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    PS2502L-1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation DC Input Darlington, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    PS2502L-4-A Renesas Electronics Corporation DC Input Darlington, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    PS2502-4-A Renesas Electronics Corporation DC Input Darlington, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    PS2502-1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation DC Input Darlington, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    PS2502L-1-F3-A Renesas Electronics Corporation DC Input Darlington, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation


    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    TEMIC S289P

    Abstract: S289P Telefunken Phototransistor
    Text: S289P Silicon Darlington Phototransistor Description S289P is an extra high sensitive monolithic silicon epitaxial planar Darlington phototransistor in a standard T–1 ø 3 mm package. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs IR emitters with lp >850nm. A plastic

    S289P S289P 850nm. D-74025 15-Jul-96 TEMIC S289P Telefunken Phototransistor PDF


    Abstract: Telefunken Phototransistor
    Text: S289P Vishay Telefunken Silicon Darlington Phototransistor Description S289P is an extra high sensitive monolithic silicon epitaxial planar Darlington phototransistor in a standard T–1 ø 3 mm package. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally

    S289P S289P 850nm. D-74025 20-May-99 Telefunken Phototransistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S289P Vishay Telefunken Silicon Darlington Phototransistor Description S289P is an extra high sensitive monolithic silicon epitaxial planar Darlington phototransistor in a standard T–1 ø 3 mm package. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally

    S289P S289P 850nm. D-74025 20-May-99 PDF


    Abstract: phototransistor, 850nm
    Text: S289P Vishay Semiconductors Silicon Darlington Phototransistor Description S289P is an extra high sensitive monolithic silicon epitaxial planar Darlington phototransistor in a standard T–1 ø 3 mm package. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally

    S289P S289P 850nm. D-74025 20-May-99 phototransistor, 850nm PDF

    phototransistor no s289p

    Abstract: S289P
    Text: S289P Vishay Semiconductors Silicon Darlington Phototransistor Description S289P is an extra high sensitive monolithic silicon epitaxial planar Darlington phototransistor in a standard T–1 ø 3 mm package. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally

    S289P S289P 850nm. 08-Apr-05 phototransistor no s289p PDF


    Abstract: Telefunken Phototransistor
    Text: S289P Vishay Telefunken Silicon Darlington Phototransistor Description S289P is an extra high sensitive monolithic silicon epitaxial planar Darlington phototransistor in a standard T–1 ø 3 mm package. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally

    S289P S289P 850nm. D-74025 20-May-99 Telefunken Phototransistor PDF

    phototransistor no s289p

    Abstract: S289P s289
    Text: S289P Vishay Semiconductors Silicon Darlington Phototransistor Description S289P is an extra high sensitive monolithic silicon epitaxial planar Darlington phototransistor in a standard T–1 ø 3 mm package. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally

    S289P S289P 850nm. 18-Jul-08 phototransistor no s289p s289 PDF

    lens emitter phototransistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S 289 P TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Silicon Darlington Phototransistor Description S 289 P is an extra high sensitive monolithic silicon epitaxial planar Darlington phototransistor in a standard T–1 ø 3 mm package. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally

    850nm. D-74025 lens emitter phototransistor PDF

    foto sensor

    Abstract: optical interrupter darlington gabellichtschranke datasheet ic 4060 Fototransistor Q62702-P5263
    Text: Gabellichtschranke mit Fotodarlington Transistor Slotted Interrupter with Photodarlington Transistor SFH 9330 Wesentliche Merkmale • Kompaktes Gehäuse • GaAs-IR-Sendediode • Si-Foto Darlington-Transistor mit Tageslichtsperrfilter • Hoher Koppelfaktor

    GPXY6052 foto sensor optical interrupter darlington gabellichtschranke datasheet ic 4060 Fototransistor Q62702-P5263 PDF

    foto sensor

    Abstract: Fototransistor opto counter Opto Interrupter slotted 1/IRF 9330 gabellichtschranke Q62702-P5263 w 9330 opto sensor counter
    Text: Gabellichtschranke mit Fotodarlington Transistor Slotted Interrupter with Photodarlington Transistor SFH 9330 Wesentliche Merkmale • Kompaktes Gehäuse • GaAs-IR-Sendediode • Si-Foto Darlington-Transistor mit Tageslichtsperrfilter • Hoher Koppelfaktor

    GPX06992 foto sensor Fototransistor opto counter Opto Interrupter slotted 1/IRF 9330 gabellichtschranke Q62702-P5263 w 9330 opto sensor counter PDF


    Abstract: OPB744 OPB740 OPB745 OPB741W24 OP709 OP535 transistor wz OPB709 OPB741
    Text: Reflective Object Sensor OPB708, OPB709 OPB740 Series, OPB740WZ Series OPB708, OPB709, OPB740, OPB745 Series Features: • • • • • Focused for maximum sensitivity Phototransistor or photodarlington output Crosstalk does not exceed specified ICEO 24” 610 mm wire length

    OPB708, OPB709 OPB740 OPB740WZ OPB709, OPB740, OPB745 OPB708 OPB744 OPB745 OPB741W24 OP709 OP535 transistor wz OPB709 OPB741 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4 PIN SOP HIGH VOLTAGE DARLINGTON PHOTOTRANSISTOR PHOTOCOUPLER EL452-G Series Features: • Halogens free • High collect-Emitter voltage VCEO = 350V • Current transfer ratio (CTR: Min. 1000% at IF =1mA ,VCE =2V) • High isolation voltage between input

    EL452-G DPC-0000055 PDF

    DARLINGTON phototransistor 14

    Abstract: photocoupler code 452
    Text: 4 PIN SOP HIGH VOLTAGE DARLINGTON PHOTOTRANSISTOR PHOTOCOUPLER EL452-G Series Features: • Halogens free • High collect-Emitter voltage VCEO = 350V • Current transfer ratio (CTR: Min. 1000% at IF =1mA ,VCE =2V) • High isolation voltage between input

    EL452-G DPC-0000055 DARLINGTON phototransistor 14 photocoupler code 452 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NTE3103 Photon Coupled Interrupter Module NPN Darlington Description: The NTE3103 Interrupter Module is a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode coupled to a silicon Darlington connected phototransistor in a plastic housing. The packaging system is designed to optimize the mechanical resolution, coupling efficiency, ambient light rejection, cost, and reliability. The

    NTE3103 NTE3103 PDF


    Abstract: copier paper OPB708 OPB709 OPB740 OPB741 OPB745 OPB746 OPB747WZ OPB748WZ
    Text: Reflective Object Sensor OPB708, OPB709 OPB740 Series, OPB740WZ Series OPB708, OPB709, OPB740, OPB745 Series Features: • • • • • Focused for maximum sensitivity Phototransistor or photodarlington output Crosstalk does not exceed specified ICEO 24” 610 mm wire length

    OPB708, OPB709 OPB740 OPB740WZ OPB709, OPB740, OPB745 OPB746WZ copier paper OPB708 OPB709 OPB741 OPB745 OPB746 OPB747WZ OPB748WZ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Reflective Object Sensor OPB708, OPB709 OPB740 Series, OPB740WZ Series OPB708, OPB709, OPB740, OPB745 Series Features: • • • • • Focused for maximum sensitivity Phototransistor or photodarlington output Crosstalk does not exceed specified ICEO 24” 610 mm wire length

    OPB708, OPB709 OPB740 OPB740WZ OPB709, OPB740, OPB745 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Reflective Object Sensor OPB708, OPB709 OPB740 Series, OPB740WZ Series OPB708, OPB709, OPB740, OPB745 Series Features: • • • • • Focused for maximum sensitivity Phototransistor or photodarlington output Crosstalk does not exceed specified ICEO 24” 610 mm wire length

    OPB708, OPB709 OPB740 OPB740WZ OPB709, OPB740, OPB745 PDF


    Abstract: OPB748WZ opb745 OP709 OPB744 OPB708 OPB709 OPB740 OPB741 max030
    Text: Reflective Object Sensor OPB708, OPB709 OPB740 Series, OPB740WZ Series OPB708, OPB709, OPB740, OPB745 Series Features: • • • • • Focused for maximum sensitivity Phototransistor or photodarlington output Crosstalk does not exceed specified ICEO 24” 610 mm wire length

    OPB708, OPB709 OPB740 OPB740WZ OPB709, OPB740, OPB745 OPB748WZ opb745 OP709 OPB744 OPB708 OPB709 OPB741 max030 PDF

    smd transistor chart

    Abstract: LED photo darlington transistor IC PACKAGE transistor SMD ee smd transistor nm
    Text: Silicon Phototransistor and Photo Darlington in 1210 SMD Package OP525, OP525DA, OP525F OP525 and OP525DA OP525F Features: • • • • • • • • High Speed and High photo sensitivity Fast response time 1210 package size High Current Gain Water clear and black lens choices

    OP525, OP525DA, OP525F OP525 OP525DA OP525F 50mW/ 40mW/ 30mW/ smd transistor chart LED photo darlington transistor IC PACKAGE transistor SMD ee smd transistor nm PDF

    photo darlington sensor

    Abstract: high sensitivity reflective phototransistor OP525F smd led 1210 OP525DA optical encoders
    Text: Silicon Phototransistor and Photo Darlington in 1210 SMD Package OP525, OP525DA, OP525F OP525 and OP525DA OP525F Features: • • • • • • • • High Speed and High photo sensitivity Fast response time 1210 package size High Current Gain Water clear and black lens choices

    OP525, OP525DA, OP525F OP525 OP525DA 50mW/ 40mW/ 30mW/ photo darlington sensor high sensitivity reflective phototransistor OP525F smd led 1210 OP525DA optical encoders PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Silicon Phototransistor and Photo Darlington in 1210 SMD Package OP525, OP525DA, OP525F OP525 and OP525DA OP525F Features: • • • • • • • • High Speed and High photo sensitivity Fast response time 1210 package size High Current Gain Water clear and black lens choices

    OP525, OP525DA, OP525F OP525 OP525DA 50mW/ 40mW/ 30mW/ DARLINGTON SMD TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ S289P w m m f _ ▼ Vishay Telefunken Silicon Darlington Phototransistor Description S289P is an extra high sensitive monolithic silicon epi­ taxial planar Darlington phototransistor in a standard T-1 0 3 mm package. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally

    OCR Scan
    S289P S289P 850nm. 20-May-99 S289P_ PDF


    Abstract: 80 amp 30v npn darlington ECG3032 npn phototransistor VISIBLE LIGHT PHOTOTRANSISTOR ECG3034A ECG3031 ECG3037 ECG3120 darlington IR phototransistor
    Text: Phototransistor Detectors Description ECG Type 40 80 NPN, S i, Visible and IR ECG3031 Max Dark Current ID at 2B°C InA Max Collector Current lc ImAI Collector to Base Voltage BVCBO VI Min Light Current IL ImAI Max Power Dissipation at 26°C Pt (mWI Rlss

    OCR Scan
    ECG3031 ECG3032 ECG3034A ECG3035A ECG3036 ECG3037 ECG3038 ECG3039 ECGS63BÂ 80 amp 30v npn darlington npn phototransistor VISIBLE LIGHT PHOTOTRANSISTOR ECG3120 darlington IR phototransistor PDF


    Abstract: 80 amp 30v npn darlington ECG3031 ECG3037 VISIBLE LIGHT PHOTOTRANSISTOR ECG3036 phototransistor ecg3032 ECG3121 m601 ECG3120
    Text: Phototransistor Detectors Collector to Base Voltage BVCBO VI Description ECG Type Max Dark Current ID at 2S°C (nA Max Collector Current lc ImAI Min Light Current IL ImAI Max Power Dissipation at 26°C Pt (mWI Rise Time tr fcS) HoNo. ECG3031 NPN, Si, Visible and IR

    OCR Scan
    ECG3031 ECG3032 ECG3034A ECG3035A ECG3036 ECG3037 ECG3038 ECG3039 ECG3039 80 amp 30v npn darlington VISIBLE LIGHT PHOTOTRANSISTOR phototransistor ecg3032 ECG3121 m601 ECG3120 PDF