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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD L3012 Preliminary LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 1A HIGH POWER LED DRIVER WITH 4.5~40V INPUT  DESCRIPTION The UTC L3012 is a step-down PWM control LED driver with a built-in power Switch. It achieves 1A continuous output current

    L3012 L3012 280kHz L3012L-t QW-R125-025. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Evaluation board available. NX2114/2114A 300kHz & 600kHz SYNCHRONOUS PWM CONTROLLER PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Pb Free Product FEATURES DESCRIPTION The NX2114 controller IC is a synchronous Buck controller IC designed for step down DC to DC converter applications. Synchronous control operation replaces

    NX2114/2114A 300kHz 600kHz NX2114 NX2114 NX2113 300kHz 600kHz PDF


    Abstract: bel 100p transistor pin configuration BEL 100p transistor EQUIVALENT diode d1n5819 BEL 100p transistor nx2601 2N3904 c24 ensw1 CON20B d1n5819
    Text: Evaluation board available. NX2601 DUAL SYNCHRONOUS PWM CONTROLLER WITH NMOS LDO CONTROLLER & 5V BIAS REGULATOR PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Pb Free Product DESCRIPTION The NX2601 controller IC is a triple controller with a dual channel synchronous Buck controller IC and an LDO controller designed for multiple converters such as PCIe

    NX2601 NX2601 200kHz 20REF 00BSC 50BSC F7822 bel 100p transistor pin configuration BEL 100p transistor EQUIVALENT diode d1n5819 BEL 100p transistor 2N3904 c24 ensw1 CON20B d1n5819 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONICTECHNOLOGIESCO., LTD L3010 Preliminary LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 1 A H I GH POWER LED DRI V ER WI T H 4 .5 ~4 0 V I N PU T ̈ DESCRI PT I ON The UTC L3010 is a step-down PWM control LED driver with a built-in power Switch. It achieves 1A continuous output current in

    L3010 L3010 280kHz QW-R125-024 PDF


    Abstract: d1n5819 L3010L-S08-T al3010
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD L3010 Preliminary LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 1A HIGH POWER LED DRIVER WITH 4.5~40V INPUT „ DESCRIPTION The UTC L3010 is a step-down PWM control LED driver with a built-in power Switch. It achieves 1A continuous output current in

    L3010 L3010 280kHz L3010L-S08-R L3010L-S08-T L3010L-S08-R QW-R125-024 d1n5819 L3010L-S08-T al3010 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Evaluation board available. NX2601 DUAL SYNCHRONOUS PWM CONTROLLER WITH NMOS LDO CONTROLLER & 5V BIAS REGULATOR PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Pb Free Product DESCRIPTION The NX2601 controller IC is a triple controller with a dual channel synchronous Buck controller IC and an LDO controller designed for multiple converters such as PCIe

    NX2601 NX2601 200kHz 20REF 00BSC 50BSC PDF


    Abstract: sanyo os-con sp fr3706 12V-16V 2N3904 MSOP-10L diode d1n5819 nx2113 2n3904 c25 sanyo oscon sp
    Text: Evaluation board available. NX2113/2113A 300kHz & 600kHz SYNCHRONOUS PWM CONTROLLER WITH PROGRAMMABLE BUS UVLO PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Pb Free Product DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n Synchronous Controller in 10 Pin Package The NX2113 controller IC is a synchronous Buck conBus voltage operation from 2V to 25V

    NX2113/2113A 300kHz 600kHz NX2113 300kHz NX2113 2113A sanyo os-con sp fr3706 12V-16V 2N3904 MSOP-10L diode d1n5819 2n3904 c25 sanyo oscon sp PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD L3010 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 1A HIGH POWER LED DRIVER WITH 4.5~40V INPUT „ DESCRIPTION The UTC L3010 is a step-down PWM control LED driver with a built-in power Switch. It achieves 1A continuous output current in 4.5~40V input voltage range. It has high efficiency up to more

    L3010 L3010 280kHz L3010L-S08-T L3010L-S08-R QW-R125-024 PDF

    free ic 555

    Abstract: d1n5819 ic 555 using as a voltage comparator voltage to pwm converter 555 voltage to frequency converter using ic 555 ramp generator 555 voltage to frequency converter using ic 555 and i resistance to frequency converter using ic 555 pwm using ic 555 UTC LCD driver
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD UC3551 Preliminary CMOS IC ADVANCED PWM STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER „ DESCRIPTION The UTC UC3551 is a step-up DC/DC converter with high efficiency and low start-up voltage. It is operaded in stable waveforms without external compensate. This device incorporates

    UC3551 UC3551 QW-R502-555 free ic 555 d1n5819 ic 555 using as a voltage comparator voltage to pwm converter 555 voltage to frequency converter using ic 555 ramp generator 555 voltage to frequency converter using ic 555 and i resistance to frequency converter using ic 555 pwm using ic 555 UTC LCD driver PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONICTECHNOLOGIESCO., LTD L3012 Preliminary LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 1 A H I GH POWER LED DRI V ER WI T H 4 .5 ~4 0 V I N PU T  DESCRI PT I ON The UTC L3012 is a step-down PWM control LED driver with a built-in power Switch. It achieves 1A continuous output current

    L3012 L3012 280kHz QW-R125-025. PDF


    Abstract: diode d1n5819 d1n5819 220uF 16V Electrolytic Capacitor smd nx2114a 2114A 6TPD220M ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS 220uF 25V 16TQC47M 1N5819
    Text: Evaluation board available. NX2114/2114A 300kHz & 600kHz SYNCHRONOUS PWM CONTROLLER PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Pb Free Product FEATURES DESCRIPTION The NX2114 controller IC is a synchronous Buck controller IC designed for step down DC to DC converter applications. Synchronous control operation replaces

    NX2114/2114A 300kHz 600kHz NX2114 NX2114 NX2113 300kHz 600kHz diode d1n5819 d1n5819 220uF 16V Electrolytic Capacitor smd nx2114a 2114A 6TPD220M ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS 220uF 25V 16TQC47M 1N5819 PDF


    Abstract: D1N3940 Q2N2907A D1N1190 Q2SC1815 Q2N3055 Q2N1132 D1N750 D02CZ10 D1N751
    Text: Analog Parts Index Digital Mixed-Signal Device Type Index Click on a device type to jump to its page Actuator Fluid Level Detector Operational Amplifier Small-Signal Mosfet Amplifier/Equilizer Ground Fault Interrupter Opto-Isolator Switch Mulitplier Analog

    RD91EB Q2N4401 D1N3940 Q2N2907A D1N1190 Q2SC1815 Q2N3055 Q2N1132 D1N750 D02CZ10 D1N751 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONICTECHNOLOGIESCO., LTD UC3551 Preliminary CMOS IC ADV AN CED PWM ST EP-U P DC-DC CON V ERT ER ̈ DESCRI PT I ON The UTC UC3551 is a step-up DC/DC converter with high efficiency and low start-up voltage. It is operaded in stable waveforms without external compensate. This device incorporates

    UC3551 UC3551 QW-R502-555 PDF