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    HB53131 Search Results

    HB53131 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • hb53131 0D2SS44 204 BIAPX N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE BSP205 b7E ]> P-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE VERTICAL D-MOS TRANSISTOR P-channel enhancement mode vertical D-MOS transistor in a m iniature SOT223 envelope and intended fo r use in relay, high-speed and line-transformer drivers.

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    hb53131 0D2SS44 BSP205 OT223 hb5313 002S5M7 MCA848 PDF

    h a 431 transistor

    Abstract: transistor w 431 RZB12250Y transistor 431 N
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE ObE D • ^53=131 OD1S5Ô7 D ■ RZB12250Y r - 'iZ '-is ' PULSED MICROWAVE POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon power transistor fo r use in a common-base, class-C narrowband amplifier in avionics applications. It operates in pulsed conditions only and is recommended fo r IFF applications.

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    RZB12250Y h a 431 transistor transistor w 431 RZB12250Y transistor 431 N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N ANER P H T L I P S /D IS C R E T E TOD D bb53T31 0010564 r 3 BYV22 SERIES SCHOTTKY-BARRIER RECTIFIER DIODES High-efficiency schottky-barrier rectifier diodes in DO-5 metal envelopes, featuring low forward voltage drop, low capacitance, absence of stored charge and high temperature stability. They are

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    bb53T31 BYV22 BYV22â btiS3T31 00105T1 PDF


    Abstract: BUZ54 t03 package transistor pin dimensions MC 140 transistor 2sc406
    Text: BUZ54 PowerMOS transistor N AMER PH IL IP S/ DISCR ET E — QbE D — — • ^53=131 D014717 5 7 31-13 ~ — - July 1987 QUICK REFERENCE DATA PARAMETER sym bo l Drain-source voltage VDS Drain current d.c. Id Total power dissipation Ptot Drain-source on-state resistance

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    BUZ54_ bfa53131 BUZ54 T-39-13 D1407 BUZ54 t03 package transistor pin dimensions MC 140 transistor 2sc406 PDF

    optocoupler 357

    Abstract: S 357 OPTOCOUPLER 357 optocoupler SV-04 F pj 899 diode 7z14 SL5504
    Text: SL5504 _ OPTOCOUPLER O ptically coupled isolator consisting o f an infrared em itting GaAs diode and a high voltage silicon npn phototransistor w ith accessible base. Plastic envelope. Suitable fo r T T L integrated circuits. Features • High o u tp u t/in p u t DC current transfer ratio

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    SL5504 DD3SS64 optocoupler 357 S 357 OPTOCOUPLER 357 optocoupler SV-04 F pj 899 diode 7z14 SL5504 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b'lE » • bb53T31 □D3D5TD 53b ■ APX Philips Semiconductors Product Specification PowerMOS transistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a lastic envelope. he device is intended for use in

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    bb53T31 O220AB BUK452-60A/B BUK452 -60Bn-source PDF


    Abstract: BYX99 BYX99-300R connector 10-32UNF AV1125
    Text: BYX99 SERIES N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE SSE D B ^53*131 DOSSfibS - T -O Ì-Ì7 ' RECTIFIER DIODES Silicon rectifier diodes in DO-4 metal envelopes, intended fo r use in power rectifier applications. The series consists o f the follow ing types: Normal po la rity cathode to stud : BYX99-300 to 1200.

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    BYX99 BYX99-300 BYX99-300R 1200R. 10-32UNF BYX99 7Z72S49 connector 10-32UNF AV1125 PDF


    Abstract: BDT41A BDT41B BDT42 TIP41
    Text: SSE D N AMER PHILIPS /DI SCRETE • 11 1^53=531 0Qlei713 □ ■ BDT41;A BDT41B;C I T - 33 -II SILICON EPITAXIAL BASE POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon transistors in a plastic envelope intended for use in general purpose amplifier and switching applications. The T IP41 series is an equivalent type. P-N-P complements are B D T 4 2 series.

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    BDT41 BDT41B TIP41 BDT42 T0-220AB. 7Z82918 T-33-11 BDT41A PDF

    DIODE 804

    Abstract: 16045TV PBYR16045TV M33 thermal fuse PBYR16040TV M33 fuse PBYR16035TV PBYR16045T tp 806 M33 thermal
    Text: 5SE D a [,1=53=131 Q D 2 3 D Q 1 U tV tL U h 'M tN I 7 PBYR16035TV PBYR16040TV PBYR16045TV U A IA T h is data sheet c o n ta in s advance in fo rm a tio n and sp e cificatio n s are subject to change w it h o u t notice. N AN ER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 7 = 0 3 -2 !

    OCR Scan
    QD23D01 PBYR16035TV PBYR16040TV PBYR16045TV PBYR16035 16045TV M1246 PBYR16045TV DIODE 804 M33 thermal fuse M33 fuse PBYR16045T tp 806 M33 thermal PDF