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    D041SS Search Results

    D041SS Datasheets Context Search

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    BS4 siemens

    Abstract: BC 241 d0415 bc167 siemens bc169c siemens BC167 BC169B BC169 siemens Pm 90 87 168c
    Text: S IE D i • Ö235b05 OGMlSlb ‘î l S « S I E G SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF NPN Silicon AF Transistors BC 167 . BC 169 • High current gain • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary types: BC 257, BC 258, BC 259 PNP Type BC BC BC

    OCR Scan
    S35bDS Q62702-C706 Q62702-C74 Q62702-C75 Q62702-C707 Q62702-C76 Q62702-C77 Q62702-C78 Q62702-C708 Q62702-C79 BS4 siemens BC 241 d0415 bc167 siemens bc169c siemens BC167 BC169B BC169 siemens Pm 90 87 168c PDF


    Abstract: 10D2A 4B4B41
    Text: 4. TAPING AND LEADFORMS 4.1 Taping. Automation and labor saving in electronic industry are really amazing. In order to cope with these requirements, we provide taping components and lead wire forming of these devices, Which allowing the use of automatic insertion machines, greatly

    OCR Scan
    RC-1008. D0-15L DO-201AD 3B4B41 17MIN 13MAX 4B4B41 4B4B41 6B4B41 10B4B41 10D2A PDF


    Abstract: 1J4B41 1B4B41 6J4B41 6G4B41 1G4B41 4b4b41 4G4B41 10G4B41 15B4B42
    Text: Rectifiers Average Forward Current «- General Purpose Rectifiers High-Speed Rectifiers -> Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage Average Forward Current <- \ A \ Package trr 100V 400V 600V C2.F2 1000V 1500V 0.2A DO-41 S 1.5 ms TFR3N TRF3T 0.3A DO-41 SS 4 ms TFR4N

    OCR Scan
    DO-41 DO-15 D041SS 6B4B41 1J4B41 1B4B41 6J4B41 6G4B41 1G4B41 4b4b41 4G4B41 10G4B41 15B4B42 PDF


    Abstract: toshiba f5d BRIDGE RECTIFIER TOSHIBA 3B F0R3D S6565G BRIDGE RECTIFIER TOSHIBA 3b 4 f0r3b 4G4B44 1D4B42 3529A
    Text: — wtmmmmmmmm TOSHIBA 9. Power Supply Systems 9-1 4 0 0 ~ 5 0 0 V Switching Transistors ^ ^ \P a c k a g e lC A ^ 2 5 \ T 0 -2 2 0 A B TO -2 20 IS T O -3 P II] TO-3P (N) TO-3P (L i - 2SC2552 2SC3560/1 # 2 S K 5 2 7 /8 # - - 2SC2553 S 3529A # 2 S K 5 3 0 /1 #

    OCR Scan
    2SC3560/1 2SC3497 2SC3626 2SC3562 2SC2552 2SC2553 2SC3625 2SC2555 2SC3306 2SK693# s1854 toshiba f5d BRIDGE RECTIFIER TOSHIBA 3B F0R3D S6565G BRIDGE RECTIFIER TOSHIBA 3b 4 f0r3b 4G4B44 1D4B42 3529A PDF