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    Abstract: infrared detector InSb spectral response L5736 L5914 IR Detectors L5930 photoconductive InSb Infrared Preamplifiers HGCDTE detector
    Text: L 5 9 0 0 SERIES INFR ARED DETECT ORS INFRARED DETECTORS The L5900 Series of Infrared Detectors are part of a complete line of tunable diode laser sources and accessories offered by Laser Analytics. The L5900 Series includes InSb and HgCdTe detectors. Standard detectors allow response between 1 and 20 microns. Custom detectors are also available

    L5900 10KHZ 0x1011 0x1010 0x1090 2x1090 HgCdTe infrared detector InSb spectral response L5736 L5914 IR Detectors L5930 photoconductive InSb Infrared Preamplifiers HGCDTE detector PDF


    Abstract: metal detector P7751-02 P7752-10 E3630A G7754-01 G7754-03 P7751-01 HR10-7P-4P 4-Pin HIROSE
    Text: Infrared detector modules with preamp Metal dewar type High sensitivity modules of easy-to-use These devices combine a dewar type detector with a compatible preamplifier, and easily operate to detect infrared radiation just by connecting to a DC power supply. InGaAs, InSb and MCT HgCdTe detectors are provided as standard devices (liquid nitrogen cooling).

    SE-171 KIRD1024E06 HgCdTe metal detector P7751-02 P7752-10 E3630A G7754-01 G7754-03 P7751-01 HR10-7P-4P 4-Pin HIROSE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 化合物光半導体 受光素子 1 InGaAs/GaAs PINフォトダイオード 1-1 1-2 特性 使い方 2 InGaAs APD 2-1 2-2 2-3 動作原理 特性 使い方 第 章 6 8 MCT HgCdTe 光起電力素子 8-1 8-2 特性 使い方 9 複合素子 10 オプション


    mct 12

    Abstract: Dewar
    Text: Infrared detector modules with preamp Metal dewar type High sensitivity modules of easy-to-use These devices combine a dewar type detector with a compatible preamplifier, and easily operate to detect infrared radiation just by connecting to a DC power supply. InGaAs, InSb and MCT HgCdTe detectors are provided as standard devices (liquid nitrogen cooling). Custom-designed devices with different active areas, FOV or amplifier gain, etc. are also available to meet your specific needs.

    SE-171 KIRD1024E08 mct 12 Dewar PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Infrared detector modules with preamp Metal dewar type High sensitivity modules of easy-to-use These devices combine a dewar type detector with a compatible preamplifier, and easily operate to detect infrared radiation just by connecting to a DC power supply. InGaAs, InSb and MCT HgCdTe detectors are provided as standard devices (liquid nitrogen cooling).

    SE-171 KIRD1024E05 Dewar PDF


    Abstract: HgCdTe FPA focal plane array roic 4880 HGCDTE detector
    Text: TM 1024 x 1024 HgCdTe/Al2O 3 High Speed, Low Noise, Low Power 2.5 mm Focal Plane Array Features ESO • • • • • • High Resolution 18.5µ m Pixel Pitch Ultra-Low Read Noise with Off-Chip CDS 3e- read noise measured with multiple reads Low Power ROIC/Readout Architecture



    Abstract: cell phone detector circuit roic HgCdTe FPA cdznte focal plane array 0.8um cmos MWIR detector Hall 01E HGCDTE detector
    Text: TM 5.0m m Infrared Focal Plane Array High Speed, Low Noise, Low Power 1024 x 1024 HgCdTe/CdZnTe Features • • • • • • • • • • • Uses the same ROIC as SWIR HAWAII TM High Resolution 18.5µm Pixel Pitch <3e- Read Noise with multiple reads

    0E-01 0E-02 HgCdTe cell phone detector circuit roic HgCdTe FPA cdznte focal plane array 0.8um cmos MWIR detector Hall 01E HGCDTE detector PDF


    Abstract: lwir hgcdte thermopile array LWIR array LT-020 LWIR MCT16-XXX LT025 Pyroelectric Detectors LT-025LD
    Text: L W I R P H O T O DE T E C T O R CO M P O NE N T S EOS offers a complete line of detectors for the LWIR spectral range including photovoltaic and photoconductive HgCdTe, and specialized pyroelectric and thermopile detectors. The HgCdTe material system can be tailored

    LT-020 TP-020 1000Hz /30pF LT-025LD HgCdTe lwir hgcdte thermopile array LWIR array LT-020 LWIR MCT16-XXX LT025 Pyroelectric Detectors LT-025LD PDF


    Abstract: 33e10 PbSe Judson 45E-03 15e03 HGCDTE detector APPLICATION OF Resistance Temperature Detector 5-3CN-R01M CMAMP-TO66-PA5 J19TE2
    Text: Judson Technologies J19TE PHOTOVOLTAIC MERCURY CADMIUM TELLURIDE PB 4101 February, 2004 Detector Operating Instructions Description Thermoelectric Cooler Operation J19TE Series detectors are high-quality HgCdTe photodiodes for use in the 500nm to 5.0µm range. The equivalent circuit is a photongenerated current source Iph with parallel

    J19TE 500nm 33e10 PbSe Judson 45E-03 15e03 HGCDTE detector APPLICATION OF Resistance Temperature Detector 5-3CN-R01M CMAMP-TO66-PA5 J19TE2 PDF

    Infrared detectors

    Abstract: dark detector application ,uses and working
    Text: Compound semiconductor photosensors 1 InGaAs/GaAs PIN photodiodes 1-1 Characteristics 1-2 How to use 2 InGaAs APD 2-1 Operating principle 2-2 Characteristics 2-3 How to use CHAPTER 06 8 MCT HgCdTe photovoltaic detectors 8-1 Characteristics 8-2 How to use



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT HgCdTe Photoconductive Detectors (TE-cooled Types) Spectral Response Range: 2 to 5 |im Thermoelectric cooling assures stable operation over extended time periods •Various options of spectral response The band-gap of HgCdTe can be modified by controlling the composi­

    OCR Scan
    KIRDC0006EA af120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT HgCdTe Photoconductive Detectors (Dewar Types) Spectral Response Range: 2 to 1 6 ¡im High sensitivity in the long wavelength range and high-speed response •Various options response t-? *' ;r . i *1 •. - s. . ' :' > " !}. T h e band-gap of H gC dT e can b e m odified by controlling th e com posi­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: PA100 ZnSe judson PA-100
    Text: E C U I H C T I Z J I v I C J UDSON 3TE J> . S r ie S • 303Db05 00 00235 3 M J U D Short-Wave Mercury Cadmium Telluride Detectors 2 to 5 jam 7-m-m Figure 24-1 Typical Detectivity vs Wavelength for J15TE Series Short-Wave HgCdTe Detectors General J15TE Series "Short-Wave" detectors

    OCR Scan
    303Db05 J15TE J1435-Ì J15TE2-66S J15TE3-66S J15TE2 J15TE3 5-66S HgCdTe PA100 ZnSe judson PA-100 PDF

    InfraRed Associates

    Abstract: InfraRed Associates hct-100 HgCdTe Infrared Preamplifiers metal detectors circuits HCT-100 X1010 missile HCT-40 HCT-55
    Text: SPECIFICATIONS FOR STANDARD DETECT! InfraRecJ ASSOCIATES, Inc 70 > 50 1000 Route #130, Cranbury, NJ 08512 609 395-7600 Telex 642282 H H o ni MODEL SIZE (inches) Photoconductive HgCdTe detectors fabricated by Infrared Associates, Inc. and optimized for operation in the 8-13 micron

    OCR Scan
    HCT-90 HCT-80 HCT-70 HCT-60 HCT-55 HCT-50 HCT-40 x1010 15MHz InfraRed Associates InfraRed Associates hct-100 HgCdTe Infrared Preamplifiers metal detectors circuits HCT-100 missile HCT-40 HCT-55 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT HgCdTe Photoconductive Detectors (TE-cooled Types) Thermoelectric Cooling Assures Stable Operation Over Extended Time Periods Choice of Spectral Response The band gap of HgCdTe can be modified by controlling the compo­ sition ratio o f HgTe and CdTe. Utilizing this fact, various types are

    OCR Scan
    KIRDB0071EA cdte PDF


    Abstract: PA-101 Pyroelectric detector J15TE4 PA101 pa300
    Text: J15TE Short Wave Mercury Cadmium Telluride Detectors 2 to 5 um judson techn al q gi es Figure30-1 Typical Detectivity vs Wavelength for J15TE Series Short-Wave HgCdTe Detectors G e n e ra l J15TE Series "Short-Wave" detectors are photoconductive HgCdTe elements on

    OCR Scan
    J15TE J15TE Figure30-1 J15TE2 J15TE3 J15TE4 PA-101 Pyroelectric detector PA101 pa300 PDF


    Abstract: j18te L-086 c 103z
    Text: General • J15TE4:10 Series J15T E Series "Long-Wave" detectors are photoconductive HgCdTe elem ents on therm oelectric coolers for C 0 2 laser detection a t 10.6p.m. The HgCdTe detectors offer significant advantages over altern ativ e pyroelectric detectors, including low microphonics,

    OCR Scan
    J15TE4 100Hz 20MHz) J15TE3 103z j18te L-086 c 103z PDF

    Pyroelectric Detectors

    Abstract: J15TE HgCdTe judson PA-100 judson PA-090
    Text: E G & G 3TE T> m JUDSON J15TE Series 3030b0S 00 002 37 7 B J U D Long-Wave Mercury Cadmium Telluride Detectors 10.6 jam T - V / 'V / General • J15TE Series "Long-Wave" detectors are photoconductive HgCdTe elements on thermoelectric coolers for C 0 2 laser

    OCR Scan
    3030b0S J15TE 100Hz 20MHz) J15TE3 J15TE4 Pyroelectric Detectors HgCdTe judson PA-100 judson PA-090 PDF


    Abstract: IR DETECTOR all Metal Detector New England Research center metal detector high metal detector Dewar New England Research manufacturer metal detector
    Text: NEU ENGLAND RESEARCH S1E D b5b4=i34 OG D O D b S 4 Thermoelectrically Cooled TEC IR Detector Dewar • Photoconductive HgCdTe H Rugged Metal Dewar ■ 3-5/im Wavelength Custom Designs H Large Element Size ® Convenient to Use This thermoelectrically cooled single element

    OCR Scan
    10KHz, 1010cmHz1 100-1KQ 1-12/isec HgCdTe IR DETECTOR all Metal Detector New England Research center metal detector high metal detector Dewar New England Research manufacturer metal detector PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT HgCdTe PhotOCOndllCtive DetectorS(Dewar Types) High sensitivity in the long wavelength range and high-speed response • C h o ice of spectral response T he band gap o f H gC dT e can be m odified by controlling the com po­ sition ratio o f H gT e and C dT e. U tilizing this fact, various types are

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 5-66C-S01M HGCDTE detector 60X10
    Text: J ^ EC kG j u d s o n Short-Wave MCT Detectors 2 to 5 fim Figure 24-1 Typical Detectivity vs Wavelength for J15TE Series Short-Wave HgCdTe Detectors General J15TE Series "Short-Wave" detectors are photoconductive HgCdTe elements on thermoelectric coolers. They are designed

    OCR Scan
    J15TE J15TE2 J15TE3 J15TE2-66C J15TE3-66C 5-66S 5-66C-S01M HGCDTE detector 60X10 PDF


    Abstract: photoconductive MCT 15TE2
    Text: Figure 24-1 Typical Detectivity vs Wavelength for J15TE Series Short-Wave HgCdTe Detectors General J15TE Series "Short-Wave" detectors are photoconductive HgCdTe elem ents on therm oelectric coolers. They are designed for in d u strial and m ilitary applications

    OCR Scan
    J15TE J15TE2 J15TE3 J15TE4 3G30b05 photoconductive MCT 15TE2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT HgCdTe Photoconductive Detectors ( Thermoelectric cooling assures stable operation over extended time periods t e -c o o m Types) :C 111 • Choice of spectral response The band gap of HgCdTe can be modified by controlling the compo­ sition ratio of HgTe and CdTe. Utilizing this fact, various types are

    OCR Scan
    P3226-02 P394A, P3207-04 P791-11 P4115 P3981-01, K3413-01, K1713-01, KIRDA0041EA C4159, lvds+20+pin+to+30+pin PDF


    Abstract: j15te J15TE3 HGCDTE detector J15TE4 PbSe Judson judson PA-100 10-MC31 Thermoelectric Cooler photoconductive MCT
    Text: Short-Wave MCT Detectors 2 to 5 |im General Figure 24-1 Typical Detectivity vs Wavelength for J15TE Series Short-Wave HgCdTe Detectors J1 5 T E S eries "Short-W ave" d etec to rs a re photoconductive H gC dT e e le m e n ts on th e rm o ele ctric coolers. T hey a re designed

    OCR Scan
    J15TE J15TE2 J15TE3 J15TE4; J15TE4 303DbQ5 HgCdTe HGCDTE detector PbSe Judson judson PA-100 10-MC31 Thermoelectric Cooler photoconductive MCT PDF