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    Abstract: CQY77 CQY78 IV CQY77A DIN5033 BPW33 germanium photodiode PIN phototransistor 600 nm solar cell transistor infrared photodiode germanium
    Text: General IR and Photodetector Information Appnote 37 1. Detectors Radiation-sensitive Components Charge Carrier Generation in a Photodiode Figure 1 shows the basic design of a planar silicon photo-diode with an abrupt pn transition. Due to the differing carrier concentrations, a field region free of mobile carriers, the space charge

    BPW33) CQY78 CQY77 CQY78 IV CQY77A DIN5033 BPW33 germanium photodiode PIN phototransistor 600 nm solar cell transistor infrared photodiode germanium PDF


    Abstract: MTI04C MTCS-TIAM2 CIE1931 preposition and article rgb sensor MTI04 445 nm 06202E
    Text: The information contained in this documentation is the property of MAZeT. Photocopying or otherwise reproducing any part of the catalog, whether electronically or mechanically is prohibited, except NO. where the express permission of MAZeT GmbH has been obtained. 1

    DB-06-202E DIN5033 MTI04C MTCS-TIAM2 CIE1931 preposition and article rgb sensor MTI04 445 nm 06202E PDF


    Abstract: cqy77 SF-104 equivalent transistor BPW33 solar cell transistor infrared phototransistor application lux meter photoelectric infra red sensor pair CQY78 IV Infrared phototransistor TO18 phototransistor sensitive to green light
    Text: General IR and Photodetector Information Appnote 37 are separated and a photocurrent flows through an external circuit, also without an additional voltage photovoltaic effect . Carriers occurring in the space charge region are immediately sucked off due to the field prevailing in this layer. The



    Abstract: MTI04C CIE1991 445 nm 445 nm photo DB-082
    Text: The information contained in this documentation is the property of MAZeT. Photocopying or otherwise reproducing any part of the catalog, whether electronically or mechanically is prohibited, except NO. where the express permission of MAZeT GmbH has been obtained. 1

    DB-08-239E DIN5033 MTI04C CIE1991 445 nm 445 nm photo DB-082 PDF


    Abstract: MTI04C RGB COLOR SENSOR optical sensor with an amplifier color detection sensor color detector sensor color sensor rgb sensor rgb sensor board MTCS-TIAM2
    Text: MTCS-TIAM − OEM True-Color Color Sensor Modules PRODUCT INFORMATION JENCOLOR c/o MAZeT GmbH 2008 PI-06-204e V2.0 „Color Measurement like human eye“ JENCOLOR modules MTCS-TIAM1 Industrial color detection, measurement and monitoring are becoming easier. Notably, where it is

    PI-06-204e DIN5033 MTI04C RGB COLOR SENSOR optical sensor with an amplifier color detection sensor color detector sensor color sensor rgb sensor rgb sensor board MTCS-TIAM2 PDF

    rgb sensor MTI04

    Abstract: DIN5033 optical sensor VISIBLE LIGHT MATRIX color sensor rgb sensor MTCSiCS led colorimeter mechatronics using microcontroller rgb color sensors color sensor signal conditioning
    Text: Improved LED systems with true color sensors APPLICATION REPORT 1. Introduction As a result of the numerous amounts of technical, economical, environmental and design advantages of LEDs versus conventional light sources, LEDs are located in more and more applications like

    APP-07-225e rgb sensor MTI04 DIN5033 optical sensor VISIBLE LIGHT MATRIX color sensor rgb sensor MTCSiCS led colorimeter mechatronics using microcontroller rgb color sensors color sensor signal conditioning PDF

    TRANSISTOR si 6822

    Abstract: LM 3140 si 6822 transistor transistor 6822 si transistors Si 6822 lm3140 SN-72500 transistors br 6822 Siemens technische transistor 6823
    Text: Technische Erläuterungen SIEMENS Allgem eines O ptoelektronische Bauelem ente haben in der m odernen Elektronik und dam it in fast allen Bereichen unseres Lebens weiten Eingang gefunden. Sie sind in hohem Maße an dem Um stellungsprozeß von Mechanik auf Elektronik beteiligt und haben, aufgrund ihrer Funktion als

    OCR Scan