email: [email protected] These parts are no longer made by Clairex and must be regarded as one time purchases. All parts with an X suffix will be retested prior to shipment. PART NUMBER C-100-A-X C-100-B-X

    C-100-A-X C-100-B-X C-101-X CL1073MA-X CL1420M-2-X CL1636-X CL1641-X CL1652P-1-X CL1652P-X CL1654P-X CL9020 til99 photoconductor CL5M9M CLM610 CLM6000 CLM3000 CLE3309B CL8601M-X cl703 clairex CLT2190-X PDF

    opto-isolators current sensor

    Abstract: 1u00 opto isolator IC optO isolators CLA65 CLA65AA
    Text: Darlington Output CLA65 CLA65AA High Voltage Axial Lead Isolators G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N — T he C lairex CLA65 series ax ia l lead isolators are designed for applications re q u irin g herm eticity and h ig h voltage isolation. T hese isolators fea­

    OCR Scan
    CLA65 CLA65AA CLA65 150mw opto-isolators current sensor 1u00 opto isolator IC optO isolators CLA65AA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4QE D B 34=1=1735 30010fl3 =1 EISENI FASCO INDS/ SENISYS Darlington Output 'T'4<.-<S S * CLA65 CLA65AA i I 1 - H H— .oso High Voltage Axial Lead Isolators GENERAL DESCRIPTION — The Clairex CLA65 series axial lead isolators are designed for applications requiring

    OCR Scan
    30010fl3 CLA65 CLA65AA CLA65 30ARLINGT0N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLA65 Darlington Output CLA65AA High Voltage Axial Lead Isolators GENERAL DESCRIPTION — The Clairex CLA65 series axial lead isolators are designed for applications requiring hermeticity and high voltage isolation. These isolators fea­ ture high current transfer ratios and the base lead of the

    OCR Scan
    CLA65 CLA65AA CLA65 150mw Co10m 150TYP 214S7T1 PDF


    Abstract: CLA65AA
    Text: CLAIREX ELECTRONICS »IV H E 2m a7*n QCiooa3b » 1 CLA65 Darlington Output CLA65AA High Voltage Axial Lead Isolators GENERAL DESCRIPTION — The Clairex CLA65 series axial lead isolators are designed for applications requiring hermeticity and high voltage isolation. These isolators fea­

    OCR Scan
    -r-Hl-35 CLA65 CLA65AA CLA65 CLA65AA PDF

    opto-isolators current sensor

    Abstract: AV8E MQE Series OPTO ISOLATOR TL optO isolators CLA65 CLA65AA
    Text: Wa 34 *^ 73 6 J D D 1 0 A 3 =1 O S E N I MQE D FASCO Darlington Output INDS/ SE N I S Y S CLA65 CLA65AA High Voltage Axial Lead Isolators ♦050- G E N E R A L D E SC R IP T IO N — T he C lairex CLA65 series ax ia l lead isolators are designed for applications req u irin g

    OCR Scan
    JDD10A3 CLA65 CLA65AA CLA65 opto-isolators current sensor AV8E MQE Series OPTO ISOLATOR TL optO isolators CLA65AA PDF

    C102 M

    Abstract: c102 diode c102 CLA65 c 102 C-102-A C-102-B CLA65AA clairex C102B
    Text: 40E D 34=n?3fl aG0124fl 4 S E N I FASCO INDS/ SENISYS Features Absolute M axim um Ratings Ta = 25°C unless otherwise stated. • • • • • Storage and Operating to + 100*0

    OCR Scan
    T73fl C-102 CLA65 CLA65AA C-102-B C-102-A C102 M c102 diode c102 c 102 C-102-A CLA65AA clairex C102B PDF


    Abstract: H0A1405-1 H0A0865-L51 h0a1405 HOA708-1 HOA9 til78 phototransistor MOC70T3 ir diode TIL38 H0A1874-12
    Text: Cross Reference Cross Reference Competition P/N Honeywell P/N Code Description Competition P/N 100 H0A0871-N55 B TRANS ASSY. PTX 5082-4205 CALL PHOTODIODES. P P P IN 101 H0A1872-12 BC TRANS ASSY. PTX 5082-4207 CALL PHOTODIODES. T018 TALL PIN 10501 H0A1872-1

    OCR Scan
    1N5722 1N5723 1N5724 1N5725 1N6264 1N6265 1N6266 2004-90xx 2600-70XX 2N5777-80 H0A0872-n55 H0A1405-1 H0A0865-L51 h0a1405 HOA708-1 HOA9 til78 phototransistor MOC70T3 ir diode TIL38 H0A1874-12 PDF


    Abstract: HOA708-1 S-180-a55 SPX2862 HS-230-40W HOA708 SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH HOA1160 h0a2001 A11W
    Text: ¿£i^±=<.-=is=a. L FASCO INDS/ Part Number SENISYS Replaced By 40E D 3411736 ^ Part Number Replaces ÜQQ1 3 3 Ô By CLI800 . S-870-T55 C L I8 0 0 A . S-875-T55 C L I8 0 0 M . S-870-N55 C L I8 0 0 M A .S-875-N55

    OCR Scan
    GQ133Ã CLA60. C-101-C CLA60AA C-101-B CLA60AB C-101-A CLA65. C-102 CLA65AA TIL149 HOA708-1 S-180-a55 SPX2862 HS-230-40W HOA708 SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH HOA1160 h0a2001 A11W PDF


    Abstract: diode c102 tr c102 C-102-B C-102-A
    Text: C-102 Series CLAROSTAT High CTR Optically Coupled Isolators SBBORS a comas cnoup Absolute Maximum Ratings TA = 25°C unless otherwise stated. Feature« 10KV I/O isolation very high current-transter-ratio (CTR) hermetically-sealed components UL listed replaces CLA65 family of isolators

    OCR Scan
    C-102 CLA65 100mA 300pps) CLA65AA C-102-B C-102-A C102 diode c102 tr c102 C-102-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: . 40E D 34=n?3fl 000124fl 4 S E N I FASCO INDS/ SENISYS ' •' • • —HJ uv V i.'J.-W -v,'- • ■■ . irj-iW.hVM't.i -4 1 -8 5 Features Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C unless otherwise stated. • • • • • Storage and Operating Temperature. -55°G to +1 0 0*0

    OCR Scan
    000124fl CLA65 C-102 CLA65 CLA65AA C-102-B C-102-A PDF


    Abstract: KT850 KT853A LTR-305D H0A0872-n55 H0A1405-1 h0a2001 MOC70T3 HOA708-1 smd diode 825B
    Text: Cross Reference Competition Honeywell P/N P/N 100 H 0A0871-N55 50B2-4204 CALL PHOTODIODES, T 0 1 8 T A LL PIN 101 HOA1872-12 BC TR AN S A S S Y . PTX 5082-4205 CALL PHOTODIODES. P P PIN 10501 H 0A 1872-1 BC TRAN S A S S Y , PTX 5082-4207 CALL PHOTODIODES. T 0 1 8 T A LL PIN

    OCR Scan
    1N5722 1N5723 1N5724 1N5725 1N6264 1N6265 1N6266 2004-90xx 3N24x 24xTX KT853 KT850 KT853A LTR-305D H0A0872-n55 H0A1405-1 h0a2001 MOC70T3 HOA708-1 smd diode 825B PDF


    Abstract: SPX1874 HOA708-1 clarostat 140 series HOA708-11 SPX2862 HOA0890 s-180- d55 S-180-a55 SPX1404
    Text: Part Number Part Number Replaced By C L I5 5 .S-355 C LI55A . S-375 CLI55B . S-325 Replaced By CLI892 .S-973-T55 CLI892 .S-973-N55

    OCR Scan
    S-355 LI55A S-375 CLI55B S-325 C-101-C CLA60AA. C-101-B CLA60AB. C-101-A TIL149 SPX1874 HOA708-1 clarostat 140 series HOA708-11 SPX2862 HOA0890 s-180- d55 S-180-a55 SPX1404 PDF