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    HD64F2148AFA20 Search Results

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    Renesas Electronics Corporation HD64F2148AFA20V

    MCU 16bit H8S CISC 128KB Flash 5V 100Pin PQFP Tray (Alt: DF2148AFA20V)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Silica HD64F2148AFA20V 14 Weeks 90
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    New Advantage Corporation HD64F2148AFA20V 540 1
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    • 100 $34.4
    • 1000 $31.83
    • 10000 $31.83
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    HD64F2148AFA20 Datasheets (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    HD64F2148AFA20 Renesas Technology Single-Chip Microcomputer Original PDF

    HD64F2148AFA20 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: HD64F2132FA20 HD6432142TE HD64F2134TF20 HD64F2148AFA20 HD64F2148FA20 HD6432130TF CE2148R 2127S H8S/2132
    Text: H8S/21xx Series 1 6 - b i t M i c r o c o n t r o l l e r s P r o d u c t G u i d e Introduction The H8S/21xx series is a member of the H8 family of Microcontrollers, upwardly code compatible with the H8/300 series of 8-bit microcontrollers. The H8S/21xx is ideal

    H8S/21xx H8/300 H8S/2148AF 16-bit H8S/2148S TQFP-100B EHB2138Q80A HD64F2134ATF20 HD64F2132FA20 HD6432142TE HD64F2134TF20 HD64F2148AFA20 HD64F2148FA20 HD6432130TF CE2148R 2127S H8S/2132 PDF

    kbc 1091

    Abstract: yx 801 led SCR Xo 602 ADJ-602-155C kbc 1098 KB3 500K smr 123 er-7 ADJ-502-051 2143 GH- GL mcr pb6 100-b
    Text: ߅ቴ᭽ฦ૏ ⾗ᢱਛߩ‫ޟ‬ᣣ┙⵾૞ᚲ‫ޔޠ‬ ‫ޟ‬ᣣ┙:‫╬ޠ‬ฬ⒓ߩᩣᑼળ␠࡞ࡀࠨࠬ࠹ࠢࡁࡠࠫ߳ߩᄌᦝߦߟ޿ߡ ‫ޓ‬ᐕ᦬ᣣࠍએߞߡਃ⪉㔚ᯏᩣᑼળ␠෸߮ᩣᑼળ␠ᣣ┙⵾૞ᚲߩࡑࠗࠦࡦ‫ޔࠢ࠶ࠫࡠޔ‬

    ADJ-602-155C H8S/2148 H8S/2144 H8S/2148F-ZTATTMH8S/2147N H8S/2144F-ZTATTMH8S/2142F-ZTATTM H8S/2148 H8S/2147 H8S/2147N H8S/2143 kbc 1091 yx 801 led SCR Xo 602 kbc 1098 KB3 500K smr 123 er-7 ADJ-502-051 2143 GH- GL mcr pb6 100-b PDF

    Equivalent IR 740

    Abstract: 256-key Keyboard encoder H8/2144 HD64F2148 557 timer connections 8086 microprocessor block diagrammed with direction asd a2 1021 KB 2147 IC diagram Keyboard Encoder PS/2 SM 686 6V
    Text: REJ09B0327-0400 The revision list can be viewed directly by clicking the title page. The revision list summarizes the locations of revisions and additions. Details should always be checked by referring to the relevant text. 16 H8S/2148 Group, H8S/2144 Group,

    REJ09B0327-0400 H8S/2148 H8S/2144 H8S/2148F-ZTATTM, H8S/2147N H8S/2144F-ZTATTM, H8S/2142F-ZTATTM 16-Bit Family/H8S/2100 H8S/2148 Equivalent IR 740 256-key Keyboard encoder H8/2144 HD64F2148 557 timer connections 8086 microprocessor block diagrammed with direction asd a2 1021 KB 2147 IC diagram Keyboard Encoder PS/2 SM 686 6V PDF


    Abstract: HD64F2138ATF20 ac din hfe nv 2148A HD64F2134ATF20 HD64F2138AFA20 HD64F2148FA20 tp 312 transistor Hitachi DSA00167 HD64F2134ATF
    Text: Hitachi Single-Chip Microcomputer H8S/2148 Series H8S/2144 Series H8S/2148F-ZTAT , H8S/2144F-ZTAT™, H8S/2142F-ZTAT™ H8S/2148 HD6432148W, HD6432148, HD64F2148 H8S/2147 HD6432147W, HD6432147 H8S/2144 HD6432144, HD64F2144 H8S/2143 HD6432143 H8S/2142 HD6432142, HD64F2142R

    H8S/2148 H8S/2144 H8S/2148F-ZTATTM, H8S/2144F-ZTATTM, H8S/2142F-ZTATTM HD6432148W, HD6432148, HD64F2148 H8S/2147 HD64F2144FA20 HD64F2138ATF20 ac din hfe nv 2148A HD64F2134ATF20 HD64F2138AFA20 HD64F2148FA20 tp 312 transistor Hitachi DSA00167 HD64F2134ATF PDF


    Abstract: HD6432148SW HD64F2148 HD64F2144FA20 ac din hfe nv RD3a transistor BC 458 Nippon capacitors
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid

    H8S/2148 H8S/2144 H8S/2148F-ZTATTM, H8S/2147N H8S/2144F-ZTATTM, H8S/2142F-ZTATTM REJ09B0327-0400 HD6432148S HD6432148SW HD64F2148 HD64F2144FA20 ac din hfe nv RD3a transistor BC 458 Nippon capacitors PDF


    Abstract: HD64F2144FA20 pwm fa 552 H8S/2134 HD64F2148FA20 8086 microprocessor block diagrammed with direction SCR Xo 602 TF80 ac din hfe nv HD6432130TF
    Text: Hitachi Single-Chip Microcomputer H8S/2138 Series H8S/2134 Series H8S/2138F-ZTAT H8S/2134F-ZTAT™ H8S/2138 HD6432138W, HD6432138, HD64F2138, HD64F2138V H8S/2137 HD6432137W, HD6432137 H8S/2134 H8S/2133 H8S/2132 H8S/2130 HD6432134, HD64F2134, HD64F2134V

    H8S/2138 H8S/2134 H8S/2138F-ZTATTM H8S/2134F-ZTATTM HD6432138W, HD6432138, HD64F2138, HD64F2138V H8S/2137 HD64F2134FA20 HD64F2144FA20 pwm fa 552 HD64F2148FA20 8086 microprocessor block diagrammed with direction SCR Xo 602 TF80 ac din hfe nv HD6432130TF PDF


    Abstract: R5F61725 MINI DX3 READER HEAD WIRING DIAGRAM R5F64218 R4F2113 HD6412240FA20V R8A77343DA0FBG R8A77310D333BG R8A77343DA06BG HD6417032F20V
    Text: 2011.06 Renesas Microcomputer General Catalog CONTENTS Lineup 3 Renesas Development Environment 5 Application Matrix 7 SuperH Family 15 V850 MCUs 59 M32R Family 76 RX Family 78 RL78 Family 96 R8C Family 112 78K MCUs 164 M16C Family 221 H8SX Family

    R01CS0001EJ0201 R8A77343DA00BG R5F61725 MINI DX3 READER HEAD WIRING DIAGRAM R5F64218 R4F2113 HD6412240FA20V R8A77343DA0FBG R8A77310D333BG R8A77343DA06BG HD6417032F20V PDF

    chn 947

    Abstract: chn 031 256-key Keyboard encoder 8086 microprocessor block diagrammed with direction keyboard pin notebook HD6432143S HD6432144S HD6432147S HD6432147SW HD6432148S
    Text: Hitachi Single-Chip Microcomputer H8S/2148 Series H8S/2148 HD6432148S, HD6432148SW H8S/2147 HD6432147S, HD6432147SW H8S/2144 Series H8S/2144 HD6432144S H8S/2143 HD6432143S H8S/2142 HD6432142 H8S/2148 F-ZTAT HD64F2148, HD64F2148V, HD64F2148A, HD64F2148AV,

    H8S/2148 H8S/2148 HD6432148S, HD6432148SW H8S/2147 HD6432147S, HD6432147SW H8S/2144 H8S/2144 HD6432144S chn 947 chn 031 256-key Keyboard encoder 8086 microprocessor block diagrammed with direction keyboard pin notebook HD6432143S HD6432144S HD6432147S HD6432147SW HD6432148S PDF


    Abstract: HD6432144S HD6432147S HD6432147SW HD6432148S HD6432148SW transistor KD 503 ac din hfe nv sl 1008 transistor chn 752
    Text: To all our customers Regarding the change of names mentioned in the document, such as Hitachi Electric and Hitachi XX, to Renesas Technology Corp. The semiconductor operations of Mitsubishi Electric and Hitachi were transferred to Renesas Technology Corporation on April 1st 2003. These operations include microcomputer, logic, analog

    TFP-100B) H8S/2148 H8S/2144 HD6432143S HD6432144S HD6432147S HD6432147SW HD6432148S HD6432148SW transistor KD 503 ac din hfe nv sl 1008 transistor chn 752 PDF

    transistor c36

    Abstract: CHN 748 CHN 632 HD6432143S HD6432144S HD6432147S HD6432147SW HD6432148S HD6432148SW notebook 486
    Text: To all our customers Regarding the change of names mentioned in the document, such as Hitachi Electric and Hitachi XX, to Renesas Technology Corp. The semiconductor operations of Mitsubishi Electric and Hitachi were transferred to Renesas Technology Corporation on April 1st 2003.

    TFP-100B) H8S/2148 H8S/2144 transistor c36 CHN 748 CHN 632 HD6432143S HD6432144S HD6432147S HD6432147SW HD6432148S HD6432148SW notebook 486 PDF


    Abstract: HD64F3062F20 HD64F2144FA20 HD6412320VF25 HD64F2612FA20J HD6413007F20 HD64F2633F25 hd64f2636f20 HD64F2612FA20 HD64F2633TE25
    Text: H8 Family Brief Family of 8- and 16-bit CISC Embedded Microcontrollers August 2001 h t t p : // w w w. h i t a c h i . c o m / s e m i c o n d u c t o r H8 Family Brief H8 Family Overview • High Peripheral Integration • Large On-Chip Memory • Highest-Performance Architecture

    16-bit 14-bit, 747-NUHO 801/5K/Technolith/PF/KIB PMHHXSB003D2 HD64F2134FA20 HD64F3062F20 HD64F2144FA20 HD6412320VF25 HD64F2612FA20J HD6413007F20 HD64F2633F25 hd64f2636f20 HD64F2612FA20 HD64F2633TE25 PDF