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    CNY35 Search Results

    CNY35 Datasheets (10)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    CNY35 Isocom Components AC input phototransistor optically coupled isolators Original PDF
    CNY35 General Semiconductor PHOTON COUPLED ISOLATOR CNY33 Scan PDF
    CNY35 Isocom Components Optoelectronics Data Book 1996 Scan PDF
    CNY35 Unknown Diode, Transistor, Thyristor Datasheets and more Scan PDF

    CNY35 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CNY35X CNY35 A.C. INPUT PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTICALLY COUPLED ISOLATORS APPROVALS l UL recognised, File No. E91231 7.0 6.0 'X' SPECIFICATION APPROVALS l VDE 0884 in 2 available lead forms : - STD - G form l Dimensions in mm 2.54 7.62 max. 8.3 max. EN60950 approval pending

    CNY35X CNY35 E91231 EN60950 CNY35 DB91040-AAS/A2 PDF


    Abstract: CNY35X E91231
    Text: CNY35X CNY35 A.C. INPUT PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTICALLY COUPLED ISOLATORS APPROVALS l UL recognised, File No. E91231 7.0 6.0 'X' SPECIFICATION APPROVALS l VDE 0884 in 2 available lead forms : - STD - G form l Dimensions in mm 2.54 7.62 max. 8.3 max. EN60950 approval pending

    CNY35X CNY35 E91231 EN60950 CNY35 -10mA DB91040-AAS/A2 CNY35X E91231 PDF

    CNY35 equivalent

    Abstract: DB910 CNY35 CNY35X E91231
    Text: CNY35X CNY35 A.C. INPUT PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTICALLY COUPLED ISOLATORS APPROVALS z UL recognised, File No. E91231 Package Code " GG " 'X' SPECIFICATION APPROVALS z VDE 0884 in 3 available lead form : - STD - G form - SMD approved to CECC 00802 DESCRIPTION The CNY35 optically coupled isolator consists of

    CNY35X CNY35 E91231 CNY35 -10mA DB91040m-AAS/A3 CNY35 equivalent DB910 CNY35X E91231 PDF

    p421 coupler

    Abstract: MOC604A CNY17-3Z TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER application note TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER p421 Photocoupler CNY17-2Z TRANSISTOR AC125 TLP181 SMD 11-4C1 TYPE moc3041 application note
    Text: Photocouplers PRODUCT GUIDE New Products •Photorelay T The TLP227GA Series of general-purpose photorelays features devices whose OFF-state voltage 400 V is superior to that of TLP227G Series devices (350 V). This superior OFF-state voltage allows larger safety

    TLP227GA TLP227G TLP227GA TLP227G/TLP597GA/TLP227GA-2 p421 coupler MOC604A CNY17-3Z TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER application note TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER p421 Photocoupler CNY17-2Z TRANSISTOR AC125 TLP181 SMD 11-4C1 TYPE moc3041 application note PDF


    Abstract: CNY35 E244343 H11AA1 IS604
    Text: Global Supplier of Optoelectronic Solutions OPTO641 ALL Product Lead Free, RoHs Compliant Schema tic: UL # E244343 Fea tures: 1. Current transfer ratio CTR:MIN.60% at IF=1mA, Vce=5V 2. High isolation voltage between input and output (V iso:5300Vrms). 3. AC input.

    OPTO641 E244343 5300Vrms) CNY35 H11AA1, IS604 OPTO641 CNY35 E244343 H11AA1 IS604 PDF

    H11AA1 and similar

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hutton Close, Crowther Ind Est, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE38 0AH, England mailto:[email protected] - Tel: +44 0 191 4166546 - Fax: +44 (0)191 4155055 Single Channel DIP, AC INPUT Similar Circuits Optocouplers Catalogue Home Page PARAMETER CONDITION H11AA1

    H11AA1 CNY35 IS604 IS733 IS733 100nA H11AA1 and similar PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hutton Close, Crowther Ind Est, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE38 0AH, England mailto:[email protected] - Tel: +44 0 191 4166546 - Fax: +44 (0)191 4155055 Circuit Features Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Electrical Characteristics Similar Optocouplers Home Page

    CNY35 CNY35 100ohm PDF

    pair of led and photo transistor

    Abstract: pt201
    Text: ISOCOM LTD Optolink OPTOCOUPLERS A C INPUT Single Channel DIP, A C Input • 1 4 i_ y ? 12 3 Part Number Current Transfer Isolation Breakdown Ratio 0 F -± lO m A ) Voltage MIN (%) Vdc H11AA1 Optically Coupled pair with two CNY35 IR LED Emitters In reverse parallel

    OCR Scan
    H11AA1 CNY35 4N38A pair of led and photo transistor pt201 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: European “Pro Electron” Registered T y p e s _ CNY35 Optoisolator AC Input GaAs Infrared Emitting Diode and NPN Silicon Phototransistor T h e CNY35 c o n sis ts o f tw o g a lliu m a rs e n id e , in f r a r e d e m ittin g d io d e s c o n n e c te d in in v e rs e p a ra lle l a n d c o u p le d

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    CNY35 CNY35 CIMY35 5308-D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÛUALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP S7E European “Pro Electron” Registered T y p e s _ 7MLböSl 0D0H310 Tfl7 WMQTY CNY35 Optoisolator AC Input GaAs Infrared Emitting Diode and NPN Silicon Phototransistor T h e CNY35 consists o f two gallium arsen id e, in frared

    OCR Scan
    CNY35 0D0H310 CNY35 CNY35, 2N5308-D45H8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HA RR IS S E M I C O N D S E CT OR 4 3 D 2 2 7 1 D 0 S 7 3 Q S 2 • HAS 37E D Optoelectronic S p e c ific a tio n s _ T-4I-S3 AC Input Photon Coupled Isolator CNY35 — i.— -1 -j_ ■rtAA 3 1» 1 c ITOPV1EWI S 4 S \ G a A s Infared Em itting D iode s & N P N Silicon Photo-Transistor

    OCR Scan
    CNY35 CNY35 S-42662 92CS-429S1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: European “Pro Electron" Registered T y p e s _ C N Y 35 Optoisolator A C Input GaAs Infrared Emitting Diode and NPN Silicon Phototransistor T h e CNY35 consists o f two gallium arsen id e, in fra re d em itting dio d es c o n n e c te d in inverse parallel a n d coupled

    OCR Scan
    CNY35 CNY35, 2N530S-D45HS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IS0C0P1 COflPONFNTS LTD L 7SC D • 4flfltiS10 DDDD14B 5TT ■ CNY35 ISO ' T'W -83 AC INPUT OPTICALLY COUPLED ISOLATOR ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 25°C unless otherwise noted Storage to + 150°C

    OCR Scan
    4flfltiS10 DDDD14B CNY35 100ft PDF

    SM 686 16V

    Abstract: kc3021 KC3010 KC301 KC3009 400v 15A triac KC3023 100Z KC3012 H11AA1
    Text: 6798580 OPTEK TECHNOLOGY D U A L - IN - LIN E 86D INC PACKAGE 00043 T - w -m ISO LA T O R S T -4 /- # 7 Below listed optoisolators are available in surface mount design, except part numbers KC3009 through KC3023. ~ Specify suffix SMA low profile or 24B (standard profile).

    OCR Scan
    KC3009 KC3023. H11AA1 H11AA2 H11AA3 H11AA4 CNY35 H11C1 H11C2 H11C3 SM 686 16V kc3021 KC3010 KC301 400v 15A triac KC3023 100Z KC3012 PDF


    Abstract: A5 GNE mosfet Hall sensor 44e 402 2N8491 FTG 1087 S TRIAC BCR 10km FEB3T smd transistor marking 352a sharp EIA 577 sharp color tv schematic diagram MP-130 M mh-ce 10268
    Text: Table of Contents N E W A R K E L E C T R O N IC S “Where serving you begins even before you call” Newark Electronics is a UNIQUE broadline distributor of electronic components, dedicated to provid­ ing complete service, fast delivery and in-depth inventory. Our main

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 1LD610-3 PC716 "cross reference" TIL119 "cross reference" TIL117 "cross reference" PC713 1LD2 1LD610-2 1LD5 IC 4N25
    Text: cross reference Lum en 0 C P -P C TB 116/X 0 C P -P C TB 116/X 0 C P -P C TB 116/X 0 C P -P C TB 116/X 0 C P -P C TB 116/X 0 C P -P C D B 116/X 0C P -P C D B 1 16 /X 0 C P -P C D B 116/X 0C P -P C D B 1 16 /X 0C P -P C D B 1 16 /X 0C P -P C D B 1 16 /X 0C P -P C D B 116/X

    OCR Scan
    11A520 11A550 11A5100 H11AG1 H11AV1 11AV1A H11AV2 11AV2A H11AV3 11AV3A 4h11g 1LD610-3 PC716 "cross reference" TIL119 "cross reference" TIL117 "cross reference" PC713 1LD2 1LD610-2 1LD5 IC 4N25 PDF


    Abstract: M0C3021 M0C3023 H22L BPW 56 photo H11FI H74AI H11M4 21ab H2482
    Text: Quick-Reference Product Guide Selection Charts INFRARED EMITTERS TYPE NO. y & 54A S Ä j f # / 54 / JV V / jL & s /s s /^ s ^ 1 N 6 26 4 1N 6 26 S 1 N6266 CQ X 1 4 CQ X1 5 CQX16 CQ X1 7 FSD1 FSD 2 FSD3 F5E1 FSE2 F5E3 F5F1 F5G1 IE D 5 5 C L ED S5 B LED56 L ED SSC F

    OCR Scan
    N6266 CQX16 LED56 LED56F H23A1 H23A2 H23B1 H23L1 M0C3022 M0C3021 M0C3023 H22L BPW 56 photo H11FI H74AI H11M4 21ab H2482 PDF


    Abstract: MOC7811 TIL31A TIL34A TIL903-1 OP8815 SCS11C3 h2181 TIL99 TIL143
    Text: - Quick-Reference Product Guide Industry Replacement Guide T h e su g g ested r e p la c e m e n ts re p re s e n t w h a t is b e lie v e d to b e e q u iv a le n ts f o r th e p ro d u c ts listed. H a rris a ssu m e s n o re sp o n sibility a n d d o e s n o t g u a ra n te e th a t th e re p la c e m e n ts a re exact, b u t

    OCR Scan
    1N6264 1N6265 1N6266 4N25A 4N29A 4N32A 4N38A L14C2 MOC5010 MOC7811 TIL31A TIL34A TIL903-1 OP8815 SCS11C3 h2181 TIL99 TIL143 PDF


    Abstract: ge h11a TIL31A TIL33A MOC7811 TIL81 TIL99 TIL903-2 C3012 TIL34A
    Text: Quick-Reference Product Guide Industry Replacement Guide T h e sug g ested r e p la c e m e n ts re p re s e n t w h a t is b e lie v e d to b e e q u iv a le n ts fo r th e p ro d u c ts listed. H a r r is assum es n o re sp o n s ib ilit v a n d d o e s n o t g u a ra n te e th a t th e re p la c e m e n ts a re exact, b u t

    OCR Scan
    1N6264 1N6265 1N6266 H21A1 H21B1 H22A2 TIL145 ge h11a TIL31A TIL33A MOC7811 TIL81 TIL99 TIL903-2 C3012 TIL34A PDF


    Abstract: H0A1405-1 H0A0865-L51 h0a1405 HOA708-1 HOA9 til78 phototransistor MOC70T3 ir diode TIL38 H0A1874-12
    Text: Cross Reference Cross Reference Competition P/N Honeywell P/N Code Description Competition P/N 100 H0A0871-N55 B TRANS ASSY. PTX 5082-4205 CALL PHOTODIODES. P P P IN 101 H0A1872-12 BC TRANS ASSY. PTX 5082-4207 CALL PHOTODIODES. T018 TALL PIN 10501 H0A1872-1

    OCR Scan
    1N5722 1N5723 1N5724 1N5725 1N6264 1N6265 1N6266 2004-90xx 2600-70XX 2N5777-80 H0A0872-n55 H0A1405-1 H0A0865-L51 h0a1405 HOA708-1 HOA9 til78 phototransistor MOC70T3 ir diode TIL38 H0A1874-12 PDF

    SM 686 16V

    Abstract: KC3011 kc3021 KC3022
    Text: 6798580 OPTEK TECHNOLOGY DUAL - IN - LINE 86 D 00 0 4 3 INC PACKAGE t - hi- m ISOLATORS T-4/' V ? Below listed optoisolators are available in surface mount design, except part numbers KC3009 through KC3023. Specify suffix SMA. low profile or SMB (standard profile).

    OCR Scan
    KC3009 KC3023. H11AA4 CNY35 D0GDD43 SM 686 16V KC3011 kc3021 KC3022 PDF

    TLP181 equivalent

    Abstract: NEC ps2401 TLP3022 equivalent TLP541G "cross-reference" s13md1 sharp TLP3061 equivalent TLP560J "cross-reference" PC357 "cross-reference" TLP734 equivalent pc716 sharp
    Text: 10. Cross Reference Code Definitions A : D irect R eplacem ent B : M inor Electrical Difference C : M inor M echanical Difference D : M ajo r Electrical Difference E : M ajo r M echanical D ifference F : Call T O S H IB A * G : No Equivalent The fo llo w in g Cross-Reference is m eant to

    OCR Scan
    SIEMEN27 PC4N28 PC4N29 PC4N30 PC4N32 PC4N33 PC4N35 PC4N36 PC4N37 PC110 TLP181 equivalent NEC ps2401 TLP3022 equivalent TLP541G "cross-reference" s13md1 sharp TLP3061 equivalent TLP560J "cross-reference" PC357 "cross-reference" TLP734 equivalent pc716 sharp PDF

    ST 80600

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Schmitt Triggers Single Channel DIP Rut CMtimuus romani Currant Turn-off Thresho» Vbriudi InalOjiA Output ß u rm it RwCTtt VeeaSV RlsS7DL2 *Sn{mA Vcc=SV Max V) m Schamtfc AvaHabte Saltty Approvata ' a m im i Pactase u Î É m. B N D SÉ; Numbtr L s 0 S E E E

    OCR Scan
    H11L1 H11L2 H11L3 H11L4 IS609 MOC5007 MOC5008 MOC5009 ST 80600 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: isocon COnPONENTS LTD MSE D • MûôbSlO GQQQE34 =1 HIISO 'pz//-?5 H igh Speed, H igh G ain C ouple rs continued Propagation Delay Time Part Number 6N138 6N139 ICPL2730 ICPL2731 4N45 4N46 Current Typ*cal M IN < % I IN R Z I Features Specified Input Current

    OCR Scan
    GQQQE34 6N138 6N139 ICPL2730 ICPL2731 300Kbit/s 40Current IS-74 16mAn PDF