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    AddOn Networks ADD-GPOEIN24-90V440W

    ADDON 24 PORT 10/100/1000 POE POWER INJECTOR (IEEE802.3AF 90-264V 15.4W MAX/PORT
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    TE Connectivity IN24-90-7

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    Sager IN24-90-7
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    IN249 Datasheets (1)

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    IN24-90-7 Laird Technologies RF Antennas, RF/IF and RFID, ANT SECTOR 2400-2485MHZ 7DBI Original PDF

    IN249 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IN24-65-8/IN24-65-7 global solutions : local support TM InWave Series Indoor Directional Antenna 2400 to 2483 MHz Operation Features and Benefits: • Small size / low profile The 2.4GHz InWave series indoor antennas are specifically designed for the demands of the indoor wireless LAN environment. They offer high gain in

    IN24-65-8/IN24-65-7 ANT-SPEC-IN24-8-7dB-1108 PDF


    Abstract: TWL6037 Sandisk eMMC OMAP5432 OMAP5430 SDIN7DP2 IN248 IN255 SN75LVCP412
    Text: OMAP5432 ES2.0 EVM System Reference Manual Texas Instruments Revision 0.4 March 1, 2013 DOC-21163 OMAP5432 ES2.0 EVM System Reference Manual Preface Read This First About This Manual This manual should be used by software and hardware developers of applications based on the

    OMAP5432 DOC-21163 750-2628-2XX-SCH) EVM5432 750-2628-213-EBOM) SDIN7DP2-4G TWL6037 Sandisk eMMC OMAP5430 SDIN7DP2 IN248 IN255 SN75LVCP412 PDF


    Abstract: transitron catalog TCR43 TM106 IN443 1n9448 sv4091 IN4868 diode 3N68 IN536
    Text: ron Tro nsitron electronic corporation e I ron 168 Albion Street . Wakefield. Massachusetts 01881 WAKEFIELD, MASSACHUSE TTS BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS MELROSE, MASSACHUSETTS NUEVO LAREDO, MEXICO BERKSHIRE, ENGLAND PARIS, FRANCE AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS ~ ciectl'onic corpOI'atioll


    BFM 27a

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Client Side Antennas Pacific Wireless offers client antennas for 900MHz, 2.4, 3.5 and 5GHz applications. Antennas are compatible with 802.11a/b/g, WiMax, ETSI and various other international standards. 900—928MHz Part # Type Gain dBi BW (deg) Front to Back

    900MHz, 11a/b/g, 928MHz YA9WYA9W-11 YA9WYA9W-13 HDGD9HDGD9-15 Wirfra-bro-pac-english-2007 BFM 27a PDF


    Abstract: IN4000 bzx98c20 IN4000 series Z3B6.8 BZX98C3V9 IB43 bzx98c in3015 IN2937
    Text: Z3 Series 1Cl» W Voltage Regulator Diodes A range of high power zener and avalanche diodes available to 9305-F-079 in a hermetically sealed D04 glass package in both unipolar and bipolar configurations. Pmaxcont- :- ;- 10W

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    9305-F-079 Psurge--400W; --55to S010A IN1803 IN1836 IN1891 IN1904 IN2008 IN2012 bzx98 IN4000 bzx98c20 IN4000 series Z3B6.8 BZX98C3V9 IB43 bzx98c in3015 IN2937 PDF


    Abstract: 1N5389 1N4701A IN3998 IN3999 1N9408 1n2046-2 1n93B 1N2765 1N1736A
    Text: discrete devices iomitronicr hot line TOLL FREE NUMBER 800-777-3960 silicon zener diodes N O T E S : T h e fo llo w in g n o te s e x p la in v a ria tio n s in th e s ta n d a rd ty p e n u m b e rs lis t e d fo r S ilic o n Z e n e r D io d e s . “ N o te ” n u m b e rs

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: C10601 SC141D IN5829 IN3492 in540i IN1190 IN3493 IN1183A IN1184
    Text: G EN ERA L PURPOSE R ECTIFO SS 0 2 5 8 3 5 4 ADVANCED SEMICONDUCTOR 82 ÍE1 02553511 n""""35 11 I 820 00035 o r~ Of-o / lo AVERAGE RECTIFIED FORWARD CURRENT AMPERES VRRM 50 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 IFSM VFM Ca s é 3 3 5 6 MR500

    OCR Scan
    DDQD035 MR500 IN5400 IN1612 IN1341A MR750 IN1199A IN3208 IN248B IN1191A TIC2260 C10601 SC141D IN5829 IN3492 in540i IN1190 IN3493 IN1183A IN1184 PDF


    Abstract: diode IN4000 IN4000 series diode bzx98c20 BZX98C200 bzx98 IN4000 diode 1n1588 z3816 IN2049
    Text: SEUITRON INDUSTRIES LTD 43E D 013700^ QGGD1S3 4 B1 SLC B rT ' - l U \ " 7 IN3900/IN2900/Z3 S E R I E S Hermetically Sealed •Voltage Regulator Diode Released to BS9305-F079 ■Voltage Range 3.0 to 400 Volts 10.0 Watt Steady State ■400 Watt Peak Power APPLICATIONS

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    IN3900/IN2900/Z3 BS9305-F079 9305-F-079 in4000 diode IN4000 IN4000 series diode bzx98c20 BZX98C200 bzx98 IN4000 diode 1n1588 z3816 IN2049 PDF


    Abstract: 1N30098 Z3813 Z3827 in137
    Text: SEU ITRO N IN D U S T R IE S LTD 43E 013700^ D QGGD 1 S 3 4 B1 S L C B rT'-lU\"7 IN3900/IN2900/Z3 S E R I E S Hermetically Sealed •Voltage Regulator Diode Released to BS9305-F079 ■Voltage Range 3.0 to 400 Volts 10.0 Watt Steady State ■400 Watt Peak Power

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    IN3900/IN2900/Z3 BS9305-F079 9305-F-079 DO-35 DO-41 DO-15 DO-201AD bzx98c 1N30098 Z3813 Z3827 in137 PDF


    Abstract: CD4003 2N2505 TF408 1N4465 250PA120 2N3017 pt 3570 trw rf pa189 Semicon volume 1
    Text: 1969 o < 00 x ic e uo <r\ *—4 rO O CM u J 'r < o o o CO r aJ. rfrr.~> y -< z X— < P“ -J Sem iconductor Annual At .0008" Dia. . . . there is no second source phire orifice insert. Tempress also created and supplied the tungsten carbide ultrasonic bonding tool and pioneered

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    Abstract: t25000 IN1190 IN5829 IN3492 IN1184A sc1430 jb33 IN2158 in5834
    Text: G E K E R A LP U R P O S E R EC TïFISR S 0258354 A D VA N CED S E M IC O N D U C T O R 82 tEl Q25a3Sl<0000035 ° I 82D 00035 o r - o / - o f lo AV ER A G E R ECTIFIED FORW ARD C U R R EN T AM PERES VRRM 50 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200

    OCR Scan
    MR500 IN5400 IN1612 IN1341A MR750 IN1199A IN3208 IN248B IN1191A IN2154 TIC2260 t25000 IN1190 IN5829 IN3492 IN1184A sc1430 jb33 IN2158 in5834 PDF


    Abstract: IN3492 in1615 IN1202A IN5829 IN3495 IN3491 in3493 IN3880 2N15
    Text: GENERAL PURPOSE RECTIFOSS 0 2 5 8 3 5 4 ADVANCED SEMICONDUCTOR 82 ÍE102553511 n""""35 11I 820 00035 o r ~ O f - o / lo A V ER A G E REC TIFIED FORW ARD C U R R EN T AM PERES VRRM 50 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 IFSM V FM Ca s é 3 3

    OCR Scan
    MR500 MR501 MR502 MR504 MR506 MR508 MR510 IN3491 IN3492 IN3493 SD5115 in1615 IN1202A IN5829 IN3495 IN3880 2N15 PDF


    Abstract: 1N29B IN3996 1M5377 7n39 IN2047 1N5349 IN249 IN204 IN2993
    Text: ^ lomitronicr hot line TOLL FREE NUMBER 800-777-3960 discrete devices silicon zener diodes NOTES: The follow ing notes explain variations in the standard type numbers listed for S ilic o n Zener Diodes. “ Note” numbers are inserted above type numbers in the “Type" colum n. A note number then pertains to a ll types which follow it, up to that

    OCR Scan
    1N3998 1N2999 1N3000 1N3001 1N3002 1N3003 1N3004 1N3005 1N3006 1N3007 1n20 1N29B IN3996 1M5377 7n39 IN2047 1N5349 IN249 IN204 IN2993 PDF


    Abstract: IN3491 IN1202 IN3492 IN5829 IN1204 IN1190 IN1184 SC141D IN3495
    Text: r lo AVERAGE RECTIFIED FORWARD CURRENT AMPERES VRRM 50 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 IFSM VFM Ca s é 3 3 5 6 MR500 MR501 IN5400 IN5401 ÍN1612 IN1613 MR502 IN5402 IN1614 IN1341A IN1342A IN1343A IN1344A MR504 IN5404 ¡N1615 MR506 IN5406

    OCR Scan
    MR500 IN5400 IN1612 IN1341A MR750 IN1199A IN3208 IN248B IN1191A N2154 TIC2260 IN3491 IN1202 IN3492 IN5829 IN1204 IN1190 IN1184 SC141D IN3495 PDF