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    COOLRF9201 Search Results

    COOLRF9201 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: RF PCB Antenna RF 2.4Ghz antenna EMEVK9201 26MHz crystal EM9201 RF920 transistor AE RF rf9201 CoolRF9201CA
    Text: EM MICROELECTRONIC - MARIN SA CoolRF9201 Modules of 2.4 GHz Single-Cell Battery Transceiver Description The 2.4GHz modules are based on EM Microlectronic's low energy RF transceiver EM9201. These products are highly optimized for proprietary link application requiring ultra low power consumption

    CoolRF9201 EM9201. CoolRF9201 EM9201 EMEVK9201 -20dBm 26MHz CoolRF9201SA RF9201SMADL CoolRF9201SMA RF PCB Antenna RF 2.4Ghz antenna EMEVK9201 26MHz crystal RF920 transistor AE RF rf9201 CoolRF9201CA PDF

    batteryless remote control

    Abstract: EM6819 EM9202 EMEVK9201 wireless speaker piezo wafer EM9201 2.4GHz wireless transceiver with gfsk BLuetooth low energy CoolRF9201CA
    Text: CoolRF - Technology 2.4GHz / ISM Band Transceiver IC The EM9201 and EM9202 are 2.4GHz transceiver ICs with built in link layer logic, radio core with GFSK modulation. The IC are controlled through a SPI interface. The on-chip DC-DC converter allows to run the IC down to 0.8V, it can also supply other external components like MCU or sensors

    EM9201 EM9202 EM9201 EM9202) EM6819 EM9201/2-V1 CoolRF9201CA EMEVK9201 Aug2010 batteryless remote control EMEVK9201 wireless speaker piezo wafer 2.4GHz wireless transceiver with gfsk BLuetooth low energy CoolRF9201CA PDF