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    DS4069 Search Results

    DS4069 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OCTOBER 1995 DW9265 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION DS4069-1.3 DW9265 196.99MHZ IF SAW FILTER FOR DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS The DW9265 is a 196.99MHz IF SAW filter for Wireless Digital Personal Communications Systems. A transversal structure, based on quartz, has been utilised to provide a

    DW9265 DS4069-1 99MHZ DW9265 576kHz, 100ns DS4069 PDF


    Abstract: 51841 1008CS DW9265
    Text: DW9265 DW9265 196.99MHz IF SAW Filter Advance Information DS4046 - 1.4 October 1995 The DW9265 is a 196.99MHz IF SAW filter for Wireless Digital Personal Communications Systems. A transversal structure, based on quartz, has been utilised to provide a design with excellent temperature stability over -10° to +60°C.

    DW9265 99MHz DS4046 DW9265 576kHz, 100ns DS4069 51841 1008CS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DW9265 196.99MHz IF SAW Filter Advance Information D S 4 0 4 6 - 1.4 The DW 9265 is a 196.99M Hz IF SAW filte r for W ireless Digital Personal C om m unications Systems. A transversal structure, based on quartz, has been u tilise d to provide a design with excellent temperature stability over -10° to + 6 0 °C.

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    DW9265 99MHz 576kHz, 100ns DS4069 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ITE L DW9265 SE M IC O N D U C T O R 196.99MHz IF SAW Filter A dvance Information $ DS4046 -1 .4 The DW 9265 is a 196.99M Hz IF SAW filte r for W ireless Digital Personal C om m unications Systems. A transversal structure, based on quartz, has been u tilised to provide a

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    DW9265 99MHz DS4046 576kHz, DW9265 100ns LC51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DW9265 196.99M H z IF SA W Filter A d va n ce In fo rm a tio n D S 4 0 4 6 - 1.4 The DW 9265 is a 196.99M Hz IF SAW filte r for W ireless Digital Personal Com m unications Systems. A transversal structure, based on quartz, has been u tilise d to provide a

    OCR Scan
    DW9265 99MHz DS4046 DW9265 576kHz, 100ns 99MHd PDF