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    IDT79R2000AX Search Results

    IDT79R2000AX Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    tag 9018

    Abstract: MIPS Translation Lookaside Buffer TLB R3000 mips r2000a
    Text: 14E D INTEGRATED DEVICE • 4flHS771 0003^05 3 ■ PRELIMINARY IDT 79R2000A RISC CPU PROCESSOR IntegratedDevlcelechndogyInc T-V? '/7 • Optimizing Compilers available Include: C, FORTRAN, Pascal, P l/f , COBOL, Ada FEATURES: • Full 3 2-blt Operation-Thirty-two 32-bit registers and air

    OCR Scan
    4flHS771 32-bit 32-bit. 79R2000A R2000A 79R2Q10A ns/25pF IDT79R2000A IDT79R2000AX 144-Pin tag 9018 MIPS Translation Lookaside Buffer TLB R3000 mips r2000a PDF


    Abstract: 2000AG
    Text: RISC CPU PROCESSOR FEATURES: • F ull 3 2 -b it O p e ra tio n -T h irty -tw o 3 2 -b it re giste rs and a ll ins tru ctio n s a n d a d d re sse s a re 3 2 - bit. • E fficie n t p ip e lin in g —T h e C P U ’s 5-sta g e p ip e lin e desig n a ssists in o b ta in in g a n e xe cu tio n rate a p p ro a c h in g o n e

    OCR Scan
    79R2000A ns/25pF 79R2010A IDT79R2000A IDT79R2000AX 144-Pin tag3l 2000AG PDF