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    DIODE A93 Search Results

    DIODE A93 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    DIODE A93 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: a940 Transistor transistor a940 DIODE BAT Q62702-A940 BAT18 A938 A942 Q62702-A787 Q62702-A938
    Text: BAT 18 Silicon RF Switching Diode BAT 18 … ● Low-loss VHF/UHF switch above 10 MHz ● Pin diode with low forward resistance Type Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration Package1 BAT 18 A2 Q62702-A787 SOT 23 BAT 18-04 AU Q62702-A938 BAT 18-05 AS Q62702-A940

    Q62702-A787 Q62702-A938 Q62702-A940 Q62702-A942 A940 a940 Transistor transistor a940 DIODE BAT Q62702-A940 BAT18 A938 A942 Q62702-A787 Q62702-A938 PDF

    GP 018 DIODE

    Abstract: marking code BA sot23 Q62702-A932 MARKING CODE 886 GP 023 DIODE
    Text: BA 886 Silicon PIN Diode BA 886 Preliminary Data ● Current-controlled RF resistor for switching and attenuating applications ● Frequency range above 1 MHz ● Designed for low IM distortion Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BA 886 PC Q62702-A932

    Q62702-A932 OT-23 GP 018 DIODE marking code BA sot23 Q62702-A932 MARKING CODE 886 GP 023 DIODE PDF


    Abstract: GP 023 DIODE BA diode
    Text: BA 586 Silicon PIN Diode BA 586 Preliminary Data ● Current-controlled RF resistor for switching and attenuating applications. ● Frequency range above 1 MHz ● Designed for low IM distortion Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BA 586 white P Q62702-A930

    Q62702-A930 OD-123 Q62702-A930 GP 023 DIODE BA diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A931 S Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässiae Werte Maximum rated values Periodische RückwärtsSpitzensperrspannung Periodische RückwärtsSpitzensperrspannung nach der Kommutierung Durchlaßstrom-Grenzeffektivwert Dauergrenzstrom



    Abstract: D-A93V D-A96 DA96 D-A90V D-A96V D-A90 CD-P12 da93 CD-P11
    Text: Reed Switch Direct Mounting Style D-A90 V /D-A93(V)/D-A96(V) For details about certified products conforming to international standards, visit us at Grommet Electrical entry: In-line Auto Switch Specifications PLC: Abbreviation of Programmable Logic Controller

    D-A90 /D-A93 /D-A96 D-A90, D-A90V D-A93, D-A93V, D-A96, D-A93 D-A93V D-A96 DA96 D-A90V D-A96V CD-P12 da93 CD-P11 PDF

    smc d-z73

    Abstract: D-Y69A smc D-A53 smc d-c73 D-B73C SMC D-A93 SMC D-B73C SMC D-A73 D-K79C d-k59
    Text: Page 5.3-1 Note 1 D-B7/B8, D-B73C/B80C, D-G7/K7 and D-K79C are applicable for series MGG, MGC and MLGC. Note 2) Series MXS, MXF, MXP, MXQ, MXW and MXU are included in Series MX. 2 colour With timer Magnetic resistance Water resistance 2 colour 2 colour Water resistance

    D-B73C/B80C, D-K79C D-C73C/C80C D-B59W D-A3A/A44A D-A3C/A44C D-A7H/A80H D-A73C/A80C D-A79W D-A59W smc d-z73 D-Y69A smc D-A53 smc d-c73 D-B73C SMC D-A93 SMC D-B73C SMC D-A73 d-k59 PDF

    SMC D-A73

    Abstract: smc d-f9p D-A93 smc d-z73 smc d-f9n D-P5DW D-A53 d-f9n smc d-b54 D-F7P
    Text: Page 5.3-1 Note 1 D-B7/B8, D-B73C/B80C, D-G7/K7 and D-K79C are applicable for series MGG, MGC and MLGC. Note 2) Series MXS, MXF, MXP, MXQ, MXW and MXU are included in Series MX. 2 colour With timer Magnetic resistance Water resistance 2 colour 2 colour Water resistance

    D-B73C/B80C, D-K79C D-C73C/C80C D-B59W D-A3A/A44A D-A3C/A44C D-A7H/A80H D-A73C/A80C D-A79W D-A59W SMC D-A73 smc d-f9p D-A93 smc d-z73 smc d-f9n D-P5DW D-A53 d-f9n smc d-b54 D-F7P PDF

    k 933

    Abstract: semikron skim
    Text: SKiM 450GD126DL Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT 01*  78 01* ; & '   SKiM 5 SKiM 450GD126DL Target Data Features                            ! "#$ % &%  '    

    450GD126DL 450GD126DL k 933 semikron skim PDF


    Abstract: EHA07002
    Text: SIEM ENS Silicon RF Switching Diode BAT 18. • Low-loss VHF/UHF switch above 10 MHz • Pin diode with low forward resistance Type Marking Ordering Code BAT 18 A2 Q62702-A787 Pin Configuration Package1 SOT 23 0- EH1-» EHA07002 BAT 18-04 AU Q62702-A938

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A787 EHA07002 Q62702-A938 Q62702-A940 EHA07005 Q62702-A942 CHA07004 EHA0700Í EHA07005 EHA07002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIODE MODULE f.R.d FDS100CA100/120 UL;E76102(M) F D S 10 O C A is a high speed dual diode module designed for high power switching application. FD S 1OOCA is suitable for high frequency application requiring low loss and high speed control. O.SMAX • High Speed tr r S 300ns

    OCR Scan
    FDS100CA100/120 E76102 300ns FDS100CA120 S100CA100/120 000205k. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Silicon PIN Diode BA 586 Preliminary Data • Current-controlled RF resistor for switching and attenuating applications. • Frequency range above 1 MHz • Designed for low IM distortion Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BA 586 white P Q62702-A930

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A930 OD-123 CHA07001 0535b05 00bbS71 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Silicon PIN Diode BA 886 Preliminary Data • Current-controlled RF resistor for switching and attenuating applications • Frequency range above 1 MHz • Designed for low IM distortion Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BA 886 PC Q62702-A932

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A932 OT-23 EHA07002 fiB35b05 00bb5Ã PDF


    Abstract: DIODE A93
    Text: ERC20M 5A FAST RECOVERY DIODE I Features Insulated package by fully molding. High voltage by mesa design. Connection Diagram High reliability ii* : Applications High speed switching. Maximum Ratings and Characteristics : Absolute Maximum Ratings Items Symbols

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: ERC20M erc20
    Text: ERC20MI5A FAST RECOVERY DIODE Features In su la te d p a ckag e by fu lly m o ld in g . H ig h vo lta g e by m esa d e s ig n . Connection Diagram H ig h re lia b ility • ffliis : Applications H ig h speed s w itc h in g . Maximum Ratings and Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    ERC20M SC-67Â ERC20-08 erc20 PDF

    diode 242

    Abstract: rts 1620 DIN41814-155B4 AEGG DIN41814
    Text: A E Ö- AK T I E N G E S EL L S C H A F T fllC D □02^415 G0QST71 4 • AE6£ A 930 S A930S E le ktrisch e Eigenschaften E le ctrica l properties H ö ch stzu lä ssig e Werte Periodische VorwärtsU dhm Spitzensperrspannung Periodische RückwärtsU rrm

    OCR Scan
    DIN41814-155B4 diode 242 rts 1620 DIN41814-155B4 AEGG DIN41814 PDF

    ld 7523 equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/612 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 635/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672 Test Level T, Test Level T2

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC ld 7523 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC 7513-PIC 7518 PIC 7531-P IC 7536 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types PIC 645/646/647 PIC 655/656/657 Test Level T, Test Level T2 PIC 7513/7514/7515 PIC 7516/7517/7518 PIC 7531/7532/7533 PIC 7534/7535/7536 C ontents

    OCR Scan
    7513-PIC 7531-P PDF

    voltage regulator 7505

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/612 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 635/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672 Test Level T, Test Level T2

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC 755erse voltage regulator 7505 PDF

    pic 636

    Abstract: ka 7562 PIC626 PIC7501 pic602 diagram an 7522 7555-PIC PIC635 PIC660 PIC7526
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/612 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 635/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672 Test Level T, Test Level T2

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC pic 636 ka 7562 PIC626 PIC7501 pic602 diagram an 7522 PIC635 PIC660 PIC7526 PDF

    IC 7505

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/612 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 635/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672 Test Level T, Test Level T2

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC IC 7505 PDF

    7508 regulator

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types T e s t L e v e l T, PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/ 6 Ï 2 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 6Î5/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC 7508 regulator PDF

    IRF 544 N MOSFET

    Abstract: Spice 2 computer models for hexfets 4af2NPP IR transistor D586 induction cooker fault finding circuit diagrams TRANSISTOR mos fet D482 electronics digest transistor D357 equivalent D515 transistor 1RF511
    Text: International S R ectifier HEXFET DAIABOOK POWER MOSFET APPLICATION AND PRODUCT DATA 1985 THIRD EDITION PUBLISHED BY INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER, 233 KANSAS ST., EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 90245 The information presented in this DATABOOK is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, International Rectifier can assume no

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    Abstract: 2n3054 JEC 600 watts amplifier schematic diagram Germanium drift transistor LM373 AN6311 germanium transistor transitron LM304 AN2918
    Text: National PREFACE The purpose of this handbook is to provide a fully indexed and cross-referenced collection of linear in­ tegrated circuit applications using both monolithic and hybrid circuits from National Semiconductor. Individual application notes are normally written to ex­

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    LB20-2 2N2369 AVALANCHE PULSE GENERATOR 2n3054 JEC 600 watts amplifier schematic diagram Germanium drift transistor LM373 AN6311 germanium transistor transitron LM304 AN2918 PDF

    TRIAC bt 824

    Abstract: BT 804 triac BT 806 TRIAC TRIAC BT 812 TRIAC BT 804 TLP250 application TLP503 TLP501 TLP250 mosfet gate Driver circuit dc motor speed control with s.c.r bt 151
    Text: 8. Application Note 8-1 8-1-1 Outline of Photocouplers Description of Photocouplers for General Purposes • Structure and Basic Characteristics Demand for photocouplers entered a real growth period around 1977. The background for this is the increasing application in signal transmission between CPU and peripheral

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