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    PIC660 Datasheets (4)

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    PIC660 Microsemi Power Integrated Circuit Scan PDF
    PIC660 Microsemi Power Integrated Circuit - Switching Regulator 10 Amp Positive and Negative Power Output Stages Scan PDF
    PIC660 Microsemi Switching Regulator 10 A Positive Power Output Stages Scan PDF
    PIC660 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF

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    Abstract: lis3dh STMPS2141STR L3G4200D STM32F2 MCBQVGA MCBSTM32F200 L3G4200 OV*7690 st802rt1a
    Text: 3 4 PowerScale COPS NLPB3 PB3 A GND COP2 P2 PIP201 PIP202 PIP203 1 2 3 GND Power measurement B GND PIR601 COR6 R6 GND 2 PIIC202 RT 3 PIR602 PIIC203 PGD 10kPIIC204 4 SS COC27 C27 PIC2702 5 PIC222n 701 PIIC205 SGND CS 8 PIIC208 PIC1401 100nPIL201 COL2 L2 PID50C COD5

    PIP201 PIP202 PIP203 B340A B340A 8012V01 8012V03 8012V02 10u/25V PID10A OVM7690 lis3dh STMPS2141STR L3G4200D STM32F2 MCBQVGA MCBSTM32F200 L3G4200 OV*7690 st802rt1a PDF


    Abstract: c5936 S25FL032P0XMF S25FL032P0XMFI01 AM240320LDTNQW S25FL032P0XMFI s29gl064n90t AM240320L AM-240320LD AM-24032
    Text: 1 2 3 4 A A VBUS1 VBUS0 PID110A PID110C 10u/25V PICCOC3 3C3 02 B340A PIC301 100n/25V 1 PIIC101 VIN COC5 C5 PIC502 COR1 R1 158k PPIIC1011 IC50111 PPAD PIR102 GND B B340A SW 9 PIIC109 PIR101 GND PIR301 COR3 R3 GND 2 PIIC102 RT 3 PIR302 PIIC103 PGD 10kPIIC104

    B340A COD11 PIP101 PID110A PID110C 10u/25V PIP103 PIP102 PIR102 S29GL064N90 c5936 S25FL032P0XMF S25FL032P0XMFI01 AM240320LDTNQW S25FL032P0XMFI s29gl064n90t AM240320L AM-240320LD AM-24032 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: POWER INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Switching Regulator 10 Amp Positive and Negative Power Output Stages PIC660 PIC661 PIC662 PIC670 PIC671 PIC672 FEATURES • Designed and characterized for switching regulator applications • Cost saving design reduces size, im proves efficiency, reduces noise and RFI See note 4.

    OCR Scan
    PIC660 PIC661 PIC662 PIC670 PIC671 PIC672 100kHz) PDF


    Abstract: PIC661 PIC660 PIC662 PIC670 PIC671 PIC672
    Text: POWER INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Switching Regulator 10 A m p Positive and Negative Power Output Stages PIC660 PIC661 PIC662 PIC670 PIC671 PIC672 FEATURES • Designed and characterized for switching regulator applications • C o s t sa v in g d e s ig n re d u c e s s iz e , im p ro ve s e ffic ie n c y , re d u c e s n o ise a n d RFI S ee n o te

    OCR Scan
    100kHz) 300ns PIC660 PIC661 PIC662 PIC670 PIC671 PIC672 pic600 PIC672 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: POWER INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PIC660 PIC661 PIC662 PIC670 PIC671 PIC672 Switching Regulator 10 Am p Positive and Negative Power Output Stages FEA T U R E S • D e sig n e d a n d c h a ra c te riz e d fo r s w it c h in g re g u la to r a p p lic a t io n s • C o s t s a v in g d e sig n r e d u c e s siz e , im p ro v e s e ffic ie n c y , r e d u c e s n o is e a n d R FI Se e n o te 4.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: POWER INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Switching Regulator 10 Amp Positive and Negative Power Output Stages PIC660 PIC661 PIC662 PIC670 PIC671 PIC672 F EA T U RES • Designed and characterized for switching regulator applications • Cost saving design reduces size, improves efficiency, reduces noise and RFI See note 4.

    OCR Scan
    PIC660 PIC661 PIC662 PIC670 PIC671 PIC672 100kHz) 300ns P1C671 PDF

    pic 636

    Abstract: ka 7562 PIC626 PIC7501 pic602 diagram an 7522 7555-PIC PIC635 PIC660 PIC7526
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/612 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 635/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672 Test Level T, Test Level T2

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC pic 636 ka 7562 PIC626 PIC7501 pic602 diagram an 7522 PIC635 PIC660 PIC7526 PDF

    IC 7505

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/612 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 635/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672 Test Level T, Test Level T2

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC IC 7505 PDF

    7508 regulator

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types T e s t L e v e l T, PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/ 6 Ï 2 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 6Î5/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC 7508 regulator PDF

    triac tag 8518

    Abstract: 70146 DS3654 X2864AD 7 segment display RL S5220 TC9160 la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt philips ecg master replacement guide vtl 3829 A-C4 TCA965 equivalent
    Text: 1985 0 / 0 / CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction to IC MASTER 3 Advertisers’ Index 8 Master Selection Guide Function Index I0 Part Number Index 40 Part Number Guide 300 Logo Guide 346 Application Note Directory 349 Military Parts Directory 50I Testing 506 Cross Reference

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    voltage regulator 7505

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/612 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 635/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672 Test Level T, Test Level T2

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC 755erse voltage regulator 7505 PDF

    ld 7523 equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/612 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 635/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672 Test Level T, Test Level T2

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC ld 7523 equivalent PDF