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    Leeson G872 (ALTERNATE: 056C17G5328)

    AC Motor, 0.50 HP Explosion Proof Motor, 1 phase, 1800 RPM, 115/208-230 V, 56C | Leeson G872
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    RS G872 (ALTERNATE: 056C17G5328) Bulk 4 Weeks 1
    • 1 $718.36
    • 10 $718.36
    • 100 $718.36
    • 1000 $718.36
    • 10000 $718.36
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    G872A Datasheets (1)

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    G872A Semelab NPN Bipolar Multi Epitaxial Planar Transistor - Die Scan PDF

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    Abstract: AD7628KP AD644 AD7628BQ AD7628KN AD7628KR AD7628TE AD7628TQ 6502 microprocessor
    Text: a FEATURES On-Chip Latches for Both DACs +12 V to +15 V Operation DACs Matched to 1% Four Quadrant Multiplication TTL/CMOS Compatible from +12 V to +15 V Latch Free Protection Schottkys not Required CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DAC AD7628 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM

    AD7628 AD7628 20-pin 20-terminal 20-Terminal AD7628KP AD644 AD7628BQ AD7628KN AD7628KR AD7628TE AD7628TQ 6502 microprocessor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BACK a FEATURES Two 12-Bit DACs in One Package DAC Ladder Resistance Matching: 0.5% Space Saving Skinny DIP and Surface Mount Packages 4-Quadrant Multiplication Low Gain Error 1 LSB max Over Temperature Fast Interface Timing LC2MOS Parallel Loading Dual 12-Bit DAC

    12-Bit AD7547 AD7547 16-bit AD7547-MC68000 AD7547-8086 24-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a FEATURES On-Chip Latches for Both DACs +12 V to +15 V Operation DACs M atched to 1% Four Quadrant M ultiplication TTL/ CM OS Compatible from +12 V to +15 V Latch Free Protection Schottkys not Required CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DAC AD7628 FU NCTIONAL B LOCK D IAGRAM

    AD7628 20-pin 20-terminal PDF


    Abstract: AD7628 AD7628BQ AD7628KN AD7628KP AD7628KR AD7628TE AD7628TQ
    Text: a FEATURES On-Chip Latches for Both DACs +12 V to +15 V Operation DACs Matched to 1% Four Quadrant Multiplication TTL/CMOS Compatible from +12 V to +15 V Latch Free Protection Schottkys not Required CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DAC AD7628 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM

    AD7628 AD7628 20-pin 20-terminal 20-Terminal AD644 AD7628BQ AD7628KN AD7628KP AD7628KR AD7628TE AD7628TQ PDF


    Abstract: AD7545 AD7545A AD7545ALN P-20A
    Text: a CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DAC AD7545A FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES Improved Version of AD7545 Fast Interface Timing All Grades 12-Bit Accurate 20-Lead DIP and Surface Mount Packages Low Cost GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD7545A, a 12-bit CMOS multiplying DAC with internal

    12-Bit AD7545A AD7545 12-Bit 20-Lead AD7545A, AD7545. 16-bit 12-bit-wide AD7545AKN AD7545 AD7545A AD7545ALN P-20A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BACK a FEATURES On-Chip Latches for Both DACs +12 V to +15 V Operation DACs Matched to 1% Four Quadrant Multiplication TTL/CMOS Compatible from +12 V to +15 V Latch Free Protection Schottkys not Required CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DAC AD7628 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM

    AD7628 AD7628 20-pin 20-terminal PDF

    interfacing DAC with 8086 microprocessor

    Abstract: 74HC AD644 AD7547 AD7547JN AD7547JP AD7547JR AD7547KN AD7547KP AD7547LN
    Text: a FEATURES Two 12-Bit DACs in One Package DAC Ladder Resistance Matching: 0.5% Space Saving Skinny DIP and Surface Mount Packages 4-Quadrant Multiplication Low Gain Error 1 LSB max Over Temperature Fast Interface Timing LC2MOS Parallel Loading Dual 12-Bit DAC

    12-Bit AD7547 AD7547 AD7547-8086 24-Pin C977b interfacing DAC with 8086 microprocessor 74HC AD644 AD7547JN AD7547JP AD7547JR AD7547KN AD7547KP AD7547LN PDF


    Abstract: d7545
    Text: CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DAC ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES Improved Version of AD7545 Fast Interface Timing All Grades 12-Bit Accurate Sm all 20-Pin 0.3" DIP Low Cost GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD7545A, a 12-bit CMOS multiplying DAC with internal data latches, is an improved version of the industry standard

    OCR Scan
    AD7545 12-Bit 20-Pin AD7545A, AD7545. 100ns 16-bit AD517 d7545 PDF


    Abstract: G672A semefab BUL48B BUL49A BUL49B G172 G272A G372A G572A

    OCR Scan
    -229x229 550/xm PASG672A G372A G272A G872A G872DE 100mA) BUL49B G672A semefab BUL48B BUL49A G172 G572A PDF


    Abstract: AD7542 AD7542GKN AD7542GKP AD7542JN AD7542JP AD7542KN AD7542KP N-16 P-20A
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES CMOS fxP-Compatible 12-Bit DAC AD7542 FEATURES R esolutio n: 12 Bits N o n lin e a rity: ± 1/2LSB T min to T mal< L o w G ain D rift: 2 ppm /°C ty p , 5ppm /°C m ax M ic r o p r o c e s s o r C o m p a tib le Full 4 -Q u a d ra n t M u ltip lic a tio n

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit AD7542 16-pin 20-Terminal 25ppm/Â 808s AD7542GKN AD7542GKP AD7542JN AD7542JP AD7542KN AD7542KP N-16 P-20A PDF


    Abstract: CI 74LS138 1N1290 ad7537 G872A 74LS138 AD712 AD7547 AD7549 AN-209
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES AN-209 APPLICATION NOTE ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 8th Order Programmable Low Pass Analog Filter Using Dual 12-Bit DACs by BUI Slattery INTRODUCTION This application note describes the design of a low pass

    OCR Scan
    AN-209 12-Bit 100Hz 50kHz. 48dB/octave. MARKER40 000Hz 300Hz 15kHz G872a-15-4 CI 74LS138 1N1290 ad7537 G872A 74LS138 AD712 AD7547 AD7549 PDF


    Abstract: AD711 AD7545 AD7545A AD7592 120481
    Text: CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DAC AD7545A ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES Improved Version of AD7545 Fast Interface Timing All Grades 12-Bit Accurate Small 20-Pin 0.3" DIP Low Cost FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM R fB AD7545A >R - «•BIT MULTIPLYING DAC Vref AG N D

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit AD7545A AD7545 20-Pin AD7545A, AD7545. 16-bit 12-bit-wide AD517 AD711 AD7592 120481 PDF


    Abstract: tlc272 12V10 74HC AD644 AD7547 AD7547JN AD7547JP AD7547KN AD7547LN
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES LC2M0S Parallel Loading Dual 12-Bit DAC AD7547 FEATURES Two 12-Bit DACs in One Package DAC Ladder Resistance Matching: 0.5% Space Saving Skinny DIP and Surface Mount Packages 4-Quadrant Multiplication Low Gain Error 1LSB max Over Temperature

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit AD7547 AD7547 MIL-M-385 28-Terminal E-28A) P-28A) TLC272 DIMENSION tlc272 12V10 74HC AD644 AD7547JN AD7547JP AD7547KN AD7547LN PDF


    Abstract: 1amn G872A N2561 26010 AD7538 ADOP07E AD7528 AD7534 AD7545LN
    Text: ► ANALOG DEVICES AN-320A APPLICATION NOTE ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 CMOS DACs and Op Amps Combine to Build Programmable Gain Amplifiers Parti by John Wynne The ability to software program the gain of an am plifier

    OCR Scan
    AN-320A AD7534 N349 1amn G872A N2561 26010 AD7538 ADOP07E AD7528 AD7545LN PDF


    Abstract: SW 2596
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES Two 12-Bit DACs in One Package DAC Ladder Resistance Matching: 0.5% Space Saving Skinny DIP and Surface Mount Packages 4-Quadrant Multiplication Low Gain Error 1LSB max Over Temperature Fast Interface Timing lc2mos Parallel Loading Dual 12-Bit DAC

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit A07547 AD7547 7547 SW 2596 PDF


    Abstract: UPD 552 C G872a-15-4 74LS138 AD712 AD7537 AD7547 AD7549 AN-209 Analog Devices Active Filter Design
    Text: i I ANALOG ► DEVICES AN-209 APPLICATION NOTE ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 8th Order Programmable Low Pass Analog Filter Using Dual 12-Bit DACs by Bill Slattery INTRODUCTION This application note describes the design of a low pass

    OCR Scan
    AN-209 12-Bit 100Hz 50kHz. 48dB/octave. 000Hz 300Hz 000deg 000Hz 15kHz G872A UPD 552 C G872a-15-4 74LS138 AD712 AD7537 AD7547 AD7549 Analog Devices Active Filter Design PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AN A LO G D E V IC E S □ FEATURES Tw o 12-Bit DACs in One Package DAC Ladder Resistance M atching: 0.5% Space Saving Skinny DIP and Surface M o un t Packages 4-Quadrant Multiplication Low Gain Error 1LSB max Over Temperature Fast Interface Timing LC2M0S

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit AD7547 AD7547 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOSDual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DAC ANALOG DEVICES AD7628 FU N CTIO N A L BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES On-Chip Latches for Both DACs + 12V to + 15V Operation DACs Matched to 1% Four Quadrant Multiplication TTL/CMOS Compatible from + 12V to + 15V Latch Free Protection Schottkys not Required

    OCR Scan
    AD7628 AD7628 20-pin 20-terminal PDF

    stk power amp

    Abstract: cmos dac application guide AD7542
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES Resolution: 12 Bits Nonlinearity: ± 1/2LSB Tmin to Tmax Low Gain Drift: 2ppm/°C typ, 5ppm/°C max Microprocessor Compatible Full 4-Quadrant Multiplication Fast Interface Timing Low Power Dissipation: 40m W max Low Cost Small Size: 16-pin DIP and 20-Terminal Surface

    OCR Scan
    AD7542 16-pin 20-Terminal AD7542 12-bit AD7542GTD 25ppm/ stk power amp cmos dac application guide PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES INC MHE a a i b 600 0 0 2 8 = 5 =l a. N A N A t TshcfHZ CMOS 12-Bit A N A LO G D E V IC E S □ Buffered Multiplying DAC AD7545A FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES Improved Version of AD7545 Fast Interface Timing All Grades 12-Bit Accurate Small 20-Pin 0.3” DIP

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit AD7545A AD7545 12-Bit 20-Pin AD7545A, AD7545. 16-bit PDF