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    Abstract: AD30 V350EPC V350EPC-33 V350EPC-40 V960PBC V961PBC V96BMC
    Text: V350EPC Rev. A0 LOCAL BUS TO PCI BRIDGE FOR MULTIPLEXED A/D PROCESSORS • Glueless interface to Intel’s i960Jx and IBM’s PowerPCTM 401Gx processors • On-the-fly byte order endian conversion • I2O ATU and messaging unit including hardware controlled circular queues

    V350EPC i960Jx 401Gx 640-byte 64-byte V350EPC 2348G AD29 AD30 V350EPC-33 V350EPC-40 V960PBC V961PBC V96BMC PDF


    Abstract: AD30 V350EPC V350EPC-33 V350EPC-40 V960PBC V961PBC V96BMC
    Text: V350EPC Rev. A0 / A1 LOCAL BUS TO PCI BRIDGE FOR MULTIPLEXED A/D PROCESSORS • Glueless interface to Intel’s i960Jx and IBM’s PowerPC TM 401Gx processors • On-the-fly byte order endian conversion • I2O ATU and messaging unit including hardware controlled circular queues

    V350EPC i960Jx 401Gx 640-byte 64-byte V350EPC 2348G AD29 AD30 V350EPC-33 V350EPC-40 V960PBC V961PBC V96BMC PDF


    Abstract: 54565
    Text: Galileo-5 Benchmark Results 17 Jan 1997 Summary The following results are a summary of the detailed output of the benchmark tests below. All Benchmarks were performed with compiler optimization and with a standard 33Mhz I960jx Galileo-5 Board. Linpack-: 0.37 Mflops

    33Mhz I960jx ic960 80277634e-05 19209290e-07 38282776e-05 474366e-01 109734e-01 103098e 000000e ic960 54565 PDF


    Abstract: 28f040 JS98 edo dram 72-pin simms 64mb JS108 JS-105 74LS373SC JS31-JS32 JS107 BYU25
    Text: 32-bit i960Jx Galileo-5 Evaluation & Development Preliminary May 96, Rev. 1.0 System NOTE: Always contact Galileo Technology for possible updates before starting a design. FEATURES • Flexible evaluation, benchmark, software, and hardware development system for the GT-32090 System

    32-bit i960Jx GT-32090 MON960) i960Jx 33MHz 16MHz 66MHz js83 28f040 JS98 edo dram 72-pin simms 64mb JS108 JS-105 74LS373SC JS31-JS32 JS107 BYU25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V961PBC Rev. B2 LOCAL BUS TO PCI BRIDGE FOR MUTLTELEXED A/D PROCESSORS • Dual bi-directional address space remapping • Glueless interface between Intel i960Jx, IBM PPC401Gx, processors and PCI bus • On-the-fly byte order endian conversion • Fully compliant with PCI 2.1 specification

    V961PBC i960Jx, PPC401Gx, 8/16-bit i960Jx PPC401Gx 16MHz 40MHz PDF


    Abstract: 1N5005 CON28C hp simens GT-96010 MON960 10BASE PLCC28 GPP11 2d5 motorola capacitor pol
    Text: alileo EV-96010 Evaluation Platform for the GT-96010 and Intel’s i960Jx CPU Preliminary Revision 1.0 7/24/97 [email protected] Tel: +1-408.451.1400 Fax: +1-408.451.1404 EV-96010 - Evaluation Platform for the GT-96010 and Intel’s i960Jx CPU

    EV-96010 GT-96010 i960Jx EV-96010 EV96010 CON20B 1N5005 CON28C hp simens MON960 10BASE PLCC28 GPP11 2d5 motorola capacitor pol PDF


    Abstract: AD2699 PCMCIA SRAM Card MON960 QS3257 ad2690
    Text: System Controller Galileo For i960JX Processors Technology, Inc. GT- 32090 Preliminary, Rev. 2.0 March 1996 NOTE: Always contact Galileo Technology for possible updates before starting a design. FEATURES • Integrated system controller for embedded applications

    i960JX 16-33MHz 128MByte 256K-4M 32-bit 20MHz 25MHz GT-32090 AD2699 PCMCIA SRAM Card MON960 QS3257 ad2690 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V350EPC Rev. A0 LOCAL BUS TO PCI BRIDGE FOR MULTIPLEXED A/D PROCESSORS • Glueless interface to Intel’s i960Jx and IBM’s PowerPCTM 401Gx processors • On-the-fly byte order endian conversion • I2O ATU and messaging unit including hardware controlled circular queues

    V350EPC i960Jx 401Gx 640-byte 64-byte 8/16-bit 32-bit 16-bit I960SX PDF


    Abstract: AD30 PPC401GF V292PBC V961PBC V961PBC-33 V961PBC-40 V96BMC V96SSC
    Text: V961PBC Rev. B2 LOCAL BUS TO PCI BRIDGE FOR MULTIPLEXED A/D PROCESSORS • Glueless interface between Intel i960Jx, IBM PPC401Gx, processors and PCI bus • Dual bi-directional address space remapping • On-the-fly byte order endian conversion • Fully compliant with PCI 2.1 specification

    V961PBC i960Jx, PPC401Gx, 16MHz 40MHz AD14 AD30 PPC401GF V292PBC V961PBC-33 V961PBC-40 V96BMC V96SSC PDF


    Abstract: V96SSC
    Text: V96SSC Rev B1 HIGH-INTEGRATION SYSTEM CONTROLLER FOR i960 Jx/Sx and PowerPC 401Gx PROCESSORS BLOCK DIAGRAM • Glueless interface between Intel’s i960Jx and i960Sx series processors, DRAM arrays, and peripheral devices Fast time-to-market • Support for boot PROM devices

    V96SSC PowerPCTM401Gx i960Jx i960Sx 32-bit 33MHz V96SSC, 2348G PDF


    Abstract: a19t transistor 24co4 IC circuit diagram pin configurations of 24co4 1 24co4 S5933QE Sandy Bridge eeprom 24co2 24CO2 CSI 24C04
    Text: A PPLIED M ICRO C IRCUITS C ORPORATION PCI PRODUCTS DATA BOOK For Marketing and Application Information Contact: Please refer to AMCC’s website at for the latest Device Summary information for the S5920 and S5933 PCI products. Applied Micro Circuits Corporation

    S5920 S5933 24CO8 a19t transistor 24co4 IC circuit diagram pin configurations of 24co4 1 24co4 S5933QE Sandy Bridge eeprom 24co2 24CO2 CSI 24C04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PCI 9060 December, 1995 PCI Bus Master Interface Chip for VERSION 1.2 Adapters and Embedded Systems Features • • • • • • • • General Description _

    PCI9060 9060-SIL-ER-P0-1 PDF

    I960JX v363epc

    Abstract: 160-Pin Flat Package pci bridge V380SDC
    Text: V363EPC Data Sheet • • • • • • V363EPC Local Bus to PCI Bridge for Embedded Processors Device Highlights • Direct interface to these processors: • Up to 50 MHz on both PCI and local bus clocks • 3.3 V operation; 5 V tolerant input • Industrial temperature range

    V363EPC 160-pin AM29030/40TM 401TM I960JX v363epc 160-Pin Flat Package pci bridge V380SDC PDF


    Abstract: 5969b l8233
    Text: R O C K W E L L Network access S E M I C O N D U C T O R Bt8233 ATM ServiceSAR with S Y S T E M S xBR Traffic Management datasheet PROVIDING HIGH SPEED MULTIMEDIA CONNECTIONS September 1998 Bt8233 ATM ServiceSAR with xBR Traffic Management The Bt8233 Service Segmentation and Reassembly Controller integrates in a single

    Bt8233 Bt8233 N8233DSB BT8233EHFB 5969b l8233 PDF


    Abstract: h140 motorola h654 wc H7C4 AC10 AD10 AE10 MDS212 MDS212CG st LD33
    Text: MDS212 12-Port 10/100Mbps Ethernet Switch Data Sheet October 2003 Features • • • • • • • • • • 12 10/100Mbps Autosensing, Fast Ethernet ports with Reduced MII Interface 32-bit wide bi-directional pipe at 100Mhz provides 6.4Gbps pipe to connect two MDS212 chips

    MDS212 12-Port 10/100Mbps 10/100Mbps 32-bit 100Mhz MDS212 gvrp h140 motorola h654 wc H7C4 AC10 AD10 AE10 MDS212CG st LD33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PCI 9030 Data Book PCI 9030 Data Book Version 1.1 January 2001 Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 408 774-9060 800 759-3735 408 774-2169 Fax:  2001 PLX Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. PLX Technology, Inc. retains the right to make changes to this product at any time, without notice. Products may

    9030-SIL-DB-Pam Index-19 PDF


    Abstract: CRC10 RS8234 RS8250 on-demand multicast messages
    Text: RS8234 ATM ServiceSAR Plus with xBR Traffic Management The RS8234 Service Segmentation and Reassembly Controller integrates ATM terminal functions, PCI Bus Master and Slave controllers, and a UTOPIA interface with service specific functions in a single package. The ServiceSAR Controller generates and

    RS8234 RS8234 28234-DSH-001-B I960CA CRC10 RS8250 on-demand multicast messages PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - V 9 6 1 P B C Rev. B1 LOCAL BUS TO PCI BRIDGE FOR i960 Jx AND PowerPC 401 Gx PROCESSORS yi '« IC O * ’ • Glueless interface between i960Jx, PPC401Gx processors and the PCI bus • Large, 576-byte FIFOs using V3’s unique D y n a m ic B a n d w id t h A l l o c a t io n ™ architecture

    OCR Scan
    i960Jx, PPC401Gx 576-byte 33MHz 16MHz 40MHz PDF


    Abstract: PC19060 Igus LD-310 LDL8 pci9080 80960Cx 93C06 I960CX NM93CS06
    Text: PCI 9060 T E C December, 1995 VERSION 1.2 PCI Bus Master Interface Chip for Adapters and Embedded Systems Features General D escrip tio n _ • PCI Bus Master Interface supporting adapters and embedded systems • Two independent DMA channels for local

    OCR Scan
    PCI9060 Q0007bl xi6-31 Page-100- 0Q007b2 PCI90S0 LA3101 PC19060 Igus LD-310 LDL8 pci9080 80960Cx 93C06 I960CX NM93CS06 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ü ja lile o . GT-96010 Remote Access Coprocessor Preliminary Revision 1.0 8/12/97 Please contact Galileo Technology for possi b e updates before finalizing a design. FEATURES * Integrated serial communications controller and system core logic device - Direct interface to i960 Jx family of CPUs

    OCR Scan
    GT-96010 i960Hx 128Mbyte 256K-4M 32-bit 16-bit 31CLK ive\9601Old GT-96010 ve\960l PDF

    1010 817 g40

    Abstract: GT-64111 I960JX
    Text: GT-482xx liiii d | | |G O . GT-48212 / GT-48208 / GT-48207 Prelim inary Revision 1.2 D v 1/27/99 BaseX Please co n ta ct G alileo T echnology fo r possible u p dates b efore fin a lizin g a design. FEATURES • - - • - Provides packet switching functions between

    OCR Scan
    GT-482xx GT-48212 GT-48208 GT-48207 256Kx32-bit x16bit 1536-bytes 1010 817 g40 GT-64111 I960JX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: .«artHEH » .¿•■■■I_ im ara« IM I 1 WIMIBII Galileo Technology, System Controller For ¡960JX Processors FEATURES Integrated system controller for embedded applica­ tions Supports the ¡960JX family of CPUs 16-33MHz bus frequency Flexible DRAM controller

    OCR Scan
    960JX 16-33MHz 128MByte 256K-4M 32-bit 20MHz 33MHz GT-32090 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PCI 9060SD MAY 1996 VERSION 0.6 PCI Bus Master Interface Chip for Master and Slave Adapters General Description _ Featu res_ • • PCI Specification 2.1 compliant PCI Bus Master Interface supporting master and slave adapters

    OCR Scan
    9060SD PCI9060SD 9060SD. hflSS14^ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PCI 9060 * E PCI Bus Master Interface Chip for Adapters and Embedded Systems December, 1995 VERSION 1.2 Features General Description_ • PCI Bus Master Interface supporting adapters and embedded systems • Two independent DMA channels for local bus

    OCR Scan
    PCI9060 100Version 00Q07 PCI9060 PDF