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    HD11050 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: HD1107 HD-1105R 1107G 7 segment common anode one digit HD11050
    Text: SIEMENS HD1105R/1107R REp. HD11050/11070 GREEN HD1105Q/1107G SUPER-RED Common Anode/Common Cathode 0.39" 10 mm Seven Segment Numeric Display Dimensions in inches (mm) ÜH .381 ±.004 (9.7 ±0.1) EH .503 ±.00B_| '(12.8 ± 0 .2 f .236 ±.004 275 ± 008 (7.0 ±0.2)

    OCR Scan
    HD1105 R/1107 HD11050/11070 HD1105Q/1107G HD1105Xegment HD1105/7R HD1105/70 HD1105/7G HD1105 HD1107 HD-11050 HD-1105R 1107G 7 segment common anode one digit HD11050 PDF


    Abstract: HD11050 HD-11050 HD-11070 HD-1105R HD1105R HD1107R HD1107 HD-1107R HD1107G
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF 47E D S IE M E N S • 0 2 3 S b G S Ü Ü E 7 0 t17 3 « S I E Ö HD1105R/1107R SUPER-RED HD11050/11070 YELLOW HD1105Y/1107Y g r e e n HD1105G/1107G red 0.39" 10 mm SEVEN SEGMENT NUMERIC DISPLAY FEATURES * Rugged Encapsulated Package

    OCR Scan
    fl23SbOS HD1105R/1107R HD11050/11070 HD1105Y/1107Y HD1105G/1107G HD1107 HD1105X/1107X 1Fss10 T-41-33 IfS10 hd11070 HD11050 HD-11050 HD-11070 HD-1105R HD1105R HD1107R HD1107 HD-1107R HD1107G PDF


    Abstract: HD11050 hd11070 HD-11070 HD-1105R hd1107r hd1105r hd1107g HD1107 1107Y
    Text: SIEMENS CMPNTSi OPTO 44E D SIEM EN S • fi23b3Eb OOQMTIS B BISIEX HD1105R/1107R HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HD11050/11070 YELLOW HD1105Y/1107Y g r e e n HD1105G/1107G re d 0.39" 10 mm SEVEN SEGMENT NUMERIC DISPLAY T-47-33 Package Dimensions in Inches (mm) .441 (11.2)

    OCR Scan
    fi23b3Eb HD1105R/1107R HD11050/11070 HD1105Y/1107Y HD1105G/1107G T-47-33 HD1105X/1107X 107R/0/YJQ HD1105 HD1107 HD-11050 HD11050 hd11070 HD-11070 HD-1105R hd1107r hd1105r hd1107g 1107Y PDF

    HD 11070

    Abstract: HD-11050 HD-1105R HD11050 625 660 TG
    Text: SIEMENS HD1105R/1107R SUPER-RED HD11050/11070 GREEN HD1105G/1107G RED Num. Displays Bar Graphs Common Anode/Common Cathode 0.39" 10 mm Seven Segment Numeric Display FEATURES • Rugged Encapsulated Package •0 .3 9 ” (10 mm) Digit Height • Choice of Colors: Red, Super-Red,

    OCR Scan
    HD1105R/1107R HD11050/11070 HD1105G/1107G 105X/1107X HD1105 H01107 HD1105/7R/0/G HD 11070 HD-11050 HD-1105R HD11050 625 660 TG PDF


    Abstract: HD-11330 hd11310 DL-7750R DL-76510 DL7751R HD11050 dl76500 7750R DL-7751R
    Text: -65- « « 'S g it tr > tfc ?, fe 3 * > ‘7 / “ K * 1-f y 4-1 K K •7t ¥ m ft f t ~k. 1 Í 7 ’^ 2 5 - C w fö \7'„ = 25:C i Dp -f- V WHtit iá t . E n (nm' AA (nm) G a A IA s 660 20 10 1.8 G aAsP 635 35 20 1.8 G a A IA s 660 20 G aAsF 635 35 Xp

    OCR Scan
    GL9T100 GL8T100 GL9D18 GL8D18 GL9L18 GL8L18 GL9D10Ã GL9L040 GL8L040 P2X14-2BÂ DL7750R HD-11330 hd11310 DL-7750R DL-76510 DL7751R HD11050 dl76500 7750R DL-7751R PDF


    Abstract: TDDY-5250 D350PK DL-3900 TDDO-5250 DL3400 LITRONIX dl TDDG5250 TDDR5250 TDDG 5250
    Text: Cross Reference Guide for I q .t .c ./ h .p ./ t e l e f u n k e n / s ie m e n s / t o s h ib a / m a t s u s h it a / r o h m In order to designate the similarity between the other manufacturers’ device and the nearest L.ITON equivalent. This guide has been included a letter code system to cover this.

    OCR Scan
    LA-301YK LA-301MK LA-401VF LA-401VP LA-4010F LA-4010P LA-401YF LA-401YP LA-401MF LA-401MP D350PA TDDY-5250 D350PK DL-3900 TDDO-5250 DL3400 LITRONIX dl TDDG5250 TDDR5250 TDDG 5250 PDF


    Abstract: HD1131R DL7750R HD11050 hd11310 NARG161 HD-11330 HD1075 HD-11310 DL-76510
    Text: -65- « « 'S g it tfc ?, 1-f y 4-1 fe 3 * > ‘7 / “ K * tr > -f- V K K w •7t ¥ m f t ~k. f t 1 Í 7 ’^ 2 5 - C fö \7'„ = 25:C i Dp WHtit iá t . E n Xp (nm' AA (nm) 1F (m A ) G a A IA s 660 20 10 •9] y — K lv im cd) I f (m A ) (V ) 10 3.4

    OCR Scan
    GL9T100 GL8T100 GL9D18 GL8D18 GL9L18 GL8L18 GL9D10Ã GL9L040 GL8L040 P2X14-2BÂ DL-7750R HD1131R DL7750R HD11050 hd11310 NARG161 HD-11330 HD1075 HD-11310 DL-76510 PDF


    Abstract: HD-11070 hd1107r HD1105R HD-1105R HD1105 1107G 7 Segment Displays 3 Digit common anode HD-11050 HD-1105G
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF M7E D S IE M E N S '>"*TI-Ö 3 Ö235b05 00270^7 3 « S I E G • HD1105R/1107R s u p e r - r e d H D I 1050/11070 YELLOW HD1105Y/1107Y g r e e n HD1105G/1107G red 0.39" 10 mm SEVEN SEGMENT NUMERIC DISPLAY FEATURES • • • •

    OCR Scan
    235b05 HD1105R/1107R HD1105Y/1107Y HD1105G/1107G HD1105R HD1107R HD11050 HD11070 HD1105Y HD1107Y HD-11070 HD-1105R HD1105 1107G 7 Segment Displays 3 Digit common anode HD-11050 HD-1105G PDF


    Abstract: HDSP-3533 D350PK tddr 5250 HDSP-5533 TDDG 5250 TLR-313 TDDY5250 TDDR-5250 TDDR5250
    Text: Cross Reference Guide Q.T. Quality Technology Equivalent LED Numeric Display QT Part No. Digit Size Color LITON Part No. Code QT Part No. Digit Size Color LITON Part No. Code MAN-71A 0.3" 1D Red LTS-312AR A MAN-4480A 0.4" 1D Green LT S -4 5 8 0 A G A MAN-72A

    OCR Scan
    MAN-71A LTS-312AR MAN-72A MAN-73A LTS-316AR MAN-74A LTS-315AR MAN-78A LTS-313AR D350PA HDSP-3533 D350PK tddr 5250 HDSP-5533 TDDG 5250 TLR-313 TDDY5250 TDDR-5250 TDDR5250 PDF


    Abstract: TDDR5250 D350PA DL-3900 DL3400 MAN72A 350 C TDDG5250 TDDG-5250 TDDG 5250 LA-401VF
    Text: _ —* CROSS REFERENCE GUIDiTFOR: In order to designate the similarity between the other manufacturers' d evice and the nearest LITON equivalent This guide has been included a letter cod e system to cover this.

    OCR Scan
    LTS-3401LP LTS-3403LP LTS-3401 LTS-3403LE LTS-3403LY LTS-3403LG LTD-323R LTD-322R TDDY-5250 TDDR5250 D350PA DL-3900 DL3400 MAN72A 350 C TDDG5250 TDDG-5250 TDDG 5250 LA-401VF PDF