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    Abstract: SM8761 SM8761AA SM8761AAS SM8761AB HP10435A
    Text: SM8761 series Spread Spectrum Clock Generator OVERVIEW The SM8761 series are compact clock generator ICs that have a spread spectrum SS function to reduce undesirable EMI radiation. They have a built-in crystal oscillator circuit, PLL, and loop filter. They accept an input



    Abstract: SM8760CA SM8760CAV HP10435A C202
    Text: SM8760CA Spread Spectrum Clock Generator OVERVIEW The SM8760CA is a compact clock generator IC with 4-times multiplication clock signal output that has a spread spectrum SS function to reduce undesirable EMI radiation. The SM8760CA has built-in crystal oscillator circuit, PLL, and loop filter. It accepts an input clock signal, generated using an external crystal or direct


    vco 27MHz

    Abstract: HP54701A SM8707DV SM8707EV HP54720D
    Text: SM8707D/E Clock Generator for DVD Players OVERVIEW The SM8707D/E is a clock generator IC that generates 3 clocks with 6 outputs from a 27MHz master clock for application in DVD players. The SM8707D/E also supports the 44.1kHz and 48kHz sampling frequencies, and

    SM8707D/E SM8707D/E 27MHz 48kHz SM8707D 27MHz 512fs 384fs vco 27MHz HP54701A SM8707DV SM8707EV HP54720D PDF


    Abstract: AO222 XTAL 27.0000MHZ HP54701A 44.1KHZ
    Text: SM8707D/E DVD プレーヤ用クロック・ジェネレータ •概要 SM8707D/E 27MHz のマスタ・クロックを用いて、異なる 3 系統・6 出力のクロックを発生する DVD プ レーヤ用クロック・ジェネレータ IC です。

    SM8707D/E SM8707D/E 27MHz 48kHz SM8707D 27MHz 512fs 384fs 48KHz AO222 XTAL 27.0000MHZ HP54701A 44.1KHZ PDF


    Abstract: HP54721A HP10435A
    Text: SM8706B DVD プレーヤ用クロック・ジェネレータ •概要 SM8706B は36.8640MHz のマスタ・クロックを用いて、異なる 3 系統・6 出力のクロックを発生する DVD プレーヤ用クロック・ジェネレータ IC です。

    SM8706B SM8706B 8640MHz 384fs, 768fs 27MHz, 54MHz 9344MHz, 8688MHz HP54701A HP54721A HP10435A PDF


    Abstract: SM8706A HP10435A
    Text: SM8706A Clock Generator for DVD Players NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. OVERVIEW The SM8706A is a clock generator IC that generates 3 clocks with 6 outputs from a 36.8640MHz master clock for application in DVD players. The SM8706A has 2 built-in PLL circuits that together with a crystal oscillator

    SM8706A SM8706A 8640MHz 384fs 768fs 27MHz 54MHz 9344MHz 8688MHz SM8706AV HP10435A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM8706B/C Clock Generator with Dual PLLs OVERVIEW The SM8706B/C is a dual-PLL clock generator IC that generates 3 different system clocks using 6 outputs, derived from a 36.8640MHz master clock. Each PLL loop filter and crystal oscillator circuit are built-in,

    SM8706B/C SM8706B/C 8640MHz 384fs/768fs 27/54MHz 8688MHz 1/48kHz NC0106BE PDF


    Abstract: SM8707BV nc0013 HP10435A 768fs clock generator
    Text: SM8707A/B Clock Generator for DVD Players NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. OVERVIEW The SM8707A/B is a clock generator IC that generates 3 clocks with 6 outputs from a 27MHz master clock for application in DVD players. The SM8707A/B also supports the 44.1kHz and 48kHz sampling frequencies, and

    SM8707A/B SM8707A/B 27MHz 48kHz SM8707A 27MHz 512fs 8688MHz SM8707AV SM8707BV nc0013 HP10435A 768fs clock generator PDF


    Abstract: XTAL 27.0000MHZ SM8707 SM8707DV osc xtal 27.0000MHZ 270000 27.0000MHZ 33-8688 HP10435A SM8707LV
    Text: SM8707 series 2PLL 内蔵クロックジェネレータ •概要 SM8707 series は2 つの PLL を内蔵し 27MHz のマスタクロックを用いて、DVD プレーヤ / レコーダ等のア プリケーションに必要な音声系クロック、映像系クロック、および信号処理系クロックをそれぞれ独立に出力

    SM8707 27MHz 1kHz/48kHz 27MHz SM8707D SM8707E 0000MHz SM8707EV XTAL 27.0000MHZ SM8707DV osc xtal 27.0000MHZ 270000 27.0000MHZ 33-8688 HP10435A SM8707LV PDF


    Abstract: oscillator XT ufc101 SM8760CA SM8760CAV st c102 C201-C202
    Text: SM8760CA スペクトラム拡散クロックジェネレータ •概要 SM8760CA は EMI 不要輻射低減に有効なスペクトラム拡散 SS 機能を持つ4 逓倍のクロック信号出力に 対応した小型クロックジェネレータ用 IC です。SM8760CA は内部に水晶発振回路、PLL、ループフィルタを内

    SM8760CA SM8760CA 75MHz 350ps SM8760CAV 575TYP HP10435A oscillator XT ufc101 SM8760CAV st c102 C201-C202 PDF


    Abstract: SM8761AA SM8761AAS SM8761AB 332MHZ
    Text: SM8761 series Spread Spectrum Clock Generator OVERVIEW The SM8761 series are compact clock generator ICs that have a spread spectrum SS function to reduce undesirable EMI radiation. They have a built-in crystal oscillator circuit, PLL, and loop filter. They accept an input

    SM8761 NC0408BE SM8761AA SM8761AAS SM8761AB 332MHZ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM8707E/F Clock Generator with Dual PLLs OVERVIEW The 8707E/F are dual-PLL clock generator ICs, using a 27MHz master clock, that generate independent audio clock, video clock, and signal processor clock outputs needed in DVD player/recorder applications. Each PLL loop filter and

    SM8707E/F 8707E/F 27MHz 1/48kHz ND12003-E-00 HP54701A PDF


    Abstract: SM8707DV SM8707EV
    Text: SM8707 series Clock Generator with Dual PLLs OVERVIEW The SM8707 series are dual-PLL clock generator ICs, using a 27MHz master clock, that generate independent audio clock, video clock, and signal processor clock outputs needed in DVD player/recorder applications. Each

    SM8707 27MHz 1/48kHz NC0107CE SM8707DV SM8707EV PDF

    DVD player circuit diagram

    Abstract: SM8706B SM8706BV HP54720 HP1152A HP54701A hp537
    Text: SM8706B Clock Generator for DVD Players OVERVIEW The SM8706B is a clock generator IC that generates 3 clocks with 6 outputs from a 36.8640MHz master clock for application in DVD players. The SM8706B has 2 built-in PLL circuits that together with a crystal oscillator

    SM8706B SM8706B 8640MHz 384fs 768fs 27MHz 54MHz 9344MHz 8688MHz DVD player circuit diagram SM8706BV HP54720 HP1152A HP54701A hp537 PDF


    Abstract: HP10435A HP4195 SM8721AB 23DT1 HP54845A
    Text: SM8721AB 3PLL 内蔵多出力クロックジェネレータ •概要 SM8721AB は3 つの PLL を内蔵したクロックジェネレータ IC です。1 つのマスタクロックから周波数の異 なる 3 系統のクロックを同時に出力することができます。各出力クロックは、制御端子により出力周波数切替

    SM8721AB SM8721AB 31818MHz 636363MHz CLK14 734450MHz CLK171 54546MHz CLK248 HP1152A HP10435A HP4195 23DT1 HP54845A PDF

    clock generator

    Abstract: SM8707 SM8707DV SM8707EV SM8707FV 22.5792 crystal oscillator 4 pins HP1152A
    Text: SM8707 series Clock Generator with Dual PLLs OVERVIEW The SM8707 series are dual-PLL clock generator ICs, using a 27MHz master clock, that generate independent audio clock, video clock, and signal processor clock outputs needed in DVD player/recorder applications. Each

    SM8707 27MHz 1/48kHz NC0107BE clock generator SM8707DV SM8707EV SM8707FV 22.5792 crystal oscillator 4 pins HP1152A PDF

    Seiko printer

    Abstract: SM8760CA SM8760CAV
    Text: SM8760CA Spread Spectrum Clock Generator OVERVIEW The SM8760CA is a compact clock generator IC with 4-times multiplication clock signal output that has a spread spectrum SS function to reduce undesirable EMI radiation. The SM8760CA has built-in crystal oscillator circuit, PLL, and loop filter. It accepts an input clock signal, generated using an external crystal or direct

    SM8760CA SM8760CA NC0401BE Seiko printer SM8760CAV PDF

    XTAL 27.0000MHZ

    Abstract: 22.5792 crystal oscillator 4 pins 33.8688 MHz crystal clock generator 33.8688 MHz crystal oscillator clock SM8707 SM8707DV SM8707EV HP54701A
    Text: SM8707 series Clock Generator with Dual PLLs OVERVIEW The SM8707 series are dual-PLL clock generator ICs, using a 27MHz master clock, that generate independent audio clock, video clock, and signal processor clock outputs needed in DVD player/recorder applications. Each

    SM8707 27MHz 1/48kHz NC0107DE XTAL 27.0000MHZ 22.5792 crystal oscillator 4 pins 33.8688 MHz crystal clock generator 33.8688 MHz crystal oscillator clock SM8707DV SM8707EV HP54701A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM8707E/F Clock Generator with Dual PLLs OVERVIEW The 8707E/F are dual-PLL clock generator ICs, using a 27MHz master clock, that generate independent audio clock, video clock, and signal processor clock outputs needed in DVD player/recorder applications. Each PLL loop filter and

    SM8707E/F 8707E/F 27MHz 1/48kHz ND12003-E-00 PDF


    Abstract: 28.636 HP4195 SM8721AB
    Text: SM8721AB 3-PLL Multi-Output Clock Generator OVERVIEW The SM8721AB is a clock generator IC with 3 built-in PLLs. It can simultaneously generate and output 3 clocks with different frequency derived from a single master clock. The generated output clock frequency can

    SM8721AB SM8721AB 31818MHz 636363MHz 20-pin NC0120BE HP1152A 28.636 HP4195 PDF


    Abstract: PLL VCO 27MHz SM8720AV HP54721A HP10435A 270000 HP5371A
    Text: SM8720AV 3PLL 内蔵多出力クロックジェネレータ •概要 SM8720AV は3 つの PLL を内蔵したクロックジェネレータ IC です。27MHz のマスタクロックから周波数 の異なる 4 種類のクロックを同時に出力することができます。生成したクロックは、制御端子により独立して

    SM8720AV SM8720AV 27MHz 5792MHz 0000MHz 36MHz/45MHz/48 REFOUT25pF REFOUT140ps HP54701A PLL VCO 27MHz HP54721A HP10435A 270000 HP5371A PDF


    Abstract: SM8761AA SM8761AAS SM8761AB
    Text: SM8761 series スペクトラム拡散クロックジェネレータ •概要 SM8761 series は EMI 不要輻射低減に有効なスペクトラム拡散 SS 機能を持つ小型クロックジェネレータ 用 IC です。SM8761 series は内部に水晶発振回路、PLL、ループフィルタを内蔵しており、IC 外部に接続する

    SM8761 SM8761AA SM8761AB 20MHz 40MHz 12MHz 32MHz SM8761AA SM8761AAS SM8761AB PDF


    Abstract: SM8721AB HP4195 HP-4195 HP10435A
    Text: SM8721AB 3-PLL Multi-Output Clock Generator OVERVIEW The SM8721AB is a clock generator IC with 3 built-in PLLs. It can simultaneously generate and output 3 clocks with different frequency derived from a single master clock. The generated output clock frequency can

    SM8721AB SM8721AB 31818MHz 636363MHz 20-pin NC0120AE 28.636 HP4195 HP-4195 HP10435A PDF

    vco 27MHz

    Abstract: SM8720AV
    Text: SM8720AV 3-PLL Multi-Output Clock Generator OVERVIEW The SM8720AV is a clock generator IC with 3 built-in PLLs. It can simultaneously output a 27MHz master clock and three other clocks with different frequency CLK1OUT, CLK2OUT, CLK3OUT derived from the master clock. The 3 generated clocks can be independently turned ON/OFF using control pins and the frequency of CLK3OUT can be switched, allowing unneeded clocks within a system to be switched OFF thereby

    SM8720AV SM8720AV 27MHz NC0119AE vco 27MHz PDF