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    Abstract: dcr1080
    Text: DCR1080G22 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5227-1.2 JULY 2006 LN24663 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR1080G22 DS5227-1 LN24663) 4400A DCR1080G22 DCR1080G20 DCR1080G18 dcr1080 PDF


    Abstract: DCR1080G18 DCR1080G20
    Text: DCR1080G22 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5227-1.3 August 2007 LN25531 KEY PARAMETERS FEATURES Double Side Cooling VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt High Surge Capability APPLICATIONS 2200V 1083A 14400A 1500V/µs 500A/µs * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR1080G22 DS5227-1 LN25531) 4400A DCR1080G20 DCR1080G18 DCR1080G22 DCR1080G18 DCR1080G20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR1080G22 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5227-1.0 FEBRUARY 2005 LN23798 FEATURES Double Side Cooling KEY PARAMETERS High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS 2200V 1083A 14400A 1500V/µs 500A/µs High Power Drives

    DCR1080G22 DS5227-1 LN23798) 4400A DCR1080G22 DCR1080G20 DCR1080G18 dcr1080 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR1080G22 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5227-1.1 May 2005 LN23941 FEATURES Double Side Cooling KEY PARAMETERS High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS 2200V 1083A 14400A 1500V/µs 500A/µs High Power Drives

    DCR1080G22 DS5227-1 LN23941) 4400A DCR1080G22 DCR1080G20 DCR1080G18 PDF


    Abstract: DCR690G50 DCR690G52 DCR803SG18 DCR806SG28 DCR818SG48 9450A
    Text: DCR690G52 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5830-1.1 May 2005 LN23931 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR690G52 DS5830-1 LN23931) 00A/us DCR690G50 DCR690G48 100mA, DCR690G48 DCR690G50 DCR690G52 DCR803SG18 DCR806SG28 DCR818SG48 9450A PDF


    Abstract: DCR590G65 DCR590G55
    Text: DCR590G65 Phase Control Thyristor DS5870-1.4 June 2008 LN26249 KEY PARAMETERS FEATURES Double Side Cooling VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt High Surge Capability APPLICATIONS 6500V 595A 6600A 1500V/µs 200A/us * Higher dV/dt selections available High Power Drives

    DCR590G65 DS5870-1 LN26249) 00A/us DCR590G65* DCR590G60 DCR590G55 100mA, DCR590G60 DCR590G65 DCR590G55 PDF

    Tag 225-600

    Abstract: IGBT cross-reference SCR GTO fast diode 3000V tag 200-600 522.500. 5 x 20 mm HVDC plus scr phase control battery charger esm 30 450 v GTO thyristor Application notes
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 10 Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 3 Pulsed Power Capability 10 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. Tag 225-600 IGBT cross-reference SCR GTO fast diode 3000V tag 200-600 522.500. 5 x 20 mm HVDC plus scr phase control battery charger esm 30 450 v GTO thyristor Application notes PDF


    Abstract: DCR470G80 DCR470G85 DCR1080G
    Text: DCR470G85 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5894-1.3 November 2008 LN26500 KEY PARAMETERS FEATURES Double Side Cooling VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt High Surge Capability 8500V 467A 5250A 1500V/µs 200A/us * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR470G85 DS5894-1 LN26500) 00A/us DCR470G85* DCR470G80 DCR470G70 100mA, DCR470G70 DCR470G80 DCR470G85 DCR1080G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR780G42 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5829-1.1 May 2005 LN23926 FEATURES Double Side Cooling KEY PARAMETERS High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS 4200V 780A 10500A 1500V/µs 400A/us High Power Drives

    DCR780G42 DS5829-1 LN23926) 0500A 00A/us DCR780G42 DCR780G40 DCR780G38 100mA, PDF

    kpb 307

    Abstract: KP8 500 KP9 1500 -12 KPd 1500 TEG KP5-600 THYRISTOR KP8 800 igbt types 6000v KP7 500 TBA 1240 ic teg thyristor
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 2 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. kpb 307 KP8 500 KP9 1500 -12 KPd 1500 TEG KP5-600 THYRISTOR KP8 800 igbt types 6000v KP7 500 TBA 1240 ic teg thyristor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR690G52 Phase Control Thyristor DS5830-2 April 2013 LN30270 FEATURES KEY PARAMETERS • Double Side Cooling  High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS 5200V 690A 9450A 1500V/µs 300A/us * Higher dV/dt selections available 

    DCR690G52 DS5830-2 LN30270) 500V/Â 00A/us DCR690G52* DCR690G50 DCR690G48 100mA, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR470G85 Phase Control Thyristor DS5894-3 March 2013 LN30237 FEATURES KEY PARAMETERS • Double Side Cooling  High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS 8500V 467A 5250A 1500V/µs 200A/us * Higher dV/dt selections available 

    DCR470G85 DS5894-3 LN30237) 500V/Â 00A/us DCR470G85* DCR470G80 DCR470G70 100mA, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR780G42 Phase Control Thyristor DS5829-2 April 2012 LN29438 FEATURES KEY PARAMETERS • Double Side Cooling  High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS 4200V 780A 10500A 1500V/µs 400A/us * Higher dV/dt selections available 

    DCR780G42 DS5829-2 LN29438) 0500A 500V/Â 00A/us DCR780G40 DCR780G38 100mA, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR780G42 Phase Control Thyristor DS5829-2 April 2012 LN29438 FEATURES KEY PARAMETERS • Double Side Cooling  High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS 4200V 780A 10500A 1500V/µs 400A/us * Higher dV/dt selections available 

    DCR780G42 DS5829-2 LN29438) 0500A 500V/Â 00A/us DCR780G40 DCR780G38 100mA, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR470G85 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5894-1.0 September 2006 LN24822 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR470G85 DS5894-1 LN24822) 500V/Â 00A/us DCR470G80 DCR470G70 100mA, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR960G28 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5828-1.1 May 2005 LN23924 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR960G28 DS5828-1 LN23924) 3000A DCR960G28 DCR960G26 DCR960G24 PDF


    Abstract: DCR690G52 dcr590 dcr818 DCR690G48 dcr1080 dcr960g DCR806 DCR806S
    Text: DCR690G52 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5830-1.3 June 2008 LN26220 KEY PARAMETERS FEATURES Double Side Cooling VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt High Surge Capability APPLICATIONS 5200V 690A 9450A 1500V/µs 300A/us * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR690G52 DS5830-1 LN26220) 00A/us DCR690G52* DCR690G50 DCR690G48 100mA, DCR690G50 DCR690G52 dcr590 dcr818 DCR690G48 dcr1080 dcr960g DCR806 DCR806S PDF


    Abstract: K1457 Tag 225-600 dim1200fss12 thyratron IGBT cross-reference DCR890F DSF110 igbt types 6000v DIM800DCS12-A
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 10 Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 3 Pulsed Power Capability 10 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. DCR2950W K1457 Tag 225-600 dim1200fss12 thyratron IGBT cross-reference DCR890F DSF110 igbt types 6000v DIM800DCS12-A PDF

    bcm 4330

    Abstract: telemecanique contactor catalogue A5 GNC mosfet philips ecg master replacement guide Elektronikon II keltron electrolytic capacitors PART NO SELEMA DRIVER MOTOR AC 12v dc EIM Basic MK3 lenze 8600 Atlas copco rc universal 60 min
    Text: NEED IT NOW? BUY REMAN! SEE PAGE lxx xx xvi SOLUTIONS, SOLUTIONS. Q A r e q u a l i t y, c o s t , a n d t i m e i m p o r t a n t to you? A ELECTRICAL SOUTH! Q Do you spend too much of your valuable time dealing with too m a n y d i ff e r e n t r e p a i r v e n d o r s ?



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR590G65 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5870-1.2 March 2008 LN26033 KEY PARAMETERS FEATURES Double Side Cooling VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt High Surge Capability APPLICATIONS 6500V 595A 6600A 1500V/µs 200A/us * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR590G65 DS5870-1 LN26033) 500V/Â 00A/us DCR590G62 DCR590G58 100mA, PDF


    Abstract: DCR780G40 DCR780G42 DCR803SG18 DCR806SG28 DCR818SG48 DCR1080G
    Text: DCR780G42 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5829-1.1 May 2005 LN23926 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR780G42 DS5829-1 LN23926) 0500A 00A/us DCR780G40 DCR780G38 100mA, DCR780G38 DCR780G40 DCR780G42 DCR803SG18 DCR806SG28 DCR818SG48 DCR1080G PDF


    Abstract: DCR590G58 DCR590G62 DCR590G65 DCR803SG18 DCR806SG28 DCR818SG48 595a
    Text: DCR590G65 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5870-1.0 September 2005 LN24229 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR590G65 DS5870-1 LN24229) 00A/us DCR590G62 DCR590G58 100mA, 74256 DCR590G58 DCR590G62 DCR590G65 DCR803SG18 DCR806SG28 DCR818SG48 595a PDF


    Abstract: dcr1080
    Text: DCR780G42 Phase Control Thyristor DS5829-5 February 2014 LN31341 FEATURES KEY PARAMETERS • Double Side Cooling  High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS 4200V 780A 10500A 1500V/µs 400A/us * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR780G42 DS5829-5 LN31341) 0500A 500V/Â 00A/us DCR780G40 DCR780G38 100mA, DCR780G42 dcr1080 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR690G52 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5830-1.1 February 2005 LN23931 FEATURES Double Side Cooling KEY PARAMETERS High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS 5200V 690A 9450A 1500V/µs 300A/us High Power Drives

    DCR690G52 DS5830-1 LN23931) 00A/us DCR690G52 DCR690G50 DCR690G48 100mA, PDF