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    IG8T Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: ic l00a l00a
    Text: GTR MODULE SILICON N CHANNEL IG8T MG75H2YS1 HIGH POWER SWITCHING APPLICATIONS. MOTOR CONTROL APPLICATIONS. Unit in mm 3-M 5 , 2 3±0.5, 2 3±0.5^ 82 4-FA ST-ON TAB # 1 10 2-<45.6±0.3 • High Input Impedance . High Speed : tf=l.Oys Max. trr=0•5 ys(Max.)

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    MG75H2YS1 MG75H2YS1 ic l00a l00a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ratings and characteristics of Fuji IG8T 1 M B H 1 5 — 6 2. Equivalent c ir c u it I. Out I ine Drawing C:Collector O A G:Gate o FWD Ò E:Enii t t e r r.OWNFCTION CATE © COLLECTOR EMITTER © D (2 3. Absolute maximum ra tin g s ( Tc=25°C ) Symbo1s

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    H04-004-03 Q00M552 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O S H IB A MG100Q2YS51 TO SH IBA GTR M O D U L E SILICON N C H A N N EL IG8T MG100Q2YS51 HIGH POW ER SW ITCHING APPLICATIONS M O T O R C O NTRO L APPLICATIONS H igh In p u t Im pedance H igh Speed : tf= 0 .3 //s Max. Inductive Load Low S a tu ratio n Voltage

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    MG100Q2YS51 961001EAA2 LA-591 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s e M IK R O n SKiiP 462 GB 060 - 250 WT Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol ¡Conditions " Values Units 600 400 400 800 - 4 0 . + 150 2500 400 800 4300 93 V V A A °C V A A A kA2s IG8T & Inverse Diode VcES Vcc 10> lc lew Tj 31 Visai 4 If Ifm Ifsm I2) Diode)

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M e ssrs. R o ckw eil Autom ation C o .Ltd. SPECIFICATION IG BT o! nny o use property lliu lliv for ¡5 h«ruin n ui l f i e r s o i'v c r wliM fie s f in i i June-11-1998 Date w»y ¡ n í o r ru n I i on M S5F-4086 uny They : No. lu Un* nrid Spec. i l rs<:U>svO

    OCR Scan
    1MBH20D-060-S06TT MS5F-4086 June-11-1998 H04-004-05 July-15-1997 1MBH20D-05Q MS5F408Ã H04-004-03 r4088 PDF

    3 phase igbt INVERTER ac motor

    Abstract: 7b15a
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Hybrid Power Module M H PM 7B 15A 60A integrated Power Stage for 1.0 hp Motor Drives This device is not recommended for new designs (This device is replaced by MHPM7A10E60DC3) This module integrates a 3-phase input rectifier bridge, 3-phase

    OCR Scan
    MHPM7A10E60DC3) HPM7B15A60A 3 phase igbt INVERTER ac motor 7b15a PDF


    Abstract: n120 30 igbt
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Designer’s Data Sheet MGY25N120 Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Motorola Preferred Device N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate This Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor IGBT uses an advanced termination scheme to provide an enhanced and reliable high

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    MGY25 O-264 GY25N120 0E-05 0E-04 0E-03 0E-02 0E-01 GY25N120 n120 30 igbt PDF

    fuji igbt 300v 20a

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This m aieriol and the Information herein Is ha properly of FujS Electric Co .Ltd They shall be neither reproduced, cop ie d lent, or disclosed in any way w hatsoever (or the use of any third party.nor used lor the manufacturing purposes w ithout the express written con sent of Fu|l Electric Co. Ltd.

    OCR Scan
    JuIy-15-1997 H04-004-0T July-15-1997 H04-004-2T 125eC H04-004-03T MS5F4086 H04-004-03 fuji igbt 300v 20a PDF


    Text: TOSHIBA 2. [ 5 ] IGBT Description IGBT Construction 2.1 Chip Construction IGBT Insulated G ate B ipolar T ransistors are devices which combine the high in p u t im pedance and high speed of th e M OSFET w ith the high conductivity characteristics (low sa tu ratio n

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 22307^5 0QD4177 3b5 m S P E C 1F 1C A T I O N DEVICE NAME : TYPE NAME : SPEC. No. : 1G B T 1 M B 2 0 - 0 6 0 M S 5 F 3 5 2 2 Jun.-25-199fi F u j i DATE E l e c t r i c Co., Ltd. This Specification is subject to change without noti ce. NAM E APPROVED DRAWN

    OCR Scan
    0QD4177 1MB20 MS5F3522 SC-65 H04-004-03 G0D41flb H04-004-03 PDF


    Abstract: DDD4421
    Text: S P E C 1 F 1 C A T 10 N DEVICE NAME : TYPE NAME : SPEC. Mo. • MS 5 F 3 5 3 1 DATE • Jun. -25-1996 1G B T 1 M B H 2 5 - 1 20 Fuji DATE CH£CK£D E l e c t r i c Co.Ltd. This Specification is subject to change without not ice. NAME APP RO VE D Fuji Electric Ca,Lid.

    OCR Scan
    199fi 00G4H13 H04-004-0T 20-5m MS5F3531 H04-004-03 DDD4421 MS5F3531 223fl7T2 G00M422 QQG441A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: X SPEC 1 F 1 CATI ON DEVICE NAME : I G BT TYPE NAME : 1MB 3 0 - SPEC. No. ; DATE : 0 6 0 M S 5 F 3 5 2 3 J u n .-2 5 -1 9 9 6 F u j i T h is S p e c ific a tio n DATE DRAW N CHECKED NAME E l e c t r i c C o. L td. is s u b je c t to change w ith o ut not ice.

    OCR Scan
    MS5F3523 H04-004-07 0GD4211 H04-004-03 M21cl DGGM22D H04-004-03 DDD421S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIFICATION DEVICE NAME 1G BT TYPE NAME : SPEC. No. : M S 5 F 3 5 0 5 DATE : Jun. -25-1996 1MB C 1 0 D — 0 6 0 F u j i E l e c t r i c C o. Ltd. T h is S p e c if ic a t io n is su b je c t to change w ithout notice. DATE DRAWN iN A M E APPROVED Fuji Electric CoJLtd.

    OCR Scan
    H04-004-OT PDF


    Abstract: 1MBH20D-060-S06TT vcc4-g
    Text: M essrs. R o c k w e il A u t o m a tio n C o . . Ltd. SPECIFICATION IG BT o! nny o use property lliu lliv for ¡5 h«ruin nuilfier so i'vcr wliM fie sfin ii June-11-1998 Date w »y ¡ n í o r ru n I i on M S5F-4086 uny They : No. lu Un* nrid Spec. i lr s<: U>sv O

    OCR Scan
    1MBH20D-060-S06TT MS5F-4086 June-11-1998 H04-004-05 July-15-1997 MS5F408Ã H04-004-03 H04-004-03 F4086 1MBH20D-060-S06TT vcc4-g PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 l»ny the e*press woy w h n ts o o v e r ol It ll«e p ro per lv ol w iih o u l USO ol a n y Co . l i d p u rp oses lor ih$ Fuji Electric lor ihr» rn a n u la c lu rin g w i l l le n c o n s e n t third p a rly .n o f used herein sl>«» be nei|l»er 'rip ro d u ca ti, c o p ie d

    OCR Scan
    MS5F377U^ 1800PN-- IG8T PDF


    Abstract: F4084 1MBH10D-060 1MBH10D-060-S06TT
    Text: third parly nor used or the m anufacturing purposes Ihe express written consent ol Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. w ith o u t This rnnlorlnl nnd (he Information heroin is Ihe properly of Fuji Electric C o .,U d . They slinll l>e neither re p ru d u cu d , c o p ie d ,

    OCR Scan
    1MBH10D-060-S06TT MS5F-4084 June-11-1998 S5F4084 H04-0Ã July-15-1997 MS5F4034 MS5F40S4 g47e F4084 1MBH10D-060 1MBH10D-060-S06TT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: third parly nor used or the m anufacturing purposes Ihe express written consent ol Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. w ith o u t This rnnlorlnl nnd (he Information heroin is Ihe properly of Fuji Electric C o .,U d . They slinll l>e neither re p ru d u cu d , c o p ie d ,

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    MS5F-4084 1MBH10D-060-S06TT June-11-1998 MS5F4084 H04-004-05 F4034 PDF


    Abstract: LT 5351
    Text: Revised Date Classi­ fication tnd. Content enactment Ft# Electric Ca,LtcL Records Applied date Issued date Brawn Checked Approved - MS5F3241 # »4-004-06 3 IM B I 4 O O M B - I 3 0 t. Outline Drawinn Unit : ma 2. Equivalent circuit -OB c o- o Ô G *NUJ (Over Carrent Liai ting Circuit

    OCR Scan
    MS5F3241 H04-004-03 agbf LT 5351 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This m a ie rio l and the Information herein Is ha properly of FujS Electric Co .Ltd They shall be neither reproduced, c o pied le n t, or disclosed in any way w hatsoever (or the use of any third party.nor used lor the m anufacturing purposes w ith o u t

    OCR Scan
    JuIy-15-1997 H04-004-0T July-15-1997 H04-004-2T 125eC H04-004-03T MS5F4086 H04-004-03 IG8T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This m a ie rio l and the Information herein Is ha properly of FujS Electric Co .Ltd They shall be neither reproduced, c opie d le n t, or disclosed in any way w hatsoever (or the use of any third party.nor used lor the m anufacturing purposes w ith o u t

    OCR Scan
    JuIy-15-1997 H04-004-0T July-15-1997 H04-004-2T 125eC H04-004-03T MS5F4086 H04-004-03 PDF

    Diode C219

    Abstract: resistance 220 ohm diode 1n6
    Text: International lï»RjRectifier PD-9.958B IRGTI120F06 "HALF-BRIDGE" IGBT INT-A-PAK Fast Speed IGBT H a lf-B rid g e VCE = 600V • Rugged Design •Simple gate-drive • Fast operation up to 10KHz hard switching, or 50KHz resonant • Switching-Loss Rating includes all "tail"

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    IRGTI120F06 10KHz 50KHz su513 IRGTI120F06 100nH C-224 Diode C219 resistance 220 ohm diode 1n6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OM6533SF OM6534SF INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR IGBT IN A HERMETIC PACKAGE 1000 Volt. 50 A m p . N -C h a n n e l IGBT In A H e rm e tic M etal P ackage FEATURES • • • • • • • • Isolated IGBTs In A Hermetic Package High Input Impedance

    OCR Scan
    OM6533SF OM6534SF MIL-S-19500, PDF

    RMJ BH

    Abstract: SKIIP2* CASE
    Text: s e MIKRO n SKiiP 262 GPL 060 - 452 W T 12 Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol | Conditions1* IGBT & Inverse Diode V ces V c c 101 lc iCM T j 3' Visol 41 If I fm I fsm l2t Diode) Driver Vsi V s 2 9* dv/dt Top, Tstg Operating DC link voltage Theatsink - 25 °C

    OCR Scan

    40n60 transistor

    Abstract: 30N60 40n60 30N60A 40n60 igbt 17N10 wiom DC transistor JE 1090 20N60A igbt equivalent to 40n60
    Text: MbE D • Mb S b S E b OO O O S T M T «IXY I X V S CORP T □IX Y S I V I S Data Book NO.91560A October 1991 "S" Series MOSIGBTs High Short Circuit SOA Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Features • • • Guaranteed Short Circuit Capability SCSOA Optimized for 60Hz to 30kHz Switching

    OCR Scan
    1560A 30kHz IXSH20N60 IXSM20N60 Tj-125 40n60 transistor 30N60 40n60 30N60A 40n60 igbt 17N10 wiom DC transistor JE 1090 20N60A igbt equivalent to 40n60 PDF