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    Sensata Technologies 603R3KL.25

    Industrial Motion & Position Sensors 3K OHM .25% LINARITY
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI 603R3KL.25 Each 2 1
    • 1 $380.89
    • 10 $358.92
    • 100 $358.92
    • 1000 $358.92
    • 10000 $358.92
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    Sensata Technologies 602R2KL.35

    Industrial Motion & Position Sensors 2K OHM .35% LINARITY
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI 602R2KL.35 Each 5
    • 1 -
    • 10 $377.07
    • 100 $377.07
    • 1000 $377.07
    • 10000 $377.07
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    INARI Datasheets (1)

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    IPL0201 Inari 2 Mbps Powerline Network Controller Original PDF

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    dac interfacing with 8051 microcontroller

    Abstract: 8051 port timing diagram IPL0201 8051 timing diagram P0643 Inari PDIUSBD12D block diagram for 8051 transmitter AND RECEIVER 3 to 8 line decoder using 8051 interfacing of RAM and ROM with 8051
    Text: Preliminary IPL0201 IPL0201 ASIC Data Sheet 2 Mbps Powerline Network Controller 2 Mbps Integrated Powerline Networking MAC/PHY FEATURES EXT_ADDR[0:15] l TM Inari’s Digital Powerline DPL Transceiver - Customized for powerline environment Includes 4 channel transceiver

    IPL0201 IPL0201 RES95 dac interfacing with 8051 microcontroller 8051 port timing diagram 8051 timing diagram P0643 Inari PDIUSBD12D block diagram for 8051 transmitter AND RECEIVER 3 to 8 line decoder using 8051 interfacing of RAM and ROM with 8051 PDF

    power amplifier ic ta2040

    Abstract: Nokia 6100 LCD TA2040 Transceiver Broadcom 3G RF interfacing 8051 with bluetooth modem Tripath TA2040 AMPLIFIER pixelworks L7205 tft interface with 8051 trw radar ac
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR TIMES JULY 2000 / 1 JULY 2000 FOCUSED ON EMERGING SEMICONDUCTOR COMPANIES Radar Scope Bay Microsystems Bay Microsystems was recently founded to develop chips. What kind? The company wouldn’t disclose any details to us. One rumor is “high-speed interfaces” whatever


    ALi M6759 A1

    Abstract: ALI M6759 M6759 A1 ACER LABORATORIES INC M6759 7474 pin out diagram 7474 ic pin configuration 8052 basic external DIAGRAM OF IC 7474 80C51
    Text: Acer Laboratories Inc. M6759: 8 bit MTP Micro-controller -Proprietary, Confidential, Preliminary- Product Brief M6759 : 8 Bit MTP Micro-controller Features l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 8051 instruction set compatible 8 bit microcontroller 8051/8052 compatible pin out

    M6759: M6759 o852-2730 1830-B 6759DS02 ALi M6759 A1 ALI M6759 M6759 A1 ACER LABORATORIES INC M6759 7474 pin out diagram 7474 ic pin configuration 8052 basic external DIAGRAM OF IC 7474 80C51 PDF

    pin diagram of ic 6116

    Abstract: pin DIAGRAM OF IC 7474 ACER LABORATORIES INC M8720 flash 32 Pin PLCC 2mbit IC 7474 pin configuration Acer Laboratories 7474 ic pin configuration EPROM 27020 acer
    Text: Acer Laboratories Inc. -Proprietary, Confidential, Preliminary- Product Brief M8720 : 2Mbit 256Kx8 MTP Flash Memory M8720 : 2 Mbit (256Kx8) MTP Flash Memory (5 Program/Erase Cycles) Features General Description ! High performance 90ns read access time !

    M8720 256Kx8) 100uA 27C020 32-pin M8720 M8720BRF02 pin diagram of ic 6116 pin DIAGRAM OF IC 7474 ACER LABORATORIES INC flash 32 Pin PLCC 2mbit IC 7474 pin configuration Acer Laboratories 7474 ic pin configuration EPROM 27020 acer PDF

    8052 basic

    Abstract: 7474 pin out diagram ALI M6759 M6759 A1 ALi M6759 A1 7474 pin configuration 7474 pin diagram features of ic 7474 INTERNAL DIAGRAM OF IC 7474 8052 pin structure
    Text: Acer Laboratories Inc. M6759: 8 bit MTP Micro-controller -Proprietary, Confidential, Preliminary- Product Brief M6759 : 8 Bit MTP Micro-controller Features 8051 instruction set compatible 8 bit microcontroller 8051/8052 compatible pin out Complete static design, wide range of

    M6759: M6759 s852-2730 1830-B 6759DS02 8052 basic 7474 pin out diagram ALI M6759 M6759 A1 ALi M6759 A1 7474 pin configuration 7474 pin diagram features of ic 7474 INTERNAL DIAGRAM OF IC 7474 8052 pin structure PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DRAM MODULE 16 Mega Byte Prelim inari/ KMM5404100AK/AKG Fast Page Mode 4M x40 DRAM S IM M , 2K Refresh , 5V Using 16M DRAM with 300 mil Package GENERAL DESCRIPTION Y y FEATURES • Performance Range: The Sam sung K M M 5404100AK is a 4M bit x 40 D ynam ic RAM high de nsity m em ory module. The

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    KMM5404100AK/AKG 5404100AK 404100A 24-pin KMM5404100AK PDF

    M 8824

    Abstract: m8824 8821 8824 S8824 NS8822 2S H25 88822 D 8821 N8S24
    Text: S IG N E T IC S P R E LIM IN A R Y SPECIFICATIONS DGL I N T E G R A T E D C I RC UI T S 8821 DUAL MASTER-SLAVE J-K BINARY 8822 DUAL MASTER-SLAVE J-K BINARY 8824 DUAL MASTER-SLAVE J-K BINARY The 8821, 8822 a n d 8824 D u a l M aster-Slave J-K B inaries provide pin configuration a n d logic input

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    8824R M 8824 m8824 8821 8824 S8824 NS8822 2S H25 88822 D 8821 N8S24 PDF


    Abstract: AD7543 AD7543AD AD7543GKCWE AD7543GKN AD7543JCWE AD7543KCWE AD7543KN GK 289 AD7543GTD/883B
    Text: /k l/J X I/k l CMOS S erial In put 12-B it DAC T h e A D 754 3 is a high precision 12-bit digital-to analog co nverter D A C w hich uses a serial rather than parallel input schem e fo r loading data. Included are a serial-to -parallel shift register, a separate DAC

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    12-Bit AD7543 AD7543JN AD7543AD AD7543GKCWE AD7543GKN AD7543JCWE AD7543KCWE AD7543KN GK 289 AD7543GTD/883B PDF


    Abstract: AD7541AQ AD7541JCWN AD7541JN AD7541KCWN AD7541KN MAX400
    Text: > k iy j x i> k i CMOS 12 B it M u ltip ly in g D /A C on verter The AD7541 is a high perform ance CM OS m ultiplying 12 bit d ig ita l-to -a n alo g converter DAC . Low power operation and 12-bit linearity (0.012%) make it suitable fo r a w ide range o f precision data acquisition and

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    AD7541 12-bit AD7541. 18-lead 0UT21 1D-33VF AD7541AQ AD7541JCWN AD7541JN AD7541KCWN AD7541KN MAX400 PDF


    Abstract: A 1015GR TA768 2SA1015GR equivalent 2SA1015GR TA7688F 0.22j

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    TA7688F TA7688F SSOP16-P-225A 10kHz, 180pF SSOP16-P-225A TA7688 A 1015GR TA768 2SA1015GR equivalent 2SA1015GR 0.22j PDF


    Abstract: op27 MAX104 MAX183 MAX185 ad711 W418 LF400
    Text: MAXI83/184/185 H ig h -S p e e d 1 2 -B it A /D C o n v e rte rs W ith E x te rn a l R e fe re n c e In p u t ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS V d d to D G N D . V s s to D G N D .+ 0 .3 V to

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    12-Bit -15Vto D11-D0, 85AEWG MAX185BFWG MAX185AMRG MAX185BMRG -S1D-883 1N414R op27 MAX104 MAX183 MAX185 ad711 W418 LF400 PDF


    Abstract: AX-400
    Text: y k i y j x i y k i CMOS 12 Bit M ultiplying D/A Converter _ General Description ♦ 1 LSB Gain Accuracy 4 Guaranteed Monotonic ♦ Low Power Consumption Wafer level laser trim m ed th in -film resistors and tem ­

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    MX7541 12-bit AD7541. 18-lead 464mm) AX400 AX-400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y n y j x i y v i CMOS 10 a n d 12 B it M u ltip ly in g D /A C onverters _ Features The AD7530 and AD7531 are low cost CM O S m ultip ly­ ing d ig ital-to-analog converters DAC w ith 10 and 12 bit resolution respectively. Both DACs operate from a

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    AD7530 AD7531 10ppm AD7531. 16-lead PDF


    Abstract: TC351 tc35 TC35103F
    Text: in te g ra te d c irc u it T O S H IB A TELECO M M U N ICA TIO N LSI TECHN|CAL DATA TC3 5 1 0 3 F TC35103F MODEM Analog Front End 1. G E N E R A L DESCRIPTION The TC35103F is a Modem Analog Front-end LSI designed for use in G3 and G2 Facsimile m achines and data modems u sing with

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    TC35103F TC35103F TC35108F. 9600bps) 27ter. 4800bps) 300bps, TC35103Fâ 10-SEP 1414D TC351 tc35 PDF

    CLEA 004

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5mm LED CBI Circuit icmitüitdieator Sloped Back Housfrig, Quad Block Dialight 550-XX06-004 PART NO. CQ LO R LED DATA S H EET STANDARD EFFICIENCY Green Yellow Red 5ND-XXXX Red, 5V Red, 12V Green, 5V Yellow, 5V 5RD-XXXX Red Yellow Green 5LD-XXXX Green Yellow

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    550-XX06-004 040fi, CLEA 004 PDF


    Abstract: MAX183 MAX183ACNG MAX183ACWG MAX183BCNG MAX183BCWG MAX184 MAX185 IN014 LS 1316
    Text: 19-3127; Rev.O; 4/91 H ig h -S p e e d 1 2 -B it A /D C o n v e rte rs W ith E x te rn a l R e fe re n c e In p u t _ F e a tu re s T h e M A X 1 8 3 /1 8 4 /1 8 5 a r e 1 2 - b i t , h i g h - s p e e d , B iC M O S , a n a lo g - to - d ig ita l c o n v e rte rs A D C s th a t

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX183/1 12-bit, MAX183 85AEWG MAX185BFWG MAX185AMRG MAX185BMRG -S1D-883 1N414R MAX183ACNG MAX183ACWG MAX183BCNG MAX183BCWG MAX184 MAX185 IN014 LS 1316 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: yi/i/jxi/i/i 19-4516; Rev 1; 2/97 CMOS Quad, 12-Bit, Serial-Input Multiplying DAC The M AX514 contains four 12-bit R-2R m ultiplying d ig ital-to-analog converters D ACs , each with a serial-in parallel-out shift register, a DAC register, and control logic. The M AX514’s 3-wire serial interface design mini­

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    12-Bit, AX514 12-bit AX514â MAX514ACWI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED T O SH IB A TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CIRCUIT TECHNICAL TA2025P, TA2025F DATA SILICON MONOLITHIC LOW NOISE PREAMPLIFIER FOR AUTOREVERSE CAR STEREO The TA2025P, TA2025F contains dual amplifier, forward, reverse control switches and metal, normal tape equalizer

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    TA2025P, TA2025F TA2025F 20kHz, p-300A TA2025P PDF

    TA2092N equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED TO SHIBA CIRCUIT TECHNICAL TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DATA TA2092N SILICON MONOLITHIC POW ER DRIVER 1C FOR CD PLAYER The TA2092N is a power driver 1C developed for CD players. This 1C have built-in 4 channel BTL power amplifiers which drives focus-coii, tracking-coil for 3-beam pick-up

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    TA2092N TA2092N 5DIP24-P-300 TA2092N equivalent PDF


    Abstract: LH5115 LH5118D LH5160 LH5160D LH521000 LH5167 LH52252A LH5114H LH5911-55
    Text: NOV 0 5 1990 L H 5 9 1 1 /L H 5 9 1 2 /L H 5 9 1 4 2K x 8 CMOS Dual Port RAM Preliminary Data Sheet Features Functional Description The IH 5911, LH5912 and LH5914are dual port static RAMs that use true dual port memory cells to allow each port to independently access any location in memory.

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    LH5912 LH5914are LH5911 LH5914 /IDT7134 16Kx18 64Kx18 LH5160N LH5115 LH5118D LH5160 LH5160D LH521000 LH5167 LH52252A LH5114H LH5911-55 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED TOSHIBA CIRCUIT T EC H N IC A L T O S H IB A B IP O L A R L IN E A R IN T EG R A T ED C IRC UIT DATA TA 20 58 F SILICO N M O N O LIT H IC POW ER DRIVER 1C FOR CD PLAYER TA2058F is a power driver 1C developed for CD players. This 1C have built-in 4 channel BTL power amplifiers

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    TA2058F 20pins TA2058F HSOP20-P-450 TA2058F-11* PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 10. M o u n tin g M e th o d 10. Mounting Method There are the sold e rin g m ethod a n d the conductive paste m ethod fo r m o u n tin g surface m o u n t device on PC boards. The latter is a sim ple m e th od b ut has a difficulty in the reliability o f a d hesion a n d th e soldering

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    Abstract: AD7530 AD7530JCWE AD7530JD AD7530JN AD7530KCWE AD7530KN AD7530LCWE AD7530LN AD7531
    Text: / k M X I Æ CMOS 10 a n d 12 B it M u ltip ly in g D/A C onverters _ F e atu res T h e A D 7 53 0 a n d AD7531 are low cost CM O S m ultiply­ ing dig ita l-to -a n aio g converters DAC w ith 10 and 12 bit resolution respectively. Both DACs operate from a

    OCR Scan
    AD7530 AD7531 10ppm/Â AD7531. 16-lead AD7530 ANALOG DEVICES AD7530JCWE AD7530JD AD7530JN AD7530KCWE AD7530KN AD7530LCWE AD7530LN PDF


    Abstract: E67349

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    TLP557 TLP557) TLP557 2500Vrms UL1577, E67349 PDF