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    DB796DM5N Search Results

    DB796DM5N Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: dual frequency monopole antenna DB796DM5N-M Decibel Monopole Indoor Antenna
    Text: DB796DM5N- -KL: 1710-1880 MHz {-M: 1850-1990 MHz dB Diamond Indoor Antenna Dual Monopole, Maximum Gain Bi-Directional DB796DM5N-KL Model Number DB796DM5N-M Impedance 50 ohms Termination Type N - Female Frequency Range 1710 - 1880 MHz 1850 - 1990 MHz 2.5 dBd or 4.6 dBi

    DB796DM5N- DB796DM5N-KL DB796DM5N-M 099085-000-E DB796DM5N-KL dual frequency monopole antenna DB796DM5N-M Decibel Monopole Indoor Antenna PDF

    Decibel Products omni-directional antennas

    Abstract: DB771TB5NWXS DB794CM5N-KU DB794SM5N-M DB788QM5N-XS DB770TB5NPXS indoor antennas Decibel omni DB771TB5N-XS Allen Telecom
    Text: Indoor Antennas 800 - 3600 MHz OVERVIEW Indoor antennas, to be successful, must be compact and attractive, as well as powerful and versatile. Decibel Products’ indoor antennas meet these requirements exceptionally well. An extremely broad bandwidth and a generous assortment of gain

    DB784SM5N DB796SPLL-M DB796DM5N-M DB786SD5N-SX Decibel Products omni-directional antennas DB771TB5NWXS DB794CM5N-KU DB794SM5N-M DB788QM5N-XS DB770TB5NPXS indoor antennas Decibel omni DB771TB5N-XS Allen Telecom PDF


    Abstract: DB794SM5N-M B794 DB796CP5N-M DB786SD5N-XC DB786 DB784SM5N Decibel Products Dipole antennas db794SM5-n DB794SL5N-KM
    Text: 0 8 7 8 4 / 7 8 6 dB DIAMOND SERIES OF INDOOR ANTENNAS D B794/796 GAIN to 6.2 dBd, 800-1000/1550-1990 MHz Designed to install on ceilings, walls and other surfaces, Decibel’s new dB DIAMOND indoor antennas* radiate cellular and/or PCS/DCS 1800 signals inside buildings and

    OCR Scan
    B794/796 DB796CP5N DB796DM5N DB796SP5N DB786DC5N 1-80G-: DB786DC5N-XM DB794SM5N-M B794 DB796CP5N-M DB786SD5N-XC DB786 DB784SM5N Decibel Products Dipole antennas db794SM5-n DB794SL5N-KM PDF