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    Nexperia BAS70-05W-QF

    Schottky Diodes & Rectifiers BAS70-05W-Q/SOT323/SC-70
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI BAS70-05W-QF Reel 100,000 10,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.0263
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    Nexperia PMEG4020ER-QX

    Schottky Diodes & Rectifiers PMEG4020ER-Q/SOD123W/SOD2
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI PMEG4020ER-QX Reel 12,000 3,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.074
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    Nexperia PMEG6002EB-QX

    Schottky Diodes & Rectifiers PMEG6002EB-Q/SOD523/SC-79
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI PMEG6002EB-QX Reel 12,000 3,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.054
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    Nexperia PMEG6010CEJ-QX

    Schottky Diodes & Rectifiers PMEG6010CEJ-Q/SOD323F/SOD323F
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI PMEG6010CEJ-QX Reel 12,000 3,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.058
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    TT Electronics plc PFC-W0805LF-03-1000-B

    Thin Film Resistors - SMD 100 OHM .1% 25PPM 1/4W
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI PFC-W0805LF-03-1000-B Reel 9,000 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.265
    • 10000 $0.265
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    CTO150 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: d i ’ High speed IGBT IXSH/IXSM 35N100A V CES = ^C25 = 70 A = 3.5 V v CE sat 1 0 0 0 V Short Circuit SO A Capability Symbol Test Conditions v CES v CGR v GES T, = 25='Cto150°C 1000 V T, = 25"C to 150°C; RGE = 1 M ii 1000 V Continuous ±20 V V«. Transient

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    35N100A Cto150 O-247 O-204 35N100A TQ-204 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TL16C550C ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS ELEMENT WITH AUTOFLOW CONTROL SLLS177B- MARCH 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1996 • Programmable Auto-RTS and Auto-CTS • In Auto-CTS Mode, CTS Controls Transmitter • In Auto-RTS Mode, RCV FIFO Contents and Threshold Control RTS

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    TL16C550C SLLS177B- TL16C450 16-MHz 16-byte PDF


    Abstract: 3034C
    Text: SMJ44C256 262144 BY 4-BIT DYNAMIC RANDOM-ACCESS MEMORY _ SGMS034C - MAY 1989 - B E V ILO JUNE 1965 Organization. . . 262144 Words x 4 Bits Single 5-V Supply 10% Tolerance Processed to MIL-STD-833, Class B Performance Ranges: 3-State Unlatched Output

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    SMJ44C256 SGMS034C MIL-STD-833, SMJ44C256-80 SMJ44C256-10 SMJ44C256-12 SMJ44C256-15 20-Pin 300-Mil 20-Lead 44c256 3034C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TYPES SN54278, SN74278 4-BIT CASCADABLE PRIORITY REGISTERS M AY 1 972 —R E V ISE D A P R IL 1 98 5 Latched Data Inputs Serve as Buffer Register and Can also: Synchronize Data Acquisition "Debounce" Mechanical Switch Input • Cascading Input PO and Output P1

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    SN54278, SN74278 SN54278 74278 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TL16C450 ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS ELEM ENT 0 3 0 9 6 , M A R C H 1 9 8 8 - R E V IS E O A P R IL 1 9 8 9 N DUAL-IN-LINE PACKAGE • Programmable Baud Rate Generator Allows Division of Any Input Reference Clock by 1 to 216 - 1 and Generates an Internal 16 X

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    TL16C450 TL16C450 NS16C450N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN74AS4374B OCTAL EDGE-TRIGGERED D-TYPE DUAL-RANK FLIP-FLOPS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS SDAS109C D30B1, A PRIL 1988 - REVISED JAN U AR Y 1991 DWOMNMCKAQI 1W V BW • *-8tata Outputs Drtva Bua Unaa Dtrectty • Package Option« Include Plaatlc “Small Outllna" Paakagaa and Standard Plaatlc

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    SN74AS4374B SDAS109C D30B1, AS4374B 1s1211 PDF


    Abstract: 1987-REVISEDAPRIL
    Text: 54ACT11030,74ACT11030 8-INPUT POSITIVE-NAND GATES _ D2957. MARCH 1987-REVISEDAPRIL 1993 Inputs Are TTL*Voltage Compatible Flow-Through Architecture Optimizes PCB Layout Center-PIn V^c and GNO Configurations Minimize High-Speed Switching Noise EPIC Enhanced-Perlormance Implanted

    OCR Scan
    54ACT11030 74ACT11030 D2957. 1987-REVISEDAPRIL 500-mA 300-mll D2957, D2957 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN54HC7266, SN74HC72S6 QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT EXCLUSIVE-NOR GATES D 2 8 0 4 . M A R C H 1 9 8 4 -R E V IS E D SEPTEMBER 1 9 8 7 • Dependable Texas Instruments Quality and Reliability • Totem-Pole Version of 'HC266 S N 5 4 H C 7 2 6 6 . . . J P AC K A G E S N 7 4 H C 7 2 6 6 . . . D OR N P AC KA G E

    OCR Scan
    SN54HC7266, SN74HC72S6 300-mil HC266 SN54HC7266 SN74H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PAL20L8A, PAL20R4A, PAL20R6A, PAL20R8A STANDARD HIGH-SPEED PAL CIRCUITS D 2 7 0 6 , DEC EM BE R 1 9 8 2 - R E V IS E D DEC EM BE R 1 9 8 7 PAL20L8' M SUFFIX . . . JW PACKAGE C SUFFIX . . . JW OR NT PACKAGE Standard High Speed 25 ns PAL Family • Choice of Input/Output Configuration

    OCR Scan
    PAL20L8A, PAL20R4A, PAL20R6A, PAL20R8A 300-mil 600-mil 13-state PAL20L8' AL20L8A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 74ACT11867 SYNCHRONOUS 8-BIT UP/DOWN BINARY COUNTER WITH ASYNCHRONOUS CLEAR S C A S 1 7 8 - D 3 9 9 0 , D E C E M B E R 1991 - R E V IS E D A P R I L 1 9 9 3 Inputs Are TTL-Voltage Compatible Asynchronous Clear Fully Independent Clock Circuit Simplifies Use

    OCR Scan
    74ACT11867 500-mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TL5501 6 BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER D 3 16 3 , OCTOBER 1 9 8 8 -R E V IS E D APRIL 1990 N PACKAGE 6-Bit Resolution TOP VIEW Linearity Error . . . ± 0 .8 % (LSB) D OC 1 U l 6 "2 GND Maximum Conversion Rate . . . 3 0 M Hz Typ Analog Input Voltage Range . . .

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    TL5501 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: "TEXAS I N S T R 8961724 TEXAS INSTR -CLIN /IN TFO Tl D Ë J 0*11.1724 □ O Ï S T D E 0 LIN/INTFC ADVANCE INFORMATION 9 1D 7 5 9 0 2 D SN75608 DUAL FLUX-REGULATING ACTUATOR T-52-13-45 2 .6 -A Current Capability per Channel D 2966, DECEM BER 1986 Z KV SINGLE-IN-LINE PACKAGE

    OCR Scan
    SN75608 T-52-13-45 15-Pin PACKAGE656012 0D7ST11 SN7560B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN75439 QUADRUPLE PERIPHERAL DRIVER SLR S013A- D3116. MAY 1988 - REVISED NOVEMBER 1989 * 1.3-A Current Capability Each Channel * Saturating Outputs With Low On-State Resistance * Two Inverting and Two Noninverting Driver Channels With Common Active-Low Enable

    OCR Scan
    SN75439 S013A- D3116. SLRS013A- D3116, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CDC337 CLOCK DRIVER WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS SCAS330- DECEMBER 1990- REVISED MARCH 1994 Low Output Skew, Low Pulse Skew for Clock-Distributlon and Clock-Generation Applications TTL-Compatible Inputs and CMOS-Compatible Outputs Distributes One Clock Input to Eight

    OCR Scan
    CDC337 SCAS330- -48-mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C irv A v i^ iCorportboo a J▼ v SP8542/SP8544 w SIGNAL PROCESSIN G EXCELLENCE Two a n d F ou r C hannel 12-B it M u ltiplexed Sam pling A D C s • Two or Four Channel Input Mux ■ 12 Bit Resolution ■ Single +5Volt Supply ■ Internal 1.25 Volt Reference

    OCR Scan
    SP8542/SP8544 SP8542 SP8544 12-Bit 18-pin 13-VDA PDF


    Abstract: QS3L384 SN74CBT3384A
    Text: SN74CBT3384A 10-BIT BUS SWITCH S C D S 004F- NOVEMBER 1992 - REVISED AUGUST 1996 • Functionally Equivalent to QS3384 and QS3L384 DB, DW, OR PW PACKAGE TOP VIEW • 5-i2 Switch Connection Between Two Ports 10 E [ 1 1B1 [ 2 • TTL-Compatible Input and Output Levels

    OCR Scan
    SN74CBT3384A 10-BIT SCDS004F QS3384 QS3L384 SN74CBT3384A 01055B4 QS3L384 PDF


    Abstract: HC4060 crystal SN74HC4060 14-STAGE SN54HC4060
    Text: SN54HC4060, SN74HC4060 14-STAGE ASYNCHRONOUS BINARY COUNTERS AND OSCILLATORS SC LS 161A - DECEMBER 1 9 8 2 - REVISED JANUARY 1996 • Allow Design of Either RC or Crystal Oscillator Circuits • Package Options Include Plastic Small-Outline D and Ceramic Flat (W)

    OCR Scan
    SN54HC4060, SN74HC4060 14-STAGE SCLS161A- 300-mil HC4060 zero82-REVISED HC4060 HC4060 crystal SN74HC4060 SN54HC4060 PDF


    Abstract: SN74ABT16652
    Text: SN54ABT16652, SN74ABT16652 16-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVERS AND REGISTERS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS _ Members of the Texas Instruments Wldebus Family State-of-the-Art EPIC-llB™ BiCMOS Design Significantly Reduces Power Dissipation Latch-Up Performance Exceeds 500 mA

    OCR Scan
    SN54ABT16652, SN74ABT16652 16-BIT SCBS215A- JESD-17 -32-mA 300-mil 380-mil 25-mil inbl723 SN54ABT16652 PDF

    oma2541 servo

    Abstract: D-12 OMA2541SD OMA2541SK OMA2541SKC skc 1c Basic Dual DC Power Supply 6V
    Text: OMA2541 SK OMA2541SKC OMA2541SD DUAL HIGH POWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 8-Pin TO-3 And 12-Pin DIP, Dual 5 Amp Operational Amplifier FEATURES • Available In Isolated Standard TO-3, “Copper Slug” TO-3 And Power DIP Packages • 5 Amp Peak Output Current

    OCR Scan
    OMA2541SK OMA2541SKC OMA2541 12-Pin MIL-STD-883 5081534-5776FAX oma2541 servo D-12 OMA2541SD skc 1c Basic Dual DC Power Supply 6V PDF


    Abstract: Am26LS32 "pin-compatible" SLLS202A AM26C32 AM26LS32 AM26LV31 AM26LV32 AM26LV32C AM26LV32CNSLE TV RECEIVER 1995 IF
    Text: AM26LV32C LOW VOLTAGE HIGH-SPEED QUADRUPLE DIFFERENTIAL LINE RECEIVER SLLS202A - MAY 1995 - REVISED S E P T E M B E R 1995 32-MHz Switching Rate D OR NST PACKAGE TOP VIEW Operates from a Single 3.3-V Supply Ultra-Low Power Dissipation . . . 27 mW Typ Open-Circuit Fall Safe

    OCR Scan
    AM26LV32C SLLS202A 32-MHz AM26C32, AM26LS32, MB570 AM26LV32CNSLE. SLLS202A- mb570 Am26LS32 "pin-compatible" AM26C32 AM26LS32 AM26LV31 AM26LV32 AM26LV32CNSLE TV RECEIVER 1995 IF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O T M D T M IL I F â Ë Q J M S I Final Electrical Specifications LT1630/LT1631 TECHNOLOGY 30MHz, 10V/|as, D u a l/Q u a d Rail-to-Rail Inp u t a n d O u tp u t Precision O p A m ps L if m February 1998 KfìTURCS DCSCRIPTIOn Gain-Bandwidth Product: 30MHz

    OCR Scan
    LT1630/LT1631 30MHz, 30MHz 150nA 10OOnA 14-Pin LT1498/LT1499 10MHz, LT1632/LT1633 45MHz, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Micro Linear MLÎ17, ML117R 2,4, or 6-Channel Read/Write Circuits GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML117 devices are bipolar monolithic integrated circuits designed for use with center-tapped ferrite recording heads. They provide a low noise read path, write current control,

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    ML117R ML117 ML117R 18-Lead ML117, ML117-2CP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r r u r m _ LT1259/LT1260 TECHNOLOGY Low Cost Dual and Triple 130MHz C urrent Feedback Am plifiers with Shutdown K R T U IK S D C S C R IP T IO n • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT 1259 contains two independent 130MHz current

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    LT1259/LT1260 130MHz LT1260 LT1203/LT1205 150MHz LT1204 LT1227 140MHz 100V/ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D M T M IL [ M Ü M S E Final Electrical Specifications L i f LTC1484 m TECHNOLOGY Low Power EIA485 Transceiver with Receiver Fail-Safe September 1998 FCRTURCS D C S C R IP TIO n • No Damage or Latchup to ±15kV ESD Human Body Model , IEC-1000-4-2 Level 4 Contact (±8kV)

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    LTC1484 EIA485 IEC-1000-4-2 LTC1483 LTC1485 LTC1487 LTC1690 PDF