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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR2630Y52 Phase Control Thyristor DS5901-3 March 2013 LN30238 FEATURES KEY PARAMETERS • Double Side Cooling  High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS 5200V 2630A 36700A 1500V/µs 300A/µs * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR2630Y52 DS5901-3 LN30238) 6700A 500V/Â DCR2630Y52* DCR2630Y50 DCR2630Y48 200mA, PDF

    A 2630

    Abstract: DCR2630Y52 DCR3910Y22 DCR2630Y48 DCR2630Y50 5000V, 2000A thyristor
    Text: DCR2630Y52 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5901-1.3 June 2008 LN26216 KEY PARAMETERS FEATURES Double Side Cooling VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt High Surge Capability APPLICATIONS 5200V 2630A 36700A 1500V/µs 300A/µs * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR2630Y52 DS5901-1 LN26216) 6700A DCR2630Y52* DCR2630Y50 DCR2630Y48 200mA, A 2630 DCR2630Y52 DCR3910Y22 DCR2630Y48 DCR2630Y50 5000V, 2000A thyristor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR2630Y52 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5901-2 November 2010 LN27694 FEATURES KEY PARAMETERS • Double Side Cooling  High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS 5200V 2630A 36700A 1500V/µs 300A/µs * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR2630Y52 DS5901-2 LN27694) 6700A 500V/Â DCR2630Y52* DCR2630Y50 DCR2630Y48 200mA, 50our PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR2630Y52 Phase Control Thyristor DS5901-3 March 2013 LN30238 FEATURES KEY PARAMETERS • Double Side Cooling  High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS 5200V 2630A 36700A 1500V/µs 300A/µs * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR2630Y52 DS5901-3 LN30238) 6700A 500V/Â DCR2630Y52* DCR2630Y50 DCR2630Y48 200mA, DCR2630Y52 PDF


    Abstract: DCR2630Y50 DCR2630Y48 DCR1576SY52 dcr263 dcr3650
    Text: DCR2630Y52 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5901-1.2 September 2007 LN25556 KEY PARAMETERS FEATURES Double Side Cooling VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt High Surge Capability APPLICATIONS 5200V 2630A 36700A 1500V/µs 300A/µs * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR2630Y52 DS5901-1 LN25556) 6700A DCR2630Y50 DCR2630Y48 200mA, DCR2630Y52 DCR2630Y50 DCR2630Y48 DCR1576SY52 dcr263 dcr3650 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR2630Y52 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5901-1.0 November 2006 LN25054 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR2630Y52 DS5901-1 LN25054) 6700A 500V/Â DCR2630Y50 DCR2630Y48 200mA, PDF


    Abstract: DCR1840Y75 DCR1840Y80 DCR1840Y85 dcr1476sy42
    Text: DCR1840Y85 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5767-1.6 June 2008 LN26218 KEY PARAMETERS FEATURES Double Side Cooling VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt High Surge Capability APPLICATIONS 8500V 1840A 25000A 1500V/µs 300A/µs * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR1840Y85 DS5767-1 LN26218) 5000A DCR1840Y85* DCR1840Y80 DCR1840Y75 DCR1840Y70 300mA, DCR1840Y70 DCR1840Y75 DCR1840Y80 DCR1840Y85 dcr1476sy42 PDF

    Tag 225-600

    Abstract: IGBT cross-reference SCR GTO fast diode 3000V tag 200-600 522.500. 5 x 20 mm HVDC plus scr phase control battery charger esm 30 450 v GTO thyristor Application notes
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 10 Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 3 Pulsed Power Capability 10 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. Tag 225-600 IGBT cross-reference SCR GTO fast diode 3000V tag 200-600 522.500. 5 x 20 mm HVDC plus scr phase control battery charger esm 30 450 v GTO thyristor Application notes PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR2930Y42 Phase Control Thyristor DS5836-2 March 2013 LN30239 FEATURES KEY PARAMETERS • Double Side Cooling  High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS 4200V 2930A 40600A 1500V/µs 400A/us * Higher dV/dt selections available 

    DCR2930Y42 DS5836-2 LN30239) 0600A 500V/Â 00A/us DCR2930Y40 DCR2930Y35 DCR2930Y30 DCR2930Y42 PDF

    kpb 307

    Abstract: KP8 500 KP9 1500 -12 KPd 1500 TEG KP5-600 THYRISTOR KP8 800 igbt types 6000v KP7 500 TBA 1240 ic teg thyristor
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 2 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. kpb 307 KP8 500 KP9 1500 -12 KPd 1500 TEG KP5-600 THYRISTOR KP8 800 igbt types 6000v KP7 500 TBA 1240 ic teg thyristor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR2220Y65 Phase Control Thyristor DS5835-2 March 2013 LN30241 FEATURES KEY PARAMETERS • Double Side Cooling  High Surge Capability VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt 6500V 2220A 30000A 1500V/µs 300A/µs * Higher dV/dt selections available APPLICATIONS

    DCR2220Y65 DS5835-2 LN30241) 0000A 500V/Â DCR2220Y65* DCR2220Y60 DCR2220Y55 DCR2220Y50 300mA, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR1840Y85 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5767-1.5 December 2007 LN25826 KEY PARAMETERS FEATURES Double Side Cooling VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt High Surge Capability APPLICATIONS 8500V 1840A 25000A 1500V/µs 300A/µs * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR1840Y85 DS5767-1 LN25826) 5000A 500V/Â DCR1840Y80 DCR1840Y75 DCR1840Y70 300mA, PDF


    Abstract: DCR1840Y75 DCR1840Y80 DCR1840Y85 DCR2220Y70 zth 347
    Text: DCR1840Y85 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5767-1.2 MAY 2005 LN23936 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR1840Y85 DS5767-1 LN23936) 5000A DCR1840Y80 DCR1840Y75 DCR2220Y70 300mA, DCR1474SY18 DCR1840Y75 DCR1840Y80 DCR1840Y85 DCR2220Y70 zth 347 PDF


    Abstract: KWO12 DCR3650Y24 DCR3650Y26 DCR1576SY52
    Text: DCR3650Y28 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5875-1.2 September 2007 LN25542 KEY PARAMETERS FEATURES Double Side Cooling VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt High Surge Capability APPLICATIONS 2800V 3650A 50500A 1500V/µs 300A/µs * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR3650Y28 DS5875-1 LN25542) 0500A DCR3650Y26 DCR3650Y24 200mA, DCR3650Y28 KWO12 DCR3650Y24 DCR3650Y26 DCR1576SY52 PDF


    Abstract: DCR3910Y18 dcr1476sy42
    Text: DCR3910Y22 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5886-1.1 October 2006 LN24911 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR3910Y22 DS5886-1 LN24911) 4000A DCR3910Y22 DCR3910Y20 DCR3910Y18 200mA, 3910a DCR3910Y18 dcr1476sy42 PDF


    Abstract: M/high power thyristor Vdrm 6000 IF 6000
    Text: DCR2930Y42 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5836-1.1 MAY 2006 LN24577 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR2930Y42 DS5836-1 LN24577) 0600A 00A/us DCR2930Y42 DCR2930Y40 DCR2930Y35 DCR2930Y30 200mA, dcr1476sy42 M/high power thyristor Vdrm 6000 IF 6000 PDF


    Abstract: DCR370T18 DCR1560F26 DCR1560F drd2960y40 alsic 105 DCR1710F18 DCR650G34 DCR2760V DRD850D34
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors Choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 2 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches

    4500Vee DS5766-4. DCR370T DCR370T18 DCR1560F26 DCR1560F drd2960y40 alsic 105 DCR1710F18 DCR650G34 DCR2760V DRD850D34 PDF


    Abstract: K1457 Tag 225-600 dim1200fss12 thyratron IGBT cross-reference DCR890F DSF110 igbt types 6000v DIM800DCS12-A
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 10 Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 3 Pulsed Power Capability 10 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. DCR2950W K1457 Tag 225-600 dim1200fss12 thyratron IGBT cross-reference DCR890F DSF110 igbt types 6000v DIM800DCS12-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR1840Y85 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5767-1.3 NOV 2006 LN24965 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR1840Y85 DS5767-1 LN24965) 5000A 500V/Â DCR1840Y80 DCR1840Y75 DCR1840Y70 300mA, PDF


    Abstract: DCR1475SY28 DCR2930Y30 DCR2930Y35 DCR2930Y40 DCR2930Y42 zth 347 dcr1476sy42
    Text: DCR2930Y42 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5836-1.0 March 2005 LN23852 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR2930Y42 DS5836-1 LN23852) 0600A 00A/us DCR2930Y40 DCR2930Y35 DCR2930Y30 200mA, DCR1474SY18 DCR1475SY28 DCR2930Y30 DCR2930Y35 DCR2930Y40 DCR2930Y42 zth 347 dcr1476sy42 PDF


    Abstract: DCR2220Y55 DCR2220Y60 DCR2220Y65
    Text: DCR2220Y65 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5835-1.3 June 2008 LN26217 KEY PARAMETERS FEATURES Double Side Cooling VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt High Surge Capability 6500V 2220A 30000A 1500V/µs 300A/µs * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR2220Y65 DS5835-1 LN26217) 0000A DCR2220Y65* DCR2220Y60 DCR2220Y55 DCR2220Y50 300mA, DCR2220Y50 DCR2220Y55 DCR2220Y60 DCR2220Y65 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DCR2220Y65 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5835-1.1 FEB 2006 LN24452 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR2220Y65 DS5835-1 LN24452) 0000A DCR2220Y65 DCR2220Y60 DCR2220Y55 DCR2220Y50 300mA, dcr1476sy42 PDF

    300A thyristor gate control circuit

    Abstract: DCR3650Y28 DCR3650Y dcr1476sy42
    Text: DCR3650Y28 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5875-1.0 December 2005 LN24350 FEATURES • Double Side Cooling • High Surge Capability KEY PARAMETERS VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt APPLICATIONS • High Power Drives • High Voltage Power Supplies

    DCR3650Y28 DS5875-1 LN24350) 0500A DCR3650Y28 DCR3650Y26 DCR3650Y24 200mA, 300A thyristor gate control circuit DCR3650Y dcr1476sy42 PDF


    Abstract: DCR2930Y30 DCR2930Y35 DCR2930Y40 DCR2930Y42 dcr1474 DCR3650Y DCR2630Y dcr2630
    Text: DCR2930Y42 Phase Control Thyristor Preliminary Information DS5836-1.2 September 2007 LN25548 KEY PARAMETERS FEATURES Double Side Cooling VDRM IT(AV) ITSM dV/dt* dI/dt High Surge Capability APPLICATIONS 4200V 2930A 40600A 1500V/µs 400A/us * Higher dV/dt selections available

    DCR2930Y42 DS5836-1 LN25548) 0600A 00A/us DCR2930Y40 DCR2930Y35 DCR2930Y30 200mA, DCR3650 DCR2930Y30 DCR2930Y35 DCR2930Y40 DCR2930Y42 dcr1474 DCR3650Y DCR2630Y dcr2630 PDF